5 Things Latecomers to Prepping Need to DO NOW! A Patreon vid

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morning and welcome to viking preparedness i'm pastor joe fox a lot not a lot there are well a lot there's a lot of you who have recently only recently woken up to the fact that all is not right in the universe in the world and uh things may fall apart due to a variety of reasons and you are in dare i say something of a panic and i have gotten the question the comment the email uh many times in the last month or so i'm brand new to this what do i need to do right now to get ready pastor joe is here to help now another comment i get frequently on youtube is that i take too long to get to the point just tell us what you want to tell us and get up i usually make fun of those people i usually give them some kind of snarky comment back but in the interest of self-improvement i'm gonna tell you the five things late comers to preparedness need to do right now as soon as you can to get ready for what's coming i'm gonna go right through these fast so do you have a pen and paper if you don't go ahead and pause this video go get a pen and paper and i'll give you the list the five things you need to do you late comers to get ready to endure survive and thrive what's coming pause all right we're back all right you ready i got a list of five things you need to do first thing go buy four cases of bottled water per member of your household and squirrel them away somewhere put them under the bed put them down in the basement out in the garage whatever it'll store just fine keep it out of the sunlight four cases of bottled water per person the next thing i want you to do is go buy three cases the flats in the grocery store of something like progreso soup three cases per person the big ones they make manwich meals and things like that that'll work too but i'm talking a big soup because you can take that soup and put it on rice or whatever and extend it and make it go further or you can eat it if you have to you can eat it right out of the can so get three cases four cases of water three cases of soup per person in your household put that away you need a that's two number three you need a robust first aid kit what's a robust first aid kit think something like a large tool box full of first aid supplies i recommend part of those supplies be a bear ifak in case yeah forbid you get shot or someone you care about gets shot but you need a robust first aid kit that's number three number four you need a 12 gauge shotgun and 100 rounds of some kind of buckshot per household go get it i know they're getting hard to get i know hamlet's hard to get you told me what do i need to do i'm telling you bad times are coming you may have to protect you and yours that's the easiest thing to do and the fifth thing you need you need three of the giant packs of toilet paper per person in your household put them aside do those five things water soup first aid shotgun toilet paper and you will be prepared for what's coming feel better you feel good all right i've got my list i'm ready to go shopping and i'll be ready for the apocalypse that's bunk everything i just said the way i packaged it spunk there is no simple way no little list that you can check to go get ready for what's coming whether it's martial law civil war real covid coming down real war with other people aliens asteroids who knows i deal in concepts here more than anything and you need new people you need to grasp the concepts and the number one concept we all need to grasp is that we could all be on our own completely for everything most people cannot even contemplate that unthinkable thing their brain won't go there you may have to be responsible for yourself you may have to be self-reliant there may be nothing available in any stores stores may not be open you may not be allowed to travel it could be enforced by police and drones you may have no gasoline to purchase there may be nothing to purchase the economy could collapse you could have nobody come help you y'all forbid if you cut yourself with a chainsaw nobody's coming ambulance ain't coming hospitals closed no one's coming to protect you when the criminals decide it's time to go on a rampage no one is going to feed you mres daily humanitarian rations are not going to fall from helicopters into your front yard you need to be prepared to be totally on your own which is why i tell people over and over and over come out of her my people move to a rural area and make friends now you you could do that you could too many of you people are just playing games and i can't do it you can it's just you're choosing not to it's still a free country you can do it you just think that the issues you have outweigh your ability to do it so i'm gonna leave that over here but that's the best thing so what can you do stock as much food as you can that will last a long time real food that will give you calories so that you can work physically start getting in shape right now today go for a jog if you can't jog go for a walk do push-ups if you can't do push-ups do them against a wall start today to get in shape you can't be in good enough shape it's another theme i hit because i know it's important think about what you're going to do when for whatever reason your utilities no longer work water does not flow from your pipes toilets do not flush electricity does not flow there's no no more propane coming to fill your tank there's no gas coming through the gas line if that's what you have there's no more oil coming to if some of you are on oil anybody still heat their home with coal winter's coming how are you going to stay warm