$500 Gaming PC Build (Plays Every Game)

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you've never heard of this case before and you've probably never even seen this CPU or GPU combo as well today's $500 gaming PC build is all about going slightly off meta but still putting together a very capable and Powerful 1080p build There's No ryzen 5 3600s 5600s and not even an RX 5700 XT in this one we've been crushing the Pure Performance build guide content lately but the truth is that if you want the absolute best FPS per dollar kind of system there's specific parts that you should be using while that's true what we often forget is that not everybody has to go down that route so today's build is for the people that want to go Down The Road Less Traveled we'll talk about all the parts inside of here and of course Benchmark a ton of different games with it all after a quick word from today's sponsor today's video is sponsored by gvg Maul and you probably already know that I've been using them for so long to activate Windows on a ton of my own builds they're actually running a huge sale right now which boost my normal 18% discount up to 25% off if you use use code zt18 and I'll have that linked at the top of the description they not only have Windows keys but also a ton of other stuff such as office and even game keys for platforms like steam origin and up playay and they even have console stuff too like PSN prepay cards as well activating Windows is super simple it only takes like 3 minutes total so activate Windows today and remove that nasty Watermark and don't forget to use zt18 for 25% off all right so for a $500 bill guide I got to go against every Instinct in my body to not use a CPU such as the ryzen 5 5500 or 5600 to be fair those are just hands down some of the best options for this price range build because the price to Performance is amazing and there's a lot of upgrade potential as well instead though we're shifting gears over to team blue specifically for this off meta build I'm afraid I just blew myself and we're going with the Intel I3 1200f now we're not going crazy here the 1200f is still a very powerful gaming CPU for its price range and it's still a great option I wouldn't consider it meta anymore but make no mistake this is still a great budget Choice the 1200f can still dominate in 1080P gaming even with the CPU demanding titles now normally I talk about the motherboard directly after talking about the CPU but for today's video we have to talk about the case next because we can't talk about the motherboard until we talk about the case this thing was a mess this here is the seven hero embl black and wow for those of you that were watching the twitch live stream of me building this PC you all were in for a Trea first up on paper this actually looks like a very solid I paid $81 for it brand new off Amazon and this is a very clean and minimal all black microatx case that comes with three pre-installed argb fans now just like you I've never even heard of seven hero before but I was willing to take the gamble for an off meta type of build it honestly sounded perfect during the stream however we ran into a couple of problems the first one wasn't a huge deal because it came with some very weird RGB cabling where it included a two-pin connector which typically goes into an RGB Hub but the case didn't come with a hub this tripped me up for a bit especially since it did come with a two- pin reset switch but we just ended up not using that extra connector and everything turned out okay where we ran into an actual roadblock for completing this PC though was with the motherboard sizing I initially was using the MSI Pro b760 m-p which is a very typical microatx motherboard but it ended up being too big for this case it looks decent I just found a problem oh again this is just a standard siiz board but it ended up covering up the hole where the 24 pin power cable came out of and there was literally no room for that connector and cable anywhere else if you look closely the motherboard was actually slightly overlapping the fans as well during the stream I didn't want to stop the build so I started playing around with the option of routing the 24 pin from the bottom or even up at the top of the case but it just looked so crazy that I had to scrap the project and for the first time in possibly ever I couldn't finish the build for a thirsty Thursday live stream what we discovered is that there's actually two different sizes for microatx motherboards and the super cheap options that only have two Ram slots are what this case is designed for Micro ATX motherboards can be anywhere from 6.9 in all the way up to 9.6 in there's no letter or symbol designation for that smaller size though and nobody knows those inches and dimensions off of the top of their head the case's Amazon page also doesn't mention anything about this other than the fact that it's just for Micro ATX motherboards so honestly I think that this was just a humongous oversight on the manufacturer and it's probably one of the reasons why nobody has heard of this case brand before so after the stream we were able to swap it out with this ASRock b760 mhtv and this is indeed one of those Ultra cheap 7.9 in motherboards and after that things went pretty smoothly regardless though definitely do not buy this case the only reason I was willing to take the gamble was because this was for an off meta bill but I quickly got my lesson of why you probably should buy meta products for microatx builds I really like the diypc argb Q3 as well as the Sama argb Q5 those will be much better Alternatives and they're even cheaper moving on past the case in motherboard issues though honestly everything else was pretty streamlined for Ram we're going with the mushkin redline 16 GB ddr4 kit that's clocked at 3600 MHz and this all black