CAROLINE LEAF: God is there with
everything for us, but we have to choose to take that. We
have to choose to stick in the love zone and
access wisdom. It's not gonna jump on you, you
have to jump into love. (Singing) I know my God
has made a way for me. I know my God has
made a way for me. ANNOUNCER: Today, join
Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and Dr. Caroline Leaf as
they talk about five steps to rewire and detox
your brain. Get to the root of why you do what you
do, and live in your true identity. Next, on the
Believer's Voice of Victory. KENNETH: Hello everybody.
Welcome to Thursday's edition of the Believer's Voice of
Victory broadcast. Father, thank You for this good
day. Thank You for Your Word. Thank You for
the power of the Holy Spirit. Glory to God in giving
us Your power, Your mind, Your Word, that empowers us and
strengthens us, faith, hope and love, living and abiding in us
and through us, giving us the mighty victory of God. And we
thank You for it in Jesus' name, amen. CAROLINE LEAF: Amen.
KENNETH: Caroline, this is just wonderful, girl. I'm telling
you, I'm so exciting about the things that we're learning. It's
good, isn't it? CAROLINE LEAF: It is. KENNETH: You know, I ...
GLORIA: It's gonna help you a lot. KENNETH: It's gonna ... I
was just thinking that, Gloria. Yeah, thank You Lord. GLORIA:
I'm kidding, I'm kidding. CAROLINE LEAF: I love it.
KENNETH: Well, thank You Lord. A merry heart does good like a
medicine. CAROLINE LEAF: That's a good one. KENNETH: I was
thinking, Gloria, as Caroline's been teaching and there's ... I
think of incidents and things that's happened to us over the
last 52 years that we've been in this ministry, and how the love
of God has been the thing that was so protective of you and me.
'Cause we coulda ... I mean, we could have been in a state of
strife all the time. There's somebody saying something ugly
about us all the time. And again, people make sure that you
hear it. GLORIA: Hear it. KENNETH: Make sure you get it.
And I remember back the time when Senator Grassley's office
was ... And the six different churches that- CAROLINE LEAF:
Ministries KENNETH: Yeah, and we were under attack of that. ...
Woo, we really had to practice that during that. CAROLINE LEAF:
Yeah. KENNETH: To keep from just staying in a ... Just wanting to
spank somebody. CAROLINE LEAF: Lay on hands. KENNETH: Yeah. ...
Yeah, suddenly. Very suddenly. But you can't do that. CAROLINE
LEAF: No. KENNETH: And so, we learned how to ... 1 Peter 5:6-9
... Well, actually, 6-10, "Casting the whole of your care
over on him once and for all," and so, just didn't touch it.
... And just staying there, I learned this: That person will
come up in front of you, immediately. I mean, before that
thought has a chance to even germinate. Just immediately,
they say, "Oh, I would do this." I would say, "Glory to God, I
love Senator Grassley." And I do. And I love that man. And I
hold faith up around him in the name of Jesus. I forgive him
because, actually, he was very little responsible for this
thing. It was members of his staff that actually caused the
trouble. But anyway, I didn't know that at the time. And so, I
just hold it there. Just hold it there, and hold it there, until
that thought subsided. To keep it from ... 'Cause if you ever
start that conversation in your mind ... "If I see him, I'll..."
And you start doing that, that running conversation gets more
toxic as you go. It doesn't improve. It gets worse. Now the
tsunami has started, and that stuff is running through your
body, and then comes ... after that comes the flu and then
after that comes ... because you're breaking down your
immune system. and all of that. CAROLINE LEAF: Absolutely, bad
stuff comes too. KENNETH: And the terrible thing is, most
people don't have a clue that the terrible thing is, most
people don't have a clue that that's behind the problems in
their lives. CAROLINE LEAF: Exactly. KENNETH: But all the
time, it just takes a few seconds, and you just say it out
loud, "My, I love that guy. I pray for him. God, help him."
And just don't let the devil start feeding that stuff to you.
