5 Steps To Editing KILLER YouTube Videos (Beginner Tips & Tricks!)

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if you want to learn how to edit killer YouTube videos these are the five steps that I recommend to beginners in this video I'm going to be sharing with you my top video editing tips and tricks that I've learned over the past 5 years of being on YouTube so that you can have the ultimate beginner guide to video editing from start to finish as always time stamps are below so let's start with step one setting yourself up for success I feel like I have the best video editing experience when I go into my edit already feeling organized which means your first step actually starts before you go to edit your video it starts when you're filming and organizing your footage after you film for me I'm somebody that really likes to script or outline my videos ahead of time because I have a lot of talking ahead or tutorial videos like this and that way I have an idea of what sort of shots I need to get the day that I shoot as you can see here this is one of the scripts that I had on a previous video of mine and then I'll add notes for when certain things should pop up I'll also give myself little notes of like hey make sure to capture this b roll and then in the Google Drive where I have my outline I also have a folder that organizes the b-roll that I shot the day of now if you're somebody who is vlogging you're probably not outlining your videos ahead of time because it's more organic it's happening in real time so then what you're going to do is just make sure that your footage is organized before you start the editing process so what you're going to do after you film you're going to plug in your SD card and and hard drive into your laptop I 1 million per recommend investing in an external hard drive because this is going to make your life so much easier if you're somebody who like you edit your YouTube videos right now on your laptop and it feels like every edit you make or cut or crop takes a million years to load your laptop is probably doing a little too much and could use some assistance some help so I use an SSD external hard drive for editing because when you have your footage on a hard drive instead of on your computer this is going to allow your computer's internal storage to be freed up therefore helping your computer load and edit faster because it's not being weighed down by the 24 hours of footage that you shot for your Vlog so yes this does mean I keep my hard drive plugged into my laptop while I'm editing because all the footage is on here when you plug both of these things in you're going to want to choose an organization method that works best for you this is how I have all of my footage organized on the left hand side is my hard drive and right is the SD card so I am going to open the footage that I shot here and I have everything organized Here YouTube by year first then by month and then by video title so right here I'm going to go to my channel 2.0 cuz this was a vlog that I did not for this channel it has nothing to do with like education it's um documenting my Marathon Journey so I have this folder here and with in the title of the video I also have folders like a roll b roll and project a roll is the primary footage of your video this is typically where you're talking to the camera so me talking to you this is a-roll the telling portion of the video and then b roll is the showing portion of the video you're probably not talking to the camera you're more so doing things on camera so all of the videos where I'm talking to the camera I'm going to choose those talking talking and I would drag those over to the a roll and then everything else that's more showing not me talking supportive footage I'm going to drag that over to the b-roll and then we have this project folder which we'll get into later on in the video so once we have all of our footage backed up on the hard drive we don't need our SD card anymore and we're going to open up our editing software for this video I will be using cap cut I'm going to be using cap cut because I feel like it's the easiest entry level software out there it's also free it's compatible with both your phone desktop so that's what we're going to be using today okay to get started we are going to create a new project we're going to import all the footage that we want so I just imported the a roll and what I'm going to do I'm actually going to rightclick and create folders so I'm going to put all of my a roll into folder one create new folder folder two is going to be my my b roll so we're going to import our b roll if you have additional Graphics or audios that you want to use that's where I would create additional folders so right click new folder put all of your audio in folder three right click new folder all of your screenshots Graphics memes gifts whatever in that next folder so that's how I keep everything organized while editing now all of the footage that I'm using for this Vlog is footage that I filmed on my Nikon z30 which is by far my favorite camera for Content creators I genuinely love this camera so much so I'm stoked to even be uttering these words but this video is sponsored by Nikon I have a few videos on my Channel about the Nikon z30 so if you want a tutorial I have that or even like this whole setup this is their creator kit which is exactly what I used for this Vlog so if you want a tutorial for how to put that together that's also on my channel but this this camera right here this baby was literally created for Content creators they took feedback from Their audience to create this the camera is optimized