A Simple & Effective Leaky Gut Repair Protocol

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if you have gastrointestinal conditions IBS IBD Celiac gerd abdominal pain altar bowel function all of these throw up flags that there is an increased prevalence like we talked about 36 to 88 likelihood that there could be gut present [Music] [Applause] probiotics improve leaky gut very exciting and definitive scientific proof let's break down this recent study that gives us the Pinnacle level of evidence documenting that in as little as one to four weeks probiotics can reduce leaky gut and if you haven't heard of leaky gut this is a syndrome that may underlie many symptoms syndromes and conditions so very exciting let's write down the study and then give you a protocol if you haven't heard of leaky gut AKA intestinal permeability this is when this crucially important membrane of your small intestine is dysfunctional now as this graphic is depicting in normal physiology the tight junctions or the cells of your small intestine should absorb nutrients and police out and not allow in particles and and pathogens that we don't want to absorb when we have hyper permeability or leaky gut this membrane is dysfunctional and particles can leak through food stuff bacteria and on the other side of this membrane lies your immune system and it reacts with inflammation in fact we've discussed in the past this very crucial receptor amongst a few others known as toll like receptor 4. when you have a leaky gut in particles leak through you can stimulate this receptor and this receptor will then call the mast cells of your immune system to release their granules full of histamine and other inflammatory compounds and this is the tie-in between an unhealthy gut and chronic inflammation in fact regarding the anatomy of the small intestine specifically it's 22 feet in length much larger than your five foot large intestine ironically and the absorptive capacity is huge this is in the small intestine where over 90 percent of calories and nutrients are absorbed probably because when you take that 22 feet and all of the sort of looping back and forth in the microvilli the increase surface area the total surface area of the small intestine is 2700 feet akin to that of a tennis court so it's massively important to absorb calories nutrition but also because this membrane is one cell thick and on the other side at the ready is your immune system if it dysfunctions it can trigger chronic inflammation and we're learning more and more about how many conditions are at least correlated with leaky gut so we should also ask the question how prevalent is leaky gut because if this is something that affected one percent of the population this conversation would be somewhat moot but various data most namely a 2019 systematic review concluded that in various symptom or disease States leak up prevalence was between 36 and 88 percent so if you have a diagnosed condition or if you have chronic symptoms that are idiopathic they're not diagnosable there's no known cause you have anywhere from 36 to 88 likelihood that leaky gut is underlying that condition or those symptoms the good news is that a probiotic protocol again has been demonstrated to a effect and favorably modulately leaky gut so even though this can be a bit dire looking at the pathophysiology there's great news in terms of practical things you can do to improve your health we should just briefly touch on what factors increase risk of leaky gut probably no surprise that Western Diet alcohol use poor sleep and chronic stress can be a number of risk factors that increase the likelihood of leaky gut and along with this we know that things like stress and poor sleep can directly cause another risk factor of leaky gut which is dysbiosis imbalances in the bacteria when there's leakage there's inflammation inflammation is not conducive to the growth of healthy bacteria and you know here's the inflammation as we just discussed if you have gastrointestinal conditions IBS IBD Celiac gerd abdominal pain altar bowel function all of these throw up flags that there is an increased prevalence like we talked about 36 to 88 likelihood that there could be gut present again this is good news because there's an empowering protocol that we'll go through but I just want you to understand the physiology so that if you're having symptoms you understand what might be tied to those symptoms and why it's important to take corrective action certain medications can also drive or increase the risk of leaky gut most namely antibiotics and NSAIDs not to say all antibiotics are bad in fact certain antibiotics may actually improve leaky gut but just to put this Factor on the board for you to be aware of and then also like we alluded to a moment ago chronic diseases and also aging so there's a number of factors that increase your risk but again there's good news in terms of what we can do about that and just the final thing I want to tie in here before we go into the study in question remember that you don't have to have digestive symptoms in order to have leaky gut I learned this in college when my gut health really fell apart however I had no digestive symptoms I only had fatigue brain fog and insomnia so just don't make the mistake of concluding I have no gut symptoms therefore I have no leaky gut it's also not to make anyone paranoid about leaky gut that would also be a mistake because it's very able to be remedied but just don't assume if you have no GI symptoms you have no hyper intestinal permeability or no leaky gut so here we come to the studying question and man what a great seminal pivotal paper this is so the paper is entitled probiotics fortify intestinal barrier function a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized control trials looking at 26 randomized controlled trials and over 1800 patients asking the question can probiotics reduce leaky gut the answer yes this is fantastic news they found that probiotics reduce leaky gut no surprise they also found that probiotics reduced inflammation and concomitantly increased healthy bacterial populations now why is what we discussed a moment ago that when particles leak through on the other side of that gate weights your immune system good we want that there but when it's excessive there's excessive activation of the immune system which uses inflammation as its instruments to clean up the mess and this inflammation appears to be discouraging of growth of healthy bacteria now let's go a little bit further into some of what this paper found there's a couple points here that are crucially important for us to tie in and I've put together this visual for you so the probiotics or the intervention they were two types either a blend of bifidobacterium and lactobacillus remember this is a meta-analysis summarizing 26 clinical trials so each trial used a different formula or many of the trials used different formulas this is helpful to know because it doesn't lead us to say well this one probiotic is the special leaky gut probiotic but rather taking a med of you a macro review a big picture of you a summative view we see that across various trials two general types of probiotics were used and found to be effective bifidobacterium and lactobacillus Blends and also a different type soil based probiotics now what did they find how do they measure the leaky gut a few ways directly assessing leakage through actually measuring endotoxin or LPS and remember that LPS will trigger that whole like receptor 4 that we've talked about they've also or they also measured inflammatory cytokines directly so they've measured