5 Things POLICE Departments DON'T ISSUE That COPS Need

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all right today I'm free field training we're gonna talk about five things that every cop needs the police departments just don't issue or at least the vast majority of them don't issue I recently did a video called five investment politic pieces of police equipment that every cop needs to buy final link for that right up there and one of the comments on there was hey let's talk about the stuff that department should be buying an issuing a lot of us get almost everything issued to us all the cool stuff all the guns and radios and belts and uniform pants and all of that all that gets issued out so what is it for people that work in places where they get all of the cool stuff what do they need to be more effective to be more comfortable on the job so that's what we're gonna look at today now the number one thing for the five things that every cop needs that departments just don't issue has to be moisture-wicking clothing whether you work up in the north we're getting sweaty and then walking outside in the cold is gonna make you really uncomfortable that's gonna make you really really cold or you work down in the south where you're gonna switch a bun off all day coming in and out of the air-conditioning and never getting cooled off from being outside directing traffic for an hour in the heat or if you live in the middle like me where sometimes it's really cold and other times is hot as Hades moisture wicking clothing is a huge advantage for law enforcement especially when you're wearing polyester dark uniforms and it's hot out and you have to stand outside and you're wearing body armor as important as body armor was in that five investment quality pieces of police equipment video moisture wicking clothing is that important for keeping you safe and comfortable so you don't dehydrate and end up passing out so there's a few things that I want to talk about with moisture wicking clothing we have the old standby of course your Under Armour shirts this one not so white anymore from wearing it at work back when we used to wear white undershirts but these things are great did the original moisture wicking clothing and get the moisture away from your body and out into the outer layers and these dry really really fast there's a bunch of other companies that have coming on the market with similar things 2 2 1 be technical has the same type of moisture-wicking t-shirt and they make these in a variety of colors they're the same thing type of thing where it's a compression shirt that's made of a modern fabric that wicks whip moisture away and allows it to evaporate very quickly so you cool off faster and you stay dry when it's cold out so you're not getting cold in the wintertime and you're not getting all sweaty and nasty and smelly in the summer at least not nearly as much both of these are awesome undershirts to wear but if you don't have the money for those these all run you know in 30 to 50 to $60 range you know the money for those there's cheaper companies like champion that make shirts that you can get into this with and you can test whether or not this is something that you're gonna like whether or not it's worth a lot of people aren't really interested in paying three four hundred dollars to get a moisture wicking shirt for every day of the week at work but you can get into these for 15 20 bucks these just champion shirts and see whether or not it's worth it to you to buy a better quality moisture wicking shirt now there's a huge difference between champion and between Under Armour and two-to-one B these are your very high-end versions these are a lot more comfortable these not as comfortable but it'll let you see whether or not that moisture wicking will help you another way to look at mooster wick and clothing and ways to make yourself more comfortable when you're out on the street especially if you're wearing body armor that doesn't have standoff mesh lining that's a mesh lining that's got a little bit of open foam in it where it's gonna keep the moisture from sticking and having the Kevlar cling to you and that's two to one B's little ventilation vests these max drive s as they call them what they do is they allow your body armor to sit a little bit off of your body there's three-dimensional mesh here there's it foam in the back you can actually see through these of us you see there but this three-dimensional mesh allows air to flow in behind your vest now there's a lunch of companies that make this type of thing this one seems to be the most comfortable of them for me it doesn't create chafing points on your vest and you can velcro them on to the best cover if you were an external vest cover and then you're not putting this on and then putting something else on and then putting other stuff on top you just attach this to your existing bust and it stays with it and you can take it out and wash it when you wash the carrier for your bus it just stays attached John makes it easy to take on and off a lot less work involved with using this next when it comes to comfort we have to talk about your back if you're a law enforcement any of your length of time unless you're going really really really light on the stuff you put on your duty belt you're gonna need one of two things you're gonna need suspenders or you're gonna need some sort of back medication they're gonna see the chiropractor or you're gonna have to go get a massage every week most people develop some sort of back problems over the years in law enforcement I have seen everybody that I know at work at some point start developing back problems and if your departments requiring that you keep everything on your duty belt you have a vest cover that's either slick or of us that you're keeping