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oh no just get some on your lips make it nice and wet see like can they see that honey can they see that yeah i think they can see it babe i'll pull this the thing okay hey guys what's up welcome back to our channel so before we get started dimitri is taking elijah to school right now so i have some free time to fill you guys in on what is going on dmitry thanks for be sitting down to film five things that we love about each other because we did a previous video about five things that we can't stand about each other little does he know i have other plans instead i'll be leading him on to see how he reacts and we both know it doesn't take much for dimitri okay so my plan is to change into a really sexy outfit i make sure i crimp my hair real big today to have the big hair so i feel like big hair gives you sexy vibes right so while dimitri is listing the five things that he loves about me i'll be over here leading his ass on okay get ready you guys it's about to be a good one boo boo boo boo you about to get god if you're feeling sorry for dimitri just remember in the past he's brought some rats home he's done the cheating prank to me giving me a heart attack so don't feel bad for him don't feel bad for him okay team like in the comment section make sure you thumbs up this video hit the subscribe button and let's get to it baby are we ready to go baby is this what we're doing today yeah all right i'm feeling really cute today yeah i'd say maybe you didn't tell me that uh you're gonna get all dressed up today i'm here in a plain white shirt you look good i feel like i just want to look cute today because i have all these outfits and i can't wear them so i should run for the youtube people and for you oh look you could also do this just a little you know like peekaboo little peekaboo little peekaboo you know yeah i should show them my outfit yeah right because it's so cute i should come back here and show it to them you guys how cute is this see like can you see that honey can they see that yeah i think they can see it babe i mean look at this isn't it cute it's cute right that's cute it's so cute i'm feeling the pink today i'm feeling it too right i just wanted to see the outfit can you see it maybe i can see it you can see it yeah oh cute isn't it cute it's good it's cute right yeah it's good so cute baby you literally look like a little barbie doll in it really that's greek for doll you like it eh i could tell you like this one right okay let's go our video let's do it come on with your video babe you're wasting time okay focus maybe you look beautiful oh thank you honey thank you babe i actually need a second right now to collect myself okay okay it's not too much boobs right maybe never too much boobs oh my god i feel like it's um because i'm so hot it's a little sweaty you want to get it maybe you know what let's just do the video let's do the video i'll get it we're getting sidetracked here yeah oh it's just hot though yeah okay okay okay oh my gosh your eyes are watering pants getting a little tighter look at that part yeah okay what's up guys welcome back to the channel for those of you who are new which is a lot of you lately thank you this is aika hi guys i'm dmitry welcome to our channel you guys and for all the people who've been here since day one we love you guys thanks for holding us down we shot a video about five things that we don't like about each other and now it's time to shoot five things that we love about each other i got a million things that i love about you baby so i'm actually excited for this one before you get started i'm getting some water because i feel like it's so hot yeah that's hot and yeah we need some water hold on we always have to like turn off the ac for these yeah so loud it's so hot it's hot it's too hot you cool down a bit that was nice that was really good like that that looks good it's like cold it's nice nice you know that is that guy is that water it's really good yeah it's good let's just jump into the video game ready i'm ready so i feel like you should go first i'm going first yeah okay one of the things that i love most about you yeah is just your energy like it is just infectious you just want to be around it all the time and like i feel like when we go somewhere like when you walk into the room everybody like feels your energy and everybody feeds off your energy so it's like as soon as ike gets there it's a party like people get amped up they're like ike is here and it's just like it is just a super sexy trait that you have oh thanks babe guys i'm so bad at taking compliments it's not even fun you get all like i get like very uncomfortable taking compliments but thanks babe thank you oh it's so nice thanks dave okay one of like my things that i really love about you is just how physically in shape you are like your arms are just so yuck guys show them show them all of this babe i feel so safe and i feel like this is where i belong he's just so strong oh honey you're squeezing you're squeezing the butt i am sorry not on youtube not on youtube taking your mind out the gutter baby come on hands are here hands are staying right there second thing that i love about aika is that she oh my god i spilled the wad i kicked it i kicked the water you guys oh my god it's okay it's okay i'm gonna go i'm gonna get some paper we cleaned it afterwards no no it's okay i don't want it to sit there it's just water no i know it's just water it's okay it's okay yeah yeah you know what actually i think you missed the spot right there the water is over here no there i think there was a little bit over there oh really that's tiring oh my god i'm so clumsy i'm so sorry i'm literally like guys i'm so clumsy okay okay sorry where were we again number two number two number two we're on number two is this appropriate for