And after a while, you get to where it begins to go away. Now,
I wanna settle that to say this. It was in a moment like that,
that suddenly, wow. That's the answer to that. I saw how to
stop it. CAROLINE LEAF: Wow. KENNETH: And so, I called John
in and I told him, I said, now here, John, here's what we need
to do." I said, "You call our friend over there at a certain
local TV Station ... Need to get him and get over there with his
camera, and then you get our cameras there, and you call over
to Dallas, the IRS office over there, and you tell them you
wanna meet the director there on the front steps, and take all
that information that Mr. Grassley's office was wanting,
that there's no way we're gonna turn it over to them because if
you violate the confidentiality that's afforded you, you've
violated your partners, you've violated- CAROLINE LEAF:
Exactly. KENNETH: You know ... And I couldn't do that. I said,
"Sir." And John said, "Mr. Grassley, here is all of the
information that you've asked for," and handed it to the
director. And he said ... And gave him the address of the
Internal Revenue Office in Dallas. And he said, "Now, here
is a letter addressed to you through the director here of the
IRS inviting you in the presence of the IRS and inviting the IRS
to come do a complete church investigation." Or, in other
words, an audit. CAROLINE LEAF: Yeah. KENNETH: "Anytime, any
day, of any week. Thank you very much." It ended. CAROLINE LEAF:
Wow. KENNETH: There was no answer to that. And the guy over
at the IRS told John, he said, "Y'all forget that. We don't
come over there and audit you guys." He said, "We audit you
every year." He said, "We know you people," then he said, "Who
do they think they are, telling us trying to run our business
down here." CAROLINE LEAF: Such a good answer. KENNETH: So, see
what happened? CAROLINE LEAF: Yeah. KENNETH: Love showed me
what to do. CAROLINE LEAF: You conquered it, yep. KENNETH: I
would have never received that, ever, not in a hundred years,
mad at the Senator. CAROLINE LEAF: Exactly. You got no
wisdom. KENNETH: No! CAROLINE LEAF: No wisdom when you crazy
in the sun. KENNETH: That's really the truth. CAROLINE LEAF:
I didn't mean to say the joke. KENNETH: Well no, but that's the
really the truth. CAROLINE LEAF: You do a little crazy- KENNETH:
Cause those are crazy thoughts. CAROLINE LEAF: Yeah, they are.
KENNETH: And they ... If they're not love thoughts, then they
don't produce faith they produce fear. CAROLINE LEAF: Exactly.
And they still producing, that's the key issue. They still
productive. KENNETH: And that's the devil's territory, and if he
keeps you over there in that thought realm and in that strife
realm, he'll whip you 100% of the time, but if you keep him in
the love/faith realm, you can whip him 100%. CAROLINE LEAF:
Exactly. Exactly. GLORIA: You know a scripture that's always
helped me so much ... Cause Ken and I, we've had ... He's not
the first guy that ever said anything ugly about us, but the
scripture says in the amplified, "Love is not touchy, fretful, or
resentful. Pays no attention to a suffered wrong, does not
rejoice in injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices
when right and truth prevail." The most needful of those is
love is not touchy, fretful, or resentful. CAROLINE LEAF: That's
so good. GLORIA: Somebody offends you? Be quick to forgive
and you go free. And then what they do is their problem.
CAROLINE LEAF: That's brilliant. KENNETH: Isn't that good? Yeah,
boy. CAROLINE LEAF: No, that's brilliant. GLORIA: Thank you.
CAROLINE LEAF: That summarizes it all. I mean, that's really
the key issue. KENNETH: At the bottom of that is "Love
never fails." CAROLINE LEAF: Love never fails and love
conquers all. GLORIA: That's the key. That's the end of it.
CAROLINE LEAF: I think if we spend more time as humanity
focusing on that scripture, we would be very different. GLORIA:
Oh, wouldn't it be a wonderful world? CAROLINE LEAF: It would
be a wonderful world. It would be, because we'd learn to love
in that zone. KENNETH: And there's more people doing that
now than ever in the history of the planet. CAROLINE LEAF:
Exactly, exactly, exactly. KENNETH: Thanks to people like
you. Praise the Lord. CAROLINE LEAF: And you. KENNETH: And
those of us that have learned these things, and people are
hungry for them. CAROLINE LEAF: They're hungry. You can never
... Love is a guaranteed message that everyone will listen to.
There isn't anyone from one side of the planet to the next who
won't listen to the concept of love. And you've spoken about
these certain principles that you've spoken about here, and if
I may bring them back to a scientific level, these are
discipline involved in this process. You know, like you're
saying, Gloria, it's to discipline yourself. Don't get
fretful, don't do the ... You know, really master those
things. It's a choice, once again, but it's a disciplined,
intentional and deliberate self-regulated choice that we
need to make every 10 seconds, which is what we desire to do.
