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hey what's good guys today with moose and shark do not laugh challenge started leave it like this video let's go so moose is going first also guys check out everyone's channel in the description and be sure to click the subscribe button and click the bell next notified when we all upload and you can check out their perspectives but moose is gonna be going first it will not last the objective of this hey I think I'm moose we're not ready let's explain everyone is watching so the objective of this just so we all know and everyone that's watching those moose has to try to make us laugh if he makes both of us left then he succeeds and yeses and he gets the thumbs up if he just laughs then he fails so if we fail yeah and we both have two laps guys do laugh okay exactly ever the light will go on show that we enjoy them yes you can do anything you want okay like whatever you want you're going to slap take your exam but don't take too much time to take all those stress on a relaxing tonight okay here we go [Music] after 20 seasons hopefully my craft oh yeah dude I mean I'll have to yeah let us know guys all right moosh you ready for this don't laugh I do don't laugh think of anything Nathan what are you doing back there you're like you okay did you fall to the toilet bro hang on hang on guys just um all right so uh ladies gentlemen if you pay attention to the front of the screen here see then there is unspeakable has turned into something else he's still green but ladies and gentlemen he is I'm gonna I'm just I don't know what to - I don't know what to think about that um kind of uncomfortable looks like a flower what is wrong with you yeah like literally like I'm I'm concerned for your mental health when you do not did you not no not not not really no no not at all ma'am yeah yeah sorry just like we're we're scared for you we have to take you into like a like a hospital now man you kind of look like a breathing flower yeah it's like they want us to go back there just like not come back you know yo guys guys you know what lava cakes are right I mean yeah sure you like lava cakes you want to know um what happens to lava cakes you know what do you what do you have what happens a lot well you see maybe maybe don't tell me I don't want to I mean you kind of explode about you do you know which is going at explosive diarrhea okay man if you're not supposed to do I don't you doing yeah oh thank you oh oh end of go crazy - because you all the sugar and three two one go wait sure you gotta go do yours go behind this so here we go so hey there guys today we're gonna play some minecraft okay now let me just go back here real quick and I just want to introduce you to my friend Marla okay Marla is a very nice model your xqr I know Marla is my undiscovered sister you guys cannot laugh that's not good you can't laugh okay all I ask you just don't laugh okay because if I'm not laughing you're not laughing she's gonna get really really offended if you do laughing Keys problems okay [Music] turn make us laugh dude it's all all you it's all unknown oppression just yeah we'll go when you're ready me another constipated sound 200 years and 30 updates minecraft 60 5.0 is out all right guys you ready but stop stop blinking happy you weird thing you creep do not do now let me put you on mic on Cree's compilation I call this diamonds everywhere cuz Robin is wait [Music] my other game it's my it's my turn now so okay real quick take the only way I mean bigger slack if you start laughing then we also know okay this is a classic are you both ready for this I'm ready [Music] alright you got another one I don't know if I can handle another one doc y'all don't even know you ready this is the new and improved beauty queen 3000 her name is Darla let's fix up the stage here we got more contestants you're not the word just saw but I'm gonna be hot let me sleep Imaging me thinking of Sharkboy I don't know how you gonna one-up that one mousse but I'll definitely give you a light for that one how are you doing [Music] now for my fighter performance I shall be coming something beautiful I'm thick like oh nice shot boy I said raining because I was a bad joke Sark no wait for it hey shake you know what some of these big bite you taste like chicken noodle soup with a side tackle cheese you just you just lick the drool off my off my chin how's that make you feel you got points for that one what look at me you look at me my eyes and you look at me my big fat derpy eyes and you tell me I'm not beautiful you're not beautiful you're not really ugly you're really ugly you're not beautiful next one you get one you get you get one you got one all right go it's my turn it's my turn it's my turn boys stress about it we just have a couple more excuse me ladies and gentlemen ladies you like you guys hear me can you guys hear me yes we can hear you [Music] [Music] all right how is that did I get both you guys laughing did I get both of you guys yes yes you did oh good so I got both of you guys twice in a row that