5 supplements that may prevent Covid-19

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hello everybody it's dr galvin with another update and on the coronavirus actually today it's not so much an update as much as uh maybe a little how-to guide to maybe prevent getting coded you know numbers are exploding we're starting to see a logarithmic growth of cases of hospitalizations and you know unfortunately of deaths and so really what we want to do if possible is avoid getting covered right and we know it's a respiratory virus and there are things we've talked about all the time about masks and distancing and things like that but are there some supplements that we might be able to use so this video is basically i'm going to cover five supplements that have some reasonable scientific evidence that they may help either prevent you from coming down with coping or if you get it to maybe moderate the symptoms and have a much minor much more minor course now the first supplement we're going to talk about is vitamin c and vitamin c is critical to all immune cell function it's an antioxidant and it enhances immune response and in terms of respiratory viruses there have been studies that show that vitamin c supplementation reduces your risk of coming down with a common cold and remember about 50 percent of colds are actually caused by coronaviruses not the virus that causes covid but viruses that are in the similar family so you know it's not a huge intellectual label to think that things that suppress other coronaviruses may suppress this one as well also in patients that actually have severe sepsis and ards or acute respiratory distress syndrome from coving vitamin c there's some preliminary studies that show that that vitamin c actually can reduce their mortality and improve outcomes so that's good um the second thing we're going to talk about is zinc zinc is an element and it's important and it turns out about 30 percent of americans are actually deficient in zinc and it's really essential for the development of immune cells and those other cells are going to come in and fight an infection if we happen to get sick including covid um also there's been studies that show that zinc actually reduces the risk of developing or catching viral infections um also there's other studies that show it it actually reduces the duration of colds and so zinc is important now there's a little rub to zinc it think has been shown to have this antiviral activity but it's a little hard to get zinc into the cells it doesn't want to just naturally go in into the cell and if you take zinc alone you're probably going to end up excreting most of it however number three is quercetin and quercetin is a supplement that acts as an ionophore and an ionophore is any substance that that kind of helps another substance transmit through the cell membrane and get into the cell in this case i don't know four can this quercetin can actually pick up the but the zinc and pull it into the cell and where it can have those positive effects we just talked about which is good news right but also quercetin by itself has been shown to be an antiviral and actually may bind to the spike protein of sars kobe 2. and it's that spike protein that all the vaccine manufacturers are targeting because that spike is what attaches to the cell and allows the cell to get infected so if you cover it up with something like an antibody or a vaccine or maybe a quercetin it's harder for the cell to getting or the virus rather to infect cells so that combination of zinc and quercetin is important number four is melatonin now melatonin is important in terms of setting sleep cycles um and also is an anxiolytic effect or a little bit of anger we're all probably a little bit anxious with all that's going on with covid um but also it's a pretty potent anti-inflammatory and anti-antioxidant um it also decreases inflammation in the lungs um and diminishes fibrosis in the lungs and and that's important because those are things that people that have active cases of coba are dealing with also you know the sleep effects we use we use melatonin with our patients all the time because you know if you're well rested your immune system is boosted so melatonin also has that effect of improving sleep and if you you're better rested you're going to be more prone to be able to fight off viral infections and number five which i think is probably the most important is vitamin d in particular you know um uh we look at vitamin d in terms of where you live and so those of us living in the southern half of the us and north carolina have a little bit higher levels of vitamin d typically than those live above like where i'm from and syracuse um you know the winter's probably already locked in there right not a lot of sun in syracuse vitamin level vitamin d levels are lower there's actually been some studies that show that virus infectivity and severity is worse in the northern states and in the southern states we think it has to do with vitamin d we also know that there are probably five or ten studies that have come out that have linked low vitamin d levels with either increased risk of getting covered or worsening worsening symptoms and there's one study in particular that showed that something like 87 of admitted patients had low vitamin d levels now importantly we really don't make much vitamin d from the sun from about now until about april and so we really supplementing vitamin d is really important i think you know two thousand to five thousand units a day you should probably get your levels checked though i generally tell our patients we want you between about 70 and 90 that that i think provides the ultimate amount of protection um you know vitamin d levels are low um typically in some of the higher risk populations so people with diabetes people with obesity tend to have lower vitamin d levels and subsequently are more prone to the bad effects of the virus you know if you're gonna if you know with the amount of virus that's out there the likelihood of any of us getting it is pretty high at this point because it's just around there i mean it's so prevalent so that being said obviously i want you not to get it but if you have to get it we want to stack the deck in our favor we really would rather be one of those people that gets in either an asymptomatic case or a minimally symptomatic case and vitamin d i think can really help so those are the five my five recommendations vitamin c zinc quercetin melatonin and vitamin d now i actually have a sheet um or a little handout with this that we give to our patients if it's something that you're interested in you can email us at info at vitalitymwi.com and when my staff comes back to the office next week we'll get it out to you and it just kind of goes over what we've uh what we've talked about today again best thing is to not get it what's the best way to not get it wash your hands wear a mask we know now it both protects us from other people and protects other people from us um social distance do all the things we've been telling those are really the only things that really we know work to prevent you getting infected everybody stay safe i'm dr jeffrey galvin if you like this follow us on facebook and and subscribe to us on youtube and uh in case i didn't tell you before i'm actually uh i don't only play a doctor on tv i'm actually a real doctor i'm an emergency medicine physician been dealing with the virus since it started as usual take care of yourselves take care of your families look out for everybody else i'll be back next week with more have a great weekend
Channel: Vitality Medical Wellness Institute
Views: 198,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: immune system, vitamin d, coronavirus treatment, coronavirus update, coronavirus prevention, covid 19, covid supplements, covid supplements, covid-19, zinc, zinc deficiency, pandemic, vitamin c, coronavirus vitamin d, vitamin d for coronavirus, vitamin d deficiency, ask a doctor, nutrition, vitaminc, quercetin covid, quercetin and zinc absorption, quercetin dosage, quercetin, melatonin for sleep, melatonin covid, melatonin, vitamin c covid
Id: mBjwGMknd8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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