all on your own do you start seeing how complicated this is i mean i could write a book on this ah i did survivalist family prepared americans for a strong america available online everywhere i'll get a comment what's the name of that book again what's that function where you rewind the video i know that was mean but it's true um yeah you need to be prepared to be on your own and you need to be prepared not like a prepper this is how i draw distinctions it's my definition i think preppers prep for emergencies survivalists are prepared for long term not for some emergency that's going away it may not go away it may just start compounding upon itself the problems it could could also be a nothing burger but that's not what you're asking you're asking me those of you who have asked what do i need to do now to get ready you need to be as self-sufficient as possible you need stuff you need skills you need physical ability all of those things even the stuff to a degree but not so much takes time unfortunately i don't think you have a lot of it so you got to do the best you can with what you have where you're at you have to make hay while the sun shines i'm looking at a hornet again i hate those things i need to just carry a can of hornet spray oh look at the hornet those things i went over in the list you need to think about those things where are you going to get drinking and wash water water how you gonna sort water very quickly i suggest you catch rain purify water my very first video talks about it you should go watch it on youtube what did i say next cans of soup you need food you need a lot of food you're not buy food you you can eat that you normally eat keep it cool dark dry and bug-free and get as much of it as you can get as much of it as you can if you buy food you normally eat and you store it properly you won't waste your money even if nothing happens you just won't have a grocery bill for the next however long you bought food for but what happens when your food runs out what happens when you eat that last can of progresso soup what then better plan for that better have food sources i know you can eat dandelions uh-huh have you tried eating dandelions for two weeks only well you can also eat acorns have you tried eating this wild forager diet for two weeks guys you need gardens you need to be able to continue to produce more food if you live somewhere where you can fish you need to be good at fishing fishing's good hunting will go away quickly so i told you to get water you need to have that sorted i told you to have food first aid the time to read a first aid book on how to stop a bleeding gash coming out of your leg is not when that's happening it's now you should be practicing first aid the whole fam it's a whole family event family home evening first aid make it as advanced as you can for your people and get the stuff learn about home nursing instead of watching the video of little kittens rolling around on the ground oh they're so cute or dances with the stars or something start reading books on how to nurse what do you do with someone who's delirious with fever throwing up and having diarrhea and no doctors coming how do you deal with that there are tried and true ways you should probably know them the information is there so yeah first aid kit you need to be your own doctor getting books on to that effect would be helpful too 12-gauge i looked up i thought about buying a flat top upper for an ar yesterday i don't need it but i have an older a2 and i thought i could convert it put a shorter barrel on it something of a patrol rifle if you will and so i went to palmetto arms because they sell them a dime a dozen man i bought them there before yeah forget that idea but you need you do need a firearm you do need ammo and you do need a uh training and how to use it the time for all of that is almost gone it's almost gone you can still get firearms you're just gonna pay twice what they're really worth that's the price you pay for messing around but you need to pay it you need to have a means to protect yourself because everybody else is going to have a gun so there's that did i say you need training you need to pay somebody to train you how to use this weapon in a combative encounter not go pew pew pew pew on the range you need to learn to fight with it it's going to cost you money toilet paper whatever but you do need a means to uh sanitarily to properly dispose of human waste if your toilet's not working composting toilets outhouses those two things come to mind wow there's a lot of hornets up there um read about it there are proper ways to do it there are really improper ways to do it and you'll get everybody sick cholera is not fun so start thinking about these things gang um if you're doing anything johnny and jill late comer but spending all your free time getting ready to be here's the concept self-reliant if you're doing anything else but that you're wasting time and quite frankly and there's probably not many vikings i may actually make this a youtube video because there's a lot more unprepared people on youtube but if there's anybody that's just waking up and is older than 22. where have you been wake up it's about to get real all right hey i do wish you the best think big concept it's all you baby i'll see you out there
Channel: VikingPreparedness
Views: 198,532
Rating: 4.9079161 out of 5
Keywords: Shtf, Teotwawki, Wrol, Prepper, Viking, Preparedness, Militia, Torah, Yeshua, Yhwh, Survivalist, Survivalism, end times, Armageddon, Covid, Pandemic, Liberty, Tyranny
Id: cgoXuWJcnh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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