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99 of players just resign with white there is no possible checks you cannot stop one of these two pawns to Queen on the next move and if you think you have time to Queen when you get checkmated in three moves try to find it I hope you found that you can simply promote to a queen we check G3 is the only Square for the king check and Checkmate so let's say you saw this and shake hands right nope white is winning and the last move white plays is just too beautiful and a little spoiler for you all these pawns are going to become a queen soon you'll have three queens on the board the first move is the hardest to find because it literally attacks nothing Bishop F3 you let black getting the first queen which is super annoying for us because this queen controls the square of promotion but you know what ignore it and promote to a queen as well because if the queen captures we check creating a discovery attack on the queen as well the king moves and this end game is totally winning for white instead black gets another queen and now I want you to force simplifications Bishop takes queen queen takes Queen Rook check attacking the queen but careful you cannot take this queen or stalemate I'll let you try to find the winning move for white this is what happens to a pro when he thinks about this he thinks if this bishop was on any of these squares bringing the Rook on H1 would lead to Checkmate so I need to remove my Bishop but if I put it on these squares then the queen can start checking me and by process of elimination the GM understands that the only good Square for this bishop is E4 but it's not over yet black has a crazy move sacrificing the queen if you take it stalemate so how do you so how do you win literally on the next move use the same elimination concept if the queen remains on this rank I cannot Checkmate so I need to play a move that guarantees that this queen is not on the first rank next and the only move is to block the access to all these squares with Rook B1 the queen would love to transform herself into a knight and jump over pieces but it's not allowed in chess so she leaves and you guessed it checkmate you won't believe the way this game ends I know you're thinking the first move for white is too easy you most likely saw that after Queen F6 you'll have a Checkmate in two moves but your friend finds the only move root G6 controlling all these squares and my friend there is no more Checkmate so what do you do now do you still think it's easy the killer move is a queen sacrifice and when your friend captures the queen take back with the d-pawn and look at this mess yes the king is fighting by himself against the rook and the bishop did you change your mind do you think it's easy win from black now if you do you know what's coming I trapped you white only has a king and few pawns but look at the black pieces they're totally stuck honestly you're a genius if you see what's coming let me show you use the king wandering technique or just go for a walk he tries to go to Queen bring the king back he pushes keep getting closer to the enemy King when he thinks he's so close to getting this queen ignore it go to B4 now it gets very scary for us I know but this King knows what he's doing and when your friend looks at you takes the queen puts it on the board all proud of himself you smash him with the phone check he's forced to take and now checkmate with the phone have you ever tried to sacrifice your Rook 10 times in a row your friend with the black pieces is attacking both Bishops and taking one of them would lead to a queen promotion so how do we win with white I know what you're thinking you saw that checking with the rule forces black to lose the queen then you check with the bishop and when the king moves the bishop takes the pawn and I agree this would be winning for white but wait who said that this king is taking the Rook back you know who absolutely nobody I move my king out of the way and now how do you stop one of these two moves to happen easy the whole idea of this exercise is to improve your imagination skills we know that if one Bishop escapes while checking the king then you can save the second Bishop so the King goes to f8 I can already see your commands telling me why f8 does them just stay on this corner no no check King moves check and the king is forced to go on this diagonal so this bishop can check so let's go back to King f8 I'm sure you know what's coming if you think I meant one Rook sacrifice you're wrong because we are about to sacrifice The Rook nine more times in a row let's go Rook takes Pawn King moves check check check check check check King C8 check now check here forcing him to go to the A7 square and now the last Rook sacrifice and the king is now forced to go on a square where one of this bishop will check him so he takes the rook and all you have to do is grab this Pawn then this one an easy one if you think the queen is the most powerful piece in chess watch this careful your friend has a queen ready to Fork the king and the rule on the next move but it's white to play and you won't believe how this game ends start with the check the king is forced to go to G7 and now what if you check your friends pushes the pawn and his King is safe so how can you win with white the trick is to start screening all possible checks you'll quickly find that it's also possible to check with this Pawn all right chess Escape that's done his King escapes to F6 and if you check again he attacks my rook and I'm gonna lose this game are you sure that you found all possible checks are you I never told you to find the safest checks I said all possible checks and the killer move here is you've guessed it a rook sacrifice The Rook is the couple so your friend is now forced to take it now I'll check with the bishop the King has only one square check again oh we're repeating moves so we can draw the game no check sacrifice the pawn and when the queen takes how do you Checkmate on the next move don't believe everything you read in chess books in this position this book shows an amazing variation starting with you guessed it a rook sacrifice your friend will take this Rook faster than light speed and now the book says to move the king here your friend sees a check so he does it like most beginners and after the King goes to G1 this is where things get interesting white threatens to push the pawn and Checkmate on the next move and now the author in this book thinks the only move is to block the pawn with the bishop because if you take it the queen has no better move than grabbing the spawn and now have you ever seen a queen promotion being a queen sacrifice well now you have Queen takes queen of course white pushes with check the only movies to cover with the queen checking this King but after King moves it's game over if the queen takes the bishop checkmate if your friend pushes the pawn You Queen don't forget this queen is spinned King moves Checkmate but wait it's all very cute moves but I told you this book was wrong in this position yes why threatens Checkmate pushing this one who said The only movies to block this phone there is a winning move for black here try to find it foreign you are scared about this bishop checkmating us so the best move is to attack this bishop with the queen he pushes the pawn take the bishop Jack King moves and now push this spawn let him Queen it's fine because now you get a second Queen and if your friend tries to get another princess we have a bad news for him Checkmate in two moves Queen checking goes to G2 and now how do you Checkmate on the next move can you believe white is winning here with just one Rook fighting against two knights one bishop and this Pawn ready to Queen for black get ready Focus cause everything is forced start by pushing this Pawn if your friend wins Checkmate in three moves your queen king goes up Queen check Queen Checkmate so when we pushed our Pawn black is forced to capture it with the bishop your friend will think he simply won the game thinking if the Rook takes the bishop I queen and win not so fast life is way more complex than this my friend don't take the bishop white started thinking the only way to save this game is if I find a possible Checkmate threats with the amazing move roof G4 attacking the Knight and threatening to Checkmate black on this square and if black thinks he's smarter than us and plays Bishop B3 to avoid Checkmate here we keep fighting of course he closes one door we open another one with the move Rook jiwa on again threatening Checkmate the only move is to move the Knight but what do you do now the same thing again we play Rook G5 threatening Checkmate here this time you see what we're doing black doesn't have time to promote to a queen and reorganize his pieces we attack threaten Checkmate he reacts passively black pushes his spawn again stopping our Checkmate threats for the third time but what if I tell you that your next move with white also threatens Checkmate try to find it [Music] in here of course threatening Checkmate that's five Checkmate threats in a row but he's not done yet he thinks pushing the spawn saves him because the bishop controls this square but he's wrong the next move white plays forces Checkmate on the next move another thing move what yes my friend this time nobody can stop Rook Checkmate on the next move and white wins
Channel: Chessscape
Views: 70,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chessforbeginners, chesstricks, chesstrap, chesspuzzles, checkmate, chess puzzles, how to solve chess puzzle, chess puzzle, chess puzzles for beginners, chess traps, chess for beginners, chess tactics, chess tricks, puzzle rush, puzzle rush survival, chess puzzle rush, mate in one, chess visualization exercises, chess tactics for beginners, chess endgame, chess endgame principles, chess endgame lessons, chess endgame tips, chess endgames for beginners
Id: ZHJjgF3QekE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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