50cal vs Giant Wrench 🔧

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yeah because governor will you say that I don't recall now our recording oh now you're recording yes all right my grandpa brought this back from World Wars on camera this is for Low's no I got this wrong my tractor supply oh I think we got this in tractor supply if I'm not okay and I got a long time ago it's a 36 inch wrench we should open it up at least open open No so hemo wrote the [ __ ] yeah so the ball can go right between it or I can put a little bullet here and shoot the bullet if you want oh alright shoot it from the thicker area right see what happens yeah we're gonna start with the 9 millimeter and I'm using this rx0 one sent to us by kvar calm thank you so much for sending it over just for you ready I'm ready oh the top the top area like it was a hole I don't like why did I make what are you that yeah I hit it right over there it disintegrated on the surface nothing happened yeah amazing ok next round next is gonna be the FN five-seven and shoots these five seven by 28 I got a green one in there I've mentioned before these green tips are made for law enforcement and military and I also got a violet tip the blue tip on it are you ready I'm ready maybe one one in the red area the older ones you think I think oh testing you oh no no here let me grab another one another - yeah no I'm ready you hit one one in the center and in the red area oh yeah - one on top I hear the one up here and one down here and nothing happened to happen oh I can't even say it's one millimeter it's not it's just kind of disintegrating the surface some sanding down and painting you won't even notice a bullet hit it what are you going to grab another guy yeah okay next is gonna be the raging hunter 44 Magnum and let's see what happens I think I want to hit it first shot yes [Music] yes I saw that head right here on the top yes it didn't do anything to it let's put it this way [Music] what do you think I like this that's good yeah you'll hear it is nothing happen yep perfect okay next round okay next is going to be the Galil ace sent to us by gun Prime and shoots the 760 - this is chambered for 7.62 by 39 that's pretty ready I'm ready no okay you hear one I had one sort of scheme - no it didn't come out it went in right over here mmm perfect place for it - good because it hit that other part the bullet is actually I think it's stuck in there I see this jack I don't know if you look in here you can see the copper jacket from the other side oh oh yeah you see the copper it cracked it I don't know if we went up completely maybe okay we'll just go to the next row and see what happens five five six five five six and I'm using the Tavor x95 that's pretty ready already that wasn't like that charging handle iron sights are good oh boy hey check this out I put through two of them right next to each other there's one right there and one right there this one went right in and out oh here's the thing this one here got stuck yeah I got stuck the two here I shot over here went through this first cast iron part and then hit this second part it stopped it'll come just where you need to show the back part it did not come out both rounds it stopped on this other part but this one here it came right out yes okay next round anyway scar 17 7 62 by 51 and let's shoot it it's the same thing as 308 that's very ready I'm ready here we go through yeah both are covering you shoot in the same area yeah come on let me go a little bit higher I wanna hit see if I can hit at this area or this metal ok this team let me grab a couple more round tool ready I'm ready little bit higher right yeah yeah it's tough and so this this silver stuff topping the most renowned you should hear no but suck this is new what is near to this is no this wasn't there before oh yeah and on this one it's sort of on the thicker area it's sort of didn't make it in no they make it in this part the middle it was a little bit thinner so it went in the thicker part it didn't go in and shot them the top over here did not go in either this is really hard material yeah okay final round let's go why not the big boy okay next is going to be the awm Arctic warfare magnum the 338 Lapua this bad boy right over there that's pretty ready I'm ready don't hit it I don't think so I don't think so let me try one that's a hit oh you hear that it's the bottom part and you look cut off oh where oh yeah you're right I didn't miss the first one it was just it didn't move it around and out so quick yeah and this team break yeah and I broke the lip wood did some serious damage it broke this other piece in half awm is no joke one shot over here would be perfect with the 50 BMG yeah okay next you're gonna do the 50 BMG Full Metal Jacket actually and we're gonna use the BFG 50 a from server fire on are you ready I'm ready I know you like that shot yes I like it not sure where I hit it exactly but Bob you cut all this area here yeah I really wanted to hit this area let me go one more shot over here and that's it yes are you just saying that nobody couple don't you hit that last time why you don't hit this one moving oh my god you hear that oh my god yeah no that part I think this thing's full bag yeah no this way but that way through something else the only part you have to beat somebody up with look at that he's over there watch Go Go bring it bring it bring it he's up over there over there right there no to the left to the left left well I didn't hit this of course mines okay but it's okay this was turned on huh that one make make the sound yeah I think spilling the air made a bunch of sound yeah that's it I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please give it a thumbs up subscribe and as always thank you for watching we'll see yes however might as well these deals here oh you understood this right now good idea next video [Music]
Channel: Edwin Sarkissian
Views: 641,843
Rating: 4.9107375 out of 5
Id: 1MYYpcWpdVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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