5 Times Cartels Messed With The Wrong People

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1985 DEA agent Kiki kamaro was on the brink of dismantling the powerful guadalahara cartel but his investigation came to a brutal end when he was kidnapped and murdered now little did the cartel leaders realize this act would soon bring him all to their knees these are five cartels who messed with the wrong people number five iito MOA 2013 frustrated with the increase in cartel activity in his town of Lana michan iito Mora Chavez a Mexican farmer decided to take matters into his own hands by forming a vigilante self-defense group to combat the notorious Knights Templar cartel this cartel had been causing chaos in the region with kidnappings threats and controlling the lime industry that local farmers depended on for their livelihoods but what really pushed MOA over the edge was when the cartel forbade his son from picking lemons on their own f arm and that's when MAA decided enough was enough he took it upon himself to wage a Relentless war against the cartel even without any assistance from outside sources in the end he and his group of Vigilantes successfully expelled the cartel from Meo aan his bravery and dedication caught the attention of the federal government and he soon found himself developing close relationships with senior military officials and the federal police his collaboration with them became crucial in locating Laboratory involved in the production of synthetic drugs which ultimately led to the arrest of several drug traffickers after expelling the cartel out of Michoacan many fighters moved to other parts of Mexico to resume their fight against the cartels but Mora decided to remain in his hometown tending to his lime Groves 2014 he changed his mind when a lot of turbulent events took place within the auto Defense US the name given to the self-defense groups many prominent lead leaders were arrested While others chose to strike deals with the authorities limiting their power as a result eito felt he had to step forward and take charge however at that time MOA wasn't the only one vying for leadership Luis Antonio Torres also known as El Americano had formed his own group of Vigilantes and desired control as well however Mora strongly opposed El Americano taking the lead why well MOA accused him of working with the Knights Templar and he made a solemn vow to do everything in his power to prevent him from Gaining control however as that rivalry grew more intense tragedy became unavoidable December 16th 2014 a 2-hour gun battle erupted between gunmen from the two rival vigilante groups The Clash resulted in the deaths of 11 individuals including six followers of el Americano and five of Mora's Group which included his own son even though Mora suffered the heartbreaking loss of his son he never gave up and continued his fight against the cartels both on the battlefield and through the media he also actively engaged in politics consistently advocating for stricter laws against the cartels June 29th 2023 Morrow was killed in a brutal armed attack he was ambushed and shot while traveling in an armored truck which was later set a blaze now who killed him and why well there was this other leader of the auto defenses known as as Nicholas Sierra Santana AKA El Gordo originally El Gordo was a member of a faction within the knight's Templar Cel however he switched sides and joined the auto defenses when he witnessed the decline of the knights templar's influence now eventually El Gordo along with numerous former Auto defenses decided to form their own drug cartel called Los viagras this cartel had since gained notoriety for its Connections in rivalry with the infamous halisco New Generation card tell now back to the important question how was he involved in Morris's death although no immediate arrests were made after the attack different versions quickly emerged regarding the potential culprits this was mainly because Mora had a strong belief that he might be assassinated during a conversation with a journalist Mora said that Los viagras had declared war on him this was in response to Mora's decision to disclose the location of several drug Laboratories to the ministry of interior on top of that MOA and El Gordo had a history Mora despised him El Gordo had betrayed the auto defenses and became a part of the very thing they were fighting against also according to Guadalupe Mora the sister of ipolito it seems that the National Guard the Civil guard and the Army Were Somehow involved in her brother's murder she claims that during the attack there wasn't a single soldier or Patrol in sight and well guess what El Gordo was known for manipulating the police to do his Dirty Work April 2020 the Secretary of National Defense arrested El Gordo's right-hand man La Serena but they had to release him when a group of cars carrying many of el Gordo's men stopped their Convoy on the highway but believe it or not El Gordo had managed to avoid any charges in connection with Mora's murder until now now the son of the next person on this list was also killed by a rival cartel but what his father did in retaliation was Way Beyond anyone's wildest imagination number number four Manuel Torres Felix 2008 when the son of the notorious drug lord lm1 was killed by a rival cartel his father completely lost it and went on this violent Rampage sparing no one the 1990s Manuel Fidel Torres Felix first joined the caloa cartel he quickly climbed through the ranks eventually reaching the top after his brother Javier Tores Felix who led one of the cartel's factions was arrested he then began to to work with oido Guzman Lopez the son of Watkin El Chapo Guzman Mexico's former Most Wanted Man together they oversaw drug trafficking