#21. Different Effects With Alcohol Inks In Resin. A Tutorial by Daniel Cooper

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right so we're back we're going to be doing more  alcohol inks i'm just going to have a play today   um some of my favorite colors and just see what  we can get as we all know um you can never get   the same effect just you know a second time  but i'm going to try and recreate one of my   favorites that i did before amongst the rest so  yeah um i did film another tutorial but i'm not   sure whether i'm gonna upload that um i probably  will but yeah it's been a while um if i do upload   the other tutorial um i've been out of the kind  of not been able to do much recently because i   had a herniated disc in my back and the household  came down with covid luckily i managed to avoid it   but we're gonna start again and in the new year  i'm gonna really knuckle down and get more content   going um but for now we're just gonna have a play  around i'm just gonna give these a quick spray   with my release spray like i've said before  i always forget to use this but i find it   helps protect the mould you can see this one's  gone white where it's been used so much i just   i find it gives a protective film and prolongs  the whitening of the mold so they stay like this   and it also gives a bit of a shine because  it's like a silicone based kind of coats the   inside of the silicone mold with a fine layer of  silicon i find it helps you don't have to use it   but when i when i do do like to give my mould  to spray so we're just gonna i've got my resin   pre-mixed as always this is the let's resin  one one and we are going to be using their   vibrant ink set again so we're just going to start  pouring away hopefully i can get some negative   space like i did in the last tutorial um and add  some black into there as well just to give that   kind of pop of the colors um but it's not always  guaranteed that you're going to get that so we're   just going to pour away um into my favorite pieces  i'm hoping i'm going to have a little bit of resin   left for a side piece i'm working on whoa that  was way too much we'll sort that out in a moment   i was looking at the phone i'm too busy talking  but yeah thanks to all my new subs it's the last   tutorial all my returning subs and a massive  thank you to my newest members um the link   if you do decide to become a member of my  channel is in the description below along   with all the product links that i use it's all  in that little box down in the left hand corner   and again if you haven't subbed it really helps  my channel if you're just clicking that sub button   there and just hit that subscribe button yeah  massive thank you to all of you who's coming up to   about a year since i started resin um  i started in january of this year so   i think i started the channel in the march thanks  to all you guys um wanting to know how i do this   it's great seeing all of your work online  on the facebook groups in let's resin group   and other groups and again if  you're not following me on tik tok   that is also in the description down below  i've got a giveaway going at the moment   that is pinned at the top of my tik tok  page all you need to do is be a follower   comment and share the video right let's get some  of the resin out of this one i've over poured i went a bit mad in that one  just pop some in that one and again we're just gonna just have a play  around today hopefully get some good creations right as always i know i have to explain this in  every video because everybody asks in the comments   this is just this which comes in that box set  you get two bottles in that box set but i had   by the bigger bottles and i'd decant them into  the needle tip bottle it's just easier to control   um sometimes these can clog up and they can kind  of squirt everywhere i just find it a lot easier   so what we're going to do this time is bring you  closer down so you can actually see what the inks   are doing as they dance away so i'm going to go  with a new favorite color of mine to begin with   which is purplish red i've not really used it up  until recently and it's really a really nice color   and we're going to go in there with a safe  color next to it which would be yellow   if you haven't seen the safe color  video that i did it's the previous   one be sure to give that a a  look and i'll watch so we're just   dropping our colors in and i think what i'm  going to try with this one is a is a purple there you go so then over the top of each  one of these colors we just want to drop one   drop of the white on top which is a sinker  white and that gives us the effect and you   can see those colors dancing away which is what  we want it's a negative space in the center   you can just leave that be and that  like i did in the last tutorial   add like a black background back in or you can  just do sometimes just agitate the surface around with a cocktail stick and just feel those voids   you could go in with other colours but you don't  want to risk you know completely ruining the piece and adding too much white because the too  much white and cause bigger spores um which   can sink quite far down and what i'll do is  i'll show you with this piece just you know   how you can get different effects with that  white so we're going to start with some purple this time i'm going to go in with  the yellow next to the purple um we'll try some blue in there as well when  that touches the yellow it should go green i'm just gonna have a like  i said just to play around   and hopefully we can get some decent oh no  that dropped right on top that's probably   gonna muddy now so i'm going to quickly tap  the other colors hopefully we can salvage that so with this one like i said i'm going  to show you what could happen if you add   too much color and white  sometimes two layers is okay   beyond that you're going to end up with a lot of  kind of muddy in and these spores of the white are   going to come down quite far into the piece me  saying that now i'm