Killing EVERY Boss in Blox Fruits with their BUILD

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this is every boss in the entire game I'll be going one by one and matching their stats and build in order to defeat them but hear me out this isn't going to be your typical beat every boss video like every YouTuber has done there's a Twist not only if I die to any of these bosses will I be giving a fan their dream permanent fruit but also I will be assisting a player in getting a drop of the weapon or item from the boss I die to so for example if I die to the reaper I'll help a player get his dream fruit but also assist them in getting the hollow Scythe that is dropped from the reaper cool I of course have no problem assisting players but when it comes to buying permanent fruits I should be saving my Robux I'm saving for the huge giveaway at 1 million Subs so that's why I'll be struggling to the best of my ability to not lose to these bosses starting all the way back in the firsty we have the gorilla King this gorilla King is going down I'm only using combat it's Mastery 600 so I might be doing a little bit extra damage but let's see how this goes also my stats are 25 in melee defense and block box for you let's do it come on how come he has an aura around his hands I'm not using an aura because I don't think I you get one at this level can't get cond down okay there we go now let's see what's the next boss so next up we got Bobby it seems like he's using the cutless weapon he of course used the chop fruit and he's also level 55 so I'm going to put my stats into the sword fruit and defense to match him all right let's do it come on buggy show me what you got oh what oh he does the Tak sword damage okay we got to use the fruit oh this is easy this is light work that's too easy all right now we're at the oh hold on bro let me finish speaking bro chill we're at the saw now I thought I should let you guys know that we're not going after every boss we're not doing the ice Admiral in the first SE because I'm not getting a whole account to fight him listen you might say I'm not dedicated to this video but listen I just went back and spent the last 20 minutes resetting all my weapons to have no enchant on them so well they are are upgraded but they also have no enchant and I can't completely reset them but you know what I mean you know what I'm trying to say and my guns too but at least for this fight we're going to be using the shark saw this boss still has the old ones okay wait he's actually doing quite a bit boom and he's done get out of here all right so now we're at the yeti this boss is only 10 levels ahead of the last one we just fought but the thing is this is kind of like a upgraded Grill King because it also uses just combat also you can see my stats here I'm not lying I'm not lying about what my stats are all right you know what let's just just get this over with all right let's see how we can do this oh he's kind of oh okay hold on we're scrapping it up okay yeah that's huge good thing I didn't get caught that time come on yes so this is the mob leader it only uses a katana these are my stats let's get on with it prepare to die this guy's slow this guy's a piece of cake see I'll just stand yeah you're get out of here dog water I've heard someone say say dog Wonder forever all right so this one's a bit more interesting it's 10 more levels up this time where it drops an accessory that I could wear we're also using triple Katana the default one all right come on show me what the Marines got for the raid bosses I'm going to have to do become a max level or else it's just no Fighting Chance at all okay let me I'm actually okay that was that was just as easy next up is saber he are the stats but there he is using only the saber sword hopefully the remodel of it comes in soon cuz it kind of looks like a foam sword right now but anyways we got to take you out come on Yo actually he kind of hurt come on use your skill I'll Dodge it oh we didn't dodge it yo did he just heal to Max why' he do that oh my did we really die to that I'll hold my end of the deal but let me try that again for my own sake he's already half Health see this guy's light work I don't know why I struggled so much before okay we we killed him but I still got to hold my end of the deal what is your favorite fruit yes fruit bro I'm what which okay as per like in Abner haste since you have the light fruit I'm going to just assume that's your favorite one listen light fruit is a good fruit actually hold on just to make it a little bit more even we'll also give you a Buddha because that'll help you grind cool cool so light for the first SE Buddha for the second there you go but we also have one more thing to do all right here we go boom boom there's a boss come on no don't die don't die Oh my he just flung like a rocket he definitely got credit for that let's move on next up we got the warden yeah he only uses dual Katana so cool I guess all right I'm going to mess you up oh that's a cool skill yeah you're done okay and right next to the warden we have the chief Warden also this is my stats in case you didn't believe me sword defense and melee and then equip the warden sword let's not waste any time oh that's sick and right next to that boss is Swan the first C version of Da Swan he uses the spider fruit so we're going