So, it's not just now and then, it's every 10 seconds. Six
times a minute, we have the opportunity to consciously-
Practice, practice. CAROLINE LEAF: Exactly, so it becomes
habituated, and that's what, in my research, what I wanted to
try and help my patients do and myself do, is how do you make
that a lifestyle? That it's constant, all the time? So, I
wanted to see what happens when you mind works through your
brain. What is the process that happens in building memory? And
building the memory of this scripture, for example, as a
lifestyle. That, as someone says those ugly things, that you
immediately don't get fretful, that you immediately, as you
said, it goes away, it becomes their problem, it's not your
problem. Don't take that into you. GLORIA: You go free.
CAROLINE LEAF: You go free. So, that's on the one hand, how do
you block the toxic and get free? And how do you build your
brain, like the story of Daniel ... Peter Daniels. KENNETH:
Yeah, Peter Daniels. CAROLINE LEAF: We have to build our
brains. So, we see from research that our brain is designed to be
grown every day. If you don't grow your brain every day, your
brain becomes toxic, you develop toxic waste. So, when you wake
up in the morning, you're born with all these extra brain cells
that you're supposed to think into action during the course of
the day by learning. So, as we go through the day, we're
supposed to study. And that's what I was saying in yesterday's
broadcast. And you can choose the elements of what you want to
study. You're always learning. You're a thinking being, so
you're always altering the day, but you need to have pockets of
the day allocated to study. And obviously, studying the
scriptures would be a priority so that you get those principles
in your head and daily. Also, studying the knowledge of
whatever you're interested in. I always tell people my books are
textbooks of how to do this. So, you study them. And then find
something you're interested in. Maybe you're interested in ...
Maybe you're still at school. Make sure that you study well,
that you become excellent at what you learn, maybe you always
had an interest in some topic and you're not at school, but
you want to just grow your brain. So go and take up some
other ... Do a course if it's for non-exam credits or
whatever. Keep studying. That is one of the best ways of growing
the brain, keeping the brain and the mind mentally healthy, and
actually being able to discipline. It's part of the
discipline of the mind and the brain to actually operate in the
love zone. So, we're not told that enough. We're not told that
if you grow your brain, you discipline your brain, that's
the one side. ... But in doing that, there's a five step
process that our mind goes through in order to wire new
information into the brain and to make it a habit. There's five
steps and there's a time period. So, even though our spirit man
opperates beyond space and time, we have to use time
consciously and deliberately, today, tomorrow, next week, etc,
in order to make sure something goes into the realm of the
spirit. Okay? So, to make something none-time, we have to
use time, which doesn't make sense but it does make sense.
It's how it works. So, in other words, research shows that if we
do five steps daily ... for at least one 45 minute session to
build our brain, but I'd recommend more. I try to do at
least 2-3 hours everyday to build my brain. And if I use,
also, the same five steps to detox my brain, and I'm doing
that daily ... But the detoxing part you only do for about 7-16
minutes, and the reason being is because you're dealing with
toxicity, and toxic feelings. This is healthy and healthy
feelings, so that's good, we can keep growing. But this, you can
only handle about 15 minutes a day. And it goes to what you
were saying, that if you keep thinking about it, you just get
worse and worse, the tsunami. So, you've got to control the
tsunami, because when you bring this up ... Remember, as soon as
you start ... Okay, so, in these five steps. What do they do? And
then I'll bring it back to the tsunami. Essentially, and I go
into depth in this book on these five steps and how to use them
to build your brain and detox your brain. So, essentially,
when you are focusing ... Like now, you are focusing on what
I'm saying. The listeners are focused on what I'm saying, the
audience is focusing on what I'm saying. You've made a decision
to focus. You shut everything else out and you are making a
concerted effort to learn. That, already, lines your brain and
prepares your brain to start building. So, you start
building. You start gathering awareness of the incoming
information. So, step number one is choose to focus deliberately
and intentionally on that and not let the distractions come
in. And you tell yourself when you focus. So, I'm just giving
you the big picture. That's the first thing, it starts preparing
the brain for learning. The second thing is that you then
have to really analyze the information. And I basically
break that into three steps, which is ask, answer, discuss.
