5 Ways Quercetin Can Help With BETTER BRAIN FUNCTION!

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[Music] hi everyone I'm dr. Susan Brown welcome to alkalyn for life today I'm here with my assistant my great research assistant Heather Felice who's a nutritionist and you know I asked her to talk with me about quercetin quercetin is a flavonoid that we have been using here for many decades in my nutrition research I found it to be terrifically powerful as an antioxidant as an anti-inflammatory great for the joints great for any kind of pain so I got to thinking what else might quercetin be useful for [Music] we all know Kristen's a great antioxidant which is very helpful in brain health because it helps protect you against things like hydrogen peroxide that can cause that oxidative damage in the brain so it actually protects the neurons from oxidative damage yes great okay secondly it helps activate the brain cells own natural defense system that nrf2 oh the very sophisticated system that the brain itself has defense against toxins perfect and it activates that okay right enhances the brain's own function in animal models it's been shown to help preserve brain activity and degenerative diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's oh I think I saw that research that even if you're starting to have Parkinson's and Alzheimer's using quercetin can help to reduce the impacts help to protect the neurons yeah it can help prevent that accumulation that amyloid beta excellent yes that's another great benefit of it for the brain it can also help remove those old damaged mitochondria cells from the brain oh and this is so interesting how the body is constantly destroying and recycling old tissue it's called Auto fatty and creating new tissue so it actually helps the brain clear out the junk in its mitochondria mm-hmm keeps it all new and fresh for you last but not least squares tooten again in animal models but it's been shown to help stabilize mood in a bipolar type situation oh nice oh there's so many benefits on the brain [Music] the quercetin we use is a very bioavailable special kind of professional grade courses and that actually is combined with pomegranate pomegranate is a food that has many qualities does this pomegranate have much to do with helping the brain out pomegranate the superfood that it is does help out the brain as well so again it also helps prevent that amyloid beta accumulation okay Alzheimer's Parkinson's disease but it's also been shown in a human study to help improve memory function in people so people took pomegranate juice and the group that did take that over a few weeks they showed more brain activity on the MRI and improved memory isn't that striking you know here at the Center for better bones and alkaline for like we have a whole book of research on quercetin we're going to be sharing it with you because it's become our mission to help the public know about these great food factor nutrients that when taken in any dose are helpful and higher dose are extremely helpful and today you've seen how quercetin combined with pomegranate can help to really protect the brain be well and we'll be back to you soon [Music]
Channel: Dr. Susan E. Brown
Views: 28,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quercetin, Pomegranate, Antioxidant, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Neurodegenerative Disease, ALS, Bipolar, Huntingtons, Depression, Brain, Cognitive Function, Focus
Id: UMuAd9Jt-QY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 51sec (231 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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