I became a MASTER at PVP in Blox Fruits

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each and every time I try to PVP it ends in misery and listen if you watched the I captur the block TRS admin killer video recently you would know I set up a challenge to my killer that he had to face me in the final Challenge and I had an extra 1,000 levels and you know what it turned out to be the easiest challenge for him because I was just that bad at PVP until today I scurried the ls and gathered the top pvpers in the world of block and had them teach me tips and tricks to succeeding in PvP as various different combos so I can no longer just be a pleed on the battlefield this not only will help me prevent the crazy comments you have about my PVP skills but also help in preparation for the future battle against the midnight Scourge admin zis now if you also want to learn PvP with me make sure you watch to the end and pick up some notes also make sure to like the video and comment down some of your favorite combos you like to use so I can maybe copy them I don't know anyways let's get into it they're waiting for me and here is the first PVP Master F 999 here in the flesh greetings I am ready for my training to be as good as you you hasn't seen my level like this before level 50,000 listen I won't be fighting like this trust don't worry so I'm using this build that has an OP combo which is Dragon Talon do shark anchor and soul guitar let me equip that real quick so do shark anchor and soul guitar out yo what the barely anything happened if we just got demolished we died in like2 seconds okay so we're about to learn this combo go high level all right so they're just going to test it on me I think that move that move uh oh my God okay that was like 50 moves so first is not letting me off easy I got to really learn like a 50 move combo I'm pretty sure with cyborg V3 it's unescapable so people can't escape this combo once it's started I'm really a noob at PVP so I'm really asking questions like this cyber V3 negates their movement cuz I don't know how else it would make them Escape or not be able to escape oh cyberg V3 deactivates their observation okay oh my God bro if I didn't regen my health so much at this level I would have died probably like five times over at a normal max level so it's do v shark anchor Z Talon x and z shark X oh my god there there is so much to remember so boom uh uh uh uh uh uh uh Z move I I missed up already I I was like so I was pausing the moment I was like uh my brain was stuttering so you got to use the Z move right on top of yourself so that that way you can um hit them with the Ember X and then the Z move so these K Queens of my training dummies let me see if I can get this right do X from the sky it goes here boom braging them over here Z oh my God I'm messing up that little transition's hard okay x v come on that's so hard no okay you know what let me try again I got to keep trying this is like first training regimen these impossible combos oh oh oh we hit it oh I got I got scared so I just started spamming moves after that use me as NPC just go to like level th000 so we're going to be using Furs a testing dummy this no we missed the Z let me try that again I hit it that time but I forgot what comes after that so after that after you land that it's the shark anchor X do this move and then the C move for de okay you got to be fast with the X as well I believe oh my goodness okay let me try [Music] again oh they got sent so [Music] far [Music] oh I almost hit that I almost hit that let me try again yes oh I hit them but they died right before I'm getting closer to pulling off this combo oh here we go here we go we're hitting it oh and then see boom we did it we just hit that whole combo we didn't kill them because we're level 1,000 but we just we nailed it only thing I forgot was the cyborg V3 move but still we hit it I got to do it twice in a row the cyborg V3 is the most important part oh my God first say it's the most important that I definitely can't forget it oh no another one what the I don't know what I'm doing let me Focus let me release my chi I got to meditate I'm ready all right I'm ready skill one I missed we hit it we hit it we hit it we hit it press C yes I didn't hit that last skill how oh they died see I told you once I meditate I'm good okay now let me do that twice in a row oh my God I was don't be so up cuz Z won't get me so when you're using the shark anchor Z go ground level cuz it won't attack them you can't be in the air when you do it this gotcha let's go I hit it again nice we hit it we beat the combo I got to ask this so what are some other General tips you might have for PVP like in the midst of battle you can't always land your combo like what do you look out for the little things that might help you mostly about what are you fighting what do you mean like their build it's the most important part watching out for what their build is if you're fighting something like dragon or like a dragon you can't stay on the ground that's true so you got to be in the air because it's really hard to to hit you got to be in the sky because dragon has a lot of Splash damage but when you're in the sky you're much harder to hit same with sand so different things like that like you got to you got to make sure what you're looking out for I don't know why I'm speaking like I know what I'm talking about just playing for example if you fight someone with this combo dop plus shark anchor combo starts at Ground And if you miss it you can't get a lot of damage plus this build has no Mobility that's true you can't get around as much oh so being a portal for example would counter this build I actually got wiped by a portal user that uh that guy was using portal how would I counter that with