5 Ways Helicopter Parents Can Affect You

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Hello Psych2Goers We just want to take the time to thank you for all your kind support We are a team of dedicated, passionate and hardworking individuals Who come together every day with one goal in mind: We want to make psychology come alive for you We are self-funded and recently launched our patreon If you enjoy the work we do and find it meaningful, Please stick around until the end of the video for information on how to get more involved with us and all the cool rewards you can get from us. We hope you enjoy this video. Many teenagers often feel as though their parents are being too overprotective and suffocating. Helicopter parenting is a term used to describe how some parents pay extremely close attention to their child's life, To the point of controlling many of the child's experiences and knowledge. Some may argue that doing this will allow the child to grow up safely, But there are adverse consequences to not letting children experience life for themselves. Here are five ways that helicopter parenting can affect you. 1. you're incredibly dependent on your parents to make decisions. Helicopter parents tend to make important decisions for you, instead of allowing you to try it. They're afraid of letting you do something wrong. They think that if they can prevent disasters from the beginning, then they should. If they continue to do this until you grow older, Then you won't have any opportunities to learn how to be independent and take on responsibilities. Everything you do as an adult will need your parents approval first. This dependency will stunt your growth as a person And therefore reduce your ability to function in society. 2. You have underdeveloped life skills. Since helicopter parents are controlling, You may not have the chance to develop life skills that are important. Such as effective communication with others. This is a direct result from being too dependent on others. Without the ability to explore the world on your own, You miss out on many lessons and experiences that life offers. For example, If your mother decides that you should stop hanging out with a group of friends And you agree without asking why, Then you've missed the chance to learn how to judge what makes a good friend and how to recognise bad influences around you. 3. You experience high levels of anxiety and depression. Several studies in anecdotal data from college counselors suggest That college students with parents overly involved in their academic lives are more likely to experience anxiety and depression. The younger generation is also being exposed to the same stress today. There are many possible reasons that students are experiencing more anxiety in the academic setting. For instance, kids most likely fear disappointing their parents and think that Satisfying their parents is more important than maintaining their health. Helicopter parenting doesn't support children. Instead, it makes them uncomfortable. If you're unsure about whether you want to go to college, check out our video, 10 signs school may not be for you. 4. You have a low sense of self and self-esteem. Helicopter parents will try to do all the problem-solving for you. Without the ability to figure things out by yourself, You don't develop a healthy sense of identity. Combined with helicopter parents' tendency to restrict your social life, This would only increase your isolation and loneliness. This often leads to low self-esteem, Especially during your teenage years. You can start to doubt every decision you made, Including casual ones such as daily choice of clothes and food. This lack of self confidence can damage your future because you don't know who you are. As a result, your life goals and career path will become blurry and you won't be able to live a satisfying life. 5. You begin to resent your parents. As children, You're curious and want to explore the world on your own terms. When parents take away that opportunity because of their overprotectiveness, You can grow up to resent your parents. As a result, you may start to act out and lead rebellious teenage years, which can be dangerous. You may stop listening to your parents and begin to associate with people that can negatively influence you. Because helicopter parents often don't teach their kids how to use good judgment, You may have a hard time differentiating between a bad crowd and a good crowd. In the end, both parties suffer. Your parents are hurt because of your rejection and you feel suffocated under their watchful eyes. It's an unhealthy relationship that will only get worse if neither act or change. There are many solutions to help improve this relationship. Affection and communication are key to a healthy relationship between parents and children, Especially once boundaries and expectations are set. It is also recommended that parents teach their children to be confident, While allowing some freedom for individual exploration. Parents must find a middle ground between a hands-off and hands-on approach. If they completely neglect you, Thinking that life will teach you everything you need, Then they're not providing enough guidance. But smothering you with rules and guidelines isn't the best method either. Talk to your helicopter parents about your frustrations, And work out a solution together. Are you affected by helicopter parenting? Please share your thoughts with us below. Also, don't forget to subscribe for more content from Psych2Go and check out our Patreon. We started it because we want to go into a bigger platform that reaches more people who are in need of help With your contribution, You can receive our psi pendant, t-shirt, issues of our magazine and many more membership benefits. Your funding will help us produce quality script writing, voiceovers and animation that makes our content both entertaining and educational. We want to make sure our community members get the best and only the best. Thanks for watching!
Channel: Psych2Go
Views: 182,261
Rating: 4.9626503 out of 5
Keywords: psych2go, helicopter parents, helicopter mom, helicopter children, good parenting skills, parenting skills, helicopter parent
Id: H79UI4LzEko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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