underneath your uniform shirt and all of that gear has to be kept on your belt you need suspenders and the best suspender brand that I've worked with and you've seen in other videos I've used a bunch of them has been 911 one gear and specifically their tactical suspenders because I wear an external vest cover the tactical suspenders work really well for me they've got a lot of padding up on the shoulders that most suspenders don't have it's actually nice thick padding and all of this there's no sharp edges or anything it's not hard plastic it's all fabric material with a little bit of stretch on the back of it so it keeps you comfortable doesn't create chafing points underneath your vests these nylon one gear suspenders are great they're YKK attachment points they're box stitched on all the edges I haven't had any problems with these I've given about five pairs of these out to friends of mine and none of them are broke everybody says that they absolutely love these things we're doing a giveaway on this video oh did I mention we're doing a giveaway on this video because we're doing a giveaway on this video and this is your first item for the giveaway is these suspenders anybody in the US or Canada is eligible for the giveaway or giving away this pair of suspenders and a bunch of that you're gonna see on this video so stick around to the end to see how you can enter another very important thing that you have to think about with being out on the street and that the police department's just do not issue is it cooler and it's something that a lot of people don't get into until significantly later on in their career they start off by going and eating garbage yet you know the stop and Rob places and your greasy spoons in town and eating it you know fast food joints a cooler will save you a bunch of money and a bunch of hassle of having to run more when you're at the gym you can't outrun dessert and if you pack your lunch in advance and you have a cooler with you it can save you from eating junk food it can save you a bunch of money because it's cheaper to buy food at the grocery store and also if you have a good cooler like this one you can keep water and drinks and stuff in here so that way you always have water on hand you have cold water on hand you can throw some Gatorade in here it's got an extra big extra pocket up front that's not part of the inside of the cooler that allows you to keep just dry items so if you want to keep granola bars and emergency snacks and stuff in here you want to keep your wallet and stuff in here so you keep your duty bag in your car and be able to just take this home that's awesome because you can just throw this in your car theme of the day you don't have to load and unload things out of the squad all the time inside this particular one the reason I use this one at work is not always have a strap to go over the back seat of my car so it doesn't fly out and hit me in the face it keeps it right up next to me at work it's got a bucket on the inside so even though I load my lunch and everything into this and I put I freeze a Nalgene bottle and throw it in there and I put some blue ice those refillable packets in here if at work I get stuck on a 16-hour shift when it's 105 degrees outside because it's got this bucket in here I can fulfill it with normal ice that I can get from any of the local greasy spoons that like me fill this up with ice or go to the truck stop and fill it up with ice and then my cooler is gonna continue working even when that blue ice is mostly melted I love this cooler there's gonna be a link for it down in the description should check it out this is the best one that I found so works really well for me one thing that a lot of people who aren't the law enforcement don't realize about squads is everybody points to the performance characteristics of the squads and how well they break and how well they corner and how much space they have inside and integration of lights and stuff like that but there's lots of things on them that just even today you can make a squad that has things that no consumer would go without and one of them that has been the bane of my existence since I found out that you didn't have to just listen FM radio is a lack of anna locks jack or a CD player or cassette player or pretty much any way you can take your tunes and put them through the radio and I've gone through about 15 different solutions for this little cheap FM transmitters from Amazon the best one that I found so far is this little FM transmitter this is it's called a km 18 color and how this works is you just plug it into your squad like I have a 20-17 Explorer no walks Jack no Bluetooth none of that crap I've not been able to find anybody that can upgrade the radio to bluetooth without you know get in trouble at work haven't actually pulled the physical radio out so you plug this in and it comes with a you know two USB ports to charge and I have our red cord so that way I can find it easily in the black car in the black of the night to plug into my black phone finding having a nice bright color court helps plug it in this little screen comes on it allows you to transmit from bluetooth on your phones your phone bluetooth to this and this transmits on FM channels some of these are really crappy this one's pretty good and I found that if I transmitted a hundred point nine FM that seems to be the good sweet spot for being able to transmit from this to the radio in the car and then I just listen to a hundred and nine point nine on the radio at work and I can play anything from my phone on the radio in this quad which is great especially on Midnight's I can listen to podcasts with this I can listen to my tunes if I want with this anything I want to do if I want from my phone into the car just like you if you have an aux jack