RESET Your MINDSET | The Secrets Billionaires Pay For (It Takes Only 1 Day)

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I want you to realize that you are in default mode according to Dan Gilbert of Harvard who wrote stumbling into happiness 46.9% of time that's half of the day you're in autopilot mode you've got two modes in the way in which your brain operates the default mode and the direct mode the default I call autopilot that's like the day that's like when your thoughts drift it's when you're on autopilot it's when you go through your day without even thinking the direct mode is the mode where you're present where you're in the moment where you're controlling what you think about you have a choice you're either gonna repeat what you're doing where you're gonna evolve it there are two modes in your brain there's autopilot and the things that you default to and then there is your ability to deliberately choose what you are going to think about and when you start to realize it embrace the fact that being a deliberate thinker is a skill and it is one that I want you to master and it's one that I want you to practice doing a mindset reset it's not an event it's a process because the negative and limiting beliefs that you have that are already set to your default those are encoded in the default Network in your brain and so it's going to be a process that you need to repeat [Music] you know you want to make changes you've got a lot you want to do in your life but then you start thinking about those changes and you immediately start catastrophizing you start worrying you start thinking about all the reasons why it's not going to happen this is so common and the reason why it's common is because somebody in your past either trained you to think this way or you've had so many bad things happen that you've trained yourself to assume and predict that bad things are always going to happen to you there will be bad things that happen there will it's a fact of life but if you are constantly allowing your mind to default to thinking that bad things will happen or thinking that you're out of shape or thinking that you're a loser or thinking that you're not worthy or thinking that things are going to turn out it becomes your default mode of thinking your default mode of thinking scientists call it the default mode Network the default mode Network is a series of neurons in your brain that has automated certain things the reason why we have a default mode network is because we need it there's so many things that you and I have to do every single day that require that shouldn't require us to do a lot of thinking the problem is thinking patterns become part of your default mode Network your Depot is to say I'm an imposter I'm a loser I'm not likable nobody likes me I'm not lovable it has become part of your default mode network and it's super important for you to realize that just like I could go from being a right-hander and teach myself how to be a left-hander it is the exact same process for you to go from somebody who defaults to thinking negative garbage to becoming somebody who thinks directly and just like learning to go from writing with your right hand to teaching yourself to write with your left hand it is going to be a process not an event it is going to require you to switch out of the mode where you automatically grab the pen with your right hand and you direct your thoughts to deliberately grab this pen with your left hand in the beginning your handwriting is going to blow you're not going to be able to read it very well it's not going to feel familiar it's gonna feel clunky the same thing is true with when you start to switch your thoughts from the things that you default to to being very direct and deliberate to thinking things that are positive that are supportive that are optimistic that are full of possibility this is the work of changing the patterns in your mind there's no other way to do it and you can do it just like you could teach yourself to go from defaulting from being a lefty to being direct and concentrating and teaching yourself to write with your right hand you can do it it's gonna require you to move from default or autopilot into a direct way of thinking autopilot is great when it's helpful it's horrendous for you when it is working against you the number one thing that is going to stop you is the way that you think because if you can change how you think you will in fact change your life I believe the way that you think is a choice I believe that you are either going to repeat the thinking patterns that you've always had this year or you can evolve them because when you change how you think you will change your life we are trying to teach you how to become a more deliberate thinker think this not that what is your limiting belief what is the thing that you think about yourself maybe your parents or your mother for your father taught you to think that way about yourself maybe you went through a horrible breakup and that person made you feel unworthy maybe you've had a bunch of setbacks in your life and that's what gave you that limiting belief but what is your limiting belief now that you've identified your limiting belief we're going to look at what is it costing you to choose to repeat it write down your limiting belief I see a lot of I'm not good enough my mental health is holding me back I can't run a successful business I'm lazy and I can't do anything I'm not healthy enough money is the issue I'm scared to fail what is the limiting belief that you have [Music] once you've written that down you're afraid of failure you're not you don't deserve success all that kind of stuff I don't know how to start these are excellent you're doing an excellent job the first step to moving from that default into getting deliberate is actually seeing it so seeing it is fantastic because now we can start to understand and whoa just got programmed in its my default mode I want to get rid of it here's what you're going to do in order to identify the cost okay you're gonna ask yourself three questions and they're very simple what is this limiting belief in my case that I'm not a good person what does it cost me in my past what is it costing me in this present moment to think that I'm not a good person and here's the kicker if I don't evolve this if I don't get delivering what is it going to cost me in the future to continue to think that I'm not a good person you can't get rid of the default until you actually spot it and now that you've seen it I want you to realize for the rest of your life for the rest of your life you have a job and your job is to make sure that when that default Network kicks back up and you start to murmur that you're too old you're not smart enough you're not good enough that is a moment where you have got to do a mindset reset this isn't the voice of God talking to me this is some programming that said on default I don't have to live my life and I don't have to have a future where I constantly say things that are negative to myself this is the most miraculous thing that I've ever heard but the point is is that if you don't get deliberate you will be stuck with the default mode of thinking and the way that you the way that you reprogram your default mode of thinking so that the default becomes positive and the default becomes courageous and the default becomes loving is first you catch the negative default and second you direct it to something deliberate so instead of thinking no one likes me this is mine because I think I'm a bad person no one likes me what I want you to think instead is the right people love me that's pretty powerful if you're somebody who says I'm too old I'm too old here's what I want you to say I have plenty of time or you could say I have so much experience I'm definitely going to succeed if you say I'm too young then say anything you want from I have plenty of time to learn what I need to learn to a to being young as an advantage to whatever it is the point that I'm trying to make is if your default is negative I don't want you to think that I want you to catch it when you do and then I want you to think this something positive [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Video Advice
Views: 2,320,949
Rating: 4.9331498 out of 5
Keywords: video advice, video advice motivation, mel robbins one day, billionaires secrets one day, reset your mindset one day, mindset reset billionaire, mindset advice, mel robbins advice, mel robbins video advice, mindset billionaires video, secrets mindset, it takes one day, it take only one day, it takes 1 day
Id: 6Kq_3xGJAaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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