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[Music] hey guys what's going on a user named John Wayne's gun posted a comment on one of my last videos and I actually thought it was a really good idea top 5 things you need to do once you have your own patrol car and there's nothing you really need to do but there are things that you need to have doing this for so long you learn a lot of tips and tricks and stuff like that kind of like shortcut things that will help you out on the street so I'm going to help you guys out by giving you the top 5 most recommended things to have with you at all times some of the things on the list probably won't make a lot of sense but I will explain them thoroughly to you guys there's nothing super exciting about the items on this list but I know it's going to help you guys once you're out in the field so let's get started number 5 an accordion folder of all the things that you carry with you an accordion folder is definitely going to be one of the most helpful things that you could possibly have once you become a cop you will realize the mountain of paperwork that you're going to have to have with you at all times it almost seems like every call requires a different piece of paper now keep in mind not every department is like this I'm just going off of the two departments that I've been with car accidents is the biggest one and let's go ahead and stop calling them car accidents they are motor vehicle collisions a sinkhole suddenly appearing in the middle of the road and you crashing is an accident someone rear-ending you at 40 miles an hour because they're checking their facebook status is a motor vehicle collision that [ __ ] is not an accident but there's a lot of different forms that you guys are going to encounter everything from car accident shoplifting notifying someone that their driver's license is suspended driving under the influence vehicle to log anyway the list goes on you guys get the point but every type of call you go to a lot of them are going to require a certain a certain type of form and one bad habit that I used to have is just like keeping papers in my car and then you end up with a bunch of crinkled garbage in your trunk so try to get an accordion folder take the time to be organize if you guys are organizing this job that will make things so much easier for you I am NOT an organized person whatsoever but I have had to learn to be one since getting into this line of work and by having one of those accordion folders it will keep every form where it's supposed to be so you can just open it up find the tab and then pull it out if you guys were to look at my trunk now everything is very compartmentalized I have a spot for everything in my trunk so whether I'm going to a death scene or a motor vehicle collision or whatever I have everything I need and I know exactly where is that number for a spare set of handcuffs guys I cannot reiterate this enough there is no such thing as having too many handcuffs you never know when you're going to need them you might show up at a riot you might show up at a scene with like 12 different people and you might need a few extra sets to get people into custody and not only that a lot of times you might arrest somebody that's like 300 400 pounds and one set of handcuffs is not going to work you're going to have to link two or three different pairs of handcuffs to get them into custody without breaking their shoulder and if your department lets you do it I would recommend throwing like ten pairs of the zip tie handcuffs in your trunk just have on hand number three a seed organizer the seed organizer is basically a large plastic molding with metal hook at the top of it and they basically hook on to the passenger seat so you can store like your ticket book your flashlight documents maybe like a code section cheep-cheep whatever it's just an area to put all your like pins and pencils and stuff like that guys if you're getting into law enforcement I can guarantee you hopefully not but I can pretty much guarantee you at some point in your career somebody's going to run into you now the ticket book depends everything else that you left in your seat are now flying missiles through your car because I highly doubt any of you want a metal pin going through your eye at 50 miles an hour number two latex gloves and hand sanitizer this one should go without saying using a little common sense but the people that you're going to be dealing with are oftentimes pretty nasty you're going to be dealing with people that inject themselves with needles they might have HIV they might have hepatitis not only that there's also bacterias and everything else mold if you guys go to a store something I would recommend actually getting some of those face masks to the disposable ones that you can throw away so we'll see the face mask the latex gloves and the hand sanitizer I keep a huge jug of the hand sanitizer on my door so anytime I get back in my car just squirt some of that in there wash your hands and I even do that after I take my gloves off just make sure number one the last thing that I would recommend every single one of you carry and I know you guys are going to chuckle with this tampons and maxi pads yes gentlemen I just told you to go buy some feminine hygiene products and know it's not for when somebody on the shift hurts your feelings when I tell you what it's used for you're going to think it makes perfect sense so you're cruising down the road at 4 o'clock in the morning and you are struggling to stay awake then all of a sudden the alarms go off on the radio and shots have been fired one person is on the ground you were the closest unit you arrived on scene and this guy has a bullet wound in his chest what do you do this guy is gurgling blood and the ambulance is still 5 or 10 minutes away I am NOT a medical professional so I'm not recommending you do this this is just a practice that I do and I have seen it work before there's my disclaimer think about what those particular feminine hygiene products are used for we have had gunshot victims before we arrived on scene and we plug as much as it might hurt them it's going to save their life you plug the wound with a tampon and then wrap it with a maxi pad overtop put some tape on there it will help control the bleeding and it will at least allow them to get to the emergency room where the doctors can do whatever they need to do to save that person's life it's better than just like covering it with a towel and hoping it stops bleeding guys that is it for today if you have any more video suggestions leave them in the comments section below I do appreciate the ongoing support there's so many of you that I see over and over and over in the comments section it's so cool to know that you guys watched my videos on the regular so I wanted to kind of send a special shout out to you guys I do appreciate it and guys if you follow me on Instagram those of you that ordered merchandise during the campaign wall was open I want you guys to send me the most creative pictures that you have including officer 401 somewhere is a picture and you might get featured on the Instagram page I've already had a few people send me pictures it's really cool of you guys to do that and like I said if you want to be featured on the Instagram page I'm going to be selecting some of the most creative ones to put on there guys thank you again I'm sorry that's kind of short today I'm extremely tired after working all day so I'm going to go home have a beer and relax for the rest of the night thanks again for watching and I will see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: officer401
Views: 288,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cops, police, officer, 401, officer401, seat, organizer, flashlight, tickets, field interview, tampons, maxipads, periods, hand, latex, gloves
Id: gg5YfIt6mxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2017
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