you for me to sit here like this or shut my legs down okay you know what it's fine but i don't mind it it's okay oh it's getting so hot should i open this a little bit more i'm gonna have to be you know fending off people in the comments but okay it's all good okay yeah so number two number two give me a second [Music] what are you doing nothing i just want us to like answer the questions you bend it i'm cleaning the water baby i'm being what you're trying to like entice me to not go to work after this no get your mind off the gutter where was i i'm sorry you just look beautiful today oh thank you thanks babe okay i gotta think of what that was again because i had a really nice way of like explaining it because it is something that i really love about you okay all right i could go no no i'm ready i'm ready okay so the second thing that i love about aika is she is so kind and so loyal never had anybody like treat me like you know i feel like you feel my pain yeah and you're just so kind and empathetic and like and so loyal so loyal if somebody does something to me or like betrays me she gets more mad than i do i do like i know i really do i really do and i can feel it i'm like baby it's okay it's fine like i'm all right and she just gets so worked up like on my behalf and it's just it's such a nice trait that you have and it's just something i love about you baby the second thing i love about dimitri is like he is such a foodie like he loves to eat like you are an eater no i'm like yeah yeah hold on you guys i actually for this part of the video i actually got you some strawberries because of how much you like to eat okay i did i got you strawberries and whipped cream honey of how much you like to eat and i just love feeding you since when honey all the time yep and that's so good so good right oh no just get some on your lips make it nice and wet okay no what the hell is going on no what i'm feeding this strawberry i love strawberries too very nice is this another like cardi b thing no what do i need to like put shazam on to see what song pops up when you say the lyrics or something no they're what lyrics what are you talking about i don't know what are you talking about i don't know but i am liking this whatever this is oh it's my cream i'll put it away and i'll come back okay all right it wasn't that good i'm incorporating i'm incorporating like what i love about you with objects and stuff too i like it i'm like giving a visual along with the things i'm saying isn't that so good it is right right yeah baby oh my god it's just what the heck is going on what kind of cardi b trend i don't even really care what it is i like it oh my god babe there's no trend i honestly love all these things about you i you know i believe you but the wiggling and the shaking and the strawberries and the water is too much i'm done being trolled on this channel okay it's deleting my boyfriend on like i think it's a prank is it a prank or a challenge it's something but it wasn't too challenging taking advantage of me because i don't have time to scour youtube and find out what the heck is going on and you you punked me but that's okay if i'm gonna get punk this is the best way to do it right maybe you're beautiful thanks let's end this video let's get out of here stop i wanted to carry it on a little bit longer i feel like i failed your little snack baby you did not fail i couldn't even like get the words out the first time around i'm just like yo i totally forgot what the heck i was going to say when did you start figuring out that something was a little off with the water and the water in my face i've never seen anybody clean water like that you're dabbing it with like the like i'm not flexible but you know like i was just i'm like this and then you brought the strawberries and the strawberry i'm just like okay this is weird she never feeds me it's funny because like i'm thinking back now and you like gave me the glass of water but like you held it and poured it in my mouth i'm like i didn't think anything of it at the moment but like now i'm like oh okay baby i've fed you i've fed him like food before like a meal like that yeah like you bring me a plate of food but you don't like school i have done that to you a couple of times like not the whole meal i've been like oh try this next yeah okay like try this versus like oh here you go baby let me grab some a fan and fan you while i feed you grapes i'm still waiting for that when's that video i should i should have done that because you're greek there's a platter of cheese and greens i wouldn't have even i wouldn't even thought anything was up i'm like finally finally i get what i deserve all right i'm gonna up my game a little bit better i feel like you're catching on to me yeah i don't you're catching on to me i gotta give a little bit a little bit better but if this is the route that we're going i'm not opposed to it baby seriously you're you're a little doll all right okay all right guys thanks for watching like comment and subscribe bye we'll see you next time should i sit up here oh sorry like right like right here so they can see the outfit the whole time i mean as long as you don't give them a show yeah maybe it's not a good idea baby look at you you look like a little dog for you okay ah i'll pull this thing
Channel: Dem and Ika
Views: 715,088
Rating: 4.9405599 out of 5
Keywords: leading my boyfriend on to see how he reacts, leading my boyfriend on, leading my bf on to see how he reacts, leading my bf on, leading my boyfriend on while he's driving, leading my bf on while he's driving, to see how he reacts, how to be sexy, flashing my boyfriend, prank on boyfriend, distracting my boyfriend, dem and ika, leading boyfriend on in car, boyfriend
Id: hkd1P9pfJvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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