to put points at the spider defense and uh let's do melee too he also has the pink coat all right let's do it oh this is light work he isn't hit me once oh I just did a nasty combo there let me try that again Z b x oh and I didn't get them finished all right we're already here at the next Island uh he uses the Marine coat my stats and the magma fruit oh okay he's ready to fight I missed already no no it only got hit by one of those boom get out of here clapped literally here we got the fisherman Lord all right so we're using Tred it is it the one with the crazy hit boxes I know this boss has two forms so I feel like this might be a little bit tricky but let's just try try not to die oh he's already like taking mad damage wait I can just m one him oh he transformed he transformed come and get me yeah I'm going keep running just to make sure I don't die oh look at you dummy dead you're done all right we finally made it to Skylands here with whisper he only uses a bazooka so this is our first time using points into the gun slot wait he only uses his fist okay even still I'm going to use the Bazooka cuz he drops it oh he's done for he's so low die just die that's no he's one Health see oh my God I got overconfident no I have to get someone another fruit and help them get a rocket launcher bro hi what's your favorite fruit I do not know okay how about this do you have the bazooka gun come let's kill the boss so you can get it come on let's do it I'm going help you yeah get him boy did you get credit for that I don't know did you get it again finish him did you get it now no epen I'm not playing any games with you hold on now take this epen so we can get this moving along how about now n nothing bro nice oh I got it how about now no n few more times I don't think you got it I'm making a new rule I'm giving everyone up to five chances maybe three to get the drop because we're already at 10 kills now I think and it's taking forever come on finish him last one get him please tell me you got him it's okay thanks he didn't get it but he's pretty nice I'm going let's give him I don't know does he have light I'll give him a permanent version of that we're just going to give this guy another Buddha as well for his hard work boom enjoy that but now we're here at the Thunder God this guy's level 575 this is my St that the good thing about this boss actually is that he uses multiple things we got this accessory we got the pole first form and then we got the rumble so we have a lot to use as our utility so hopefully we don't die there's no way we could die right oh I forgot to put stats in for energy okay this might be a little bit of a problem boom yo that takes up so much energy yo no wonder you live up in the clouds you can't be on the ground at the same level as me get out of here next up we got cyborg he level 675 these are my stats and I did put points at the Block Roots because I'm thinking since there's no really Fart fighting style or nothing like that I thought I'd use something that's also green like his farts like the barrier fruit just to switch it up a bit and make it even yeah let's get our way to the second seed cyborg boom yo maybe I should have used a different fruit I only chose green cuz I like the color green and his farts are green see that's what I'm talking about disgusting you should be ashamed of yourself Yo go to a toilet bro all right we beat the final boss of the first seat it's time to make our way to the second we finally made it after all those bosses I don't know why there's so many bosses in the first scene compared to the second and the third but at least these bosses do get harder and their builds are a little bit more interesting so now we get to have some more real and fun serious fights the first boss of the second scene Diamond he drops a long sword so we're going to be using and that these are our stats wait what what happened what why what just happened oh I had op fun on okay I turned it off yo this ball kind of do taking no damage what are my stats like again oh wait can I refund mid battle I put my points at the blocks for some reason sword boom boom bam all right oh now he's taking damage okay I thought I died for a second but we beat it yo these bosses are getting a whole lot tougher already next is Jeremy he drops a black spiky coat so we'll be using that for this fight and his fruit yo spring is a kind of cool fruit I feel like a pro could use this and actually make work with it we beat it of course okay next up is fajita he only has the gravity fruit and uses the gravity cane these are my stats I changed it up a bit I split melee and sword down the middle and then I maxed out my defense and my blocks fruit cool like it cool let's go o combo oh no he interrupted me all right he's about to die final combo oh no he didn't get finished off there we go easy round two with Don Swan himself see I would use a pink spiky eill bro who's your Barber yo man I feel bad for you let me just take you out and end your misery here but listen as I was saying he drops the swan glasses accessories so we're using them I don't know what what they do they give me some kind of buff we're also going to be using the waken spider to defeat him these are my stats oh he's no he's already four of Health basically yo he just flash stepped okay he's almost dead he's almost dead he's