probably not going to do it we'll just see how that settles down  i might go in with one more layer   just to see what happens you can see the colors  just dancing away and they'll kind of dance   some colors will take over the piece more  than others and some will kind of just go   right up against the edge and not be seen all  right i want to use some more of this rose red make sure i've actually got the camera in the  right place it's been a good idea won't it   we're going to go in with some  orange and yellow in this one   again i've not planned this the colors  i'm using i'm just dropping what i want where i want and thanks to all those  who've supported me over the past year it's been amazing that you're  coming back and watching me still   and the support i've had  with the buy me a coffee app   that's changed now i believe i don't  think they're now supporting paypal   but i do have that separate paypal link if you  do decide you want to support me in my progress so you can see with that one there what  we're going to do is just go in with some   more white and just see what kind of  effect we're going to get afterwards   hopefully we'll get some deeper spores  but i tend to just go with one layer   let's see what else i can go with  let's go with some blue in this one um should we go for another  favorite of mine is the peach red   so gonna drop that away from the blue and  then i think i'm gonna go in with some yellow as well some pretty nice colors there just take  you further down this is what i love about   alcohol inks it's like this is just like  an art in itself just watching these colors   um dance away kind of battling over each other you've got that quiet kind of still area in  the center we'll just leave that be and just   see how that turns out but it's pretty  mesmerizing really watching the colors   dance away like that i could sit and watch it  for hours if only there was a way to keep that   you know keep that effect going  inside a piece it would be amazing let's move on to the big hearts again i want  to try and use this rose red as much as i can because it is my new favorite and i think i'm  going to go in with some purple again in this one can i squeeze the yellow in  between we don't know unless we try so let's do that and then we're  just gonna again tap each color and let them dance away you see that yellow wow  that was in that was like a little burst there   hopefully in this one we might get some  negative space for the black background   we will see i feel bad for moving the camera again if you do decide to follow me on tik  tok i know a lot of people don't like tik   tok i'm losing my focus but i was doing regular  lives and i will be doing regular lives again   in the new year and what i tend to do is get  the audience involved let them pick colors   and they can watch them kind of dance away   and hopefully soon i'll be setting up a website  of some sort let's try some purplish red   and selling some pieces as well so if you  do join the lives i may even start lives on   youtube as well you can then purchase the products  that you've the kind of the arts that you've the colors you know the piece that  you've recommended on the live just an idea anyway that's quite dark isn't  it so we're going to add some more yellow try and highlight some of the color the yellow is a really good color to use to  highlight other colors i'll show you in another   piece i'll just wait for that to settle down  though and you'll see it kind of vortex inwards   and it will just kind of close down so back  to this one again i'm going to go in with some   more white and just go a little bit crazy with  it and just see what the outcome is at the end you never know it could be something  completely crazy all right this one this orange is a little bit clogged up if i  squeeze it too much it's gonna go everywhere   i did find that in the last tutorial but i forgot  to um make the hole bigger in the nozzle come with   some purple see how many i can get into this one  i don't think i'll get many i do want some yellow in there as well so you could  use the yellow to kind of   make the blue green make the the red orange and then we'll just i tend to like like i said  to to highlight other colors if i'm using a green   and i want sound like a lighter green  then adding the yellow really does help   i'll show you that in the next piece just here so if i want to add more green into one  piece but then i want to kind of vary the the kind of tone of the green i can then  add yellow and you'll see the difference between the two so you can  kind of get a different tone had some shocking see those waves of  the purple going up it's like flames i'm just going to tap those again  just to reactivate the colors   and just see how they how they fight it out really some colors will really push  another color to an edge   doesn't matter how much you try it will  just keep battling and pushing that color   back right let's try and see if we can get  as many colors as we can into this next piece the inks are spreading quite far today  i think because i left it a while   in my cup the resin has gone warm so the inks are  spreading quicker whoops that's what i find anyway going with some blue i always like to see how  many i can get into one piece sometimes i don't even put a whole drop i just  literally just dab the nib into the piece just to   be able to squeeze as much as i can in there again  i've gone with the orange which is a bit difficult   so now i'm just going to tap those with the white  and just see what space i've got left to work with   that green in that yellow is really  small but the white will push those out   and it's a good trick to try and squeeze as much  color into one piece as you can is just just   just touch dab the nib into the into the resin and  could kind of see how that goes and i think i'm   going to try and go in with some what have we got  try and go with some more peach red on this side again tap that and then i'm going to tap  the other colors just to stop the other   