5 Times Gangs Messed With The Wrong Cartels

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the halisco new generation cartel took the fight to the next level March 18th 2021 Mexican police discovered a body wrapped in plastic a sign attached to the victim's chest read the traitor elcholo this man had dared to establish his own gang and challenged the infamous CJ n here's some more times gangs messed with the wrong cartels the Acapulco Massacre January 8th 2011 Mexican authorities found a horrifying scene in aapco a popular Beach destination on the Pacific coast of Mexico outside a shopping center authorities discovered 15 male bodies 14 of which were the handwritten signs found on the bodies were signed by El Chapo's people making a clear reference to the caloa cartel led by hinel Chapo gozman the victims were soon identified as members of the South Pacific gang the caloa cartel decided to take out those men because they were getting in the way of the cartel's total control over the city in drug routes April 2010 the South Pacific first appeared as a faction of the already weakened beltron Lea cartel then they eventually turned to operating on their own in Acapulco in the beginning the gang's reputation grew due to their violent and intimidating strategies which involved recruiting a 12-year-old as a gunman an executioner however the gang didn't last long they were dismantled within a year with many members either captured or yeah you guessed it killed why because they dare to challenge the infamous caloa cartel which you guys already know is one of the most ruthless on the planet since its establishment in the late 80s the caloa cartel led by notorious figures like El Chapo and Ismael El Mayo zambad didn't think twice about getting into violent clashes with other cartels and even the Mexican Government we all know the cartel operates in various regions worldwide and despite numerous arrests and seizures by law enforcement it continues to thrive to this day using sophisticated smuggling techniques like the tunnels under the US Mexican border however it wasn't until Guzman was captured for the third time following two daring prison Escapes in Mexico that we truly understood the full brutality of the cartel and the sadistic nature of its leader 2019 after 3 years of being arrested and extradited to the US El Chapo finally went on trial the long road that led Chapo Guzman from the mountains of caloa to the courthouse behind us today was paved with death drugs and destruction now one of his former bodyguards is Zas Valdez Rios also referred to as Memon was brought in as a witness by the prosecution during the trial according to the ex-bodyguard El Chapo had a thirst for blood and would just eliminate his enemies regardless of their status or affiliation one of those times was detailed by Rios in court and he said he'd personally witnessed El Chapo murder three members of a rival gang according to him the three individuals were initially part of the caloa cartel but later joined a rival group and as a result Chapo considered them traitors and chose to sub them to immense suffering before ultimately taking their lives for several hours the drug lord brutally beat him Valdes Rio said they were completely like ragd dolls their bones were totally broken they couldn't move and El Chapo was still hitting them with the branch and his weapon too the three men were later driven to an area where they could see a large bonfire there the jur was told that El Chapo cursed each one before shooting him in the head with his rifle the leader then took the bodies and threw him into a bonfire telling his men that he didn't want any bones to remain what we just talked about is barely scratching the surface as to what this cartel is ready to do to make sure nobody gets in its way not even the police and the next story on this list stands as proof badges to riches gone wrong police officers are supposed to protect and serve right well not in this case no November 18th 2023 a half a dozen local and state police officers in theana hatched a plot to steal a large shipment of drugs from a warehouse where traffickers were storing it now they not only broke their oath and created their own criminal gang but they would steal from none other than the caloa cartel and even though El Chapo is now locked up in the most secure prison in the US the adx Florence it doesn't mean that the caloa cartel is any less dangerous his three sons known as Los chapitos along with his old partner El Mayo Zaba are still keeping the cartel's bloody reputation strong shortly after the theft armed individuals fired around 30 shots at the federal prosecutor's office in theana leaving its marks on the building and within an hour someone shot and killed one of the municipal police officers allegedly involved in the heist on a street in Diana apparently the cartel knew almost immediately who had pulled off the heist and they weren't satisfied with just one Officer Down November 24th gunman targeted the state prosecutor's office with a barrage of gunfire luckily nobody was injured 3 Days Later a state detective under investigation for theft was gunned down in his car while filling it at a gas station in tuana and it seemed that the officer saw the attack coming and was able to start his car and Advance a few feet before hitting a column and collapsing dead at the wheel the attackers fled on a motorcycle cycle later on this employee at the state prosecutor's office confirmed that another two of the officers under investigation in the Scandal had been shot in killed in broad daylight on the city streets the employee said that one of these officers declined an