510. Basic Trimming, Learning When, How & What Tools to Use with Hsin-Chuen Lin 林新春 基本修坯全攻略

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all right uh i made this ball yesterday on the other day i like to talk about basic trimming the basic treatment is first i will talk about when is the right time to trim okay when it's the right angle trim and then how to put your piece in the center and then trim it and also using what kind of a trimming tool you can get and also before you trim what you what should you do okay so first to decide when is the right time to trim okay this is very critical and important um the the way i decided that when is the right-handed trim first i will try to squeeze the ball the rim of the ball try to squeeze it and if the the rim is very firm without getting um without removable then that's a good sign and then also uh for the bottom usually the corner of the bottom is it's kind of a soft uh easy to pinch if you can pinch and then make a dent that's too soft okay that's too soft so in this case it's not so it's good and the room is firm and also i try to rub my finger on the surface if you feel like kind of sticky okay it's kind of uh a little bit of friction that's choose too wet so uh don't try to trim it yet um and also you might wanna once all the uh the sign that indicate that is a good uh treatment from above a stage you can try to use a finger nail to see if we can make any in indentation and this is good so i think this is the right time to trim okay and how do you uh uh dry your pieces to the right time or this is the way i usually do well and when you throw a ball something that with a wider rim the rim tend to dry faster so once you find out the rim is firm enough you usually want to turn it upside down and dry it all the way till it's ready to trim okay and sometimes the rim might be even too dry even you do so because the bottom you usually have a thicker clay so uh the room usually dry faster a lot faster than the bottom part so in the case you might want to use a sponge to kind of rehydrate the rim a bit so to even allow while you're trimming while you're drying it okay so that's what decide when to trim okay when the trim it's very important um i know a lot of people don't have patience they tend to tell me too wet get too wet all right and then the second one is to decide what is the shape okay before you turn it upside down and try to trim what is the shape look like inside if you inside is like a curve then you have to trim it accordingly okay if you have a corner then you have to trim outside according to what the shape looks like inside okay so first starting what is the shape look like inside and then maybe ask them how big the bottom is okay how thick the bottom is um actually you can measure it okay let me show you how you can measure give you yourself a rough idea so we can find out two pieces of rooter and one you put it on top of the rim and then the other one you put it there in the center and you can measure right so this is about three inches and uh almost half okay almost half i think use a millimeter might be easier okay many so the other side is millimeters right so this is about 84 okay and then you can measure outside right about 1992 so 8492 is so it's about eight millimeters when you start you give yourself an idea that eight millimeters it's not quite a one centimeter yet okay above the stick uh actually i have a better tool to uh to do a more accurate measuring this is the tool that i invented so you can do that put it on the inside and then measure it okay 84 and pull it out this is about 92 84 92 so it's about eight okay 84 92 minus 84 so it's about eight millimeters so give yourself an idea how big the part is before you start to try to cut the clay so that you don't end up without leaving it too much of clay too thick here and also you don't want to trim it all the way through okay so before you start it so that's two things that you want to do make sure it's the right stage to trim okay timing is very important the second is studying the shape and also let's estimate or maybe measure how big the bottom is before you go so that's two things and then the third uh now after you you decided before i start to put it on the center and then trim it i like to show you a trimming tool what kind of a trimming tool you uh you could use so these are the trimming tools that it's maybe this two is coming from the basic kit um you are getting this kind of a tool uh from the pacer kit um i'm going to use this 202 trim for the demonstration today but normally i don't use this kind of a tool to trim because i hate to use the tool that is not very sharp trim so normally i like to sharpen my two or make my make sure my tool is very sharp to trim so usually i would like to uh maybe grind it or sharpen it before i trim it and you see that this is very thin and this kind of tool is very thin and if you run through the grinder it's gonna be a gun within uh maybe a couple months and it's gone because this is very thin and uh and these two oldest tend to get stopped and it's very hard to also very hard to resharpen it unless you are putting running through the uh the grinder the bench grinder it's very hard to uh to resharpen him so that's why i developed my design and developed my own trimming tools so this is the trimming set different shapes and different lengths for different purpose of the trimming so curve okay curving tool and also long blades and straight sides so lots of different uh shapes to choose from um the reason i'm using this is see that consider this on this it's a lot wider so you have a more uh room to uh to grind it off okay so this will last longer than this okay and also for this kind of tool you can resharpen it easily even you don't have a bench grinder so what you do is get a brother wood and then um you're going to shove it because all the edges have been beveled okay so if you remove a little bit of the metal from the inner part you will get it sharp easy and fast so i just find a file one usually i like to use a very fine diamond file because you don't want to use a rough file to do that and just please get a block of wood and place on top of it to hold it there and then just use a pressure and let it so that you are shopping on the flat side um so that you don't end up with getting your straight edge you get a curve okay you still want to keep your uh edge straight so this way when you are shoving this way you are keeping your edge straight so that's the sharpening easy for