Boarding Day and Cabin Tour | Queen Mary 2

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what you doing i am trying so desperately to upload a video before we get on the ship what's it at three percent how long has it been uploading um i started last night and it probably ran for like two hours before we went to sleep and it's been on for an hour this morning so we're we're at a solid one percent an hour [Music] good morning from our final day here in the uk we are here at the star hotel till we can until we check out which is so we'll be here till 11 because we got to board the ship today but we have a three hour window to fill between checking out of here at 11 and boarding the ship at two we have a lot of luggage i'm not sure what we're gonna do with all that at the moment but it'll be an adventure we'll probably find like a cafe or somewhere to hang out that's kind of that direction which is that way and then oh that way we're facing the road it's that way hopefully they'll have better internet than here and i can get one last vlog uploaded before we have no internet for the next seven days we'll see first stop that we thought about stopping at is a definite no it is an antique shop in the bottom so we'd have to walk all of our suitcases through the antique shop and then up the semi spiral staircase to the coffee shop so i don't think that's lugging all this stuff up there it's going to be a lot of fun second try closed on sundays starbucks for the win and they have iced tea which i didn't think they would but they do [Music] well i'm sorry y'all are not gonna get another vlog before the ship we were at seven percent when we got here we're up to 28 but now it's time to go which i can't complain about too much because we're gonna go get on a boat we are having a hell of a time the website said to go down to the ocean terminal turns out that's not where we need to be we need to be two miles in the other direction we just ran into a really nice older gentleman who's gonna go into the restaurant he just ate at he's going to the same place again thought it was the ocean terminal does not want to walk the two miles and he's gonna call a cab and we're all gonna share it so hopefully we get there we are into the check-in area we've got separated from our friend anthony the nice gentleman who paid for our taxi to get here i hope we run into him again he was phenomenal wonderful guy um mine's moving so we just do the check-in bit and then we get on i don't know we have successfully made it through the check-in process and now we're waiting for security but there's a delay so we get to sit for a little bit which i will not complain about we made it through security now onto the ship this ship is very nice i feel way underdressed gonna go find our room and then i'm just playing through the pain of the elevator i hate elevators welcome on board to the queen mary 2 mr and mr alexander we're in our room it's really nice it is very nice our last cruise which is in 2012 where we didn't have any money um we were in a room that was at the back of the ship this is in the kind of in the middle of the middle of the ship it was a two it had a bumper very small about half the size of this yeah so this is a nice upgrade and we have a little balcony once we get settled and all the mustard stuff happens we'll give you guys a really in-depth tour of our cabin i'm not worried about the mustard thing she is mustard mustard mustard muster see that's how much i'm not worried about it i'm going down with the folks no you're not first things first safety protocol we're gonna go find our muster station and get our little cards scanned to show that we did it um and then i don't know somebody mentioned there's gonna be like a champagne thing way up top when we set sail so maybe we'll do that we also want to come back and really explore our room i'm really excited about it we will definitely give you guys a sneak peek by the end of this video promise okay we have spent the last hour wandering around the ship where we accidentally made a bunch of spa appointments for some massages and things tomorrow and then we came back to our room and unpacked a couple of our bags so that we can give you a room tour so we'll start at this end it's kind of tiny bear with us this is our door in on this side of the bathroom that we'll get to you have all of this storage space here you can ask for extra hangers if you need them this one has your life vests the little safe a couple of shelves four drawers and then another closet area chalk full of hangers which we have used nearly all of this is the bathroom has a couple of cabinets and a decent sized little walk-in shower oh yeah that's much bigger than our last one and then of course it has all kinds of toiletries and towels and things like that then you have a floor-length mirror on the wall here which is very nice so you can check yourself before going to dinner then the big bed which i'm very excited about our last cruise we had two separate twin beds you can do the same setup for this one if you want two twins or you can have them smushed together which we opted for we each have a bedside table there's a lovely little couch area with a wii table which is very nice then over here we have a desk this is a mini fridge these we brought ourselves but this was already in here when we boarded i don't know if that's something that you have to pay for if you open it so we're just we're just not going to open it a wee tiny drawer here that we shoved all of the paperwork in that we had in the room this one is where the hairdryer lives you have your little tea coffee stand the nice thing is that there's also a ton of plugs there