5 Signs of “LEAKY GUT” or Intestinal Permeability

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welcome back this is dr jin sung where clinical excellence meets excellent results today we're going to talk about the five signs of leaky gut syndrome or intestinal permeability so let's get right into it hippocrates said bad digestion is the root of all evil and this was over 2000 years ago so what is leaky gut or intestinal permeability basically it compromises the integrity of the gut barrier and increases the entry of undigested antigens into the submucosa and circulation thus challenging the immune system what that means is damage can occur in the gut lining and it allows larger food proteins such as gluten to cross into the bloodstream and causes a inflammatory process or an immune response okay the gut lining or epithelium the cells of the gut can comprise of 3000 square meters basically the size of a tennis court if you lay it flat out onto a tennis court it can cover the entire court all right so what can cause leaky gut food proteins if you have allergies or you have sensitivities to certain foods it can create leaky gut chemicals plenty of them herbicides pesticides [Music] plastics overuse of antibiotics can create leaky gut issues certain medications processed foods can also create issues autoimmune disease ulcerative colitis crohn's disease celiac disease can all create this problem chronic stress or post-traumatic stress syndrome right ptsd can create issues with the gut lining concussion now this is not talked about very often but concussions where you have a impact to the head and it creates a leaky brain will immediately create a leaky gut so bonds that prevent things get to get into the brains are very similar to what the bonds are in the gi tract and once the bonds are broken in the brain blood brain barrier it can also happen in the gut so concussions can create leaky gut issues or even sibo type symptoms low stomach acid hcl digestive enzymes can also be a problem as we age so in the past they used to use uh lactulose or mannatoes type testing for leaky gut issues but you can do more sensitive testing by checking lipopolysaccharide actomyosin occluded and zonulin bonds you can do what we call a igg or iga immune response to see if you have a actual immune response to these tissues so lipopolysaccharides are basically bacterial endotoxins actimicin are the epithelial damage and occluding zonulin bonds are the tight junctions that put the cells together and prevent things to cross or only allow things that are supposed to cross cross over now there are two forms of leaky gut quote unquote leaky gut is intestinal permeability or intestinal damage but you can have what we call trans cellular meaning things that should not cross will transcross through the cell itself and then something called paracellular meaning the tight junctions between cells are damaged and food proteins and antigens can cross into the bloodstream so there are two forms right trans cellular and paracellular now what you're here for is the five signs increase food reactions you eat certain foods you feel like you're swollen you're bloated you have abnormal reactions to foods that you were able to eat in the past number two unpredictable food reactions right you just don't know you just eat something one day and you feel fine and the other day you don't feel so well aches pain and swelling throughout the body that's an important one if you feel like you have joint pain aches and so forth after meals let's say 24 to 48 hours you can have issues with leaky gut unpredictable abdominal swelling bloating basically right you get bloating and you just don't know it's kind of random or you can get frequent bloating and distension of the abdomen with eating that's often signs of sibo or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth this is where bacteria that should not live in the small intestine migrate from the large intestine into the small intestine it creates a lot of gases methane and hydrogen are the two primary ones but frequent bloating that progresses throughout the day so you get up in the morning you have your tummy is pretty flat you eat breakfast you feel a little bit bloated eat lunch more bloated by dinner time you feel like you're pregnant that's a classic sign of sibo small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and that's a a part of what intestinal permeability is and what leaky gut is so if you want there's you know you can do a whole lecture on leaky gut or intestinal permeability you can do a whole weekend lecture but this is just a synopsis of what might be going on with you so it's important to check so you can do lipid polysaccharide actimizing and including zonulin bond testing through a lab called cyrex labs they're a leading immunology testing company and you could do these tests through blood to see if you have an immune response or if you have leaky gut syndrome okay my name is dr jin sung where clinical excellence meets excellent results and we'll see you guys next week on the healthy side have an awesome day
Channel: Dr. Jin W. Sung
Views: 44,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leaky gut, intestinal premeability, bloating, SIBO, LPS, zonulin, occludin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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