5 Tips To P Rank Any Level In ULTRAKILL

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hey guys what is up and welcome to my how to P rank any level in Ultra kill guide I wanted to make this guide because I feel like a lot of the other guys out there just simply over complicate the whole thing whenever it comes to achieving a p rank so what even is a p rank anyways appearing means you achieve the highest level of performance on a map meaning you got the highest grade possible in three different categories in those three categories are time kills and style time just means you have to beat the level under a certain time limit so for time you just essentially want to complete the level as fast as you possibly can every level has their own time restriction and these time restrictions can be found on websites you just have to look them up it's as simple as that to find them kills it just counts how many kills you have and you have to kill a certain amount of enemies before you can achieve the grade you'll need to get a p rank the more kills you get the better grade you'll get and then their style which is probably the hardest of the three categories to achieve a high grade in because this requires you to have at least some understanding of how most weapons in the game framework and understand how to synergize these weapons to make combos that will rack you up points so style points are achieved by killing your enemy in the flashiest ways you possibly can the more flashy the combo you do the more points you're most likely to get for example if you flick a coin and shoot a rail Cannon off of it it will net you more points than simply just flicking a coin and shooting it alongside these three categories you must also complete the level without dying a single time to sum things up quickly basically you want to kill fast kill a lot kill with style and don't die now let's discuss a few tips that will help you pre-rank any level in Ultra kill tip number one learn enemy spawn locations and spawn triggers knowing enemy spawn locations is good for a variety of obvious reasons it'll allow you to line up shots and even pre-fire some enemies before they even spawn this will just make moving to the map seamless and sometimes make killing some tanking enemies really easy because you can set up traps for them killing them before they're even a threat enemy spawn triggers come in a little bit of a variety in Ultra kill they're seen as power boxes whenever you break them it triggers the spawning of enemies and some enemies are triggers themselves meaning if you kill that enemy it will spawn more enemies knowing this can be helpful on maps like Ship of Fools where this occurs multiple times and if you're not careful you can quickly overwhelm yourself because that map is very close quarters and very dense with enemies so understanding these triggers is good because essentially you can control the flow of the fight in the speed of the fight if you're looking for maximum chaos and maximum speed just pop all the triggers at once and go crazy however if you're trying to make it easy as possible just take it one trigger at a time eliminating all the enemies almost like it's waves and now for the second tip understand the map layout figure out if there's any shortcuts figure out if there's any power up spawn locations where all of the skulls are located map specific power items like the soap and where the idols will spawn and what route is the most time efficient when trying to complete the level the last thing you want to do is be doubling back to areas of the map you've already visited because you missed something the fastest ways to learn a map are probably just by replaying the map multiple times or enabling cheats and flying through walls and flying around the map and looking at it from an outside view this is actually a really effective way of finding secret routes and potential Secret locations tip number three understand how every enemy type works and their weaknesses understanding all the enemy types in the game will allow you to prioritize which enemies you should eliminate first because some enemies seriously pack a punch and other enemies can borderline be ignored they're so powerless understanding their weaknesses is helpful because not only will it allow you to kill them faster saving you time it will allow you to come up with creative combos intertwining their weaknesses making it to where you not only kill them fast but you rack up a decent amount of style as well every enemy in ultraville has a weakness and their weakness can be found in the data terminal underneath that given enemy's strategy category tip number four is going to apply mostly to boss fights but can also be useful when fighting some of the bigger tankier enemies in Ultra kill I recommend breaking each boss fight into essentially two different learning phases the first phase of learning you're just simply going to analyze the boss and not worry about dishing out any damage quite yet what your objective is here is to learn what audio cues match with what movesets and what you can Parry that that boss throws at you for example when battling Minos Prime you can Parry his golden snakes and his judgment kick but you cannot Parry his die dive kick once you understand that given boss's audio cues and movesets and can efficiently Dodge the damage that they throw at you it's time for you to move into stage two and in this stage you're strictly trying to figure out ways to dish out as much damage as you possibly can in the windows of opportunity that boss leaves you one good example of this is whenever Gabrielle stops attacking you to taunt you leaving himself vulnerable to attack for a couple seconds and for the fifth and final tip I can give you that will help you regardless of the circumstance you're in an ultra kill is Perry as much and as often as you possibly can parrying is a free heal and let's be honest you're a fool if you're not taking advantage of that if you are unsure on how to pre-rank a certain map or a certain boss these tips should put you well on your way to achieving that goal of acquiring that P rank if you guys want to see me go into a more in-depth guide of how to peerank a specific level let me know if that's something you'd be interested in in the comments below I hope you guys enjoyed the video and I hope I'll see you guys on the next one is this my blood I've never known such relief I I need some time to think we will meet again machine Revenge and your days you [Music]
Channel: Chroma Prime
Views: 39,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chromasky
Id: j2RP1JbVnfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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