or a bluetooth now these aren't perfect none of them are but this is about the best one that I found this is also part of the giveaway and it's something I'm throwing in there no company sending this out your way I'm setting this out your way cuz I really like this product I think anybody that's a cop out on the street that's stuck with a car like mine that doesn't have an aux jack and doesn't have Bluetooth which most of them don't they're gonna love this finally we're going to talk about Duty bags the duty bag that I am currently using at work and the one that I recommend everyone else is 9:11 one gears duty bag this is the fifth generation Duty bag and as you can see what sets this one apart from the one that your department might give you for free and issue you and the ones that you get really cheap at most stores is that it has MOLLE webbing pretty much all the way around it which means you can attach and set this up any way you want so if you're like me you just want to stick pens and stuff on the front you can do that you want to put your go bag on the front and attach out a big panel on the front you can do that you want to put a big medical bag on the side you can do that if you want to take your gloves and get a glove holder and attach it to the top you can do that it's got big compartments on the inside of it as well it's got a huge velcro field on the top where you can put all your favorite patches and stuff it's got a couple different straps to be able to hold this up onto the head line or on the headrest of your car so that you can get to all of your doodads on the inside of it see the strap there you touch that up on your car it's got lots of space in here and not more than enough to keep all your big binders and stuff and ticket book pads and stuff it zips up to close up so you don't spill this all over when you're moving in from car to car it's everything the duty bag that anyone would be issued is not another great solution for a duty bag if you don't like having this big square thing or if you have to walk a distance to your car or if you - just leave your stuff in your car which a lot of people do I'm jealous of all of you by the way is one of these seat back duty bags what this is is a flat panel and you can load this with all your stuff and attach it onto the headrest of your card it just sits on the seat and you leave it there then you have room for your cooler or bag or whatever else sitting in front of it this is also a great solution this is a la pro bag pretty sure I got this from gauls awhile ago I'll put a link to all the stuff down in the description this is awesome for people that have their car and don't have to share their car or they get a take-home car they're just gonna leave their stuff in it all the time because you can keep all your paperwork and non vital things you're not worried about somebody stealing in this and then have another bag with stuff you might be worried about somebody stealing or your lunch or whatever else sitting in front of it either strapped to this or strapped around the seat so you're not having to carry stuff in and out of the house in and out of the station that you don't have to it's a good solution as well by the way the 9-1-1 gear duty bag we're giving one of these away the km 18 color FM from Bluetooth transmitter we're giving one of these away the two to one B mesh dry vest we're giving that away as well and since I know everybody's gonna have problems with their back at some point we're giving away a 9-1-1 gear set of their tactical suspenders the newest versions of them this stuff should keep you pretty comfortable and pretty organized if you're just getting into law enforcement or if you're looking to upgrade and be more comfortable when you're out on the street so here's how you enter you want to win all this stuff we're gonna have one winner I know that was confusing last time four people one winner is gonna win all this stuff you have to be in the US or Canada you're welcome all my Canadian viewers and you have to go down in the description and I don't want you to talk about these items I want you to tell me what I'm missing what's one piece of equipment that the Park Police Department's are not issuing that every cop needs put a comment down to the description every comment is an entry and we're gonna run this for 30 days again so we can have thousands and thousands and thousands of entries for me to dig through in order to pick a winner and in 30 days we'll come back and do a live screen over on the Instagram page it's Tommy underscore free field training and we'll pick a winner and post it up on YouTube so everybody can see who won and one lucky winner in the u.s. or Canada as long as all this stuff is legal to ship to you which I don't see why it wouldn't be we'll ship it off to you and you'll get to be a lot more organized and a lot more comfortable on the street hey thanks for watching free field training on youtube while you're here check out one of our other videos or head over to patreon and say get you me and put on the videos like these folks or you could check out my Instagram free there's a link down in the description you can catch live streams of me rapping while drinking coffee and eating donut you hey thanks for watching three fuel training on YouTube while you're here check out one of our other videos or go over to patreon and say you get your meme put on the videos like these folks or you could check out my Instagram free there's a link down in the description you can catch live streams of me rappin while drinking coffee and doughnut or
Channel: free field training
Views: 116,170
Rating: 4.8888483 out of 5
Keywords: Police, training
Id: qFBy5DcloUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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