5 Scary & Unexpected Videos Recorded From The Woods…

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Lol this naked dude running after the people.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DirtBagLifeStyle 📅︎︎ Aug 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
the woods or forests are areas that can be some of the most relaxing and peaceful places to be at when you need a place to clear your head go on a walk or when you want to get a taste for the outdoor life at the same time however the dense forests and ease in which you can become lost can create the exact opposite feeling and cause fear and paralyzing anxiety the forest play host to all types of wildlife dangerous vegetation and if you're not looking at where you're walking you can easily injure yourself if not worse so from a possible wedge scene in the woods toward some claim as irrefutable evidence of a sewer monster here are five scary videos filmed inside forests hit those lights sit back and enjoy the sounds of winter in the past we have covered the mysterious phenomenon of sky trumpets where throughout the world there have been recorded events of these mysterious deep like sounds coming from what seems to be the sky the mysterious and creepy noise scared a lot of people and several news media sources covered the events some people claimed it was tectonic plates in the Earth's crust a hoax made by speakers or a biblical type event no one however could seem to put a definitive answer to the sounds which brings us to the following video uploaded by youtuber going by the name of mr. hatch one one seven who records a video in the middle of the forest during winter out of seemingly nowhere wild almost guttural sounds are made which come from the sky take a look maybe if we describe this rock Marcy [Music] I'd be what 20 25 see me to be more curious than scared at first mister Hadj continues recording until finally making the wise choice to leave however if I did happen to be a creature making that loud noise we don't know if walking would be enough to get away from that there are several reasons in which these noises can be produced but all of them seem to lead to a dead end with these happening not in big cities but in dense and isolated forests makes the situation that much more creepy so what do you think is this the sign of a creature or is it the earth doing something completely normal let us know your thoughts in the comments Christmas stalker the holiday season is a time to gather with your friends and family and leave the worries of work personal issues and finances behind for a few days to relax and enjoy the company of those you love and care about it seems to be that much more upsetting when you notice that someone is seeming to stalk the outside of your house and concealing themselves by hiding in the wood line just out of clear sight this is exactly what happened on Christmas Day of 2015 what a family spending the day together in northern Minnesota were recording a video of all the festive cheer going on around the house when they noticed a black shadowy figure moving around the property being concealed by the trees startled and immediately noticed by several family members they made their way outside and continued to capture this is the tree oh my god you see that did you see that no was it it was really big oh my god you see it yeah oh my god no way that can't be what the hell no me are you are you getting this oh my god scared of them ran stay here if you stay here oh my god oh my god we were you back inside guys that's pretty disturbing I know many people are just going to claim that as a person or a name or pick for costume but we wanted to point out several things we noticed with this video first of all the obvious is that is clearly Christmas Day and we highly doubt the entire family would want to take time out from relaxing and spending time together to conduct the wild hogs just for the internet second the reaction of the family is quite confusing and we mean that literally they seem confused a bit concerned yes but not an over-the-top reaction and screaming as you see with so many other similar videos they seemed genuinely intrigued on what it is and even tried to call that dog back when he goes to run after the animal or person and thirdly what bothers us the most is if this isn't an animal but a person why are they staking out a house when it's still light and the holidays are known for their unfortunate string of home invasions that occur during the season so if this wasn't an animal but a person that doesn't exactly sit well with us either as you have no idea what their true intentions are so what do you think was this a large Bigfoot creature captured on camera a hoax or is this a person possibly staking out their home a deadly trap one of the more popular activities to take part in in the woods is that of high-speed cycling motocross or off riding in a car or ATV which is exactly what we see here in the following video two men are driving at high speed through a trail in the forest and all seems to be going well eventually the rider and Friends slows down drastically and leans over coming to a stop it becomes very clear as to why the riders stopped his motorbike the fact that someone put the steel cable there is troubling enough as whoever did it know people use that trail as a place to ride motorbikes with the ease at which you could not see it could cause catastrophic damage to a person if it didn't flat-out kill them it's troubling that someone knowingly put the truck there and whether it was meant as a warning to stop going that way or a cruel and evil prank it's scary regardless we are glad to see that both of the men didn't get hurt and took down the trap later on in the video the men begin discussing if they should wait for whoever said the trapper to come back to it but they ultimately decide against and the Georgia screamer in July of 2017 in rural Georgia two friends are lighting fireworks to celebrate the fourth of July where they inadvertently startle some type of creature lurking near the woods shortly after the sound of the fireworks dies down you hear a loud screeching coming from the woods and then the two men go to investigate the sound of the disturbance scared and confused on what they heard they didn't expect to see something as horrifying as the dead take light indeed idiot watch out that's pretty fine we're out of here I'm not I didn't either I'm not getting you that while some claim it's fake and just someone dressed up in a suit which we can see why it's still creepy regardless the loud piercing sound the creature makes as it's running towards the two men will send chills down your spine fake or not stalked by a mountain lion there are many things you should be aware of whenever you go hiking or mountain biking mountain lions on the other hand is not something that would come to mind when thinking of things we even need to worry about that is exactly the situation that Adam Barnes find himself in however when mountain biking through an area in British Columbia Adam noticed he was not alone I was unfortunately being followed or possibly even stalked by a mountain lion keeping her distance the Lions seemed to hide in the brush out of sight and whenever Adam would move forward through the trail while aware of what was following him the lion would inch closer behind but keeping a safe distance take a look this is so crazy hey mr. mountain lion how are you doing nice to see you nice to see you I am much bigger than you I'm way bigger than you go where are you going yeah see this well as the mountain lion there's a mountain lion right here and he's just staring me down okay this cat is coming back at me this is unbelievable there's a mountain lion right here right in front of me stay back stay there [Applause] I'm not afraid of you you thankfully Adam made it out to the trail and harmed with a new friend respect that he shares the wilderness and forests with many other animals who could easily overpower and I'd run him what is truly scary here is that how that mountain lion decided to attack they wouldn't have been much in terms of defending himself that he could have done much less attacking the lion bank had Adam not seen the lion this could have ended much worse for him lions tend to attack on unsuspecting victims and although human attacks are rare they are not unheard of so there you have it five scary videos filmed inside the forests we're thinking of doing a paranormal edition of this video so let us know if you'd like to see that we hope you've enjoyed this video and we hope it hasn't turned you away from the idea of going into the woods or forests as stated earlier they can offer some of the most peaceful and relaxing experiences since the area is so untouched by humans and the loud hustle and bustle of the cities seems to not exist at all when in a relaxing forest thanks for watching and as always we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Top5s
Views: 1,618,180
Rating: 4.7736049 out of 5
Id: 3B_xfU2wgaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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