5 Signs An Employer REALLY Wants To Hire You

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hey jobseekers decision of returning here your career success coach and welcome to the career success channel for underrepresented populations and in today's video I am finally getting an opportunity to talk to you all about how to know when a company wants to hire you so if you've already gone through the interviewing process or you're about to get into the interviewing process then this is a must watch video for you there are telltale signs and I'm about to explain what they are and in addition to that you're gonna get the bonus the career success bonus tip for underrepresented populations so make sure that you check out the video I'll see you in a second [Music] [Applause] [Music] now have you ever been in an interview and you were wondering am I gonna get a callback after I leave this interview if that's been you then this is the right video for you because I have five telltale signs that a company is really interested and wants to give you an offer but before I do that I want you to know about this video that I have and it's it signs that your current employer wants to retain you so just in case you're also interested in how your current employer feels about you then check out that video too because it's going to be a good one but let's talk about this video first and let's go into sign number one sign number one listen to their verbal cues because oftentimes if a hiring manager is already seeing you in a position they'll talk to you as if you are already in that position so they'll say things like so when you're in this position here's what you're going to do or when you show up on day one this is typically how things go so they're already in their mind seeing you in that position and they're talking about you as if you're in that position and sometimes we don't even realize as hiring managers that we are doing this we just happen to do it but listen out for those verbal cues where they've already inserted you into that role as the person that they want to hire alright so sign number two that an employer wants to hire you look out for those cues that they're pitching the company to you and they are overly interested in where you are in your hiring process with other companies that's a really big telltale sign so so pitching the company cues things like they're really emphasizing their questions on what's important to you what do you need in order to be success select a company or just feel like a company is great and then they start talking specifically about how their company offers those things or they may start telling you about things that happen within the department that you may like or it just perks of the job that you may like there emphasizing those things because they are trying to now sell you the company but also the other part of that is when they start asking you questions about where you are in the interviewing process with other companies so the question may be so are you currently interviewing with anyone else right now or how far along are you in their process or what even if the recruiter or the hiring manager says hey I know that you're interviewing with other companies right now but keep talking to us do not accept any other offers until we talk first those are some signs that an employer is pretty interested in you so be on the lookout for them when you're there at the interview so quick pause have you ever heard of an extravagant perk or a perk in general about the job that made you really really want to take that job tell me about that part below what is one part that you've heard about that you're like I have got to have that perk tell us in the comment section below okay so the sign number three that an employer really wants to hire you and sign number three is they will walk you around and introduce you to other employees so they're walking you around and they're saying you know hey you know she's or he's applying to this job I just wanted to tell them a little about the department and I wanted to walk them around to see if they liked the space and I so now I'm introducing them to people so I thought it takes a lot of time out of the day for an interviewer to do that and some companies actually have that as a part of their overall hiring process but it's very few so if an employer is walking you around and introducing you to other employees that is also a good sign that that they're trying to hire you for that position all right so sign number four that an employer really must want to hire you they'll start talking start dates so they'll start asking you questions like so how soon would you be able to start if an offer were extended to you or they'll they may ask you some no questions about what's important to you in order to say yes to an offer we call that a pre closed we're a recruiter will call you following an interview or maybe at the very end of an interview and they'll start asking you you know so what does that package need to look like for you how soon would you be able to start how much you notice what you have to give your employer sign number five that an employer probably really wants to hire you is that they actually respond very quickly to your thank-you note so as you know you should send out a thank-you note at the end of the interview and if you send out this thank-you note and the employer responds very quickly and it's not just a oh you're welcome but they're actually diving a little more deeply into the response for you it means that they're still thinking about you and they they on their end want to keep the conversation going with you so if they want to keep the conversation going with you then you keep that conversation going to because that is a really good sign that the employer wants you to come and work with them so let me ask you another question so that you can put your response in the comment section have you picked up on any signs that maybe I haven't mentioned above I want to hear about some other unique signs that you knew because you experienced it that the employer really wants to hire you I'm curious now as another side note and this is really important for you to hear even if all five of these signs happen during and following your interview and if you still haven't heard back from the employer it doesn't necessarily mean that they are not going to hire you for that position there are many reasons there could be a delay and then getting an offer out to you but guess what I have a video for that so make sure that you check out the video and you you check out the video because it's three reasons why you probably haven't heard from the employer yet even if he had an amazing interview so check out that video so that you can rest assured that there's nothing to worry about it this time especially if you saw those five signs now as always here's my favorite section the career success bonus tip for ups or underrepresented populations my career success tip today is all about believing that you're worth it so when you go into an interview in order for you to even remember to look out for these signs you have to already know that just because you are considered a diverse candidate the only thing that diverse means is that you're different do not let your difference mean that you are decreased or that you are less than right diversity only means different and so still go into that interview feeling like you're worth it believing that you are worth it and and so if you believe it and you remember that then you're going to be looking for those signs yourself too so that is the career success bonus tip I hope that you enjoyed that bonus tip now I am glad that you wrote out all these tips with me I'm glad that you made it all the way to the end of this now I do have a special gift for you if you are in the process of interviewing make sure that you check out our free guide I'll put the link to it in the detail section below but it's 25 common interview questions and top notch answers that go along with those questions they will help to guide you through your interviewing process I certainly hope that you've enjoyed this video and remember in order to be underrepresented no more we must learn engage apply repeat now this is jennifer tardy i'm your career success coach i will see you on the next video take care you [Music]
Channel: Career Success
Views: 70,531
Rating: 4.8188796 out of 5
Keywords: Signs an employer wants to hire you, good signs you got the job, what are some good signs you got the job, signs of a possible job offer, signs they will hire you, possible job offer, signs a job offer is coming, hiring manager interview, verbal communication, verbal cues, email response time, team meeting, employee introduction, employer, hire, signs, career success, career success by jennifer tardy, career advice, job interview tips, get hired, work it daily, interview tips
Id: E4M1mhnTe2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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