5 Things We Wish We Knew Before Our Crossing On The Queen Mary 2

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after our Crossing on the Queen Mary 2 we were going to originally do a full review video where we told you all of the things that we loved about the ship but if we're being honest we could talk for hours about how amazing it was so instead of us rambling on for 20 or 30 minutes we're going to tell you the top five things we wish we knew before we got on the Queen Mary too [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] number five would be the time change we knew when we went that we would be gaining a couple of hours along the journey home but we kind of thought it was going to be like every couple of nights we'd get an extra hour instead we gained one hour every night so if you are crossing from Southampton to New York you get 25 hour days essentially for the entire cruise which is great because we are not people who stay up late we went dancing every night we would get back to our room and think gosh it is 12 30 and then one of us are going to know it's 11 30 because we gained an hour keep in mind though if you are going from New York to Southampton you lose an hour every night and you only have 23 hour days and I'm sure that's a lot more irritating than getting an hour number four skip the spa we did the spa because we both wanted massages the main thing was that what we could get here at home for what we paid there we could have gotten double and it's not to say that the massages were bad or that the spa experience wasn't good it was phenomenal our lady was wonderful she was amazing it was just that we could have gotten double the amount of massages if we'd have paid it home it is very pricey and they do try to sell you a lot of add-ons so if you decided to go to the spa be prepared to say no all the time if you don't want to spend extra money number three would be the turn down service we did not know this was a thing and if you have no idea what a turn down service is it is when your floor Steward comes in and literally turns your covers down to prepare your room for you when you come back to go to bed it was so nice and we only got it once once it was like maybe the fifth or sixth night that we were actually at dinner when we should have been instead of going to a really really late dinner and we came back and our our our bed was made all nice there was little chocolates there for us and little cookies it was so so wonderful and we missed it the entire time it would have been so nice to happen to happen I don't know exactly what time they do that so if you choose to go maybe ask your floor Steward what time turndown services so that if you want to experience that you can be out of your cabin when they come to do that number two when to use the facilities if you're the sort of person that wants to go to the gym definitely go somewhere between four and five o'clock if you want to work on the evenings if you do go in the morning I will warn you I went once in the morning and it seemed like every piece of cardio equipment was being used and everybody was trying to lift weights at the same time it was very busy I imagine that's because people want to get their workout done in the morning that way they can enjoy the rest of their afternoon I think the earliest dinner is also like six o'clock maybe so they're probably at dinner so everybody's getting ready for dinner at that point I spent a lot of time in the library not particularly to browse the book selection but because the view is amazing and it was a wonderful peaceful place to go work on my book I also noticed the same thing if I wanted to go up there anytime before four o'clock every single seat in the library is taken nobody's moving anytime soon so you might as well just go find somewhere else to be but I went quite a few times after four o'clock between four and five and by then it was usually half empty people are starting to leave again to go get ready for dinner and things like that so a nice option to go enjoy the view if you want to the laundry was another thing that unfortunately any of us have traveled for any extended period of time know that you have to take time to do at some point as much as we all hate to have to do laundry on vacation it does happen and on the Queen Mary 2 we would definitely say to do it early in the morning we went once at seven and there was nobody there and then we went the next time at nine in the morning and everything was full so definitely check it out early in the morning if you need to wash clothes also we went in the afternoon ones and everything was full and I think that was the time someone took our stuff out of the washer for us and put it in a basket and set it another table because we weren't there quick enough to change it for them if you don't want to do laundry at all they do offer a paid laundry service on the ship but it is very expensive so be prepared to part with a lot of money this isn't particularly a facility but if you have interest in seeing a show or you want to go to afternoon tea or you've booked a show at the planetarium and you want a really good seat get there at least a half an hour early most of the people on the ship are perfectly fine and content to sit in whatever seat they so choose with a book and wait because everybody is there to relax there's quite a few things we went through that we got to maybe 10 15 minutes before and we wound up either for high tea on the outskirts of everything and not so much in the middle or for the planetarium and on the far outside seats where when you're sitting back and looking up you're actually kind of out of the planetarium so definitely get there early and finally number one try everything you can within the first couple days on the ship that you may be slightly interested in this is the thing that we regret the most for one very very specific reason and that is that we waited until our last day on board to go try sir Samuels and all of the Godiva chocolates it was so good and I really missed unsweet tea and they had these beautiful tea things and the chocolate was divine it was amazing and we would have been there every day had we have known about it so our biggest piece of advice try everything as soon as possible if you're less lucky to get an early boarding time you have time to eat twice maybe three small meals if you're really feeling adventurous but go check out all the restaurants go check out all of the lounges all of the places that you could go relax if you're interested in seeing a planetarium show book it immediately they sell out really fast and just try what you can in the first two days so that way the rest of your trip you can spend your time doing the favorite things on board all in all our time on the Queen Mary 2 was terrific if this is the first video of ours that you have seen we have a whole series about the Queen Mary 2 with us actually on the ship check it out there's so much to see there was things that we were finding on the very very last day on board we ended up getting lost in this hallway and stumbling onto this whole history section that we didn't even know existed we even found out that we missed a restaurant entirely too after the fact two restaurants after the fact Lydia was editing some film and she realized that we'd actually missed two whole restaurants so check everything out where you possibly can absolutely we hope that if you are going aboard the Queen Mary 2 you have a wonderful Voyage we would love to hear all about it in the comments below let us know what your trip is like if in if you have any questions about the Queen Mary 2 or our time on the Queen Mary 2 comment below ask us anything you want and we'll do our best to reply this is not a sponsored video by any means we fully paid for our own trip but we just loved it so very very much so we want to give a big thanks to the Queen Mary 2 and everybody who was on board that made our trip so wonderful we can't wait to do it again because I'm pretty sure we're going to be on that ship again at some point in our lives hopefully yourself [Music]
Channel: A Foggy Path
Views: 12,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Foggy Path
Id: zpt2Ekm-BHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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