shipments coming from South America into Mexico now during this time the caloa cartel and the blo used to be allies operating in the same small state of siloa 2008 things changed when the beltron Lea organization broke away from this Alliance their motivation good oldfashioned greed both cartels were hungry for ultimate power and there was no other option but for one of them to fall lm1 being one of the prominent leaders of the caloa cartel was caught in the middle of this Fierce rivalry this would eventually lead to the most defining moment in his life which sent his world into a spiral April 18th 2008 just outside the health Ministry in the monteo residential district of kuak Kan a group of sakaros working for the blo ambushed lm1 20-year-old son Tores a Costa along with his his little sister Alondra and l1's sister-in-law leasia the sarios tried to kidnap Taurus aosta but he fought back which led him to brutally shoot and kill him right then and there the shots fired also injured the sister hitting her right arm and shoulder while the sister-in-law got wounded in the left leg this incident flipped a switch in lm1 head he went mad and decided to go on a bloody Killing Spree now a few days after the loss of his son lm1 ordered his men to gather at as many members of the blo as they could and bring him to his Ranch for a horrifying purpose it was during this time that his sick psychotic nature came to life he subjected each man to unspeakable torture before ultimately taking their lives now one of his victims was the Municipal Police Commander Roberto Carlos Barcelo viagran lm1 ordered for his back to be sliced to ribbons with knives and his legs were cut off before he was Beed that body was then dumped with two others in a trunk of a car while his sarios took the other bodies and dumped them all around kuak Kan Pop Quiz how many men did he kill in total maybe you were thinking two to three maybe five would have satisfied him let me tell you it didn't in fact for every man he killed his thirst for blood only grew stronger it's believed he tortured and killed over 30 different sarios belonging to blo by his own hands and ordered the killing of hundreds more eventually lm1 earned himself the nickname El onado meaning the crazy one before long the city of kuak Kan started to resemble this chilling scene out of a horror movie The Streets were tainted with blood and lifeless bodies were in every corner in response the Mexican Government sent 2,000 soldiers to stop this violence and eventually they would catch up with lm1 who was making a lot of effort to evade capture October 13th 2012 lm1 was killed in a gun battle finally putting an end to his Reign of Terror number three Miriam Rodriguez January 23rd 2014 everything changed for Miriam when her daughter Karen was kidnapped and murdered by members of Los zetus after this tragic event Miriam dedicated her life to finding and bringing down every single one of those kidnappers during that Relentless pursuit of Justice Miriam went through Great Lengths she changed her appearance staked out homes of cartel members and spent countless hours digging through social media for any possible leads but how did it all begin January 23rd 2014 while Karen Alejandra salinus Rodriguez was driving through San Fernando two trucks suddenly pulled up besid her then armed men forcefully entered her car and quickly drove away with her the weeks following that abduction were nightmarish blurs of phone calls threats and empty promises the family followed every instruction desperately hoping hoping for Karen's safe return Karen's father would even drop off a bag of cash near a health clinic only to wait in vain at a local Cemetery for the release but nothing happened with no other options left maram made a daring move she requested a meeting with the cartel and to her surprise one agreed although he claimed he didn't know Karen's whereabouts he offered to assist for a fee of 2000 Miriam would pay this amount unfortunately leading to nowhere but she learned one thing the name of the cartel member who had met her Sama with every failed attempt to rescue her daughter Miriam's despair deepened finally one morning weeks after the last payment she came downstairs and confided in aelia her other daughter she admitted that she had come to the painful realization that Karen would never return and that she was likely dead determined to seek Justice for her daughter Miriam vowed never to rest until she found those responsible for Karen's abduction promising to hunt them down one by one until her last breath with meticulous deductive skills Miriam began piecing together a puzzle surrounding her daughter's kidnappers first she would find s's account on Facebook managing to identify one of his acquaintances through her distinctive ice cream shop uniform Miriam would then wait outside the store for hours until s finally showed up and then she followed him home however she knew that Simply Having his location wouldn't be enough to force the relase into action Miriam needed more information and to obtain it she had to get close she would cut her hair and dye it red ensuring that Sama wouldn't recognize her to further the disguise she put on a government uniform she'd kept from her previous job at the health Ministry she then spent an entire day pretending to conduct a neighborhood survey Gathering basic details about Sama she then went to the authorities local state and federal but none would help her Miriam refused to give up and eventually she found a federal policeman willing to assist but she put her files onto the table I'd never seen anything like it said the officer who remains an active duty Commander although Sama managed to evade arrest at first he was eventually arrested