you to resharpen your tool and also this tool lasts longer okay that's why i never have this kind of a tool it's called shinto okay it's under my name hsien shinchu and i you won't have a number okay this is the number one um some people do uh think the even the standards is made out of a stainless steel okay stainless steel uh it's it's still a soft material so then um i have been developed on the redesigned the tool so this is kind of tourist the blade is made out of a constant carbide okay tungsten cover is very hot material so it can last at least a couple months without sharpening um i've been using this for uh since february and i haven't reached happening yet okay and you still i still feel they're very sharp and even if you need to resharpen them it's easy the same same way i do with my stainless steel tool so by doing so you can sharpen it easily so you have to consider when you are having your own tool tool you know after use it to get dull and how long it lasts you consider that and also how you resharpen it okay that's very important to consider to what kind of a tool is good for you and maybe it's a little bit expensive but consider in the long run it's what's the price okay what's the price so that's how you uh resharpen this kind of l-shape to a l-shaped tool and uh this is all designed by me and been used for years and i sell them a lot of them online at etsy shop so just check it out from my i just shot so that's just the tool um i want you just use the traditional tool to to show you how to uh trim your piece right so before i start to uh trim it you have to make sure that your clay stay staying on the wheel head without moving okay and also you want to put your piece into the center just like when you're throwing you have to standard you piece the same thing when you're trimming you still need to center your piece and i want to show you a couple different ways of centering if you are experienced people or you if you have been practiced the type center is the faster way to to standard okay you just slightly tap on the spot that is off and try to move it to the center okay there's a way to practice um i will show you in my later video okay later video but don't worry about it if you don't know this kind of method okay there's another way to do it too uh it's called a triangle okay you can get a pencil okay if you don't want above you're going to trim it eventually so it doesn't matter if you are using a pencil or a needle too i i like to use just the needle tool and uh why over it this one is already in the same i try to i'm moving up the center so when the piece is not in the center you can see that okay the piece is not in the center so you don't want to decide where which spot to push okay so give yourself an idea which spot to push toward the center um the needle tool is the the way to find which spot is of the center so first get a needle tool and find a very steady spot okay when you're holding the needle tool hold the tool from the right hand side if the wheel is spinning counterclockwise and slightly move your tool twirl your piece you don't hold it too like this it's against the direction and once your piece is touched by the needle tool the tool might push away your part okay so hold the tool on a steady spot if you have a very steady splash pen press your your arm or your hand on the splash pan and even though you can use a ball then to hold it in the tool and slowly approach to your part and you have to hold your tool steady okay right now you see when i approach to it if the piece is not in the center you're going to end up with marking a line a segment okay not a whole circle on the spot so you know this part is touch the tip of the needle meaning that spot is up the center so you can push from that direction toward the center and the lines from here to here so you know the middle part of the line is the spot that's at the most okay so usually i will spin the wheel so that the line is tone toward me okay and put my both index fingers okay on both end of the segment and then put my thumb in the middle so this is the center um that is the spot that the direction i'm moving the thumb okay okay slightly move toward the center and if there's a line there okay the circle line can even use that circle line to adjust it okay so that's my initial pushing now i want to check it see if i'm doing in push it into the right direction so do the same thing again right if you are doing the right direction your line is going to get longer okay because it's more close to the center then if you have a whole circle then you know it's your piece in the center so now from here toward here is off center so i'm going to push this direction uh just a tiny little bit okay tiny little bit okay i'll do one more time right so one two three the third one here all the way to here just a tiny bit one here and here so you see that i push too far too much so it's on the upper the other side of it so this time i'm going to just do it tiny little bit all right so i think it's pretty good i can draw the whole circle so if you have too many lines okay you can actually wipe it off okay wipe it off so that you don't get confused okay well i think it's very good the needle tool is touched everywhere throughout the whole circle so the whole piece is in the center just doing this i i did five times if you're lucky maybe one or two or three times you will be able you will be able to move your piece in the center okay so just uh if some people say that if my piece is not in the hole or very uniform then what should you do just check the spot that you want to trim if you want to trim the rim you check the room you want to trim the foot just check the foot okay check the foot all right so that's good and then you could use a clay coil to anchor i usually put four piece four pieces of it one here one here and one here and one here okay and make sure when you try to squeeze it hold on the pot okay hold it firmly otherwise you might accidentally push your part away so hold it down so okay i'm making sure you securely and curtain and by the way usually i like to trim my button right on the wheel head because the wheel head it's metal um the metal doesn't always absorb water so the color is easy to uh stick yes to stick on the metal if you have a wood uh usually the wood absorbs water and sometimes is the clean angle clay is easy to come off so in the case if you're using the wooden metal or if some people they they tend to have the the pin okay the uh that pin here might not give