with a flipout screen that's also touchscreen by the way and this helps a lot for my Vlogs I was able to make sure like okay am I in frame when I'm setting up the tripod I'm like cool am I in the shot so that was really helpful it also has a record light right here so when you're recording the light is on and that way I'm not like worried like oh is is the camera recording is the C you know sometimes that that happens so I don't have to worry about that with this camera and the light will start flashing as soon as the battery gets low so if I'm filming or in the middle of a video it won't die on me I see the flashing and I have some time to swap out my batteries if needed the lens that I'm using in that video this is the n cor 16 to 50 mm lens it is the lens that comes with the Creator kit it has great range it has super wide shots or super zoomed in shots so I feel like this is just like you only need one lens and you're good to go for any sort of content that you want to make I'm actually filming this video on the Nikon z30 using this lens like this is double double trouble double it's like like the twins in The Shining but like they're they're not scary they're very very friendly what am I even saying yes so I am filming this this video as well on a z30 this is the bonus one that Nikon sent to me so that I could show you guys the camera up close well also showing you the quality that it picks up in both scenarios Vlog setting and talking head setting so if you've been looking for a camera that is low on the intimidation scale maybe it's the first camera that you're going to buy as a content creator or just a camera to uplevel your content in general CU this can also shoot 4K obsessed obsessed I'll leave a link down below and thank you so much Nikon for sponsoring this video now that I have everything organized and set up we are going to drag all of our files to our project timeline and move on to step two which is the first pass I just dragged all of my footage down to this area here which is your project timeline once your footage is there and in order that you want it to be for your video this is when I would move on to step two the first pass what is the first pass basically what I'm going to do is I'm going to go through all of my footage and cut out the fluff or mistakes or anything that I feel doesn't make sense to keep for the overall video or storyline this is the most timeconsuming part of editing but it's honestly really cool to be able to create something from nothing like being there through the entire process just makes it that much more rewarding when you're exporting that final version but y'all know I'm not just going to leave you with oh go through and make the cuts of course I have a few tricks up my sleeve to save you some time all right a few tricks that you could do to save you time when editing the first tip that I have for you something that I am actually doing in this talking head video right now is adding claps when you film I think this is most helpful for talking head videos like this it's something I used to do back in the day when I first started my YouTube video and I was editing videos myself so basically after I have a really good take where I was like oh finally I got it I would clap so that when I was going through the footage and I would see a spike in audio I know that's a good take and then I could use whatever was right before it and then cut out the rest so to go with that another trick that I learned from think media specifically is to edit your video backwards so starting at the end because usually when you have a video like this if there's a lot of talking head stuff or you're talking to the camera your best take is going to be at the end so if you start at the end you know what your best take is you could cut and then remove everything in front and so reverse editing alongside the claps is such a good combo for kind of getting through this first phase of removing the fluff cutting out mistakes etc etc now the next thing that's going to save you time and this is is going to be different for every software and it's learning the shortcuts for the software that you're using with cap cut contrl B will split the clip so there it just made a split if you are in the middle of a clip and you have a clip highlighted here W will remove everything to the right of that clip and just cut it right away contrl Z is undo Q will remove everything to the left of your marker so it just removed everything to the left contrl Z undo backspace deletes whatever is highlighted contrl Z so those are just a few shortcuts that help me move through my edits quicker because I'm not having to be like okay let me which one's splice again which one's cut I just know the movements in my hand and then I could get through this first phas quicker so let's go through let's cut the fluff and and get this Vlog [Music] going to start and stop I'm just pressing space [Music] bar if you're somebody who is editing on cap cut and you notice as you like press play it's taking a bit to load and you're still using an external hard drive then what you're going to do is go to modify performance and turn on proxies this is going to help your editing process just everything load a little bit quicker now if you're a new YouTuber and you're looking for resources to help you walk through getting your channel set up or getting started with monetization I do have an ultimate YouTube starter workbook that you can download completely for free down below this is over 20 pages of an interactive workbook style to help you define your content strategy with a YouTube starter checklist equipment guide