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the way you just sat here and live if I ever had to go to court for anything I would not want your lying testify engine but now it's the point where I think you're like taking advantage of it Demetri we'll wait till we sit with YouTube video tell me Aika is one of those people be making faces at me no I can see you in the reflection hey guys what's up welcome back to our Channel I'm Micah and this is Demetri hey guys all right guys we are gonna go over our pet peeves with each other the things that we do that annoy each other the most yes and you do some things if you like people are always like oh my gosh their relationship goals I love them so much and thank you guys we love you guys right back but I feel like every relationship has its things right and we're no different I feel like IKEA is actually probably the easier person to be with I know that I've got some weird little quirks about me that you know could could drive someone doubts I feel like they would think you're the easier person to be with yeah they would you got you guys don't even know I got some things hey so do you though whoa you okay you're perfect except for these things that are multiple okay all right we want to start us off okay guys this is something Dimitri does that absolutely drives me crazy and I feel like this would drive anybody else crazy Dimitri opens my mail you don't open people's mail and not only does he open my mail he'll have the nerve to be like what is this did you not pay this bill why are you opening my mail is so invasive and rude I am just making sure that your bills are paid on time no no okay but how are you making sure that they're paid on time when as soon as the mail comes you open it well just I know I'm making sure that you're you you do anything guys tell me yes or no do you want people going through you know it is rude and invasive let me know in comment section about too rude and invasive are you team dmitriy or t mica on this one you do not pull through people's mail one of you someone's mom my mom doesn't even go through my mail I was living at home you really really does your parents go through your mail when you're reliving at home did your mom open your mail she used to and I that make you feel that you care I mean I didn't overly like it do not go through my mail that is that is it you are not nobody's mom early look I'm talking about it and it's getting me upset because instead of saying you know what you're right I'm wrong it's wrong so go through your mail and it's wrong to check you about your mail you're sitting you're justifying while you're going through people mails I will no longer go through her mail now good now that I know that that is number one on your list all right baby I want to be perfect for you I'm gonna change have I not told you this before it's so rude alright time to get to mind my the more ballet might or more like there than justify the things you do okay let's go I sit down on the couch after a hard day work and it's dark and I see a little caterpillar on the couch oh no that is your lashes you leave them everywhere there on the couch there's stuff to my butt when I get up there on my laptop they are in the bed they are in the bathroom I you have your own bathroom yet the lashes seem to be everywhere and then when we're getting ready to go out somewhere I hear this one every time babe I can't find my lashes anywhere okay I will say that leaving the lashes around it's gross but you know like when you're on the couch for watching TV and you're tired your lashes are bothering you and you just kind of pull them off and you're like okay like where should I put these right now I mean put it beside you you just put it aside you on the couch and then in your mind you're like when I get up I will pick it up with me and then you just forget no and considering they cost $20 each I would put them in a nice safe place to make sure that I don't lose them slacking off $20 each and money I have another one for you right now oh my god guys I just grabbed my coffee I know what is this one's good guys the oh my god one more thing that Dmitri does that drives me absolutely crazy is he talks about money all the time he talks about how much things cost all the time like to the point where now if I buy something I am like okay yeah it was like 10 bucks like s not an expensive it's like 2 dollars it's like 3 bucks like why am I telling this man how much every little thing I buy cost with my money this is what Dmitri does a package gets delivered and if he doesn't already go through my mail I open it to see what it is and I go through it and this is what he does um was that from a brand or the package says Amazon boom what you wanna know you gotta be conscious baby you can't just you know every single thing I will buy fast food and I'll be like oh it was true for my special because the man puts $1 on every single thing are you lying when you say was two-for-one special just to shut me up no I'm not actually lying I feel like I have to let you know that it's two-for-one special so that you're like oh we got a great deal on this meal I can enjoy it more knowing that it was a two-for-one do you know what the price on every single thing I'm not joking I think why do you put a price on everything I don't yeah I try I try not to you know what you know buddy stay here knives the people you're gonna sit here and lie you know what I I really want to work together with you to build financial freedom so that we can spend our better years traveling the world us guys being on your heartstrings right now so he has tugging you guys known you guys know it be annoying if every time you bought something you had to let somebody know how much you paid for it I you know how annoying that would be and you would