a one shot combo cuz doing Min combos won't work so if I want to counter a portal user you just got to use a one shot combo okay so what she's saying is also I recommend having a lot of mini combos in your build what are mini combos uh skills that fall through with each other yeah it's kind of like Dragon Talent X Plus Z so x z something like that like different mini combos like go follow along with okay so go high high level she'll so an example oh so something like that would be a mini combo so having a lot of these mini combos in Your Arsenal and memorizing them is pretty good for PVP as they say that is a pretty handy dandy tip by Mrs fur 999 so this is the last thing ask him cuz for me I like to use Dragon plus Dragon Talent you know why already is there some mini combos you can think of using that yes almost all Dragon combos start with C so c x okay oh my God damnn that was like almost a mini combo I don't know that was pretty good though okay so there's basically three things I learned from first teaching one this op hard do plus Dragon Talon shark anchor combo two mini combos are important to add to your arsenal of skill and PVP three be perceptive of your enemy's build and understand counter for instance if you're fighting a sand or Dragon User it's good to Camp the sky because it's easier to hit the ground with those fruits than hitting an opponent in the air and finally I'm going to be having a One V one against fur three two oh my God they count fast oh my goodness I fell for that no not like this no not like this no I missed oh my God I missing I suck no no okay they're they'll they're practically Max health I had to try again oh my God I learned something that fight just now I'm about to die no why how do you know I was going I mean it's kind of obvious they're not even doing a combo I learned they're just doing like variations of it that's what she means by mini combos oh my God already no way oh I'm doing kind of good what the no oh my God uh-oh uhoh uh-oh F what's going on no no one more one HP I got her to one HP last one won I definitely got to make this count even if I lose I still feel like I improved a lot oh my God here we both hit each other that's amazing what the what the what what was happening we were just hitting each other's Reve soon I'll be okay I I I can't spell thank you for your teaching I'll be waiting for the rematch okay you have a deal but for now we got to see our next teacher well well well lo and behold look who we got here it's Mr s seak huh I'm sorry I don't know how to pronounce your username or your your YouTube he has 145,000 subscribers and every day he makes new PvP videos on learning different combos he even has a pirate king title so you already know he's a pro we're going to be using a build with dragon Talent portal gravity cane and soul guitar he's also using cyborg too so I guess cyborg is really good for PVP all right and soul guitar is there for for a side stun I've not heard of that before and portal is mainly for movement okay so we're just going to be moving around a lot want me to show you the combo yes I'm going to change my level so I don't die invisible hold I'll hit with that oh oh my God what is this why do we get dragged in here oh I see that little cheese what is we're getting dragged in here twice also when they go go up there they can come out early I get it kind of infinite so it's kind of like an infinite combo till they die if you're really good with it all right I can do it one at a time for you honestly I need to see visually like what he clicked like shark anchor Z gravity cane X Soul guitar C or something real quick before combo a tip with gravity cane like that just flicking it like being really quick and turn releasing that'll make it easier to catch them oh okay so if they're like running around you I guess so if you're looking this way and they go around you boom you flick and you release oh that's that's actually kind of quick okay so this is the first part of combo portal X which is optional just so you go invisible and they can't see you then gravity cane Z Dragon Talon x z and then aim what okay boom boom boom okay that's one that's one part of the combo so after Dragon Talon Z you'll add gravity caning X into portal V so boom boom ah I missed my a not my little ax but like my X skill what bro I don't know how I'm messing up I that's as far as it goes see look boom boom boom I'm spamming oh oh so after going out with portal Dimension right wait a little second then wait then use a soul guitar ax gotcha [Music] boom what how did none of those hit him just now what I'm almost G this combo straight up x x teleport run run get out of here oh my God boom boom bam bop I missed and it doesn't matter we kind of we kind of did it I'm one missed that but it's okay going here I got to get out of here oh are we doing [Music] it oh there's a little bit of a delay Duke bar oh I I almost had it it wasn't infinite it wasn't like the infinite combo but I'm getting there I'm getting that combo through okay boom boom boom okay got it get in here get in here get in here get in here and hit him with the ex G and then that Dimension boom get in there do this crap again oh Oh no I got him I keep okay I'm infinite comboing him kind of I I know he had an opportunity to escape once but but still oh my God I had no clue where he's going to where'd he go oh that's op portal is so op I would be damned if someone did that to me now do you have any general PVP tips you would say you could have I don't know help newbie players getting started to PVP in Block shots yes indeed I do okay let's hear it if you want to get into Block PvP go get a combo that suits you and just land it in PvP to keep practicing practice a combo you like and use it in PvP that's about