almost dead oh I dodged that last attack all right we beat him smoke admiral has 10,000 HP less than the boss we just fought he also used the jit fruit and these are going to be my stats boom perfect let's do it oh that's not what I remember the move doing oh I have no stamina I keep forgetting about this oh yeah he's already half Health this guy's a piece of cake yo stop blinding me dude what how no boss can do a jump like that okay well we beat him anyways now listen usually I would be fighting this guy with fire like Dragon Talon but for the sake of this video we got to be using that Wick and Ice fruit why is my moves not going okay oh he froze me he's almost half Health yo that move has to be Aimbot oh he's dead boom oh and we got the library key final boss of the second scene well we do have dark beard but we're going to come back from towards the end of the video after we clear out the third seat boset same thing with greaty beard I didn't forget about him but here's the thing tiek keeper has 105,000 health I don't know how I'm going to do this I don't know if I should Target a CB should I just like play it slow and then kind of play smart the whole time or what but I guess I'll figure it out right now because I'm only using oh wait wait oh yo I almost forgot to put my stats and we're good let's go oh oh the good thing about that move is that it's a huge hit boox wait what's up with my damage yo bro I forgot to do it again I put it in the wrong slot boom boom boom there we go oh yeah now we're doing damage all right there's a CB should I go after that oh I don't know it's only 20,000 Health oh yeah I got it I got it it hurts me much yo where'd it go come back here yo bro I don't think you could run from me oh my yo he aimed me towards the water that was mad smart oh maybe I can get the boss and the CBS in the same attack right here yeah okay there we go yeah go back to the water all right this boss is also yo oh chill he became a menace suddenly cuz I killed his pet there's no way you tamed multiple CVS no way oh yeah hold on hold on I got one of my own do they fight each other that'd be so sick oh he does help me yo I should have thought of this the whole time okay but I got to get the C Beast boom perfect now we just got this boss yo wait what is this method I'm doing this little dashing thing whoa hold on yo check me out out boom Oh I destroyed him did you see that towards the end and I got a water key whatever that is good job boy you're free to go home it's time for the third SE let's go we made it to the third SE we only have so few bosses left and then the raid bosses which I'm 100% sure I'm going to die on so I going to have to help people and give away more perm fruits and then spend more robu regardless we're here to defeat every boss that we can to the most prominent effort that we have to offer starting with stone no he's not made of stone he releases bombs at you but he also drops a pilot helmet which is pretty good actually really like the pilot helmet I just wish I could toggle off how it looked cuz of how fast it makes you look at it that just looks so weird but anyways he's a level 1550 boss and these are what my stats are going to be we're going to do fruit of course defense and melee simple let's get started so let me start actually by let me prepare a bit let me prepare some bomb some landmines all right unfortunately for this boss he did not know about the awakened bomb technique come here there we go walk through all of them and sacrifice yourself for the greater good oh my God he's not even taking that much damage I wonder if the tiny bombs are better because they're so close together for this final move I call P wait he just okay okay that didn't that didn't work it didn't work I was too scared that he's going to kill me come on he's so close nice we got him next up Island Empress she's another boss that only uses a gun so these are my stats whatever her level is into melee defense and gun and oh this this is pretty easy okay whoa is that the love fruit wait if I can use the love fruit why am I using the serpent bow oh you know what oh she does already started okay boom oh and we got the serpent bow again I guess that's a reward for using the serpent bow in the first place here at the great tree we have the kilo Admiral uh we used to have a fruit called kilo fruit and we don't anymore rocket replace place this so that's what I have to be using for this fight here the rocket F this boss is level 1750 and these are my stats I got a melee defensive blocks let's go yo this challenge is a piece of cake I don't need to give out any more fruits past this point cuz there's no way I die any more than this she's almost dead finally only maybe three hits away boom two hits okay hey yo tell me why I look up the stats of this boss and he has double what the last boss just had and not only that I can only use the Twin Hooks a single sword to defeat him this is going to take forever yo there's just no way his X always hits I'm about to die no bro there's no way okay we're actually doing kind of good hopefully this boss doesn't start healing for whatever reason it's already a half Health yo that was the first time I seen that boss use that tornado move I didn't I don't remember seeing it use it till just now oh now you want to just Spam it oh my God that took forever bro