think I'm spending big money buying this stuff no this is my money just look out for me I know what you're doing you're trying to get them to say in the comments section oh you know like Demetri is right you have to be smart with your money no guys that is truly annoying but I feel like sometimes because I have done this and I have tested you I don't say the price I just grab the bill and then you're there how much did it cost me because you have now made me feel like like if it's if it cost too much then the experience wasn't a good one that's how you make me feel I'll be better okay I'm not even gonna bring up how much it costs to power all these lights that are lighting our YouTube studio here which brings me to my next point Eike is one of those people who leaves the light on in every single room it could be the middle of the night I wake up and the light in the bathroom not the light in the bathroom both lights in the bathroom is on the hallway is on everything you walk in turn everything on you walk out without a care in the world just leaving the lights on behind beauty is like we're trying to save energy here baby you don't have to we're trying we're trying to save the environment and you're just out here brain light like okay I will say that you know what I don't he's lying there's not every light in every room there is no living room light bathroom light like ya offered get the bathroom light on that's true if I get up right now and go into the bedroom are you gonna tell me that the bathroom light is off yeah it is I'm getting to your side okay and don't lie don't lie it's all no it's not cool I want to know I know it's not on cuz you could turn it off no it's off good look you want a bet on it no it's fine it's off so your pet peeve is me leaving lights on you leave the lights off and I asked the unlike baby can you just turn off the lights you know it's not that hard and I feel like we we've gone over it enough times to you know that it bothers me yet you continue to do it let me just say something else you guys so you know how he has a problem with me leaving the lights on I was gonna get two back from one of my pet peeves of Demetri how annoying he is because I don't purposely go and like use a bathroom or and leave the lights on on purpose and this is what he does Demetri will go to the bathroom he'll see the light on and he's like babe and it's like the time you took to be like lights on again come on I could turn it off you're standing right there just turn it off I'm clearly not learning sometimes I'll go turn off the lights and I'll hit the little switch extra hard so that you hear it that I I don't ever hear that it's all or nothing you're being petty you're not my mother and I won't even say dad because these are things that moms do you were not my mother don't be like the lights on again can we can we keep the lights off can we and he wants me to get up to go turn it off when he's standing right there no I don't yes I just remind you and then I turn them off no I've never stood beside the light and been like babe come turn off the lights you guys he has amnesia all the time he's lying yeah is it annoying leaving the lights on but like okay people leave the lights on whatever and I know what they're gonna say yeah my god you know you have to save power and be conscious you're saying you're wasting money I know what you're trying to get them to say I know what you're doing do you not care about I know what you're doing I know what he's doing you guys but how annoying would it be to have her boyfriend your boyfriend be like blades on again so you were mad annoying not a couple Pepe's mad annoying okay okay my turn my turn so this one I've actually coined a new term for this because of Aika and she drinks juice boxes which is you know you're an adult so but you crush juice boxes like no one else like you and then you leave the little straw wrapper lying around and the juice box is just like lying on the floor like once you're done with it I call them rogue juice boxes because you won't find them everywhere at their rogue they're all over the place just like you'll be walking and then boom there's a juice box in the middle of the floor or under the bed I'm telling you like when you least expect it like where you think you you never you've seen a juice box everywhere one will just surprise you be like wow I would have never thought that there would be a juice box in there like you'll be in the closet it'll be like they're just everywhere you know what the thing is the floor is not a garbage can guys I'll tell you this right now what I actually have like a pet peeve and something that he doesn't annoy me I actually tell the truth and I don't exaggerate Demitri right now is I'm not saying I don't leave the juice boxes he is lucky you're not like he is exaggerating to prove a point and you know where where I'm not I don't see there's a juice bar I will say this there I'm not gonna lie like sometimes at night before I fall asleep I'll have a juice box and you shouldn't cuz it's really bad for your teeth um and we don't have a night table so I'll just put it on the floor like on the floor because you know I don't want to get up - go put it in the garbage I'm too lazy right so put it on the floor and in the morning I'm like okay I'm gonna get up in the morning and then you know throw it out sometimes he wakes up before me and he's like oh babe they're closed a juice box again or sometimes I just like forget two days later he's like the juice box you know you're lying you know I've tested you and I have actually not picked up the juice boxes just to see how long it would stay there and it just got to the point where there's juice boxes everywhere and I just broke down and I just gave it a garbage bag and I filled that sucker full of juice boxes the