it also how does he come up with his combos that's what I'm wondering because maybe there's some of us that don't know how these guys come up with their combos but maybe once they do they realize they can start coming up with their own and doing some crazy stuff well whatever build I'm using a combo just comes into my mind and I just test it out to see if it works that's a portal combo if I seen one I don't know if I'm going to be a remember that whole thing I'm sure I will because it's kind of interesting all right so s is going to stay with us for a little bit longer because our next Grand Master pvper can't be the test subject that's about it and the third and final PVP God is none other than silent isur where'd he [Music] go I don't know what am I doing bro stop it get some help I would love to get a shot of him but he keeps moving there we go he has my face my little outfit on oh and he just flick I don't know how he knew I was looking at him but he just Flex a triple dark blade on me with the Blazing enchant kind of reminds me of myself a little bit but this is him has his own custom title I am Atomic this one of the top PVP gods in the game silent assur so what combo are we going to be learning today so looks like he's using portal as well kabuta this is what I call the atomic Destroyer combo okay I'll be showcasing right now nice I was level 500 bro that is an atomic Destroyer but come on now boom what are we even the same level right now I died in 2 seconds not even two seconds it's a hybrid build what does that mean oh it's a gun plus sword M two main stats so you have no defense she has way less defense yo that's ridiculous so he's using something called a hybrid build but in my case it doesn't apply to me cuz all my sets are always in each slot it's just how it is I start with stun portal x z into acid Z and X into TTY XZ then Dragon Town XZ he P he does it so fast I didn't even realize you use so many moves in that short amount of time it works with the normal dark blade I'm just going to use the triple dark blade cuz it looks more swag Max melee sword and gun zero defense but you could alter some melee into defense cuz you won't won't need it too much so he's a he's a glass Cannon basically let me try learning half the combo then doing the rest after so I'm going to try do the sidium rifle part and then the rest that was already half his health what you want to do as soon as you use portal Z use acid Z and X on the floor instantly oh so he doesn't go up oh okay and then after that would be TTY YX and z oh he went up I messed up somehow these combos require you be really quick I just realized no I keep skipping the gun z Oh that definitely hit I kind of did it but I was slow I got to be quicker than that look l oh we hit him we got him we got him okay but that was like very lucky another one okay we kind of got him oh we did it [Music] again we did it again let's go we just got to get quicker at doing it practice makes perfect just got to keep doing it to and you get the hang of it yeah exactly I mean I was such a noob at it before now I'm one level higher than a noob whatever that is all right one more time for the [Music] road o i missed I missed the X but we still hit him with that damn okay one more I don't know where he went oh I got him dang this combo's sick I'm definitely not going to remember how to do it tomorrow okay now SH now that I've learned your combo what are some tips you can give maybe some aspiring pvpers out there in the bloxs world do not be scared of bounty hunting even if you are scared to die some experience is better than nothing most importantly even if they were to be bad at certain builds they'll use them because at the end of the day game sense is the most important aspect of the game overall if you know you know I don't know what he means but that is true if you have just game sense which is like just logical explanation your brain making quick calculations about how to aim something in Block shoots just getting the overall practice and the experience in will make you a better player and unfortunately for me I don't have that experience so that's why I'm trying to get some today well thank you Mr assur thank you for coming out teach me some tricks maybe I can learn something more someday now you better watch out next time you see me I'm a God I'm I'm unstoppable when it comes to PVP now you can't touch me if you kill me one day you're alive because I never die was this gu talking about I asked him for a One V one it won't end well for me but sure like what are you on about we both know I'm going to die oh no I'm dead what the oh cuz he has one Health but he got half my health in just that Split Second well thank you um hopefully your presence will provide really good luck for this fruit that just spawned let's see where it is magma okay decent luck decent PVP or luck wait oh shoot oh my why was that so quick anyways if you like the video and you want to see more you'll see how good I got at PVP like and maybe comment stay tuned for future videos and live streams I might be doing soon and yeah uh bye
Channel: Uzoth
Views: 672,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, admin, dragon talon, blox fruits admin, roblox, new fruits, noob, trolling, troll, indra, blox fruits update, blox fruits troll, update 20, gamer robot, mygame43, blox fruits live, roblox blox fruits, no cursing, family friendly, blox fruit, anime, race v4, 3rd sea, admin alt, 1st sea, dragon talon trainer, challenge, exploiter, cheater, sanguine art, leviathan, codes, guide, Kitsune, New Fruit, Giveaway, Dragon, Update 22, Blox Fruits Update 22, Dares, Admin, TDB, TTY, Fortnite
Id: K8hV6fwByrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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