the stuff that leaks through they measured the inflammatory response that was stimulated by that leakage as tnf Alpha interleukin-6 and also C-reactive protein and then finally they assessed zonulin and they found probiotic supplementation improved all of these measures direct leakage of LPS inflammatory cytokines CNF Alpha interleukin6 and seractor protein and also a reduction in Zion but there's a crucially crucially important finding here that I always try to be very attentive to because I want to save you money and Bs and that is there was no improvement in stool zonulin there was an improvement in blood donulin there was an improvement in inflammatory cytokines and LPS leakage there was no improvement in stool zonulin why this matters not to put too fine of a point on it but as you've probably heard me criticize in the past the functional and integrated field is wasting people's time and money on stool testing is more theoretical than it is fact and is unnecessary now to be clear I am not saying that if your conventional gastroenterologist your infected disease specialist whoever it is is recommending a test you should not do it but what I am saying is that in the realm of natural integrative functional medicine testing is grossly overused and here's one very specific data point supporting where my position on this comes from the fact that the best data point you have to date does not show that stools onulin changes after one heals leaky gut so that tells you stool zonulin probably not useful stop testing it don't waste your money so what is a protocol this study did not assess what the optimum protocol was they looked at a number of different trials 26 and they found across trials the probiotic supplementation improved leaky gut separate to that we have recently performed a comprehensive review of The Evidence to see what the best dosage is for different probiotics are so looking macro looking meta across IBS IBD kind of impairment metabolic function non-alcoholic fatty liver disease metabolism sibo here is what we have found again according to the research literature to be the best dosing protocol and duration for the lactobacillus and bifidobacterium blend type of probiotic 1 to 10 billion for two to three months one to ten billion was actually news to me I had previously been under the impression that a higher dose was better but in trying to be true to the science and deliver you the most accurate information I have now amended my dosing recommendations down to what the best current evidence is showing also two to three months because many trials have found the peak level of improvement is hit at either the 2 or the three month Mark you will probably notice and you should probably notice a cinematic response before that but the optimum dosing time may be two to three months and this is likely because it takes time for bacterial populations to shift for at least got to be reduced and for the full I guess therapeutic benefit to be yielded now for this other type of probiotic the soil based there's actually less data trying to determine what the optimal dosing protocol is however what has been used across most of the studies is a dose of two to six billion cfu per day again for two to three months so this is your protocol you can pick one of these formulas you could use them together this study did not look at them used together per se so one is probably sufficient if you want to have a more powerful probiotic you could use two at the same time and here are a few formulas for you here are the two that we use in our clinical practice here are two others that are readily available online and just to give you an idea of cost here is a table breaking down the cost one thing I want to flag here and I always try to give you sort of what I use and then a few things that are able to be bought you know easily online just so you have some options the one thing that flagged for me here was this 100 billion cfu really probably more than you need in fact we are even taking steps to modify downward the dosages of our lactobief blend to hit 10 billion given these recent findings so the point here to take away is that the higher dose doesn't mean better and this is good because it can reduce cost and then two other options for you here you're looking at about twenty to forty dollars per bottle to get anywhere from a one to three month supply depending on the one that you're using the soil based probiotics are less expensive so if you're on a budget that's probably the better place to start so to make sure that this is um really clear I would not recommend based upon this study testing stools onulin should you test blood zonnulin well maybe it has been shown in this study that pre-post intervention with probiotics you will see improvements in leaky gut as measured by Blood donulin does that mean clinically you have to do a baseline blood donulin and then repeat the test I don't think so now this is more so my inference my speculation but because we know that symptoms generally correlate with leaky gut I think it's much more practical to keep treating the individual until you hit the fullest symptomatic resolution possible rather than serial retesting why well because the testing isn't going to tell you anything about how to better treat the person in fact someone could argue before this study was published well the best way to treat leaky gut is with anti-inflammatory herbs glutamine what have you this study totally refutes that this study found that probiotics lead to a very successful Improvement reduction of leaky gut so the point I'm making is in functional GI care the best path generally speaking seems to be to continue to use various therapeutic approaches until you hit your symptomatic Target rather than thinking that you need to do serial repeat test and go back down to LabCorp back down the quest up still have symptoms still have elevated zonulin right so it's just going to keep going through the same clinical process anyway I'm not saying everyone has to do this if you want to be very analytical sure you could do repeat zombie and stool testing along the way I'm sorry zonilan blood testing not stool testing along the way but it's just one of a few different changes that will make your care more expensive and more arduous or make it more expeditious so again my opinion here not published but would recommend continue to experiment with various Therapeutics until you hit the symptomatic Point you're trying to hit then if you want to retest I think optional very likely if you have less symptoms you will have improved zonulin so just my perspective there to make sure you don't get overly pulled into lots of testing which can get very expensive and very time consuming okay well again really exciting research here and I hope this helps you with how to use probiotics if this has been helpful Please Subscribe like comment or share this really helps us bring science-based information that's practical and efficacious to more people alrighty this is Dr Michael Russo hope this helps talk to you next time [Music] [Applause] foreign
Channel: Dr. Michael Ruscio, DC, DNM
Views: 258,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Leaky gut repair, leaky gut, intestinal permeability, leaky gut support, how to repair leaky gut, heal leaky gut, how to heal leaky gut, leaky gut supplement, best leaky gut supplement, what to take for leaky gut, probiotics, gut health, gut healing, best supplements for the gut, michael ruscio, leaky gut protocol
Id: 5en_twP8DcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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