oh would you look at here another boss that only uses one weapon and only has two skills okay these are my stats 1950 cuz that's the boss's level and the fact that this boss has more HP in total than the last one with only so few levels above that oh my I don't know I just don't know my brain is squished y that hurts I got to get distance on this guy okay you know what let me stop getting close to him let me stop getting close to him I I could get a couple M1 slide but no no it has a second phase I forgot all about it I thought I was about to win shinging shinging shinging my God God we're almost dead but he's almost dead too oh it's almost there come on yes oh my god oh this's is get tsha wait doesn't tsha have like way less Health okay this is going to be our like our resting boss fight boom those are our Stats come on tsha I'mma kill you I'm going get you over with okay chill out yo what skill is that yo this boss has way less Health but it's really damaging me a lot did it just heal bro for what what just cuz I stopped attacking you for one second bro oh my God okay he's almost half be heals I swear screw it I never said I couldn't do it I just said I had to match their builds y this is way better wait I feel like wait I'm way low I'm way low I can't stop attacking them or else they just heal again don't heal please yes we're in the final stages of these bosses if you don't expect me to use V4 you're crazy I'm still still going to die you think I'm going to be able to defeat do king maybe I will get have to watch it end to see okay for this fight K Queen she uses spirit and Buddy swords I think I'm mainly going to be using fruit so I think I'll just do I think this is the math if I got it wrong I'm sorry probably by like one point you know what oh we got our spirits up too so that's perfect go Spirits get more okay well technically she's not using spear but still technically she does use spear you know what I mean so it's not cheating yo actually I'm still dying okay we're half Heth we got to be careful but she's half he too so hold on yo I just hate that skill the one that knocks you back 10 miles cuz of that buddy SW and it hurts when she does it oh my God oh my God oh my God no chance we die here come on come on where is she please die oh my God my race ability saved me I think the race ability heals me a bit well that was the final boss of the third SE except for soul Reaper cuz that's a raid boss but now we must face the raid bosses themselves and I'm 100% sure we're going to lose to them starting all the way back into the first C graybeard all right as I mentioned before gry beard is level 750 but it's a raid boss it has 300,000 health so make it fair I'm going to make myself max level oh also I got to fix myself stats I think we'll do melee half melee half sword cool let's start with a full tsunami did I pronounce that wrong I did okay but this guy's a piece of cake does he do any damage oh he does some damage all right he's halfway dead I got to be careful cuz my health is getting low oh snap and the water's right there oh bro you're stuck in the corner someone called Life Alert bro you're stuck on the ground bro that old man of a boss cannot get up as if his own life life depended on it literally next up is dark beard so here I'm actually going to refund my points and put all of them to block shots and then just melee cuz I need the stamina and we're using unawakened dark we're going to destroy him the power of Darkness on our side all let's go he's about the same Health as gry beard but the thing is I'm only using dark fruit now I'm not using a sword as well as long as I just manage to avoid his attacks I'll be fine and if I kill him in time too if I don't kill him in time that's considered lost okay he's getting some hits off us that's not good all right he only has 100,000 Health left oh it do take forever I don't want to run out of time I got to hurry come on now he has only 10,000 Health left oh my God come on I feel like he could despawn any second now for how long this has taken me come on stop stunting me let me just get two more hits off you boom bam B we did it let yes yes yes I felt bro we've been fighting for like 9 minutes I think he's going to respawn any second at that point but next we got order all right before we go in let's prepare for the fight so we need control we need the zebra hat and then we also need Coco so I think for my stats I'm going to do the same thing as last time I just refunded it half into melee half into sword perfect this is also time so we probably should avoid using skills that have like long attack sequences like that ultimate oh and this is going to be hard to hit with the skills actually maybe not we're hitting them just fine and I say that but here I am still using the ultimate but he's still he's kind of dying he's almost a quarter way dead but maybe it's fine maybe it's fine I don't know I feel like if they focus this boss on actually doing damage then being annoying and moving around then it would feel more like a threat oh oh my God I can't even hit this dude there I got him he's almost dead there we go no way I missed that there we go one more hit one more hit one more hit with Echo where is he boom no yes we got him he's dead GG oh let's go a finally but that is not the last second C boss there is still the cursed Captain