Inside Queen Mary 2 p6

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fire is every sailors worst nightmare hmm we go those are fire alarm activated get me 50 for Queen Mary 2 has never had a fire on board do you know if anyone using Southwark heavy you don't know all right ok thank you very much but no smoke coming from heaven 54 gorgeous s my partner startled on attention is just equality but if it happens there can't be a moment's hesitation that's why the crew practices the fire drill once a week no matter what their position is from the dishwashers to the senior officers everyone has a job and they're always working to perfect it we have to go down to deck three as rebound recalling so if you'll follow me we'll make our way there now we treat every drill as if it's a real situation you have to because we're talking about the guys in there be a suits with the fire hose going in to fight a fire you know that's their really they're putting the their lives in line guys when you check the cabins make sure one man stands at the door okay one man stay at the door rather to go in to check they take their drills so seriously they manufacture smoke to make it more realistic I split during a real fire electric power and the ventilation system would be shut down in the affected area the firefighters practice what's called a left handed search keeping their right hand on the fire hose and their lamp on the wall or the man in front to keep their bearings if the fire is spreading too fast for the fire teams the QM T's remarkable technology takes over the ship is divided into nine fire zones when smoke is detected in any one of them that zone is evacuated fire doors are closed by remote control and the area is sealed air is sucked out by the ventilation system then a super fine mist of water like a heavy fog is pumped through a network of special nozzles to smother the fire thank you very much well done good job all right the fire extinguishers are not the only automated system on board the whole ship is automated up on the bridge the first thing people notice is it there's no big steering wheel the engine pods and bow thrusters that control the ship are all connected to a small joystick but the truth is for the most part the ship sails itself this entire crossing pretty much we're gonna be steering the ship with with this autopilot and your people are always amazed it's just by the control of the small dial that we actually turned this this huge ship I mean the days of you know seeing that seeing the captain kind of chained into one of these big wooden wheels with a lashed and in the bad weather is it gone and I mean this is this is really the future but that doesn't mean the officers on the bridge can simply take the day off yeah Mariano would you like please to check if we can see this target nine miles away on starboard wing a beam a beam of us the technology needs constant monitoring you always need to compare all the different way or the different equipments we have we compare the GPS with the radar the radar with the paper chart the paper chart with the electronic chart and of course we also check with our eyes see something well not this or no but the ultimate failsafe is still the human eye for sailors I mean you still look at windows I mean it's like you saw the guys up in the crow's nest on the on the on the old ships and that's what we do I mean you can have as much technology as you want but you still got to keep this visual look at cuz I still think like the human eye when it comes to things this is your best tool the officers will need every trained eye on the bridge and every piece of radar in navigation equipment for the next stage queen mary 2 is nearing the end of the voyage and that means she's about to enter the english channel this is where we really are and I'm one of you so it's gonna be busy and it's gonna get progressively busier from now until our arrival in the morning busy means being vigilant for boys starboard two points the Sun yeah 500 commercial ships and hundreds of small boats travel the channel every day to see both of them yeah yeah to coffee from Ursula right home a few years ago safety experts monitoring one section of the channel recorded 68 near misses during one 24-hour period the qm2 wasn't one of them but her officers must still be on constant alert English Channel receivers East area pretty much the busiest area of shipping in the world and you get almost like a road of ships ships in a line going exactly the same way just a case of who's going the fastest ships overtaking each other but quite a build of traffic and no doubt he's on there he's set up on the bridge wishing he was onboard here as they do okay it's doing us down paint chip on top hard starboard by nighttime Queen Mary 2 is in the thick of the traffic in the English Channel and everyone on the bridge is watching like a hawk it's here that the ship's electronic eyes and her amazing manoeuvrability pay off and she'll need all of it working perfectly for the last challenge of the voyage docking in Southampton
Channel: moyauichibun
Views: 398,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inside, Queen, Mary, p6
Id: zkpOs1OStIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 38sec (398 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2009
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