offer for a spot in the state Witness Protection Program in return for testifying in the case what's more Alberto Capa the former head of Diana's police force stated that three additional police officers had been killed after the heist indicating that the cartel had launched a generalized retribution for the theft now this is not all that surprising the caloa cartel has been Waging War against the Mexican authorities even after Chapo's extradition October 17th 2019 members of the Mexican National Guard briefly arrested idio Guzman Lopez one of El Chapo's sons in kuak Kan siloa setting off several gun battles around the city heavily armed cartel men numbering over 700 threatened Mass civilian deaths including an attack on an apartment complex housing the relatives of the local military personnel the attack was so brutal and intense that hours later Ido was freed with the president andrees Manuel Lopez orador saying he supported the decision in order to prevent more Bloodshed but his freedom didn't last long 2023 oido Guzman was recaptured and extradited to the US where he'll likely spend the rest of his days alongside his old man at adx Florence despite this blow to the cartel it continues to operate with the same ruthlessness as ever oid's Brothers Ivan archivaldo Guzman Salazar and Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar remain wanted by both the US and Mexican governments for countless crimes ranging from trafficking to murder the chapito pioneered the manufacturer and trafficking of the deadliest drug our country has ever faced not only that but according to a recent indictment from the US justice department the brothers are just as brutal as their father when it comes to dealing with their enemies reports reveal that they have cork screws electrocution methods and even Hot Chile to torture their enemies some victims were even fed to Tigers dead or alive so now we see what happens when you try to mess with the cartels even if you're a gang of cops but what about a gang of villagers Desperate Measures December 8th 2023 the residents of Dick Scott llan a town located Southwest of Mexico City reached a Breaking Point with the cartel that had been Terri izing their Community frustrated and desperate for change they armed themselves with whatever weapons they could find and made the Bold decision to take a stand no matter the consequences now the real question is how did the cartel respond to this unexpected Uprising by a group of amateur Vigilantes well first let's get into why the cartel was causing so much trouble for these villagers they see cartels in Mexico are notorious for extorting money from any business they can get their hands on even resorting to violence against those who refuse to pay up one such cartel is La Familia michoakana which had been terrorizing the people of this Village for a long time demanding a monthly extortion fee but the villagers decided enough was enough December 8th a clash erupted when the cartel announced a hike in its tax for a group of farmers in the small town the farmers were already struggling to pay the original fee and doubling it was simply impossible one farmer explained we had a very bad year of harvests and we barely made enough money to pay the original extortion fee with this increase we basically had no choice but to die fighting or die from Hunger the residents banded together and devised a plan to stand up to the cartel they grabbed whatever weapon they could find and headed to meet the cartel at the local soccer field to exchange the supposedly agreed on extortion money the cartel was armed to the teeth with some of them even wearing fake Mexican military uniforms but this wouldn't deter the brave farmers who came to fight for what was rightfully theirs things quickly took a turn for the worst when a gunshot was fired sparking chaos the farmers armed with shotguns machetes and sticks fought back against the criminals in total 14 men had lost their lives to this violent confrontation four farmers and 10 cartel members among the deceased was the cartel leader known as kante payo or Commander clown the alleged leader of La Familia in the region and the one behind the rise of the extortion fee the remaining cartel members fled the scene and the farmers proceed to set the trucks and the bodies of the fallen on fire in the aftermath a villager expressed frustration stating we told the Mexican Army that this was going to happen because we weren't going to pay anymore we asked for their back and no one showed up the farmers had reached out to the authorities but their pleas always fell on deaf ears when news of their struggle went public things quickly turned political with the upcoming presidential election in June the current president andrees Manuel Lopez obor blamed the violence on drug consumption and neg neglect by past leaders now he claimed the previous governments failed to take care of its young people leading them into criminal activities he emphasize the need to show them love and support to prevent this on the other hand presidential candidate o galves criticized orador security strategy of hugs not bullets saying it left rural Mexicans feeling abandoned in her statement she argued the hugs I insist have been for the criminals and the bullets for Citizens this time however there were no bullets for the citizens at least from the government's side and no prison time either despite the tension the government decided not to press charges against the villagers involved in The Clash it was deemed as legitimate self-defense as these farmers were protecting their land the villagers were relieved to hear this news but their relief quickly turned