kit was priced at just $37 on newc now remember you still can go with ddr5 with Intel 12th gen CPUs but for a $500 build I don't think the extra price for a more expensive motherboard or Ram is particularly worth it so that's why I'm sticking with ddr4 after that we have the SSD and this was simply just the cheapest Gen 4 1 TB mvme drive that I could find at the time which is the cev crft c910 for $61 on Amazon this cev crft lineup has honestly solidified itself as a reliable choice for Ultra budget builds over the last few years and I do like that the heat sink comes removed in the Box because you don't need to use it if your motherboard has a heat sink included on it nice touch moving on we have the power supply and this is certainly a budget meta which is the Appia Prestige 600 watt this continues to be one of the cheapest tierc model is available for around the $50 Mark and it's almost always available on Amazon every day of the week I of course also plugged in some cable extensions though and today we're staying off meta with this vitro teal and black set now I know some of the PC flippers in the ZT Discord server like using vitro but for extensions I'm personally usually staying with Asia horse and easy DIY these days I don't really have a problem with vitro specifically although I do think I have broken extensions arrived years ago so I haven't used them since more importantly I just wanted the color scheme that this brand had because I'm pairing this with the stock Intel cooler that's on top of our 12100 F this stock CPU Cooler is certainly plenty of cooling for an Intel I3 and as long as you tailor the color scheme of the build around this color it actually doesn't look too bad obviously I do wish that they just made it all black like the ryzen coolers but using this teal blue every now and then is pretty cool the overall color scheme of the build is what I'm also trying to keep off meta because unlike most builds we're not just relying on the RGB products to give us the color the combination of the cooler extensions and some RGB fans is what brings this whole thing together and honestly over the last few months I kind of got away from this style back in the day I used to always use crazy colors for the extensions but lately I've been sticking to Black or White and then just using the RGB products for my color it's still fine but you've lost your Edge your focus your dedication the way we're doing it today is the better option in my opinion provided you are now locked into one color scheme and you don't have as much of flexibility driving this build home though is the graphics card and this is what's going to set us up for some amazing price of performance this is is the milc RX 6600m and I actually do have a dedicated video on this bad boy if you didn't already see the video some Chinese companies over on AliExpress are taking the mobile versions of GPU chips and slapping them onto new desktop GPU parts and the end product is actually pretty special during our testing this 6600m beat our normal RX 6600 in several titles but it was neck and neck close for absolutely all of them we're essentially getting the performance of a $200 RX 6600 which is already incredibly valuable but for only $150 $ on AliExpress all in all here's what the final parts list is looking like and I didn't realize until after the motherboard drama that this sailed over my initial budget which got closer to $600 I do think that if you chose a meta case motherboard for sure and maybe got a deal on something else you would be able to get close to $500 without a problem but yeah we went a little over budget this time for mine now I will be selling this build for about $400 over on ztt bus.com drop for our June 1st monthly drop just as a reminder if you want Priority Access to the website before everyone else you have to be a Discord exclusive which you can do by joining the ZT Discord server and going up to the server subscriptions tab but let's see what this build can do and we first Fired Up 3D marks time spy and this cranked out a score of$ 7,738 compared to our $585 total build price this was about a 13x multiplier which is pretty decent but it's definitely not as good as some of the Pure Performance build guyses that we cranked out over a few weeks ago next up we tested hell divers 2 and when using 1080p in high settings we still got just over that Target 60fps Mark for Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and 1080p balance set settings we got 166 FPS so we can fully saturate a 165 HZ monitor if we have one and here in cyberpunk 2077 we could keep the settings at 1080p high and we still got 67 FPS definitely not too shabby for a $150 graphics card from AliExpress here's the rest of the games that we tested and honestly this is all very impressive despite not using the most Min Maxi parts available we're still getting a 1080p highquality experience for less than $600 total this was definitely a fun project to just mix it up and do something different every now and then but if you do want to figure out how to minmax your FPS per dollar value then feel free to click the Pure Performance bill guide playlist which is on the screen now
Channel: Zach's Tech Turf
Views: 123,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming PC, 1080p build, Off Meta, $500 PC build, Intel i3 12100F, Sevenhero EMBL Black case, mATX motherboard, MSI Pro B760M-P, ASRock B760M-HDV, Mushkin Redline 16GB DDR4, Klevv CRAS C910 SSD, Apevia Prestige 600W PSU, stock Intel cooler, Mllse RX 6600M GPU, Ali Express GPU, budget gaming PC, gaming benchmarks, 3DMark Time Spy, Helldivers 2, 1080p gaming, PC build guide, PC components, gaming performance, gaming setup, DIYPC ARGB Q3, Sama ARGB Q5
Id: xrishW8vElY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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