okay so for this boss we're only going to be using sword defense and melee because we're using just the midnight blade and yeah where'd he go yo did he just portal out of here oh what the yo he just swapped places with me he was under me just now oh you saw that I dodged okay I'm half out okay he's almost dead 22,000 Health left I got this in the bag this guy's nothing this guy has less Health than the past two bosses boom boom dead easy GG let's go third C raid bosses I'm about to die I'm scared I'm pretty sure I'm going to die on these three raid bosses so I'm going to just do them in a row if I do die I'll reward people after I've defeated the raid bosses for the third if I do defeat them I mean there's not not really much I can do with my stats here it's pretty much the same thing just using the hollow site ah all right we'll just see where this goes his health bar is pretty much the same amount as uh typical boss so I don't know maybe maybe we could do something it's definitely possible oh look at us yo he's not breaking our Dodges yo wait that's kind of clean now if he can't break my observation okay never mind he broke it he's below half oh we're going to m one him oh no I got too eager oh my God bro I fumbled that I definitely could have killed him but I just like I got too impatient see I could have just beat him if I was just a little bit bit more patient there's I had plenty of time all right well we lost we got a holy crown at least even though I already had that okay now you might call me a cheat you might call me a liar if you look at this boss's level he's level 5,000 so for that I got to match his stats here's the thing he only uses a dark blade so how much can I really use how much can I really do to him not a lot and he has two forms don't forget that I don't think I'm even going to be able to beat him but I'm just going to use the level 5,000 to even just try to even try to get an effort in boom boom boom all right let's do it okay he was ready wait why did he just take no damage oh we're brawling it out we're M oneing each other okay stage one for this boss is pretty easy he don't do nothing it's stage two that we got to worry about come on I at least want to get him to second phase if I get him to second phase I'll be proud there he goes okay second phase ouch oh my God whoo okay I never stood a chance the whole fight was one-sided you know what I don't care anymore I'm I'm not going to be able to beat you all right we're going to take this fight here where I have plenty of open space spawn doing what this level max level he has a million bro okay equip D awaken D spiky Trident or yeah as for my stats let's do uh of course D defense we're just going to do all of it into melee I don't know why I'm preparing like I'm going to beat this thing I'm definitely not but I'm going to put up a valiant effort okay cool let me start off with a crazy combo what he interrupted me yo bro I'm already about to die I got to get him at least quarter please by myself come on now I can do that how are you what how did you interrupt my barage there's no way what no [Music] yes my okay we didn't even get a CT of his health let me end off this video let me help some people before we do the outro let's go Pizza I believe in you we can get you to scy oh he got it yes nice okay we'll give him portal cuz everyone could use a portal in her life and let's do kid soon why not who needs Dark Death dagger let's defeat him together all right did anyone get it yo they did on their first try nice okay does anyone need spiky Trident this is the for the final one maias ma matus needs spiky tridon listen we're going to be killing this do king together also Wong I got a fruit for you because I lost the Indra do you have kitu perm no you don't so we're going to give you that portal fruit too boom now we got one more person to take care of ouch okay all right this boss is about to die cuz I'm just going to end up one-shotting it right here where is it boom spiky Trident pale scarf now I'm pretty sure everyone that fought this thing just got it too so that was for Mathias matthus so he he was just using Buddha should we give him a per Buddha if he doesn't have it okay he doesn't okay let's just do anyway boom then a portal and then finally how about control let's do control boom okay I gave you an extra one because I'm happy that this video is over if you guys like this video and you want to see more stuff like this or you have any ideas um sorry this video was kind of long but if you liked it uh then maybe like and comment down below and yeah thank you for watching staying to the end and I'll see you next one bye
Channel: Uzoth
Views: 394,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, admin, dragon talon, blox fruits admin, roblox, new fruits, noob, trolling, troll, indra, blox fruits update, blox fruits troll, update 20, gamer robot, mygame43, blox fruits live, roblox blox fruits, no cursing, family friendly, blox fruit, anime, race v4, 3rd sea, admin alt, 1st sea, dragon talon trainer, challenge, exploiter, cheater, sanguine art, leviathan, codes, guide, Kitsune, New Fruit, Giveaway, Dragon, Update 22, Blox Fruits Update 22, Admin, TDB, TTY, Trolling, Troll
Id: SifgTzZz5QE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 48sec (1728 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.