5 Things EVERY Guy Does ONLY If He Loves You (How To Tell)

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I have been watching your video - a longest time I found a channel by one day searching way to know if the guy liked and then after watching that one video I couldn't stop your videos were so energetic and fun - sometimes had some really good advice I thought I supposed to gain feelings for this guy so I started watching more and more of your videos and who would have known that six months later I would indeed thank you for all Oh so for today's video I didn't really want to film it inside this room because it's so hot but yesterday when I tried to film it outside I got eaten by mosquitos and I couldn't film the rest of the video oh my god they're bugs everywhere also I have a crazy tan line on the top of my head and probably indent from wearing my hat so for today's video as you guys can see by the title I wanted to talk about some of the different things a guy is going to do if you really love do you reason that I want to talk about this is because sometimes I think we get into relationships and we start hanging out with somebody and then they say that they love you but then they start doing things that show that maybe they just like being in a relationship with you and they don't actually have those feelings of their same so if you have no interest in hearing about these things that you have definitely come to the wrong video but if you guys want to know these things watch till the end I'm also going to be answering some Instagram questions that you guys send me because there are so many and I think that I'm going to start doing that in more videos so if you did send me an Instagram question I might be answering it just wait till the end of the video alright so I wrote down everything that I wanted to say on this piece of paper and the first thing says he never pushes you to do the things that you don't want to do the reason that this is important and the reason that I think this is a telltale sign and telling if somebody really loves you is that if you realize that this person is always pressuring you into things and they're always telling me to do stuff that you don't want to do that is definitely not a good sign you want to be what somebody who's going to be telling you to do the right things not pushing you into things that are going to make you unhappy and especially when it comes down to a relationship I think that if somebody is always doing something that you don't necessarily believe in or they're always pressuring you to go and do it with them but you don't want to and then they still go and do it you shouldn't feel obligated to go and do those things just because it feels like they're forcing you to do it so that's a really good way to tell if somebody really loves you is if they're really never pushing you and pressuring you and making you feel like you have to do things that you don't want to do another thing that he's going to do if you really love to do is he's always going to be wanting to take care of you now there's a couple different things that this means because sometimes it can mean the total opposite as to what you're thinking I think sometimes when you think about like taking care of somebody it means like you're always around them giving them all of your attention and helping them do things but sometimes I think that it can be the opposite and if that person wants space or that person needs to go somewhere to figure out what's going on I think that's also a good way to show that somebody actually cares for you and they're listening to the way that you feel and the things that you want to do that's an awesome way to see that somebody is actually respecting you and loving you the next thing that I came up with that I think is really important when it comes down to actually loving somebody is keeping in contact with them all the time I think that it's really unhealthy sometimes when people go really long spans of time without talking to each other I think it's really important to just keep in contact let each other know what's going on and how you're feeling if that person goes to work every day and you're at work like you guys are texting each other and maybe something reminds you of that person that you think it would be funny if they knew about communication is a massive thing in relationships and if you aren't communicating with each other and that person let's say is not texting you for like five days that's something that I think you should like wonder why he's not texting you but if he is then I'd say that's fine and I would say that's a good sign that he's really caring about you and he loves you alright so there's two types of people I think there's people that when they hear of a situation they try to put themselves in person's shoes and they try to feel the thing that that person will be feeling and then you have the other people who totally criticize the person that's telling the story try to figure out why they wouldn't do it a different way or why they did it this way and they don't understand and they don't sympathize with that person when it comes down to loving somebody I think that when you are talking about certain situations and maybe something does happen if the person that you're in a relationship with is always criticizing you for the things that you do and they can never just like try to feel the foss that you're feeling and like try to be on the same level as you when it comes to things that happen basically I think what that comes down to is they're not wanting to feel the things that you're feeling they're not really worried about your feelings or the way that you think they're just basing it off of why you didn't do something different so if he wants to put himself in your shoes and he wants to try to figure out situations with you and get through things together and try to feel the way that you're feeling so that he can help you I would say these are really good things that lie a person can do for you especially if you are going through something really rough so yeah if he's worried about the way that you feel and you think I think that's a really good thing also another thing that I think is a really good way in order to tell if somebody loves you is if they really care about your goals that you have in life and so if they do that already and they really care about your goals and you they're trying to work towards it with you together and that is a huge sign that a guy actually loves you right the last thing that I came up with is to love you the way that you are I think that that is really important because if somebody always wants you to change and it's something that you don't want to do that's not somebody that you should be like in a relationship with they should be loving you for who you are right now in this moment when it comes to people going out with somebody just because they know that maybe