Ask, answer, discuss, ask, answer, discuss. But what we're
doing here, the conversation we're having, is a very good
example of that, where we talk about something, we're asking,
we're answering, we're discussing. And you do that in
depth over a paragraph at a time. So, you read a paragraph,
you ask, answer, discuss. You read a paragraph or you listen,
that's ... The first step is get it in. Reading or listen. Second
step is this deep and analytical thinking, meditating. The third
step is write it down. Your brain writes it, so when you
write with your hands, you force your brain in the direction you
want it to go. GLORIA: Oh, that's a thought. CAROLINE LEAF:
Yeah. That's why you're always writing, which is excellent. So,
you're forcing it in the way you want it to go. You're discipling
your brain. Then, you check what you've written to see, does this
make sense? You align it back with your original source
material that you read from. So, you just do it a paragraph at a
time. You don't go and try to do it with a whole, big test. Just
a paragraph at a time. Read it, think about it, write it down,
check it. And then say, "Okay, what do I learn from this?
What is my action from this particular thing that I've
worked on in terms of building my brain?" And maybe it's
something like ... If it's detoxing ... Something that I
was working on for a long time in my life was I always would
say, "If only." "If only I did it this way." And get myself
stuck in such torment because I didn't ... KENNETH: I've done
that. CAROLINE LEAF: Okay. So you can recognize. KENNETH: I
sure can. CAROLINE LEAF: So, by doing this process as a detox
over a period of daily five to seven minutes a day, I would
apply those five steps, and in that search through, "Why do I
say that? Where is it coming from?" You start getting to the
roots of why you do what you do. You don't stay stuck in the
toxic because it's very constructive, those five steps
are very constructive. Becoming aware, thinking it through. And
it's limited, I'm doing this in seven to 16 minutes, so I'm only
allowing one and a half minute per step. So, one and a half
minutes to become aware, or one minute. One and a half minutes
to do the analyzing, one and a half minutes to write, one and a
half minutes to do the checking and one and a half minutes to
work on some sort of little active reach. Now, you do that
today in that time period, and then tomorrow, you pick it up
again and you go a little further, and you go a little
further. And what we find is, from the research, and this is
very ... What I was really most in for years, was within 21
days, you have literally destroyed this completely,
redesigned it, re-conceptualized it, into a healthier replacement
way of thinking. KENNETH: Praise God. CAROLINE LEAF: Now, that
becomes the new way of thinking. So, at least link it back to
Senator Grassley and what you went through as the example.
Here is the situation that activated it. So, you didn't
consciously go through the steps, but you did them because
it worked. So you were doing them unconsciously. You were
grabbing ... Every time you had that toxic thought, you were
thinking, "This is not good for me. This is not what the
scripture said." KENNETH: Yeah. CAROLINE LEAF: Whatever. You did
a think thing. You maybe didn't always write it down, but your
brain writes things anyway. But sometimes you may, in your Bible
studies, have written down a few notes to yourself because I know
you both write when you do your studies, and that would have
been a topic. So, at some point you wrote. You then worked out
... You checked what you were writing. This is gonna destroy
me. You worked out a plan of action. So you do that
consciously during the day, in that seven to 16 minutes, but in
the day, when the opportunity comes up ... Oh, you hear
another thing, you hear another thing. Now he's saying this. Now
they're saying that. You have multiple opportunities during
the course of the day to respond negatively, but you did your
work in the morning. So, you have this active reach step.
Number five is this action. "When I hear another thing about
Senator Grassley attacking my ministry and saying this about
me and Gloria, or me and Kenneth, I am going to ..."
because you already worked it out in the morning. So you don't
have to go through the five steps again, you simply apply.
In that instant, I will love. I will, whatever it is that you
did. So, you then train yourself. By the 21st day, after
three weeks, you have, as I said, destroyed this built up
long term memory. As this thing goes on ... Now, you're still
hearing things. Attacks ... It didn't just finish in a week or
three weeks, it carried on for a few months. So, I'm using this
example to help people understand. What we see from
research is it's much easier next month because I've done the
three weeks. I've got a long term memory. KENNETH: Oh, that's
a big thing too. CAROLINE LEAF: It becomes easier. KENNETH:
Yeah. It's becoming easier. CAROLINE LEAF: It becomes easier
only because you've done the work. The first 21 days are so
hard. The first four days are really hard, and most people
give up at day four, but if you push through and you persevere
and you get to day 21, by day 63 ... Now, in the second two
rounds, when you go from ... Cause it's cycles of 21 days
that you work this, three week cycles. It's how our brain, our
body, and our mind heal, in cycles of 21. The first 21 is
the real hard work. It's the ... You sit down deliberately,
intentionally every day and detox. Or you sit down
deliberately, intentionally every day and build. And the
building is good stuff, so you spend long on it. The detoxing
is, you're getting rid of bad stuff so you only spend seven to
16 minutes. No limit on building, limit on toxic, okay?