Under Pressure he gave police names of other cartel members who later shed even more light on Karen's abduction one even agreed to take the police to the ranch where she had been killed while at the ranch Miriam found some important evidence Karen's scarf a cushion from her truck and even one of her femur but Miriam refused to stop here she continued her pursuit of justice and she managed to track down and bring to Justice a total of 10 cartel members involved in her daughter's kidnapping throughout her journey Miriam seemed to understand the risks involved yet she kept pushing forward she once said I don't care if they kill me I died the day they killed my daughter I want to end this I'm going to take out the people who hurt my daughter and they can do whatever they want to me tragically her words would prove to be prophetic March 2017 a group of 29 inmates managed to dig a tunnel and escape from a prison in cudata Victoria where Karen's kidnappers had been imprisoned fearing for her safety Miriam reached out to the authorities and requested police protection the local police agreed to provide patrols to ensure her safety however 2 months later on the same day Mexico celebrates Mother's Day danger had finally caught up with her the 57-year-old was limping up to her front door on crutches having recently broken her foot while chasing after a suspect it was then that a white Nissan driven by the escaped inmates pulled up in front of her house without warning they shot at her multiple times before quickly finging the scene her husband had discovered her sprawled in the driveway clutching her purse where she kept the pistol that brutal attack on Rodriguez enraged people across the state and prompted authorities to intensify their efforts to find her killers while the government managed to apprehend two of the culprits and one was killed in a gunfight many others remained at large unfortunately in Mexico Miriam story is too common what's different here is that when her daughter was kidnapped she decided to take immediate action and would fight with all her might to bring Justice for her daughter even at the cost of her own life number two Kiki Garena February 7th 1985 four to five cars filled with armed men were positioned outside the US Consulate in guadalahara Mexico waiting for DEA agent Kiki Garena once he stepped out of that conso at the men who were part of Mexico's most notorious drug cartel kidnapped him in broad daylight at gunpoint that was the last time anyone but his kidnappers would see him alive again the 1980s the guadalahara cartel was in its prime its size and reach were unlike any other drug organization in Mexico and its network of corruption span the entire country the masterminds behind this massive Syndicate were Miguel anel Felix Gallardo Rafael Caro kto and Ernesto fona Kio the DEA knew the cartel was responsible for smuggling thousands of tons of marijuana throughout Mexico and into the US and so breaking the cartel's distribution network was agent Gad and's number one priority in guadalahara he was dead set on bringing him down no matter what it took November 14th 1984 the Mexican army with the aid of the DEA launched a massive operation to burn morancho Bufalo which was a thriving operation for the guadalahara cartel that produced billions of dollars per year in Revenue The Raid resulted in the total Destruction of 5,000 metric tons of marijuana worth $2.5 billion making the Rancho Buffalo raid the dea's largest drug seizure but who was responsible for this raid none other than agent Gad himself and that made him the cartel's number one target he hadn't only humiliated him but their once unshakable grip on the drug trade was now slipping through their fingers and they were determined to make him pay February 7th 1985 Kiki stepped out of that US Consulate looking forward to having lunch with his wife taking the cartel for granted a group of armed men were waiting for him they surrounded him forcefully pressing a gun against his side then they pushed him into the back seat of one of their vehicles and drove away they took him to a large house at 881 lope De Vega where around 50 to 60 people politicians government officials and narcos were all celebrating the kidnapping of the agent for two days Kamara was mercilessly tortured beaten and burned men would constantly stop on his back and chest they also brought in a doctor to revive him giving him drugs that would keep him conscious during the torture But ultimately agent comadena succumbed to his injuries they wrapped his body in plastic and buried him in a nearby park gado ginto was thrilled that the agent was killed but his Partners knew that a dead agent wasn't going to sit well with the US during an interview Felix cardo said that they never intended to kill Kamara as whoever would kill an agent had to be a Madman willing to have the full force of the US government brought down on him sure enough that's exactly what happened the US government put unbelievable pressure on the Mexican Government to find the people responsible for their agent tragic eyes and to get the message across loud and clear then President Ronald Reagan completely shut down the border between the US and Mexico which effectively compromised Mexico's economy so the Mexican authorities knew they had to do something a month after the Abduction the body of agent kamena was found by DEA 70 Mi outside of guadal lahara many things made the department suspicious of this discovery it was immediately noted that there weren't any grave sites in the area where the bodies were found and no no body fluids were there either the forensic team would find out later that the soil was different from that removed from the body so it concluded the body had been buried