5 Vegetables that are too EASY to GROW in the Garden

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can i I'm mark from self-sufficient me and in this video I want to give you my five top vegetables that are just too easy to grow so easy in fact that they'll grow themselves without hardly any effort from you at all let's get into it [Music] number one beans there's good reason why you can de see being served up in all those old cowboy movies as beans were a staple frontier food containing all the nourishment a person needed to survive in just one small seed oh the irony of the spaghetti western that can be dried they can be canned and of course they can be eaten fresh beans have a very flexible growing climate range and that means in some places like hearing our subtropical climate pretty hot beans can be ground all year round they grow fast remember Jack and the Beanstalk beans uniquely don't take nitrogen from the soil unlike a lot of other plants they do take it from the air though and then they store it in their own roots therefore actually adding nitrogen to the soil so beans are really great pre crop to some of those other nitrogen hungry plants say cabbages etc that you want to grow after remember beans means hurry up and grow them number two Asian greens so we move from the west to the east Asian greens are fast-growing highly nutritious super and some say cancer-fighting wonder foods on a continent with billions of people protein is getting rare and harder to catch and eat that's why their vegetables need to grow fast big be nutritious and above all easy to grow let a bunch of Asian greens go to seed in your garden and you'll never get rid of them that's a good thing Asian greens are great raw or cooked try mizuna or mbuna or even the mustards like the red giant or ruby streaks please ruby streaks are taking over my lawn now let's head to Europe with number three zucchini originally from the Americas the zucchini that we all know was developed in northern Italy where it was given the name which also means gourd squash and marrow the plant itself isn't a spoiler like other pumpkin vines so it's great for smaller gardens but nevertheless it's a big producer and a hearty mouthful it is really easy to grow and the speed at which the fruit swell is ridiculous you can almost see it growing real time some Zuke's can get up to a meter long actually the longest suit ever recorded was 2.5 5 meters there's also plenty of varieties such as round yellow white and they all taste fantastic raw cooked or even pickled in fact I pickled some the other day so what are you waiting for get on the boots and plant some zieks now let's head back over to the east or almost the middle where number 4 carrot originated from you might find this hard to believe but did you know that the carrot originated in Afghanistan yeah it's true in fact evidence shows that carrots grew in Afghanistan over 5,000 years ago now I'm telling you if carrots could grow in Afghanistan it can grow anywhere orange carrots are really only a recent development in the overall scheme of time for this crunchy root vegetable original carrots were white or purple and had a very strong taste a bit like this white carrot here except the taste is good but in the old days they were considered a medicinal food because they were known to be good for you but tasted like should I say not great but these days with crossbreeding carrots are delicious carrot seed easily and they also store well after harvest so they are a top backyard crop to grow and keep using for months after I do recommend growing these heirloom varieties there's lots of different colors they taste great and if you leave them go to seed just a few plants they'll give you thousands of seeds for next season number five radish another perfect root crop vegetable to grow apt that it follows after carrots they reckon it originated from around India or China but no one knows for sure let's say India cue the Indian music radish is the cheater of the vegetable world if you want a fast growing crop and you just can't wait then so radish seeds and they'll pop up in literally a few days and be ready to eat immediately well as sprouts but within weeks as a root vegetable did you know that some modern farmers use them as a cover crop to soften and aerate the soil before planting their main crops sometimes they don't even harvest their a dishes they'll just let them rot in place acting as a natural fertilizer comp cost and groundbreaker at the same time a lot of backyard growers so radish seeds mixed in with their other slower growing crops so when they sow them the radish comes up first and they can harvest them while they're waiting for the other crop to come through there are lots of different types of races you can get the small ones that are best harvested young or you can get larger varieties like this Japanese daikon huge and they same with this one over here they're best harvested when they get a little bit larger or in fact that can be harvested really big and greater than used in Japanese cooking or any cooking really radish also have a long sowing window and an excellent temperature tolerance making it a productive crop all around the world there are also plenty of ways to prepare and eat radish I like to eat radish raw with plenty of garlic and my family well they like to stay away for a few hours after that and that's it those are my five vegetables that are just too easy to grow but I challenge you guys to do it don't forget give me a thumbs up if you liked the video also share it subscribe visit the blog self-sufficient me.com thanks a lot for watching bye for now [Music] [Music]
Channel: Self Sufficient Me
Views: 3,392,143
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Keywords: easy to grow vegetables, vegetables that are easy to grow, veggies easy to grow, crops that are easy to grow, easy to grow food, best vegetables to grow, food gardening, Self-sufficiency, prepper, prepping, homesteading, vegetables for beginners, what should I grow in my vegetable garden, garden, grow, easy, vegetables, gardening
Id: WNh4DYm0GzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2017
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