5 Things I Wish Beginner Guitarists Knew (before my Guitar Lesson)

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thank you so much for watching thomas the music and i'm so glad that you guys liked my um routine video five things techniques to do and i do every day i practice make sure you don't want to practice too much also you don't want to have any pain if you have a pain make sure you know you do this a little bit you know um you know relax your hands and all that but at the same time today i thought maybe this will help you to understand to become better player and one of those things that a lot of people don't just don't notice and material is right and position is right note is right but sometimes point is missing and i want to have five things that you should not do so this one may be called please don't play this way or something like that don't practice you know this routine every day and make sure really bad guitar play or make this exercise or this way really makes you stay at the same place that's the problem right so the number one number one problem is noisy but you just don't know it so let me show you say like if you play major scale right so this is a bad example do you hear one more time [Music] okay what's the problem well you're not muting by right hand so like c d not cd that's it i thought [Music] see already i'm muting every note after i play [Music] this is correct [Music] no noise right the problem is for example i give you an idea like this e a e e string already if i play this one you don't hear noise but most people don't mute so this a it's rings it's basically same note like a rings together it's interesting huh so if i play this b yes b rings but this one b for that so if you play this or don't know you don't know this but this note you see rings so you have to mute it same way how about no problem no problem watch it see rings same thing oops rings b c no no problem [Music] so even this topno one more time by example if you practice like that you sounds like that and the problem is if you don't play loud enough not bright enough you have too much reverb covers everything you just don't notice today or next week next month next year maybe two years later you sound the same exactly same i can guarantee and so yeah you want to change that okay next one no dynamics or controller picking so this is um my etude from a solo guitar etude book right and so three on six and bad example here you go [Music] notice all together [Music] so note separation is not right it just play too too much and the note is all together so if you have a two notes playing bottom notes you're going to pick a little softer but also you want to make sure two notes are not together so like a correct way is it so right there already so you know together you don't go then that's too much pressure already too many noise [Music] then make effort to figure it out maybe two fingers roll your finger [Music] now here it's important most people play this a2s and then bottom notes gets louder because bottom notes has more thicker string more volume so you have to use dynamics control [Music] so in order to achieve this one all you have to do is play slower play slower play clear and make sure more treble less bass and no reverb okay so next one yes this is a typical one too like a you know swing group but little too fast and um too many like destruction they can too many um [Music] uh like the fields and stuff so let me try right okay so this is a bad example okay all right so they're too fast a one two a one two three four [Music] [Music] [Music] so sometimes um it is happened to my tape lesson students you know from japan and everybody does a great job copying but what happened is a lot of people copy um my etudes or my instructional material from books or dvd and those who are really made for in general you know for everyone so that temp setting is slightly usually faster just because you have to fix in a book format or dvd right and so if you take the information too straight without arranging then sometimes those temples were a little bit too fast for someone like this case and then not knowing when to stop or how to change so sometimes people think oh maybe faster it sounds good well yeah faster sometimes sounds good but it's a little different you know um you have to do first you don't want to do so much fails and stuff just so simple so that your rhythm skill will increase so so that um my suggestion is like a little bit take it slower so if the suggestion says maybe 62 maybe why not 55 or 58 and then it's kind of similar for you but let's um you this using adding uh fields so a one two three four little slow [Music] a little bit more dynamics not so much field that simple this way when you work on solo you have more [Music] space very important [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay right so next one say say someone want to do now solo you know maybe making sorrow right but then so this scenario is this someone who study blues maybe copy little bit bb king a little bit stevie ray vaughan maybe one song each or like that and then knowledge is everything come from books or internet in scale form triads or arpeggios so many things like [Music] like that and then not so much um pay attention about the rhythm like a language you know rhythm so almost like yeah you can hear it but this one little bit difficult to play because i i can't hear like that because i changed so let me do the best i can to express this okay here we go a one two a one two three four [Music] do [Music] [Music] like that so so what's happening is that just like the you know arpeggio i teach arpeggio but i always tell students once you can play this [Music] you understand never ever play after that because you don't play like that on a performance nobody play like that but when you learn you have to learn just a little bit you know so once you can play that if you can play other thing that's enough you don't play so like very important you learn certain place you have to stop so that inviting something else so the problem was thinking about too much shape also you hear no rest so this is a danger of a guitar playing you can sustain forever and still you can breathe because you don't breathe in a guitar [Music] see this is all correct [Music] right so like a rhythm you have to have a rhythm so what you need to do is maybe use triads or maybe flat 7 or some idea like like see i use more like a phrasing so [Music] and [Music] [Music] you have to have a little bit more quorum response so that's why like even this like you know simple you know [Music] so maybe you should try play something you decide something simple like that a one two three [Music] and then make space like that you know [Music] then here sometimes augmented triads the other day i did on guitar wisdom augmented triads or diminished triads so you learn then study and put this into playing but you have to practice a little bit about the timing so timing means should we play downbeat end of one end of two i don't know it's even this first one a one two three so you have to work on one two three two three you have to have a subdivision you can't know just that you know you cannot just guess the way because then that's not good enough something like that okay so i hope you understand and here any question about this um topic we did okay so far noise issue in a major scale any scale and then no dynamics playing and i did fast swing playing fast way maybe i say obnoxious rhythm guitar how's that in the first plane well no space arpeggio no space just all correct but now real breathing like a conversation and last one it's like it's like it's happened sometime it's just about the dynamics the people just some people just don't hear it or maybe guitar is not you know making enough dynamics so i'm so this one i have to save this my good pick so i i pick another pick it's just already used this one like my pick but anyway so um yeah and just in case i can repeat so i um just oops i drop it so somebody play like this so you know okay so like g and then maybe c like that but but maybe like you know okay this this is hard to do okay here we go no dynamics holding a pick really hard okay here you go see that's not good so one more time i can't even play that i never play that hard but see pics goes like this and then trash but you have to play like this [Music] [Applause] do [Music] free tremor [Music] do now there we have an actual spot [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] that's nothing to do with the lesson what is that
Channel: TomoFujitaMusic
Views: 439,583
Rating: 4.9584641 out of 5
Keywords: Guitar, Guitar lesson, Practice routine, Guitar exercise, Berklee, Theory, Guitar Wisdom, Tomo Fujita, Orangewood, Acostic, acoustic guitar, beginner guitar, John Mayer, Eric Krazno, Bad habits
Id: 6nMNS5ZgcCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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