5 Strange And Unusual Radio Transmissions

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hi guys welcome back to the channel thanks for joining me today for another video so in this video we're going to be looking at five strange or new unusual radio transmissions and don't worry we're not gonna be looking at the things that were and all the other YouTube videos out there such as number stations and things like that a while ago I put out a request to you guys to send me anything you've recorded from the radio which you think may be strange unusual funny or interesting and quite a lot of you sent things in and from these and my own archives I thought I'd do a series of videos if these actually seem popular well if this video seems popular and if you enjoy it so here are five strange or unusual radio recordings this was recorded a few years ago when a privately chartered Gulfstream flying eastbound 100 miles or so off the west coast of Ireland was experiencing interference are one of the Shannon North Atlantic oceanic transition frequencies specifically one to two decimal 975 as you'll hear in the clip they requested a frequency change which was agreed with Shannon air traffic control and the controller actually asked what the interference was and the American pilot tells her that they were here in a prayer service on that frequency and this was actually investigated by the Irish Office of Communications I could tell you from one to five is my eight seven five genitive effort I've said this earlier 25 eight seven five anyways five seven to echo charlie Shannon leeches fire family and I was picking up on that frequency okay so this clip originates from around 1992 and my contact and the laughing policeman wireless society gave me permission to use this clip so the recording features their lifetime president Nigel Hopkins g1x why you giving his thoughts about when the DTI formally the GPO and now Ofcom visited his residence Nigel actually had his license revoked in the late 1980s and then reinstated in late 1991 and by 1992 it was already attracting the attention of the [Applause] [Applause] so this next clip is an example of the UK Home Office main scheme for police VHF traffic mobiles and the clip came from Staffordshire police now M 2 ym was the call sign of Staffordshire police at the time as was M 2 CK and when they switched to airwave they eventually switched off the VHF hilltop sights the main scheme was administered by the Home Office and a number of engineers were actually radio amateurs hence this guy got the job of doing the close down the clip actually originates from Staffordshire in around the mid 2000 [Music] [Music] Mike Chawla 154 65 this channel is closing down today so I gave third at last 2006 for the very last time this is alpha 3 for it yeah Mike at channel one closing down [Music] so this recording was sent to me a number of years ago and sounds like some sort of altitude telemetry being transmitted in the 70 centimeter amateur band it was actually on four three four decimal 275 and this type of transmission is usually sent by equipment on remote control aircraft the actual source of the signal remains unknown and originated from the West Yorkshire area [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] pirate radio Essex was a special station that the BBC had up and running for the 40th anniversary of the notorious pirate radio broadcasters the following is a genuine recording of somebody jamming and managing to take over the link to the transmitter it's unsure who caused the interference and whether they were ever caught [Music] first and factual from the LV 18 local national and international news [Music] it's for called a a leading mortgage lender says prices are soaring in the north but the divide with the South is far more obvious no free fish anglers in the county of bank holiday of fishing people without rod licenses from and finally I just wanted to include this piece of audio from Ian who said back in the 1980s there were unusual tones broadcast around 107.5 to 108 megahertz this was the same time when the police could be heard around 100 megahertz I've looked everywhere online but cannot find this audio to confirm just what it was I presume it's something to do with planes but I've never managed to confirm this from memory I've managed to recreate the sound using music software so please take a listen to the attached mp3 which is a short audio clip of this sound I think I heard it between 1976 and 1984 and it was on 24 hours a day do you have any ideas what it is so here's the clip guys and if you have any idea what it is then drop me a comment below so I can get back to Ian [Music] okay there we go so five we'll just over five but five interesting or unusual radio clips I've got plenty more coming and so if you enjoyed this then let me know and I'll do another video on this as I say you guys sent me a lot of audio and I've got a lot of audio in my archives as well to include so if if you enjoy this video then we'll do a bit of a series on it I just thought it'd be nice to share some of these strange and unusual and funny and interesting clips so if you have any you want to send a neat then please send them over to Ringway manchester at mail com the email address is on the screen and in the description below and I'll include it in an upcoming video if you enjoyed it give it a thumbs up if you haven't already subscribed and make sure you subscribe and all that's left to say is 7/3 we'll catch you in the next one Cheers [Music]
Channel: Ringway Manchester
Views: 71,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ham radio, radio, strange radio transmissions, radio transmission, numbers station, numbers stations, number stations, spy stations, radio station, radio mast, amateur radio, weird radio transmissions, the buzzer, lincolnshire poacher, sdr radio, shortwave radio, short wave radio, hf radio, broadcast radio, bbc radio, senhaix n60, network radio, retevis, retevis review, two way radio, 2 way radio, atc, atc audio, air traffic control
Id: J3lAF2g4Xz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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