On detoxing. So, now, once you've passed the hard work time
of 21 days, it's now kind of easy. So, now, you just need a
reminder. I put reminders on my phone. I have an app to help,
that I've created, that actually helps people to do this. And it
pops up. It'll pop up everyday on my phone, on my computer, all
my devices, and it says, "Remember: Don't do an if/only
today," or whatever it is that I'm working on. So, all it is is
it's a prompt and I remember not to do it. So, when I'm in a
situation and I feel myself going back into my if/only,
because I've been reminded multiple times a day, it's easy
for me to grab. I'm not gonna do that, I'm gonna do this, because
I'm now practicing using this. I remember how I was. This is no
longer here. I now have transformed my mind. It's
discipline. It's choice. It's hard work, but by day 63, you
now have a habit. And now, something miraculous has
happened. By the 63rd day, you have pushed that conscious,
deliberate, beautiful, new, healthy thought that you built
with your mind and your physical brain. It's in two places, in
your physical brain and in your mind. You've now pushed that in
your spirit. KENNETH: Yeah. CAROLINE LEAF: So, now, it's
gone from- KENNETH: It's registered in your heart.
CAROLINE LEAF: In your spirit. So, the three levels. You're
using your mind to change the physical- KENNETH: And now,
it'll change your life. CAROLINE LEAF: And now ... Exactly! It
goes in the spirit. People don't get to that point. They give up
at day four. They give up at day seven. They give up at day 21.
They just give up. And then they keep starting again. And then,
20 years later, they come into you with the same issue, and the
same problem. I didn't allow my patients to do that. We worked
on cycles of 63 days, and if they weren't transforming,
whether it was a learning skill, whatever, we would ... I would
say, "Okay, now we need to have a little conversation here. We
have a contract in place. You need to understand that I can't
fix you. You fix you." I give you the techniques, but you have
to take the choice, and that's exactly what the scriptures say
to us too. God is there with everything for us, but we have
to choose to take that. We have to choose to step in the love
zone and access wisdom. It's not gonna jump on you. You have to
jump into love. So, that's the principle of [inaudible]. I
teach that in here. KENNETH: Praise God. CAROLINE LEAF: I
gave a whole preach there, sorry. KENNETH: Absolutely.
CAROLINE LEAF: It's exciting. And it's doable. KENNETH: Jesus
literally had to break the force And it's doable. KENNETH: Jesus
literally had to break the force of what Adam did. You and I have
no concept. We can't understand it, we don't have any concept of
what this environment was like before Jesus was crucified and
went to Hell and broke Satan's power over this thing. We have
no idea what kind of dark pressure was on this planet for
many thousands of years. We don't have a clue, because we've
never experienced that. As bad as stuff is now, at least people
are not eating their children. They did back then. GLORIA: Oh.
KENNETH: And it was ... Whoa, it was crushing. But thank God!
Jesus broke his power and our freedom is so much more
obtainable than it was back then. CAROLINE LEAF: Exactly.
KENNETH: And we have His Word, we have His Spirit, we have His
Name. Glory to God! CAROLINE LEAF: We have His science.
KENNETH: Yes. CAROLINE LEAF: We have God science, which is the
how-to. KENNETH: And the beautiful part of the science is
He explains it. CAROLINE LEAF: It does. And gives you the
hands-on, how to do it, the discipline. Do this. Because
people, that's what people would ask me. "How do I do that? I
believe." Whatever. "How do I do it?" So, now, it's been such a
pleasurable journey for me- KENNETH: And we're out of time.
CAROLINE LEAF: -To see people change. Sorry. KENNETH: Remember
right where you were. CAROLINE LEAF: I am. Got it. I captured
the good thought this time. KENNETH: Praise God!
Amen! Wasn't this good, praise the Lord.
Thank you, Lord Jesus. Oh, my, my, my, my,
my. Praise the Lord.