5 Step Framework To Become a Freelance Web Developer in 2021

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hey everyone welcome back and in this video i want to give you a clear crisp framework for getting started as a freelance web developer in 2021 with which with this framework i have made thousands of dollars per month in past and i want to give it to you for free so listen up to this video very carefully if you want to earn money as a developer all right so we'll be discussing about five steps in this video how you can exactly follow them and make money while freelancing and freelancing is basically if you don't know what it is it's working for others online so it could be a quick job or it could be a long project as well it could range from as small as five dollar gig to as big as thousands of dollars of a single project so in this video i want to show you a step-by-step procedure how we can proceed personally i have used fiverr a lot back in the days and i have earned a lot of money and did a lot of orders and completed a lot of tasks with that i don't use it now but i used to use it a lot if you go to my fiverr profile you can see i've been using it since march of 2013 and completed although it has 515 reviews but i have done a lot of work out of fiber as well as freelancer and um you know not all the people review your work as well so it's close to like thousand plus projects freelance projects so far in my career but yeah let me just go ahead and give you this framework which i'm talking about let's start all right so the first step is creating your account and setting it up properly on any freelancing platform now i'm gonna stick this example with fiverr because i have used it the most but you can pretty much take up off work elance up for disneyland but pretty much any other platform out there so how does this work so the way you have to make it work is once you create an account make sure you set up your profile photo your tagline description whatever it is and a few active gigs very properly because first of all i would not want to buy from someone who has an anonymous image and i don't know who the other person out there is so make sure you use your real image a professional one is fine i mean i just stick with this although it's not professional worked out fine for me but you also absolutely want to set up a gig one single gig which is your rockstar cake right you can offer a bunch of services but set up your one single gig which is your rockstar gig and at that time i think i created this years back but i put out a lot of effort in order to create this portfolio of work whatever i did so far and um yeah this was my rockstar gig in the sense that i actually go ahead and said whatever i can offer i will offer through this gig only make sure you start set the starting price of your gig to five dollars nothing expensive because you want to lure in as many people as many buyers as you can initially which i'll tell you why that is the reason all right so once you have done the first step that is signing up on fiverr on any other platform and setting up a few gigs the next step which you want to do is actually go ahead and head into something known as a buyer's section now most of these platforms do have a buyer's section which in this case is by request and what this section is is that it will list how or what kind of people you know some people can post request here and let freelancers reach out to them so it's like a notice area where people write their request and you can request to work with them right so this is probably the area where you would spend a lot of your time especially in the initial days as long as you don't have some sort of good reputation as well as no ranking in the fibers algorithm so make this page make this area your home and choose it wisely because you get a limited number of offers per day which you can offer right so you cannot just go ahead and you know create an automated script and do it for every single gig which you see right here you have to be very careful in what kind of projects you choose what kind of gigs you apply for and um yep that's that's something you have to be very careful about now the important thing here is is to go for the requests which have a low budget because that's where how you know that it will be an easier project you don't want to take up a very complicated project if you don't know that much tech so go for projects which have low budget and also have relatively lower offers right so for example this i don't know what's the difficulty of this work but this guy is not willing to spend a lot of money plus not a lot of people have applied for this so if this works out to be something which you can do then this is an absolutely amazing opportunity for you right because you will be able to convert this guy do the work and get a review which is super critical so make sure you are using this section very carefully in terms of how you're trying to approach because as a new person the only leverage you have is price right so you want to go for as low as possible in the initial days because you want to break out of the audience plus don't try to compete with these 110 people right you will absolutely have slim to no chance to getting this offered because there are just too many people right so you don't want to compete competitions for losers my step number three is make sure you're doing this as kind of part-time or full-time work right if you are having a job on the side and if you want one with freelancing do it like three to four hours a day if you are doing it full time maybe like go six or eight hours a day why because you get these 10 offers but a lot of times what you will see is that out of these 10 maybe three reached out to you for further communication and you want to not just do their work but also convert them first so you have to work on your sales scale you have to work on how you communicate with these people so that will come with experience and experience requires time so you need to spend a lot of time on these freelancing platforms if you want to understand the end user if you want to understand the end customer convert their project into a reality and earn money and a review from them so don't take this as a 30 minute or a 10 minute task per day but in fact get involved in fact if you want to break out if you want to start freelancing you have to get serious this is not easy earning money with freelancing is easy it becomes easier after a certain point but the initial days are very hard so you have to understand that and you have to maintain that mentality that in itself is a huge step that is why this is a separate step in this video but you have to understand how this works step number four and an important step here is you should focus a lot on the platform which you're working on that is fiverr in this case that means you should focus a lot on making your profile as good as you can on fiverr that means getting a lot of reviews on fiverr don't just create a gig and then you know try to get review somewhere else and try to just show it in your gig that does not matter the amount of boost fiber will give you if it sees that your gig is working is not compared to all the screenshots and testimonials you are adding in your gig page right so what you want to do which i also briefly discussed earlier is that you want to go for simple gigs low budget and even try to go lower than what they have specified for example this person needs an expert programmer to create a small app to check a huge text list of 20 mbs containing the websites i want something so this is this is like a scripting task basic python scripting or javascript thing right if you know node.js or if you know python you can pretty much figure out what api alexa uses and just run it against a text file or whatever and he's offering 15 for that that's fine that's a fair amount but if you can you should try to get this task for 10 or 5 dollars and let me tell you why because out of the 18 people which is not much most of the people already have applied it for 15 or above right so it's either 15 or either 20 25 whatever if