to shock and horror December 27th lafamilia maakana decided to exact their revenge on these poor villagers the cartel would storm into this Village at night and abduct 14 people the abducted adults included three policemen who were seized at a cartel roadblock and a wounded villager the gang snatched from a hospital soon after The Clash Jose Luis cantes the head prosecutor for the state of Mexico located west of the country's capital Mexico City said no Ransom demand had been received previously State officials had denied anyone was kidnapped and said they were simply missing but residents of this Village and a nearby Hamlet said that Familia Meo aana was demanding they hand over the leaders of the uprising in exchange for the kidnapped villagers now the villagers refused to relent to the cartel's wishes and the people taken were unheard of for days until a shocking Twist of events January 16th 2024 the police received an anonymous tip leading them to seven of the 14 kidnapped individuals three women and four children they were found behind a Chapel in zenak tempek State of Mexico they were unharmed and it seemed as if though they were simply just sitting and waiting for the authorities to come in take them now can we believe that the cartel had a change of heart and realized these women and kids were innocent well considering what we know about cartels this seems pretty unlikely and as for the rest of the seven who were kidnapped they still haven't been found yet the women and kids had no idea about where they were kept or what happened to them and we can't help but wonder if they're still alive somewhere being punished in the most brutal ways for standing against the tyranny of the cartels the Red Wedding January 11th 2020 k Elizabeth yepez Ortiz was walking down the aisle filled with excitement and joy but what she didn't know is that her special day would turn into a nightmare Beyond her wildest imagination as she was saying her vows to her groom who happened to be a notorious drug lord known as El calamardo a group of armed men bursted into the church and started shooting Kem was shot and fell to the ground fatally wounded while her groom was kidnapped by the attackers now to make matters worse Kem wasn't just married to a drug lord she was was also the sister of a well-known gang leader that came from a family deeply involved in drug trading now their family had a long-standing feud with the cj& G or halisco New Generation cartel despite being one of the youngest cartels in Mexico these guys are feared for their brutality and influence the Mexican Government ranks him as one of the most dangerous in the country second to caloa the US Department of Justice also says they're one of the top five most dangerous transnational criminal organizations in the world deis no CJ NG is the single criminal organization most responsible for these deaths on both sides of the Border let's go back to 2009 where they began as a branch for the millennial cartel in just a few years they transformed into the most dangerous fastest growing and richest drug cartel in Mexico the leader of this cartel is nesio UA cantes better yet known as El meno who once worked as a policeman in halisco we all know his power has been paved with with drugs money and extreme brutality and at the beginning of his journey he spent some time in a US prison for some drug related crimes but after being deported to Mexico he just Rose to being one of the most wanted criminals by the US government within just a few years now he's accused of drug trafficking corruption and murder in a federal court in DC and there's a staggering $10 million reward for his capture tonight the DEA is offering $10 million for information leading to the arrest of the Mexican drug kingpin known as El meno but why all the fuss for just one man well El meno sets the tone for his cartel his violence isn't just a means to an end it's a sick pleasure and a twisted form of entertainment this attitude trickles down to the rest of the cartel influencing their tactics and ways of operation for over a decade emerge of that CG Convoy these gunmen call themselves The Elite group and pledge allegiance to Al Mena the cj& has spread destruction throughout Mexico with their gruesome Acts including mass killings acid baths decapitations and even a horrifying practice of cannibalism used during training of new sarios these people committed countless atrocities over the years one such horrific example was during the busy evening rush hour in V Cruz with 35 bodies bound and subjected to torture were callously dumped in the streets for all to witness another horrifying Act of Terror occurred when they killed a man and his son by attaching Dynamite sticks to their bodies and Det ating them they would record this gruesome scene on their phones and find Amusement in it laughing all the while their actions hit a new low when they attacked and killed a girl mistakenly believed to be the daughter of a rival she wasn't that's just a taste of how brutal the cj& can be who thinks it's a good idea to mess with these people well we personally don't think so but someone else believed he could challenge him km's brother oose Antonio ypz Ortiz also known as El M was the leader of the Santa Rosa de Lima game gang an organization specializing in the theft of fuel from pipelines in Guana the deadly Feud with the cj& was sparked by a narom Mana or Banner that popped up in the city of Guana it basically threatened the Mexican president to get his Security Forces out of the state or else there would be more Bloodshed the banner was signed by Santa Rosa de Lima however elato quickly denied having anything to