and my step-by-step process for coming up with endless of YouTube video ideas so if any of that sounds helpful to you make sure to download the ultimate YouTube starter workbook below now once you're done with the first pass let's move to step three mastering the hook I will say with step three and four they're kind of interchangeable maybe you prefer to start with step four before doing step three that's fine personally for me I like to make sure that the hook of my video is finalized so that way I know the purpose and the pacing of the rest of my video when I edit my hook first I feel like it helps remind me what's going to carry the storyline that I promised the viewer at the very beginning of the video the hook is the line or portion of the video that intrigues your audience enough to keep watching now we could look at Mr Beast as an example of somebody who knows how to make a really good hook we all know that but in reality different videot types call for different hooks the four main types of content people tend to produce so educational entertaining inspirational and relatable Mr Beast falls into the entertainment category so of course his hooks are going to be highly produced fastpaced sometimes even high risk in a way but for somebody like me who's in the educational category my hook to my video might simply just look like telling you exactly what to expect in the video and getting straight to the point my hook to this video wasn't anything crazy like I edited for 10,000 hours straight to find the best internet like that wasn't my intro because that's not the point of the video to be crazy Mr Beast the point is just to get straight to editing teach you how to do it I could make a whole video dissecting video hooks for each content type so if that's a video that you're interested in seeing comment below and let me know cuz that sounds pretty fun but for now I'm just going to edit my hook for what I think is going to be the most engaging to my audience to the people that this video is for I'm thinking what will capture their attention what are they here to see why should they even watch the rest of my video so with this hook let's see what this one says it is 13 weeks until I run my very first marathon ever Marathon ever so I created the ultimate game plan for it let me show you so first thing that I looking for with my intro I want to make sure there is no breath of death or Millennial pause where it's like a pause like here I I'm looking at myself in the camera it is 13 weeks there's a pause there so I want the video to start right away with me talking so I'm looking for these audio lines on the bottom I'm going to split and I'm going to delete this and make sure gets straight to it it is 13 weeks perfect so that's what we want and then same thing for the end of my clip let's see what it says ultimate game plan for it let me show you I have like a little pause there so as soon as I say it and I emphasize the T I'm going to cut for it boom you can see the audio ends right about there let's delete that let me show you I'm going to cut out the Paw I'm going to get straight to let me show you and then when I go to show them I'm just going to do two quick clips not going to waste any time boom turning on the light and then jumping straight into it with the audio here is the ultimate game plan perfect something else that I'm going to do with the hook I'm going to kind of dabble into step four but I'm just focusing on the hook because this again this is just my preference I like to see what the hook is going to be like so I know the pacing for the rest of my video is is 13 weeks I'm going to zoom in when I say 13 weeks so it's it is 13 weeks it is the ultimate game plan nice I'm going to zoom in on Ultimate Game Plan too so I'm just adding Cuts here we're going to click on this clip we're going to zoom it in a bit okay so something else that I'm looking for when I do this zoom in I'm trying to keep my ey line on the same level so I'm going to put my finger literally right here where my eyeball is in the intro and then I'm going to see where it moves too okay it's kind of similar but it's a little bit higher here so I'm going to keep lowering this Frame and oh there we go it matches the eyeline boom boom yeah buddy we like that so anytime I'm doing a crop in like that I want the eyeline to match cool and then we could also add crazy text if we want to so you can add all of your text manually like that for your intro you could also do autogenerated captions I would do this after you've trimmed all the fluff because doing the auto captions where like it's going to scan it for you make it pop up for you it's going to do that for the entire video so I would just do that once you have all the fluff trimmed out there are a lot of text options in cap cut so you can make it super animated fun I'm just going to keep mine simple for the sake of this video it is 13 weeks until I run my very first marathon ever cool now if you've learned something new so far or you're enjoying this video I'd love if you could give this video a like because that increases the chances of somebody like you to come across it and if you've learned two things new by the end of the video be sure to subscribe to my channel because it is a free way to support my business so that I can continue to make free content like this every week for you moving on to step four for adding in the spice now we're going to do another few passes through our video this time we're going to be adding extra effects to the video this is anything that keeps the video moving keeps it engaging for the viewer for example Cuts you could cut in cut