white that i've just put in overtaking  the whole piece just kind of controlling   that otherwise if i hadn't that would have  pushed its way and bullied the other colors   i'm just going to let that bubble away and just  see on this one i'm going to do like i said before   just manipulate that surface  just to try and get good coverage uh so the other tutorial i did i tried to make um   same as tutorial number six like a um a nebula  spacey vibe but i've added like little planets   i probably will upload it it's using uv resin  but you can use regular resin so i had like um   i did an acrylic pour because that's something  that i want to start next year um whether it   whether it be on this channel or i set up a  different channel for pause but it's ah see   what i mean and that's just ruined that hopefully  it hasn't ruined it but it squirted across as i   was saying um i want to start doing pours so i  had to go the other day and i had some over spill   paint drops so what i did is i just took those  dried paint drops and used them as little planets   and it's really cool but the glow quite  wasn't there it wasn't quite there shall i say   and i wasn't really happy but  i'll probably upload it anyway   but i'll probably prioritize this one now and  we're just going to tap this one i'm waffling away and just see that one dance away see  the others have quietened down now   i'm a little bit worried about this one that i've  spilled the orange in so i'm gonna add some white back over the top of this and just see how it turns out but i said it  didn't know i should have cleared out that nozzle   last time i used it because that's  probably gonna muddy with that blue now which i think it has a little bit got a bit of negative space in the center  of that one so you could do what i did with   a cocktail stick or you could just go over the  top just one more time just to close that void and then we just watched that one settle down bubbling away still got a  little bit of a void there   but when it comes to the swirl as  well in an hour we can close that up not a problem at all now let's go in  with some more white on this piece   it's going to make it very very pastel   at the end i'm hoping we're going to get some nice  kind of wiggly spores of white through the color right back to my rose red i think i'm gonna try and  leave some negative space because it's not the other pieces aren't quite  actually um giving me any to play with this time as you can see they've all kind of filled   the moulds got some in that one but  not enough for what i want to do so we're just going to leave that one with some  negative space on the left and on the right   hopefully that will close  in a little bit more as well   so it gives us a little area to put a black  background in after we've done the swell   hopefully we'll get some really nice colors and  that black really makes the the other colors pop all right this will be the last one until it  comes to the swirl and just get my focus back right let's try in this one the purplish red  another color that i've not   used a lot but it is a really pretty color again we're gonna go with maybe try and  keep this one kind of symmetrical if i can   and again hopefully we'll have some  negative space to play with on this one   to get a similar effect as we  did last time so let's recap it looks like there's a face in  that one i'll stick my finger in it   see the nose on the left and the kind of chin so these are kind of the colors like i  said this is just a play around just to see what we can create let's go in again  i'm gonna drown this with white   and like i've said a lot of people have  asked me you know that they're using a   different type of white and their white just  sinks all the time every time they've used it   you know just mix a small amount of your work  with the same amount of isopropanol alcohol   um preferably 99.9 and test it and just see  whether you can make the pigments lighter   because alcohol keeps the pigments afloat so  it will it will prevent the white sinker from   pushing too far down which will end in blobs  on the surface when it comes to demolding   and like i said just a small amount don't mix  too much because then you're going to potentially   waste all of your white so just a small amount  test it if it's still too heavy add some more   alcohol if it's not causing enough of the effect  add some more white to that mixture until you've   kind of got the ratio you want to kind of work  work out drop by drop so say 10 drops of white and   10 drops of alcohol make sure you thoroughly shake  the the white before you drop it into the separate   bottle and make sure you shake them both  after putting them into your work and just   see how it goes you can kind of blend them  down any way you like so we will be back   in an hour to give these a stir and then add  some black to these ones i will see you then   right so it's been an hour i'm gonna give these a  swirl try and do some designing these two with the   black so we're gonna stop the wobble of the camera  first and we're just gonna start swirling away   any later than an hour then you'll find  when it comes to stirring you could draw   um air bubbles into your work so just be  really careful you kind of just want a fine   stringy consistency when you draw the stick or  whatever you're using like that out of your work then we're just going to go in the circle   circular motions and hopefully we'll get  some really good effects with these ones make sure you wipe your stick as always after  every swirl go a little bit deeper with that one just to prevent you mixing the colors in  we'll leave these two down here till last oh let's lock my focus there we go and just give  it a good swirl around and try not to put my hand   in the other mold whilst i'm going now this  is the one that we added a lot more white into   interesting to see how that comes you  can see the colors are a lot more pastel   i'm not gonna go too deep with this one because if we've got some nice spores and i  don't want