you can offer a leverage on the price front which is like five or ten dollars and if you explain his improperly like the way you should send an offer is not like just a random i can do your work it should be proper like if their name is mentioned then you can use that in this case it's not so you'll probably just start with hey i checked your requirement of scraping alexa for ranks in your text file in your last text file whatever right so what you want to do is keep the conversation very natural started very natural but make sure that in your conversation you are able to hint the person that you have read the message because trust me i have used fiverr as a buyer as well and you will be surprised by the amount of people present on this platform would just send you i'm entrusted i would do your work that's it that's all they do for all the ten offers and the first thing i do is just remove their offer as a buyer so what you want to do is keep the conversation very natural make sure you deliver the point that you have read the requirements which the sentence does find it's better if you ask a follow-up question because you want them to reply that's that's how you get them get their attention right you don't want to convert on the first conversation you don't want to say order me you probably want to say like you know ask any question so maybe like do you have a preference f e r e n c e for python node.js or any particular programming language like this and in fact i know like this person is not technical right so they're probably just gonna reply with do with whatever you want but still i wanted to ask why because in this case maybe if they say like oh okay i'm non-technical and you know you just create the script you can upsell them by saying that okay i have done this but if you want me to i can also create a simple web ui on this and that will be then you can convert him right so then you can say that will be twenty dollars extra so you got the gig for five dollars you can set the amount five here you can say it one day but you convert it after you know you upsell after you have got the person because now this person knows that yes you were able to create that script yes you are confident yes you know what you're doing and this guy would probably make my life much more easy if i'm able to have a you know a web app or a url where i can just upload the script and it will just email me for example so then you can charge him 20 25 30 for this project but try to get these new buyers smoothly try to get them quickly and efficiently smartly you know just make sure your conversation is very formal because you don't know who the other person is at the other side of the table right so leave them with a question leave them with a hook some sort of thing and they mostly respond this always works right so do that and last but not the least actually go ahead and keep yourself up skilling on these skills because chances are if you're trying to take up your first freelance job you might not have a lot of experience right and it's fine it's completely fine to take a freelance job in development if you just have a little experience but what you want to do is number one gain experience from projects which you're completing here and number two just keep yourself upgraded as well with technologies so let's say if you are taking up web development gigs here you also want to create a gig which says i can do your reactions work or i can do your react native work or i can do your next chase work whatever the way the moment you do that what will happen is that more opportunities will be present here because fiverr platform what it does it takes your gig and then sends you recommendations according to what your gig is about so the more gigs you create on different topics the more opportunities you will have the more opportunities you will have the more shots you can take at bat right of getting a buyer once you get a buyer the more chances are that that buyer would be able to leave a good rating if you are good enough right and if you get enough ratings you automatically just start getting pumped up by the by the native platform as well fiverr in this case so in order for this to all happen the moment you convert your first cake you have to make sure you complete the work and you have to make sure you're up scaling yourself so that you can be ready for the next part or the next work or the next challenging thing so make sure you're consuming content from anywhere like it could be code damn it could be youtube it could be whatever you want to follow but make sure you're learning about the tech stack you are using in your freelance world and just going back into what i had done back in the days i mean i still did a couple of orders for some repeated bias last year but these these people are actually you know this person contacted me seven eight years back as well so that's why i did that but you can see my last work was in 2018 right so i'm not doing like freelancing for a very long time and in fact truly in 2016 because in 2017 and 18 as well i just did a bunch of photos but in 2016 and 15 you will see me doing a lot of work right and i did all of this uh with the techniques which i mentioned you and there were a lot of happy buyers there were a bunch of sad buyers as well so it does not hurt if as long as you're learning and as you're able to complete the work so that's completely fine but you can see i mean at one point i was making like thousands of dollars per month from fiber right so this is an amazing opportunity and all these icons you can see these are repeat buyers right all of these icons you see these are repeat by assets most of my business also came from repeat buyers people purchasing again and again plus of course i also offloaded some of these buyers to direct payments like paypal once we had established trust so that you know we can work on a longer project in a much convenient way but yeah i have done a lot of work and i have shared my five-step framework and trust me there is nothing more to it there's no magic secret or magic formula you have to follow these are the only four five things you have to keep in mind creating a profile making sure you're active on the platform for hours if not you know uh i mean you just have to be active for a long time put in the work initial work would be hard but you have to keep working and keep up skilling yourself and for the upscaling part here's a shameless plug for you you can go ahead and start learning from full stack web developer learning path on code dam which consists of basically everything and anything you will need for freelancing and you know completing these initial orders it starts with a very small subscription amount which you probably would cover in your first gig right so just go ahead and start learning for full stack web development for free from code down and even if you want to upgrade to code damn pro the first month subscription or you know the monthly subscription of godam is probably way less than what you will make enough in the first week of your freelancing i can assure you that but yeah that's pretty much it for this video you can find basically all the links in the description even for joining fiverr that is all for this video if you liked it make sure you like and subscribe to the channel share it with your friends who are trying to get into freelancing and i'm gonna see you in the next video really soon [Music] you
Channel: Mehul - Codedamn
Views: 82,203
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Keywords: codedamn, how to start freelancing, how to become a freelance web developer, how to make money as a software developer, how to make money as a college student, how to use fiverr, how to make money with fiverr, how to get freelance clients, how to use upwork, how to get clients on fiverr, how to get clients on upwork, highest paying freelancing skills, how to use fiverr for beginners, freelancing tips for beginners, 5 Step Framework To Become a Freelance Web Developer in 2021
Id: -Z-2dM9Xb8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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