out kind of like I did in my intro this is a great way if you just have one clip and you're in the same place the whole time you could zoom in zoom out it's going to keep the viewers Eng age kind of like with this video we've been cutting in and cutting out and cutting in cutting out even though I haven't really moved much just a great way to keep you visually engaged same thing you could add audio sound effects so with this text in the beginning where I'm like oh 13 weeks until my Marathon I could add audio where it's like d d do you know like 13 weeks I could add audio now during this fourth step this is also where you will watch the whole video through to add b rolls now to save time I find it easiest to do each edit in batches so when I'm going through my timeline this next time around I'm first just focusing on those cuts cutting in cutting out maybe even adding transitions between the scenes um as I'm going through this phase to like add those cuts add the zoom in out whatever that first effect is that you want to do first um as I'm doing that I'm going to add a marker press M anytime I'm like okay I want to come back to this spot and add add b roll right so now I'm going to add markers for oh here b roll needs to go there it's going to add a little marker here to your timeline so that when you come back you already know cool marker is here let's drag the b roll now there's a marker or over here boom add marker so that way when you're going back on like your next pass you have markers in place to add b-roll add audio add text whatever that is that you want to be tracking as you go through that next pass the more you edit the more you will discover what your preferences are for the order in which you like to do things like I said earlier maybe you prefer to start with this step before doing your hook so I know I did my hook first that's just personal preference you can start with this go through the whole video and then go back to your hook and make sure it's finalized once you have all the effects added I just know for me personally when I edit that hook first like I said before I feel like it helps me have a good idea and understanding of the effects that I want to continue doing throughout the rest of the video the pacing of the rest of the video I also know okay this hook promised this story line now I know when I watch it again I'm going to cut everything out that doesn't match up with that story line because to me the most important thing is always delivering on that first promise that you said in the very beginning moving on to step five finalizing your video after you have all of your effects added and you feel like okay cool I feel like I'm pretty ready pretty happy with all the things going on do one last rewatch to make sure everything looks good there's no spelling errors you didn't accidentally leave in a a blooper or an outtake and make sure that uh your your project is saved the cool thing with cap cut is that it does autosave kind of as you're editing same thing with like Adobe Premiere Pro but just make make sure double check triple check that you're saving your progress throughout the entire process just in case your app like decides to force clothes or your laptop overheats and just like turns off or dies that way you still have your progress saved you can take a break come back and your project will be there waiting for you now for exporting we are going to make sure that few things before we export our file name and settings are all good to go before exporting we are going to press modify we are going to make sure the name Marathon Journey Vlog of our video is there we're going to make sure that the frame rate all this information matches the frame rate that we recorded our project on or our videos on so I know my Nikon camera when I filmed this I had everything set to 1080 by 30 frames per second so I'm making sure frame rate is matching the clips that I filmed it on ratio we could leave it at the original everything looks good and then we're going to save once it is saved to um wherever it kind of like Auto saves I'm going to drag a copy of the project onto my hard drive the final edit is going to go here under project that way I can continue to free up space on my laptop so once I have the video backed up here it's edited it maybe it's already posted to YouTube maybe it's been a few months I don't know it's been a month or two and I have the project backed up onto my hard drive I know it's backed up then when I'm editing in capath Cut I can clear and delete projects to continue to make space on my laptop all righty what's next well if you're somebody who is ready to start growing your YouTube channel I recommend watching this video next where I share with you the exact steps that I would take if I had to start from zero on YouTube to grow my channel quickly and if you've made it this far be sure to comment the secret Emoji down below so I know who made it here and I will see you in the next one thank you bye
Channel: Modern Millie
Views: 14,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: editing tips for youtube videos, video editing tutorial, how to edit youtube videos, how to edit videos for social media, video editing tips and tricks, editing software for beginners, editing for beginners, capcut editing tutorial, youtube editing for beginners, youtube starter guide, video editing workflow, editing shortcuts, video editing mistakes to avoid, vlog editing tips, tips for video editors, tips for content creators, how to edit videos for youtube
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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