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why did you just TP everyone oh my gosh excited what is that did you actually TP everyone she peed everyone oh my gosh okay well we're gonna look at all the skin not laugh but this is a little bit different fan edition yo welcome to Minecraft Got Talent this is basically America's Got Talent America's Got Idol me and Musa the judges we got hundreds of fans online on the squad see if you guys want to join the server definitely be sure to hop on and you can be a part of videos like this so what she told the first place back over there why don't you go and do this let's go with the first person objectiveness you guys gotta make a slap in our future video stuff and there it is gonna work there is tons of barrier blocks between years and the fans cannot attack the judges okay if they do not make us laugh then they gotta go or they might do something I have an interesting commitment I'll show you guys it's hilarious so it's gonna be funny you know you couldn't you get next just like America's Got John or Americans I don't what you have we haven't even started yet but guys also I want you guys to comment in the comment section below who has the funniest skin out of all these fans that are going just behind here who has the funniest skin calm at their username in the comment section below so who is this okay we got our first contestant right here this is a three I think he's kind of confused on what's going on we told everyone on the server what's happening by the way oh he's actually doing it look he's dog dukey yo he's actually doing it we told everyone on the server what's going on [Laughter] [Applause] give me a chin check well what does it say on the back this is Patrick oh my god you guys have some this is the first skin but dude I'm sorry you gotta go cuz we got to get to the next person I'm sorry was so young alright so I saw sundew oh it's not dead I'll go back okay there we go dude you definitely get a point that was hilarious let's teleport in the next person leave a like if we should do this more often this is honestly a lair to the next person okay I wonder if they're gonna act like the last person are they okay alright here trying to teleport another person I guess just leave that guy there till you notice just hope or someone else Elmo Elmo senior Elmo sir okay leave him there teleport another person yeah we'll just wait till they come not afk [Laughter] welcome to the do not laugh Minecraft Got Talent oh there's the other guy he's like wait wait I didn't mean to go out on stage yet geez they're gonna gonna keep my act together first right I'm a rainbow in speaker ear that or he saw me and he probably just peed himself what do you think look that's that's better okay I'm sorry boys you don't you don't get a lampshade for that one alright next one thank you it alright we got the next person they come [Laughter] said on your head how does it even in store it Dora the explora you know personally dude I always I always hated aurita dude I can't I can't deal with Dora bro that was good though alright I'll give him one I'll give him a W on that one it's pretty good we've never seen any of these skins guys these are all just random people that are on the server all right master protector thank you for the science dude okay all right now it's not bad you were you were on the verge of getting a point but you got a point dude you were pretty good all right how should we kill this time great job don't worry buddy it's gonna be okay we're good we're gonna get through this all right what is this knock back 50 fish Oh Shi oh he's not back fishing knock back there oh Jesus moose come on all right we're getting it through this together buddy I promise he's looking up duty scared for his life there we go all right next person I'll give that guy a point we got next we have oh it's just flying sure get behind the barriers yeah I'm pretty sure he was just yeah he's got a water bucket in his hand he's like dude I was just trying to farm here what is this what what is this bro dude he has no idea what the flips going on he's absolutely no idea oh he's taking off his skin Oh what do we got Yoshi that's funny okay water Yoshi do you like giant fish tanks no that's how to do it moose will give them one point I'm not gonna get one point sorry yoshi got prank Zilla I know it's like the best items breaking blocks check on that one away for wait yeah this guy's got faces on all sides of his head I love how all the spaces are different like the front of his face just dirt and then the his the top of his head is like a happy face and the underside is like Happy's again oh that's hilarious dude alright again a big old point for that one dude let's suffocate him a diamond so to set diamond that sounds like a savage idea he's suffocating guys if anything he died in a very efficient the contestants no no no no no it's just you know we can we can do as I do there we go Oh next contestant died he ran are you he's unpredictable you look like you've been awake for the past like ten thousand years almost you're almost your eyeballs are almost bigger than mine here I'll give you something to look at here there you go [Laughter] what is this oh I don't know oh yeah [Laughter] what do they want the one under the chin is the best I can't I can't I can't yeah I'm giving oh yeah there was a point on that one okay yo TP I got I got something yo damn it you casita oh there's no Jenny dammit you could sit down you go yeah no no it's because the castilla it's close enough take him over here maybe will freak us out okay dude your time's up damn oh my god yo you got a TP cold flame that skin looks hilarious yes hold Wayne oh boy there's gonna be something then oh no we got multiple how do we communicate this is my life form I don't know in here this is how poor that other guy you just swallow everything yeah okay you know I'll give them all points for that that was wonderful okay I say we do a couple more people this is absolutely hilarious though like I said guys leave a like if you want to see us do this again on the server and with you guys awesome Lugo whale beluga where I swear this guy has a whale skin I'm gonna be so done please don't tell me okay wait let me give him water maybe maybe he's drowning he's drowning moose he's a whale oh my gosh she's afk though just that guy dude I'm him I think it's pretty good like well Oh how does a whale suffocate here I doesn't make any sense yeah let me help let me help there we go oh where to wait give to people oh no oh no I'm looking for some funny Oh what are you what is that laughing oh well why don't you just TP everyone oh my gosh what is that you actually TP everyone you cheap eat everyone oh my gosh okay well we're gonna look at all the skins why is there an injured dragon here oh geez oh this okay do not laugh with thousands of fans yo okay all right look for the funniest skin let's go where is it oh oh I got in speakable skin on the back of Preston I go what don't care if you see any funny ones we should like TPM out here and like stare at them like just pick out like the really funny ones and we'll just stare at them yeah I'm pretty sure we did we're literally playing ado nah I'm trying to pick out the funny skins but I can't even see any wounds because there's so many people this guy no exit dude oh this one we have a cold flame again keep you here cold flame we got a lot of people flying around and stuff Oh what is that what is it Patrick what okay oh oh nice nice got kids oh wait what is this guy hold on this guy's looks hilarious where do you go oh I lost them yes yes major yeah he has a major chin this guy has a major chin hello so she told me show me that chin I know oh my gosh Patrick fireworks up now all right moose this was honestly ridiculous dude that's that is really that one better than I expect this was insane oh wait hold on I see like someone with a giant and speakable mouth again look at this oh wait no I think I can do it I'm pretty sure we broke the server and I'm pretty sure that you guys join the server if you want to be in more videos like this guys I have the IP down in the description me moose both do you guys wanna join the server and be in videos like this so this is awesome we host a lot wait what what the flip is that all right here I have an idea let's just get rid of everyone real quick I got this moose we're just gonna we're just gonna toss cacti I want to thank you guys all so much for watching moose take us in this beautiful snow what do you want to see next the comments down below yeah if you do want to be in the upcoming crazy fan videos with Nathan I just enjoy playing scrubs you've done that how could fans know about when we do these videos okay very simple if you guys want to know how we do these videos number one you got to be on the server this server is where we're gonna start filming all these fan videos we're gonna do them all the time fan baths 500 fans versus death run all this crazy stuff if you guys want to be in videos but to know when we're filming it we need you guys to follow us on social media now we're not saying to follow us on social media just because we want more followers but that's where we post we're going live we just look I post an Instagram photo let me show you guys I posted Instagram Instagram Twitter community posts on YouTube I posted an Instagram video right there announcing what I was doing the IP I was letting you guys know hey we're filming - do not laugh hop on the server you can be in the video and that's how all these people got on the servers so exams let you guys know but yeah that's that's pretty much that so what you name it I'll get you guys monitor brain in micro video [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 3,864,771
Rating: 4.9068885 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: ldrkmR7FsYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2018
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