500hp Hemi Powered Model T

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[Applause] [Music] no I'm not hot out today I'm actually just Lots juice that's what we're doing here today we have a special guest to buy really special car why is there so much noise in this place fry bread Oh Oh Brad probably just kind of Brad though Brad it is Brad always Brad so Brad out here hey so VIN I love you soon Oh Alex I do high fives come on thank you cool man so tell us what you brought here today it's pretty fancy this is my 1927 Warhol team it's our life of the ball it's got a Hemi in it that's that's already something different that's fun you modify the core Hemi instead of due to God why why six carbs on it on an eight cylinder is it anything to do with like that head pattern or is it just that's like what works this is what it's why came out with for their setup I've seen different it takes out carbs carbs I see let's talk about your linkage then is a progressive no it's direct so Austin's going at the same time all the fuel gets it off well I really like the fuel rail side of hopper - yeah bent the copper tubing polished it is a street race all night in street racing back in a day and when I went for the hot rod I wonder bill something that serious street racing would've built back in the pit because I think buggy this thing that he was pretty good yeah you never run down a border or a run it I run try to running at her window then anyone saw them at the screen sorry no exact opposite the track what open any Apple we're in this for 60 years well apparently it's not safe a little separation between the driver made a partition as long as don't crack a safe yeah oh wow - okay body weight 700 pounds that's the body itself the water together me about 1,500 and these frame rails yeah this disc brakes behind here is this room breathalyzer okay these aren't any covers is it straight up this was that the best UNICAMP back in the 50s which is Buick drums could've been and Lincoln silver and I think runs they stopped well for being that it stops okay I mean hey don't forget that we used to be dub gang filler okay but now it's my access to my adventure stolen I just realized yeah yeah you have to pretty much because back in the so what do you have to do to get this engine to fix I see the distributor is you knocks the firewall yeah butyl risk little resists yeah this is actually I put this far off for scratches I built the whole car on the water this is yeah I mean this was the LS of its time this was their an epitome of power was it yeah Hemi was the king will be a peena-pod wanting tonight my opinion well I got the biggest more that was available in the 50s put in with a smallest car that corner main and so what year was designed here from 1856 56 yeah so brands got a bills rail car around the motor make a book this cool drop some knowledge on us when did the heavy come out because small block came out five very small block Chevy 55 yeah which then became like yeah well for some people but wet like when did the hemming come out when he came on 5131 okay and they become a 354 in 56 then I became by the 32 in 57 58 when shaky-cam elder be 85 so still nice big attending right nothing's ever nothing is as big like this engine is massive that's why they call an elephant massive us modern-day Hemis are still massive in the heads I mean 1936 Ford steering wheel and that's a 54 shake the steering column might cut down I made a stream column set up this is a stock cluster this was in the center at one point this isn't my headlight switch I just moved it over and put my okay just through it war engages in there and I don't have a speedometer because I don't care about how fast I'm going by year yeah I got my tack and I got my essential gauges rev limiter shift yeah earring box is right there next to his clutch pedal his master cylinder had to be turned sideways in order to even get it in there and then you got to explain our cap over here that is just to access my coolant temp sensor yeah genius dude it's actually for plumbing it's a two inch cast-iron gap I understand what the partner has a chop right yes you do that yes this all garage built basically everything like there's a little walk you're on what you did to the body yeah I probably just tell us what we want to put in the back yeah it's got it on a rake just to give a little bit cooler look I had talked to a little I tell him why he forges over the frame rails I've built the frame with Somali frame by a box a bonafide hit this was a factory one oh it is but it's not the original one the fertile is often eaten by termites in just dry rot it went to Mexico and had some guy who killed cabinets build away yeah did you have to bring the car down there is no I only thought pieces of the old route on top any degree maybe yes yeah he's been made for a sec Wow sitting with a seat to see it 19.7 3,100 chevy truck seat I got a seat frame I topped it down scorned it and I went to Mexico hug I pull straight for me Mexico get my s14 finish get it you know protips the roll cage same thing we book in the garage I want you to pop know how to fill the role kitchen not just two without a two burner what is this it's probably tubing is it chrome-plated I filmed it yeah I took it off I dropped it off they chrome that put I bolted it back in they asked him one of the garnish moldings I chopped him down you know all the wells and got them chrome guys didn't have multiple cars your hot rod party wouldn't work in you took it out raced it barred the seats down pick up a girl watch a movie they would take front in the corridor I sparse but there was interaction and ask the picaros it's around to be a real hot rock it's over did you drive this thing I Drive a lot of miles on it yeah I've been grinding the past nine months looks like then they're not wide but you got a ton of height yeah like do you say what this is like at 33 31 okay were the caps from though the caps are just some aftermarket I know they were original hubcaps but these are repops yeah and we got four rear cuz I'm pretty sure if you're racing it you're not running just like a normal wouldn't know I got it which is picking for rent yeah goes back to the hole and the tubes are even painted I don't know when they started coming out exactly put it back in the 40s lot of guys that race at Bonneville well what they would do it was just the center casing oh they'll get the center case of Top Gear's to go to drive out to Mirage Bonneville forever run their cars and drive home that's the whole thing about big change in your gear a short and about ten minutes the thing is also hasn't stopped Molly axles so what gears you're racing on the defensive each mile or a quarter mile here I come out to the pier set so those who don't know this is what is essentially a Eurasian depending how I set up one way will be 348 still be for Elevens right now I have three wives to the freeway the car is that very few autonomic imagine no so now without freeways instead of arriving at three grand I'm a to ground with 305 yeah please think you're sad swap it Wow 68 okay pretty you can choose yes I love that like all my cars well shift guys use winners to change in increments of mile an hour right like if they need to more mile an hour on the bank then they pull give that so Alex real quick you don't build hot rods for your profession do you what do you do how would for BMW [Applause] cars off I swear I take care of them with - fries but I'm curious he's that voice burn off regular willing to do so you put on a show for us I mean I've never done don't know like I said her but the car did donuts or anything but I'll give it a whirl see what happens we should get a yeah on that gear sorry [Music] yeah shifter just fell apart easy to wrench 9/16 wrench you broke your shift here nevermind shifter oh dude vice grips you can use it to shift it yep guest comes breaks a shifter now he's gonna use vice grips this whole idea [Applause] [Applause] got into my thighs awesome dude man donut the things that are not expected to do donuts do you watch them for videos yeah you know what time it is that's a wrap try that again man I have the tiger let's go where I come from you don't call us I mean is your Rachel whoa
Channel: Hoonigan Bonus
Views: 275,031
Rating: 4.9527655 out of 5
Keywords: hoonigan, hoonigans, hoonigan bonus, hemi, model t, hot rod, penny hemi, drag race, donuts
Id: iH0tO30V15A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 22 2018
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