do with the banner saying it was a setup by his rival El meno now El meno didn't really appreciate name being tossed around so he was determined to take down El maro's Cartel and take over their territory the cj& G thought they could achieve that by carrying out a massacre at El maro's sister's wedding and it would turn out that El meno would Escape Without a Trace El Maro made a run for it leaving his Fallen sister behind this guy went into hiding but it didn't last long August 2nd 2020 elato was captured in a joint operation between Guan state government and Mexico's Secretariat of public security many believe the Santa Rosa Del Lima gang was finished but a surprising turn of events proved otherwise January 2024 a photo of this woman believed to be the current leader of Santa Roosa Del Lima when viral in Mexico she suspected of ordering numerous massacres and attacks in Guan late last year including an armed assault on police officers that resulted in two deaths a violent shootout claiming the lives of firefighters and a massacre and a holiday party in salvadera that left 11 dead and 12 wounded the shocking part the woman is rumored to be none other than Kem Elizabeth YZ Ortiz herself so how could this be maybe she's running the gang from beyond the grave now some speculate that she faked her death to evade the cj& until she was ready to strike back they point out that authorities never officially confirmed her death at the wedding and so far the authorities have remained silent on the matter leaving us in suspense regardless of her true identity this woman is clearly engaged in a dangerous battle against the C j& the outcome could be Grim because the cj& never forgives nor forgets and the upcoming story proves it from comrades to Carnage March 18th 2021 authorities in Mexico made a shocking Discovery a body tightly wrapped in black garbage bags left in a park in guad laada now at first the police thought it was just a mannequin because of how tightly it was wrapped in plastic but upon closer inspection they began to suspect that it was the body of Carlos Enrique Sanchez Martinez a notorious gangster in Mexico how did they know well there was two pieces of Bristol boards stabbed into the corpse with kitchen knives claiming it was elcholo Sanchez Martinez's Infamous nickname but who was elcholo and what did he do to meet such a gruesome end well elcholo was once a loyal member of the cj& some said he was even the right-hand man to El meno as until he made the worst decision ever driven by power and greed elcholo broke away from the cj& after allegedly ordering the execution of Marcos Hernandez known as El colombano the financial operator for the cj& who had discovered El Cholo's Shady dealings and reported them to El meno elcholo wasted no time in forming his own gang the noeva plaza funded by the caloa cartel which is one of cj& G's biggest Rivals The Gangs would engage in Fierce battles over territories and now here's a question for you if you were one once a member of el meno's deadly CJ andng and saw firsthand the horrors that he and his cartel were capable of would you ever dare to go against them personally we couldn't even think about it but elelo thought differently and he paid the ultimate price for it March 18th 2021 A video popped up online showing a man in a red lacrosse shirt sitting in a chair looking defeated and resigned to his fate behind him stood several massed men armed and ready for what was to come the man later identified as elcholo began speaking seemingly reading off a number of talking points he took responsibility for various crimes around Mexico including an attack on the US Consulate he also implicated several high-ranking police officers who he claimed were working with him to take down the cjng one name he specifically mentioned was Omar Garcia Haro a controversial cup known for his tough tactics and Relentless pursuit of cartels June 2020 harfuch narrowly escaped a hail of bullets that seriously injured him and killed two of his friends friends aruch was quick to blame the cj& for the assassination and stated our nation must continue to confront cowardly organized crime following the attack Mexico City's attorney general detained at least a dozen suspects who were members of the cj& however El meno remained untouched leaving harfuch seeking Revenge now right after the video went viral harfuch denied all claims posting a tweet on X saying he wouldn't pay any attention to the words of a criminal kidnapped by other criminals it was like he knew for sure that the men behind elcholo belonged to the cj& g at the end of that video elcholo advised his supporters to stop following them and dedicate more time to their families and nearly on the brink of Tears he finished the video by saying look how I ended can you imagine having to read those words knowing exactly what's going to happen shortly after the video went viral the disfigured body wrapped in plastic was found on the Park Bench he was shot in the head several times and was clearly severely tortured before the final bullet put an end to his misery and there pinned to his chest was the covered in blood sign that helped authorities identify the body even before taking it to the morg the sign read in Spanish the traitor elcholo
Channel: Crime Dynasty
Views: 696,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crime Dynasty, history, documentary, true story, historical document, educational video, educational purposes, informational video, real life, history documentary, true crime, pablo escobar, escobar
Id: vrDA5dmpVYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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