elsewhere exuded and transported to the new site the DEA believed that the Mexican drug lords with the help of corrupt Mexican officials fabricated a plan because of the heat being put on them by the US government this scheme fueled their anger even more and operation leenda or Legend was put in motion which is to this day the largest DEA drug and homicide man hunt ever undertaken special agent Ecto Dees was put in charge of the case and he eventually cracked it with the help of his large network of Mexican informant evidence was gathered arrests were made and everything led to Felix Gallardo and Cado Kinto April 4th 1985 Kinto was the first to be arrested in Costa ricaa and was extradited to Mexico 3 Days Later Ernesto fono Kio was arrested by the Mexican Army in alerto Vaya Villa Felix Gallardo was later arrested as well and all three founders of the guadalahara cartel were charged with the kidnapping and murder of Garena and sentenced to 40 years in prison and number one aljo Garza damez November 13th 2010 Don aljo a 77-year-old man was given an ultimatum by Los zetus to vacate his Ranch in 2 4 hours or else he would face death looks like the cartel definitely underestimated Don Alo who wasn't the type to surrender without a fight 1933 damez was born in Nevo Leon Mexico growing up he learned the importance of hard work in living an honest life as he entered adulthood he had already built a strong financial foundation with this in mind he decided to invest in 2,000 hectares of land in tamale leipus Mexico and named it San Jose the San Jose Jose Ranch quickly became aleo's pride and joy bringing him great fortune and so when his Ranch was threatened he was willing to go to any lengths even risking his life to protect it November 13th 2010 the 77-year-old Don was mining his own business overseeing his workers on the ranch when several gang members showed up and ruined his peaceful day those men belonged to none other than the notorious Lo Zetta gang and as you might have guessed they weren't around for a friendly chat their message was crystal clear get out of your Ranch within 24 hours or face the consequences naturally the cartel members expected him to give up and hand over his Ranch without a fight but what he did next was beyond their wildest imagination when Lo zettas told him he had 24 hours to get his things in order before they would return and kill him if he was still on his property Don aleo's response was I'll be waiting for you he decided he wouldn't hand over his land to organize crime without a fight without wasting any time he gathered his workers and told them to not show up the next day he just couldn't risk their lives he would then get the ranch ready for the impending battle making sure to gather all the Firearms he owned despite the strict gun laws in the country the dawn fought to obtain permits to a sizable collection of hunting rifles as if he knew that one day he'd have to put those skills to use in a matter of life and death for the next few hours he meticulously cleaned and set up each firearm he owned ranging from pistols to high-powered rifles he strategically Poss IED weapons at every door and window of his Ranch transforming that house into a fortified military Barrack and true to his word Dono patiently awaited the arrival of the cartel November 14th 2010 shortly after 4:00 a.m. a convoy of trucks arrived at the ranch the heavily armed men got out of their vehicles and surrounded the ranch clearly aiming to intimidate anyone inside the house as a final warning they fired into the air probably expecting no one to be home and for the operation ation to go down without a single drop of blood spilled however what was supposed to be an easy takeover turned into an hours long battle as soon as they got there bullets rain down on them from the windows it caught them off guard so they quickly took cover and fired back believing that they'd walked into an ambush they thought this old man had gathered all his men inside this place to defend the ranch how could they have known Don Alo was running from window to window shooting at him he made it seem like there were a lot of people in that house making it difficult for the attackers to predict where that next bullet was coming from the cartel even threw grenades in this place but the shots kept coming from inside and more of their men kept falling looking around the cartel members realized they were dropping like flies as the morning hours continued the gunmen knew the firefight would have alerted the authorities so they decided to not seize the property and quickly fled away leaving six of their own behind and they were right the Mexican Marines had arrived shortly after their their departure only to be greeted by a horrifying sight the property was littered with over a thousand shell casings and the air was thick with the smell of gunpowder outside the house they discovered four lifeless bodies while the remaining two were unconscious and as the Marines entered the house they were left speechless there lay the lifeless body of Don Alo a 77-year-old man who had single-handedly taken down six gunmen Don Alo fought with the same dignity courage and honor as the best soldier out there and so he became a cultural hero praised for standing strong against those who if not stopped would bring chaos and destruction to the world
Channel: Crime Dynasty
Views: 3,639,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crime Dynasty, history, documentary, true story, historical document, educational video, educational purposes, informational video, real life, history documentary, true crime, pablo escobar, escobar
Id: Cg8fGJFXa_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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