to kind of pull them everywhere this one's got a kind of sweet or candy look to it just gone deeper the last bit lock my focus again now i've moved it but  we'll get the hang of this focus business right we've got the two hearts here kind of go from side to side in this one i think they're not through the middle and this one and what we did last time if you  remember if you saw it if not   last tutorial give it a watch kind of just draw  these points up through these kind of petals   and give like a flower flower  look to them once we've demolded right how we're gonna do this so obviously  i wanted to negative space so i could play   around with the blacks to try and just give it  a similar to the last tutorial it's same colors   as well i think i used um i think i'm going to  start in the center kind of just draw around like that for this one i mean you could you could do  it any other way any way you want really   um i think i'm gonna start in the center again kind of finish that one there and then maybe do i'm not sure i've kind of  got it in my head what i want to do with it   um i'm not sure how to do it on  the reverse let's just go anyway like i said it's just a  play around tutorial really and what i think i'd do just see  what happens is just draw these out right now with the black  obviously like i said in the last   video we don't want to add white to  this it's just being used to cover the negative space and to sit as a background it's a new bottle i've just pierced the lid it's not coming out as fast as i'd like but as long as we get most of the  negative space it'll be okay and this does dry really nicely i know adding inks  can cause the resin to sometimes not cure at all just going to make sure i've got everything  that i need to get i think that will do   and again for this one just go around the edges and try not to dip the  nozzle in the resin too much otherwise it will ruin the design i don't want to squeeze this too hard because  it's just going to squirt out everywhere should really have made the hole a bit bigger just make sure we go around the outside as best we can right i think that will do it he says go anymore if there's any patches you can always  go over with acrylic paint afterwards   right so now it's the waiting game we will  be back for the demould i will see you then   we're back all set and just  get my seat out sit down right let's see what we've got leave the two hearts till last look at that is that the one that  i spilt i've turned the tray round   i think that was the one here it was that  was the one where the orange squirted across so it hasn't hasn't ruined it if anything  it's probably made it better i think it's really nice wow really good color in there happy with that let's go with the two ovals it's got like a joker vibe like  the joker colors from batman it's good this is the the one we  tried to cram as much color as i could i love that that little spot there  see where the white hasn't quite covered it i definitely prefer using this new phone for   youtube the video quality is a lot  better than my past my previous one that's the one i went quite deep in again you've got another area there  it's quite clear no kind of spores go for this one here a really cool effect in there it's almost like a an alien planet vibe good good good this is the one that i tried to no this wasn't the  one with the leaf design that was the other one with that let's move here you go not as should have added  some different color it's quiet   red it's not so much of the yellow it's there a little bit but it's still good right this is the one where i added lots of white  so it'll be interesting to see i've never tried   it with the let's resin c deeper to try and get  the spores so we'll see in a minute in a minute no that's nice it's probably my favorite so far strange  that tiny bit of yellow there but i like that right let's see what we've got we should have   kind of longer spores where we  added more white and there you go none of them have touched so we've got no  blobs luckily i don't know how because i   added so much white into that but it goes to  show you how you can get a different effect by adding more white and it's cured absolutely  fine lots of people say you know you can add too   much it depends on the brand i find let's  resin you can you can add quite a lot of   alcohol um to the resin and it still  sets solid um i know other brands can   be really tacky and sticky on the  back but let's resin it's not the case   and that is really really clear that's probably  my favorite now i'm gonna do more with this definitely it's kind of similar to how my my first  pieces were with a different brand of alcohol inks right let's see what we've got i love it not so much going on around the edges but that's still cool but not  as good as my previous video   let's see what this one's like it's crazy i don't even know how to describe that the black has kind of taken over the  yellow which i didn't expect on this one but yeah i think this one's  the gem that's some really cool effects going on there right that is me done  guys until the next one like i say new year   i'll be showing you some new tricks and new  techniques so for now hit that sub button down   there for me give the video a thumbs up and  i will see you for the next one bye for now
Channel: Daniel Cooper
Views: 24,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daniel cooper, resin, alcohol inks, petri, petri effect, resin artist, resin art, Coopers Custom Casts, let's resin, epoxy, 1:1 resin, demould, demoulding, artist, tutorial, alcohol ink tutorial, resin jewelry, resin jewellery, jewelry design, jewelry designer, hobby, art, colourful, epoxy resin, mould, moulds, YouTube tutorial, trending, vibrant, vibrant alcohol inks, whisp, whisp effect, technique, jewelry, jewellery, fun, resin art for beginners
Id: oDwLJkgqAGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 28sec (2188 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 31 2021
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