only place I've never seen a juice box like is literally like the oven or like the microwave but I've seen empty juice boxes in the fridge in the like under the TP code under the bed everywhere he's lying you know what Demetri if I ever have to go to court for anything I would not want you're lying testifying against me because you are convincing which needs to be heard that is not the truth you guys save the juice boxes okay guys back to me Demetri does this all the time he walks around butt naked all the time all the time I'll wake up you go yeah but it is you yeah because I wake up we're like you're welcome bye guys imagine waking up and like first thing in the morning you you don't have your thoughts together yet and boom it's the me tree in the doorway with a cup of coffee you just like casually button make and I feel attacked I feel like oh my god you guys you want me to put more clothes on I would like for you to put a towel on or some clothes here I was thinking that she was liking and no no no no the male body looks better when certain parts are covered up I don't know if you're gonna win me over than that I like waking up I like feeling the breeze I like to have my morning coffee yeah I got one more and this one happens quite frequently when we go out for dinner I've got this wicked sense of going to a restaurant figuring out what is there best dish and ordering it and I it's it's good all the time where Ike is the type of person who goes for the risky items like this seafood linguini which is completely is not risky it's complete hit or miss and if it misses then there's that awkward look that she gives me across the table and I need to just grab her plate grab my plate and swap them and then you continue to eat my steak while I'm stuck with your weird seafood linguini and like you know the first time I was like happy oh my god babe you know like you don't like your meal here you can have my delicious steak or my awesome you know oven roasted chicken and I'll take your weird dish that you decided to order but now it's the point where I think you're like taking advantage of it and you specifically go after these extremely risky thank you because you know that you have the safety blanket of the steak and the chicken sitting there should you not like it you got a chance every time you know a guy your mistake today I'm gonna and you just took it from me I'm gonna because you're lying I got why you should name this video lies I tell a Micah because you're lying guys this is what happens I have actually never ever ever asked the majorie to switch meals with me I thought this whole time he was being a nice boyfriend and he was like oh you know what you don't like that here you go babe it's fine I'm good with this one a little bit either well I don't want you carrying your feelings towards me and just inside you I just want you to know that you know we go to the restaurant maybe don't maybe don't go for the home run every single does sometimes you can go with the safe chicken or this or the steak baby I want I want you to enjoy your meal see what I mean you guys you guys he tells me oh no no I know babe I actually like it take it like he literally forces his meal on me and then you're gonna sit here tell the people that I think they're mean oh really Wow the only good the only good thing is she never even eats that much anyway so show you top it I'll still eat the other half and I'll eat the her crappy deal but just you know make a little bit more educated decisions you know I actually I actually do this when I go order food I think what do I want and what does aikka like as well just in case hers doesn't work out where she goes I'm not a huge seafood person she always goes for the seafood and then she like it and then I gotta eat it the way you just sat here and like what you mean you guys I'm telling you right now I'm legit telling them what is annoying about you and you're legit sitting here or trying to get sympathy from I'm not trying yes you are not I can see your company I see your taxes for you to sit there and be like I think to myself thoughts that go through my head what we go if I not have something else I don't like about you then I don't like because this is the thing okay if I don't like something I will let Dmitri know right away I don't like that I don't like that you do that I don't like did it at uh I don't like this Dmitri we'll wait till we sit here do a YouTube video to tell me haha me taking his food he don't like it after he's the one giving it to me I would never know that was annoying to you he didn't fit here and tell me that's on YouTube I just so you opened with me for three years and you've been carrying all that hard feelings towards you I don't want your food no more oh good be prepared to eat the risky meals and watch watch now she'll change if she'll be like oh he's not giving me a steak so maybe I want something a bit more you guys wouldn't that be annoying if like you don't know that you're doing something to annoy someone and then they're gonna complain about it three years later alright you've never asked for it I never asked I didn't know that you felt such a way about me you know waking up uh you know naked having my morning coffee you know I've told you enjoying my you're serious give me that look in the morning and I thought it was a good look it was like the the look is like what do you think that I thought it was like enough you really tried it okay we're learning we're learning we learned some things in this video today know what I honestly feel like the things that annoy me about them they're actually legit things they're actually legit things Demetri telling me I take his food eight that's a lie I've never taken his food he's given it to me Neri telling me to turn off the light while he's standing right next