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you ever go to the doctor with a health problem and then you go home try to work on it and realize later that there's something very important they didn't tell you I'm going to help you with a new fun series on helpful advice things your doctor probably didn't tell you let's take constipation did your doctor ever tell you well it's kind of normal don't worry drink more water maybe take more fiber the real story is the constipation is a very serious situation and you're actually poisoning yourself by not excreting those food weights very quickly what's normal is to have a bowel movement every morning every animal in the forest does that it's not normal to go one week two weeks without a bowel movement although I have clients who said their doctors told them that was okay any form of constipation is very bad for the body and I'd like my friends say constipated people tend to be cranky so correct that constipation don't go on poisoning yourself if you want some tips on how to do that well I'll be happy to tell you a bit about that later
Channel: Dr. Susan E. Brown
Views: 52,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iyVVqzEIYb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 55sec (55 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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