When Secret Government Numbers Stations Go Wrong!

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number stations are very secret which I'll come to in a second very few transmitter sites have ever been accurately identified and the couple that half are thousands of miles away when I make videos like this I can't just pop over and film these sites there generally isn't any lovely HD footage of the transmitters or their operators sat using them there's nothing so to make these types of videos a bit more interesting I include footage such as this all of which has been filmed by me for various projects I've touched on this disclaimer quite a lot of times in plenty of videos now and I still get comments like this I'm fully aware that this teleport site in Salford Keys isn't the transmitter location of the buzzer and I know that this nuclear attack resistant Tower in Heaton Park isn't where number stations emanate from there simply is no footage relating to these places so please bear this in mind before commenting so number stations they've been around for many decades and Society is just as puzzled by them now as it was when they first started being noted in the 1960s we've done a great job of categorizing them recording their schedules and the origin country of many of them but we still don't know exactly what their coded messages consist of despite their predictable and often daily Transmissions the majority of them transmit on the dot on time all the time they send their message then they fall silent until the next time military precision but sometimes things go wrong for these enigmas of the airwaves and in today's installment we'll be looking at five instances where number stations Transmissions have gone wrong G14 was a number station operated by the West German Federal intelligence service it was first spotted in the early 1970s but like many number stations could have been active much earlier the messages were originally sent by a live operator until it switched to a synthesized voice in November of 1988. the station was split into two dfd21 and DFC 37 and transmitted daily with messages on the hour in am mode and then repeated on the half hour mark in USB mode messages by dfd21 were structured as follows a voice would start with Delta foxtrot Delta explore ions followed by a strange Melody for five minutes then a voice would say s Falcon mitilungan fur which means the following messages are for then a three-digit ID and a group count the message followed this introduction with five figure paired groups of numbers and here's how it should have sounded [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] however in 1989 it was spotted making a mistake in the introduction rather than saying Delta foxtrot Delta asvo the station continued repeating letters throughout the alphabet until reaching Quebec why well that remains a mystery [Music] um [Applause] last night in the same year DFD 21 suffered another malfunction when a tone generator seemed to trample across the entire message this could have been some sort of test but it occurred during a scheduled message Einstein [Music] next time like many of the other East and West German number stations G14 became inactive in the early 1990s likely due to the German unification and was never heard again g05 was a German language version of e05 the famous counting station operated by the CIA it was heard regularly from the mid-1980s onwards s05 was operated by the czechoslovak state security and then the Czech Republic later with numbers read in check by an automated voice this station was unusual for a number of reasons firstly it operated under an itu registered call sign with its call sign being Oscar Lima x-ray even more amazingly it sent qsl cars to anyone who requested them and no other number station has ever done this before during the early 1990s an incidents occurred when both G5 and S5 were transmitting together on the same frequency with both stations clearly audible the reason for this isn't clear ly [Music] yes [Music] g05 ceased operations in 1995 and S5 became inactive in 1996 and both stations were never heard again sticking with the theme of conflicting stations e03 the famous Link in chapulture mixed with g16 on 11545 kilohertz back in the 1990s the Lincolnshire poacher is arguably the best known example of a number station which gained worldwide Fame from its Discovery in the 1970s until the summer of 2008. [Music] [Applause] six three six four originally transmitting from the government Communication Center in gorkot near buckinghamshire in the UK it suffered repeated jamming attempts and moved over to a military zone near aquateri in Cyprus E3 would open with the English folk song known as the Lincolnshire pocha which is what gave the station its famous name after the musical introduction a female voice machine would identify who the message was for with a five-digit call-up then the voice would read 200 message groups with all e03 transmissions lasting 45 minutes daily g16 was a West German BND number station first noted in the 1960s and nicknamed two letter due to its many IDs g16 transmitted daily and on one occasion in the late 1980s was heard on the same frequency as the Lincolnshire culture you can clearly hear the melodic tones and the German female voice of g16 underneath the English language numbers read by e03 oh thank you e03 disappeared for good in 2008 and g16 fell silent in 1999. e03 attracted many Jammers during its life which led to a moving location and transmissions on multiple frequencies the drummers were believed to be emanating from Iran but this was never proven and in one instance during the early 1990s a Jammer appeared to malfunction just before a transmission by e03 [Applause] if you enjoyed this then let me know if you'd like to hear more of number stations going wrong North floor up here
Channel: Ringway Manchester
Views: 191,956
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Id: vIW-7IsSaHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2022
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