506. A Couple Ways to Open Your Clay after Centering with Hsin-Chuen Lin 林新春 不同方法開孔示範

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right after finding the center now i'm ready to drill the hole usually i will make the top a little bit flat brace my arms together using this part here you can do that too make the top flat and then i usually use my thumb to drill the initial opening you can either use one thumb to drill on the left the right thumb do the jewelry and the left hand is kind of supporting it okay or we can use you post thumb and leverage it but when you are doing make sure your hand is resting on the outside of the clay okay so make a small uh small cup small ball a small indentation here and then i'm going to drill deeper okay and for drilling deeper i'm going to use my left hand okay left fingertip and when i'm drilling it make sure you don't want to curve the finger too much okay you don't want to do that you want to form your finger naturally and using the pattern of your fingertips okay the patch and then a push okay push down so this is my left hand okay drill it down straight down from the center okay that's the left hand but now my arm is not bracing anywhere so it's kind of loose so uh you might lose your sander when you turn if you don't brace it so this is what i do place my right hand here touch up on the outside and rest my arm right on the splash pen if you don't have a splash pan of your splashing is it's not as very sturdy you can rest on your laps okay all right this is the right hand and this fingertip could kind of control okay touch up the clay there and then brace my left hand on my right hand and then drill you do not open it yet until you reach the right thickness okay keep on going until you cut to i would say between a quarter of an inch or and 3 8 of an inch depending on how thick uh how tall you want to give your foot um if you are not sure you you could get a needle tool on the jacket so bring your needle tool and then just poke a hole right there on all the way to the wheel head or to the back and then put your finger there to measure okay so that's about right okay usually i leave my clay about this a little bit more than a quarter of an inch all right once i reach to the right uh thickness then i'm going to spread out the base by just moving my fingertip sideway toward my right hand and again the right hand is still compressing the wall here even put the thumb here on the top so you don't squeeze too much on your rim and then moving the fingers sideways and once you flatten out the base you can go back and then compress them using the fingertips and go back and forth several times make sure that you are moving your fingers slowly a couple times now you take care of the base then you're ready to erase up the wall and usually uh it might be easier if you are making your uh when you sander make your clay a little bit lower so it's easier for your hand to go in there and then compressed it right now a little bit indentation here and then uh you see that i put a little bit indentation here so i am actually going to grab the clay from there and then raise it up okay so that's the opening process and let me show you the racing especially when you have a small amount of clay it should be easy okay uh people do this or do that as long as you feel comfortable but since my color is small i'm actually i'm just going to use my uh thumb and the finger inside and just grab the clay and lift it up but by doing so my hands still are not very stable so i'm going to use my right hand to support it pinch there and then support it okay and slowly let go and cut press slippery each time before you touch up the clay make sure the clay is slippery everywhere okay one more time start from there so i'm just going to show you what my left hand do without my right hand to support it but you don't want to try this by yourself try to stabilize your hand always okay pinch and then lift okay so one hand as long as your hand is very stable um you can see that oh it's ring the distance it's even okay so when you're moving the full rotation you move up a little bit for rotation move up a little bit the uh consistent speed okay not even the speed of the wheel but also the moving hand okay your hand moving spin all right so this is the five pound of a clay i'd like to show you two different ways of opening and first center right uh once you have sander you want to make sure the top is a little bit flat and then start to open so i usually use my right thumb and then the left hand left thumb to support it to drill a little opening there and then left hand again okay straight up straight down and brace my hands together my fingers together take it all the way and check the thickness by poking a hole using the needle tool okay so that's the right thickness and now the inside is kind of like a v-shape so you if you are throwing the cylinder you don't want to you don't want to have a v-shape inside so now i'm going to bring my fingers sideway moving my fingers that way fingertips sideways and make the base flat and even a little bit of indentation there okay so move sideway and then put the fingertip and make it a little bit indentation so that this is high opening of the eye opening make an indentation right so this is one way to open it straight down to the right thickness and then go move out okay sideway and make an indentation let me cut it open so that's the opening so go straight down okay straight down and then move sideway and little indentation and then later on i'm going to just lift okay let the wall lift the wall from the indentation and then move it up okay so that's one way of opening let me show you other way to open it right so i could quickly uh re clean my click request my clay and then i want to show you the second way of opening so first again sand center the clay make sure you have a very good centered and then um i am going to uh push the clay the clay a bit lower okay my first one is a little bit taller and the second one is lower right and then the same way using the thumb to make a small cut and then drill it down and check the thickness again right so that's about right then now i'm going to spray the clay wider using my left hand if your left hand is not strong enough you can use a both hand both hands and then just pinch and move the clay told to say and that the advantage of opening wider is that you will be able to take care of the base because it's wider so your both finger both hand can go inside and compress the base even you could use a wooden rib to do that because of the base is wider so you will be able to do that just using the wooden brim all right once you take care of the base now you want to color in okay color this hand this hand and then the right fingertip and move the clay toward the center and move your finger up move your fingers up the base is still and you don't need to have such a wide base so the fingertips the right fingertips bring the clay and move it in okay toward the center again the left left hand is helping it and then move it up slowly um compress the rim so again it's a similar shape like my my first one the opening is a little bit harder now and the base is narrow so that you will be able to lift up your wall from this point up so that's the second way and there's a little indentation let me cut it open so you will see it's similar to the first first method see that that's the inside look after you color in there is still in the little indentation there and you are going to um lift and lift the wall from there okay i will show you the uh lifting method okay several ways to lift your wall but today i'm just focusing on how i open the whole two way to different ways of opening right so see you next time
Channel: Hsinchuen Lin
Views: 7,125
Rating: 4.948936 out of 5
Keywords: ceramics, pottery, wheel throwing, stoneware, porcelain, mypots, mypots.net, casserole, lidded jar, Vase, glazing, Hsinchuen Lin, 林新春, 手拉坏, 陶藝, Teapot, Teabowl, Chawan
Id: Bylgrf_7AGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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