not your hand while you're trimming it so uh if in the case you want to trim it right on the back you can wet your bed a little bit okay before you place your pad on run the sponge to wet your bed so that the bed is a little bit water and it's easy for your clay to anchor down okay so that's all the tips that for you before you trim now before i trim i like to give myself an idea where is the location of the foot ring so usually i am using the needle to go tutorial circle and then another circle here okay keep yourself kinda of course this is changeable okay you can make it a bit wider or make it smaller okay it's up to your personal preference usually the foot the smaller the foot the whole piece looks more lighter okay let's look okay more elegant but then you need to find the balance because if your foot is too small then it's easy to tip over so you want to find your patterns all right so usually i do the rough cutting using the larger tool and for the detail especially in the middle in the corner i will use the final one okay and for using this tool usually you're going to grab on your hand like this and then i usually have my left hand holding on the side of the pot extend my thumb and my left thumb and then brace the tool right there there there there whatever you feel comfortable and then you just cut and i understand that um this kind of tool usually it gets tall and especially when you are sharing the tool in the studio so they don't they don't resharpen them so they stay dull all the time and when you do a doll you have to trim your clay a bit softer okay because the doll tool doesn't cut the clay dry clay easily so that's the reason why a lot of people tend to trim the pot a bit softer so i'm just roughly removing the clay from the side okay give myself an idea where is the following going to be all right and in the middle here you use the corner here to cut out the clay or you can use the other corner to go and remember we have about 80 millimeters before we start to trim so uh you don't want to go too much um any millimeter i will probably uh leave about four three to four millimeters a year so meaning i could call four to five millimeters and uh again if you have the tool you can go back there and check and see if you can reach that the goal you you you set right and then um for the detail trimming i'm using this smaller uh tool and i always start from the center and again put the hand here to brace it and i'm holding the tool like holding the pencil right about for experience powder they can just by knocking the wall in the bottom and they can decide when to stop but for beginner uh you could try try an arrow get right narrow or measure it and then see if this is about four to five millimeters all right i think this is good just uh just finish it get the corner look a bit nicer right so usually i i'm taking care of the inner part first to get it to the right thickness then i would decide how much clay i could remove from the outside because i always compare the inside corner and outside corner now the outside corner is a little bit higher than the inside corner meaning i could remotely because you want to follow the curve so the outer part could be a little bit lower than the inner part and you can tell that if your clay is soft the soft color tend to get stick on the tool and you see that that stage is very uh the right stage so when you trim the clay just fall in after you trim the greatest falling off the tool so and the very final stage i usually spin the wheel very fast and move the tool slowly so that the surface will be smooth [Music] and after you're done you could um use the rubber or even the metal roof too you could burnish and polish the foot okay so that's the the trimming of the foot and now um there's only one problem that when you trim you trim here all the way but you won't be able to trim all the way to the rim because the anchor clay is in the way so if you want to trim all the way to the bottom or you want to take care of the rim so that the line is more consistent uh you can turn it upside down and re-center it again and uh and just focus on the top on the rim and trim it and luckily i i have another invention you could uh without turning upside down and trimming so this is the spinning tool that is spin 3d okay you can put it right here but you see that when we trim it we usually like to trim a little dome here so this is not going to be able to sit it right there then you need to have a companion plastic glass disc this disc just place on top of it and find a good sander um all the circular small circular is easier for you to find your center and then this the spinner okay it's just jump right in the center okay job in there's a little glue there so it's driving there and what you want to do is holding on holding down so there's a time pressure okay i saw people using a cap okay from the soda okay the cat you can do that too using the cap but this is much better okay much better it's my invention and then um after that hold it down and then just use a tool just slightly go through the ring because you have a down pressure so the pot is not going anywhere and you can take care of it easily okay so that's the small invention that i invented now i can pick it up pick up and i also use a um sponge to smooth the rim uh by the way if you have a stoneware um maybe it's not a good idea to use a sponge because you tend to drag out the um the croc so if you have stoneware you can use a paper towel or even use a chamois okay chummy wrap back and forth okay so this is the basic german basic treatment and practice okay um in the future uh video i will show you how to learn your text centering but uh for now just use the the method i just showed you use the middle tool to check all right so uh just want to show you the result okay i am cutting it open and show you the uh the section flip the trim all right so that's at the trim and you can see the the wall on the bottom the thickness of the bottom right from this side and then you turn it okay hope this helped on the practice make it perfect see you next time
Channel: Hsinchuen Lin
Views: 10,189
Rating: 4.9212599 out of 5
Keywords: ceramics, pottery, wheel throwing, stoneware, porcelain, mypots, mypots.net, casserole, lidded jar, Vase, glazing, Hsinchuen Lin, 林新春, 手拉坏, 陶藝, Teapot, Teabowl, Chawan
Id: 0be1cajpN4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 11sec (2291 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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