they'll be really successful in five years those are all things that I think really show that they don't really respect you and it's something that I think you should look into when you're actually thinking about why the other person loves you so yeah if you realize that this person is never asking you to change they just love you for who you are that is a massive sign in showing that they actually love you those are the things that I wrote down on this piece of paper I also wanted to answer some of the questions on Instagram that you guys have been sending me because there are a lot there's like that just keeps going forever and ever and ever I'm going to answer four of them right now and if you guys have any other questions make sure that you send them to me on Instagram and I will try to answer them as best as I can I'm going to sit a little bit closer for this part of the video just so that I can show you guys like my screen or I'll try this question is from a person named Victoria and the question says hey I have a question for you about the guy who I think likes me but I don't like him like that would you be able to give me some advice on what to do so I think that if somebody likes you and you don't have the same feelings for them back guys already have a really hard time expressing how they feel certain people and if a girl is ever really mean to him back in saying like that she doesn't like him back I can sometimes like just destroy a guy's brain because like he has so many feelings for you I think that it is important to show the person that you don't have the same feelings like that for them but I think that if you do it in a really nice way by saying like you know what like I know you have feelings free but right now I'm not in the situation where I want to be in a relationship with you and just try to say the nicest way that you can and I think that that will really give him the idea that like you're not interested right now and maybe in the future something will happen that's I think what you should tell hey Josh so there's this boy who's 16 is so cute and we text 24/7 often he writes me things like I want to hug you and I really really like you I know that he likes me a lot but my problem is that I don't know if he likes me more than a friend he is nice to every girl and I don't know how he treats other girls so I can't compare it I know that he also texts with other girls so my question is how can I tell if a guy likes me over texting does he write special things if he likes you so I think that's texting is really great way in order to show somebody that you do like them because there's so many different things that you can do and I think that when it comes down to actually texting somebody a lot and asking them how the day is or how everything is going those are just little things that like when they care about your day and you're not going out with them that shows that there's a little bit of interest in that person liking you but the hard part is is with people that are always texting a bunch of different girls and then you start to wonder if that guy actually likes you or if you like the next girl I think that it comes down to actually hanging out with that person in being with them because then you can tell if I the certain things as they say or the things that they do or the way that they hang out with other people so when it comes down to texting sometimes it can be hard because they could be texting you the same way as a texting a bunch of other people so trying to hang out with that person as much as you can and then I think that will give you a better idea on how to actually feel about the situation the next question is from a girl named Laura and she said hi Josh I have a question what do you test didn't you do to make your relationship not boring and what is important to keep a relationship for a long time or maybe forever I hope you understand me because my English is not the best I'm sorry greetings from Germany so I think in a relationship is important to keep it interesting and like not let it get boring and just doing the same things and just get in a schedule that's like you just realize that you're not really having fun anymore so I can't really speak for other people but for myself I think that sometimes it can be a good idea to go and do things like throughout the day without that person so that at the end of the day or the next day you see them it's like oh I missed you and this is what I did also hanging out with other friends but also if you do like traveling or you do like going out and like hiking and doing stuff like that that's also a great way to get out and to do things together and just to like make memories together that helps it to be not boring alright last question I'm going to answer is from a girl named Gabriella and she said hey it is this guy that seems really nice and all but when his friends see us together he starts acting weird I don't know if I like him by the way love your channel it really comes down to how much guy is when he starts hanging out with his friends and he's with you at the same time if he starts acting really weird and different once you get more mature I don't think that he'll do that anymore but for right now if you don't think that that's something that you like or something that like you can be with then I would just wait and then maybe in the future if that person changes then you could try going help them again alright so those are some of the questions that you guys asked me on Instagram so I hope you guys enjoyed today's video and got something out of it or it just liked it give it a thumbs up if you did leave some questions down below if there's anything that you want to know that maybe I didn't answer if there are video suggestions or things that are going on in your relationship that you don't really know how to deal with I always like answering those in the comments and just like answering them in videos also if you guys haven't seen my blog channel go and subscribe to that really quick because if you did ever want to just like sit down and just veg in front of your computer and watch some cool videos of Tessa and I going through Southeast Asia and that'd be kind of cool for you guys to do that so I hope that you guys have a great rest of your day and I love you guys so much and I'll see you on Saturday for another video [Music] that's right [Music]
Channel: Josh Tryhane
Views: 435,026
Rating: 4.9608169 out of 5
Keywords: 5 things, every guy does, when he loves you, loves you, only you, guys love you, cute guy, cute, hot, boy, girl, teen, boyfriend, girlfriend, family, advice, relationships, dating advice, how to get the guy you love, does he love me, how to tell, if a guy, likes you, shy, love guru, lol, funny, josh, tryhane, josh tryhane, instantly like you
Id: X0d7lRTtTv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2017
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