are two uk plugs two um us plugs and then i think there's more is there not do i imagine yeah there's two more us plugs here which is cool and then out here is our little balcony it's a covered balcony so we have a roof above us and we just have like this little lookout window but we do have two chairs and a little table and i'm hoping that it's not too spectacularly cold and i can sit out here and read all the time also we haven't left yet so that's that's still england we are gonna go try to shove some food in our faces really quickly and then i think we set sail in about a half hour we're also well-celled in our reservation so yeah all the food it's included this is our first food foray or the king's court there's so many options this is round one i am sure we're gonna go back i saw some apple strudel also there's so many yummy yummy options we're gonna eat so much food on this boat we're gonna eat so much food round two all right this is a chocolate and passion fruit uh it's very good i'm not a big moose fan like i always feel like there's options like it looks like there's a lot there but there's not much substance but it's really good [Music] [Music] we are in the britannia restaurant this is our first nice meal on board you can reserve to eat here every night i don't know if we're going to do that you know we kind of want to try everything it's beautiful the beautiful room we can just see the sunset out the window we ordered and now we just wait enjoy the atmosphere it's gorgeous [Music] [Music] my little pile of mashed potatoes is so cute [Music] we had dinner it was pretty good it was good um i had it was we couldn't get okay we're not fancy food people we're not foodies i mean we like food like anybody else but you if you tell us like it's a it's a pig tartar stuffed and chicken i have no idea but i don't even know if it sounds ridiculous to me and then it comes with these little things and they like do artistic like squishies with it i'm like just feed me it was very pretty um i ordered some like is that a texas thing wrong just give me some it's gonna be some meat on a plate i don't need your i don't need your fancy fixings it was very good i ordered some like i don't know like boiled heirloom carrots or roasted heirloom carrots and i didn't expect them to be cold that was a surprise i had a uh oh it was a shrimp thing you got like some well it was like a fancy shrimp cocktail was it it was a shrimp cocktail salad it was very good it was like a little baby shrimps as well yeah it was also cold but i knew that so and then i got some sort of turkey dish that i could not pronounce which was also pretty good what was in the middle of it i don't know did you like it no she didn't like it whatever was in the middle of it she didn't like it i didn't really care for that but it had they all know cute little like swoopy pile of mashed potatoes i did like those and then it also had like roasted root vegetables and those were really good i had a cod and it was just a grill cod on some rice i think the best part about going to fancy dinners and being on this ship in particular which has a like more um fancy dress code is that we get to dress up and i feel like we never get to dress up and i have all these dresses that i never get to wear so that'll be fun i brought some dresses to wear and i'm excited to get to do that and then we had dessert and i had mango sticky rice for the first time and it was pretty good i it wasn't as sweet as i thought it was gonna be um it was pretty mildly sweet but i i liked it i had another serving of apple strudel because it's delicious and i love anything apple-based she already had that i did i had that earlier for lunch we are going to check out the schedule for the rest of the evening see if there's anything else we want to go do we also need to go down to the purser's office and figure out how to get our clothes pressed because they've shipped a suitcase for the last three weeks and they're very wrinkly also as i mentioned earlier that we splurge and are going to spend a lot of money at the spa apparently which we feel really like i feel really guilty about it but i'm also really excited about it either way billy has a massage at eight o'clock in the morning tomorrow which seems like a terrible time get up early go have a massage the nice thing is that we are crossing a time zone tonight we have an extra hour of sleep so that balance is out right we'll see if we can find anything else to do tonight if not spectacular first day on board okay we looked at the menu thing the not the menu the schedule then the menu of entertainment we decided what entertainment to eat we looked at the schedule of entertainment and we just decided we don't have the energy for it everything on the schedule for the rest of the evening is djs and discos and dances like dance parties there's a flutist on yeah she is playing at like 10 30. it goes on late here man we're old people 12 15. it's after 10. we're ready to go i'm tired or granted we've had a long day now i like that you say that we're old people and yet all of the old people on this ship are out drinking picking it anyway we're tired we're gonna go to bed and hopefully the gentle waters of the ocean that we're almost in i think will be in the ocean officially at six o'clock or so in the morning will rock us into a gentle slumber i'm gonna pass out i'm tired we'll see you guys tomorrow good night [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: A Foggy Path
Views: 16,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Foggy Path
Id: 4mLGARo5uM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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