to it look and I know how I am and I know how I am like with money you know I'm all about the dollars and I know that it's not I'm not an easy person to be with and I appreciate you he's trying your sympathy I'm not I'm not I do appreciate you putting up with me because I think believe it or not I'm probably the harder person to be with you are you could have been let go baby I have my Balmain - what is that we're gonna do that I just love you baby that's why you can eat chicken that's why I give you the stage oh so now you love me and that's what you give it to me well mm oh you're telling me about how it's so annoying I'm not I'm just saying yours later I'm just saying that you know I feel like you're taking advantage of the situation at this point I've never asked you for your food I know but you won't you but you have that comfort of knowing that if this doesn't pan out I'm gonna get this day well you're the one who's annoying just sit there and offer somebody food and then carry hurt feelings about it in your heart and be like she always takes my food you know what else you do now that we're on the topic of food just just jog my memory I'm cooking something oh here we go I'm cooking something now and I'll be like hey babe do you want an omelet she's like no I don't want an omelet okay so I make myself an omelet and then as I'm eating it she's looking at me with the same eyes that she gives me across the dinner table when I have the steak and she's got the seafood linguini and I'm just like I could have made you one no okay guys okay this is the thing somebody ever offered you right when they're making it and in your mind you're like no I don't want a whole plate of food but I don't mind taking a bite off of your plate that's what that is times that body turns into multiple things it's a lie but I love you guys look you guys you as close to perfect as it gets no I read you for no one you're perfect the way you are you don't ever change look at you so well well you're gonna change way through my mail you're gonna change you're gonna change putting a dollar I'm not saying you can't be conscious about money because you know you should but if I always feel like everything we do has a dollar amount on it it takes away from me actually enjoying what we do and now I'm just like okay we didn't spend that much so I guess it's okay but that thought always go through it always go through my mind I'm sorry I actually I don't want to ruin moments because I'm like you know the twisted weird person that I am like you know so I'll work on it okay you will because only if you put some juice boxes away though deal I will put the juice box away I feel like yeah I'll let you have the lashes to the lashes is really good you know what the lashes doesn't actually make me that mad it makes me mad knowing that they're $20 and I know I said just now that I would stop doing this but I got one more thing you know it's just like damn look you paid $20 for these little tiny things and then they're like wedged in the couch and like stuck to the bottom of my foot because they're on the floor anyways you were good not wait yes I feel like we made some good progress today baby I think every single couple has things that they don't like about each other this just happiness of the others yeah which I feel like they're pretty mild you know I don't like hate the way that you chew food or you know yeah I think clearly we're still together three years later so it's not that crazy yeah right like it couldn't have been that hard for you to deal with me being naked in the morning but anyways that's all we got for you guys let us know what is your significant other that drives you absolutely mental in the comments section below and make sure that you like comment and subscribe and we'll see you next time I don't look short you know what I think I'm just happier so I sink into the couch a little bit more yeah I look nice and tall and statuesque girl yeah he's getting a pillow to sit on just so you guys know I am not there we go Wow whoa the past ah you're lying I am this much taller than you no you're not I am I'm like five inches taller than you but because but because I'm also like a hundred pounds heavier than you I sink into the couch more and then it evens us out so okay sir whatever you don't do like I don't I don't like colors just like assumptions like I always take out the trash maybe I wouldn't feel like such a mom I feel like they're gonna be even like when we would like have an argument or anything like why can I like just boxes it's convenient it's in a little package also let us know what your pet peeves are yeah what are your pet peeves yeah what's driving you nuts we need to figure out a date where we're gonna go live and tell the people so that they - does your watch we're both Sunday at 9:00 Sunday and when the kids are here he is fully cold so you are capable of putting on clothes of course I can't be like that with the kids around I mean so then why do you have to be like that with me around any time then we're sitting down relaxing you know I come home for my heart day just want to watch some Netflix and chill and then she sticks her little foot in my face and says rub me I never get rough do you think it pieces at me no I can see you in the reflection
Channel: Dem and Ika
Views: 229,052
Rating: 4.9538722 out of 5
Keywords: 5 things we don't like about each other, things we don't like about each other, things you dislike about your boyfriend, things you dislike about your girlfriend, confessing things we hate about each other, what we don't like about each other, things we like about each other, things we love about each other, boyfriend tag, girlfriend tag
Id: kv9ZS2cZ2ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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