means I'm doing good everything doing good okay so here's my next one guys um this is my best friend named Jerry Jerry Oh quite tall and he talks very weird so please do not make fun of him you guys okay please just just okay get ready okay hey what's going on guys my name is Jerry you want to buy some hot cakes you're still blinking I'm scared you see me but I can hear big guy you see me blinking you feeding me blinking I'm watching you you got something on your and your forehead gets stage no I can't it's gonna happen gonna go down here now [Music] it's not for me man no for me dude the Jerry not press you nah not seen too much I think we've seen enough today honest you have another one you have another one if you want to get yeah not that peanut butter jelly one dog okay this last one to put it you see I don't really know did you know something I don't know what else to say about this one man other than what are you doing [Music] you know get out well you have to use 50 you only need a one piece of TNT everyone is not everyone is not comedy Friday no one is no no no no no no it's guns were fighting right in here we go my dudes this better be good yeah there's better be good sound once ok it's silent okay let's Marty laughing a shark hello am I in the right location am I am I on the water it's just some really crazy looking water let me try to just okay you were too fat for the boat mm-hmm I'm I'm just I'm not fat I am thick this is why I can't I'm gonna become a real Paro and I'll grow up mama told me that I could be more than a pirate I can be a Chubby's pirate of them all with a small head bed you have a big brain I'll see you guys my mouth my mouth too nice you most definitely got to be guys I will see you guys on the other side I'll be the fattest pirate and the Chubby's one of all cuz I'm [Laughter] [Laughter] here we go boys so I'm gonna do last ones does anyone have any more jokes to have shark I said I said you were know [Music] do you have one more or in have one more one more who says one more so I'm gonna go once more and moose is gonna go are you though and that's gonna be pretty much that that's gonna be okay that's gotta be all hang on boys let me let me choose so um boys um what do you guys like that stop Ripley a desert love cakes ever seen anything ever ever seen man you know that I am a man I would like to offer you some of my next level chocolate chip mumbo jumbo cookies all you have to do is here here hang on let me put one on my back check this out oh yeah see it's the size of me look at that this is our best one for sale right now and a priced a very low only $19.99 here argue let you guys try samples here sample for you okay they are all you want me to feed it to you have to do is apply our website we have many cookies for sale this is one of them again let me put it on my back as you can see it's cookie is okay that's okay I'm gonna walk through here you guys ever seen those no way hot your I got a better way your hands to go turn around moose turn around moose around go back go back [Music] let's do this alright ready just get really close to your microphones guys we go okay okay ready I really comes to our microphone really really close I'm getting very very close to my microphone okay I'm very close to my microphone as well how hair on your hair brush your hair boy guys please you're mocking me actually real yo I thought you won't believe it man hair boys actually real dude I just saw him oh I don't know um oh good one good but I actually did see her Brian joke's on you moose how about I bring you on my servant I'll prove it to you okay do it we'll do it well that's that guys thank you all so much watching now before you guys go I want you guys to go to someone's comment section who you think was the best if you think was the best go to his comment section and comments here's the best if you think I was the best come to my comment section and comment unspeakable was the best if you think mousse was the best go to mooses comment section and comment moose with the best who do you think was the funniest if you guys want to see if you guys want us to do more do not laugh be sure to leave a like on this video showing your support yeah also subscribe to everyone links in the description and we will check you guys out or to check you guys out tell you guys we will see you guys tomorrow in a brand new Minecraft video yes rest of your day take care who just got stuck in my chair [Music]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 8,086,586
Rating: 4.9228373 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakale, mod, gaming, game, custom, mini game, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, chellenge, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, minecraft trolling, funny, moments, funny moments, prank, pranks, no cursing, herobrine, minecraft herorbine, troll, parody, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft
Id: 2CaYx2cGtis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2017
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