5 SCAMS in the Legend of Zelda! (ft. Monster Maze)

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this video is sponsored by squarespace [Music] it's crazy to think that it's almost been 2 years since breath of the wild 2's trailer and that we have yet to get more information on the game but with e3 happening next month and the confirmation that nintendo would be participating this year along with the fact that they themselves said we should be getting more news on the game in 2021 there's a good chance that we'll finally see some more on the sequel during the event and i can't wait to see what they have in store for us i mean it's pretty obvious that the hype for the game has died down a considerable amount and most topics and theories regarding the sequel have been milked dry due to this plus the fact that the second part of my massive zonai series is now in development a video that will most likely be over an hour i kind of want to embrace this calm before the storm so in celebration of the zelda series and all it has to offer it's only natural that i take this time to discuss some of the biggest scams in the legend of zelda and joining me will be the bokoblin expert himself monster maze let's get right into it i'll be quick with this first one since it's already been talked about in a previous video and served as the inspiration for this one in twilight princess there's an npc located in hyrule castle town named charlo who collects donations from people supposedly for the sake of peace and hyrule or whatever that means he's sort of vague with the details of what these rupees are going to be used for the player can give charlo some rupees and once you've donated a total of a thousand a heart piece falls from above and he states that link's prayer has reached the sky and the peace of heart was provided by forces you cannot comprehend but was it really what if this whole thing is just a scam to get some easy rupees it's possible that charlo's name comes from the word charlatan a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill in other words a fraud and we don't actually see where this piece of heart comes from since it drops from the top of the screen and the building behind charlo and the player is very tall someone could have easily dropped the piece of heart down once link gave enough rupees as a way to try and convince him that this whole thing isn't a scam since the heart container is commonly associated with the concept of love charlo could have made up the whole spirit of love thing based on the item's appearance and nothing more this is no different from buying a piece of heart at a shop for a thousand rupees and the fact that this is the only game that requires five to make a heart container makes this purchase feel even more of a rip-off but when it comes to scams it's not necessarily limited to money alone and this is why the running man from ocarina of time is worth discussing the running man can be found in hyrule field and is part of the masked trading side quest as he'll purchase the bunnyhood from the player for a whopping 500 rupees following this the running man continues to run around hyrule field but he is significantly faster however it's not this exchange which includes him on this list in fact 500 rupees for a mask is a very good deal and completely fills up link's biggest wallet but if you talk to him 7 years later after repairing the bridge to gerudo valley he'll challenge the player to a race of which the finish line is situated at the bridge in the lost woods now the zelda series is filled with mini-games especially timed challenges which usually reward you with an important item like a piece of heart or upgraded gear so what do you get once you beat the running man well we will never know because no matter how fast you are he'll always be at the bridge before the player and claims to have beaten link by a second and since the internet was still a new thing many believe that there was a way to beat him giving life to multiple rumors and even people faking footage by editing the game's code but one quick look at the text dump of the game's files shows that there is no dialogue reserved for a scenario where the player beats the running man easy allies has a full video where they discuss this infamous minigame and they include a fan translated quote from what's allegedly an entry in november 1999's weekly famitsu where miyamoto even says that the running man has no significance to the game and the minigame only exists to train the player to move around faster this might not be scamming link out of money but it's most certainly a waste of time it makes you wonder if the running man has a twin or something and this is all an elaborate prank since not even speed hacks can help if you get to the bridge with a time of 0 seconds he still somehow manages to beat you but hey at least you got a sweet deal with those 500 rupees it really does suck when you're caught in the middle of a scam whether it be wasting loads of money or precious time you could have used to be more productive but you know what's not a scam squarespace and right now they're offering a 10 discount on your first purchase all you need to do is go to the link in the description squarespace.com nintendo black crisis and use the code nintendo black crisis to get started squarespace allows anyone to create their own website and includes many different features making it very flexible and easy to use whether it's for business or personal use it helps simplify the whole process for those who want a website but have no experience in making one i started working on mine earlier this year and the best part about squarespace is that it lets me work at my own pace i've kept my website fairly simple since i'm still learning and i hope that over the next several months i'll be able to make improvements and changes to make the overall experience better there's even a page with information on our official zelda minecraft server something that has been a big part of the community for quite some time as well as a contact page where you can submit suggestions for video ideas i'm always open to feedback so if any of you have interesting ideas for what should be included on the site then feel free to let me know in the comments section squarespace also has 24 7 support in case you need help with anything and if you don't know how to start with your website you can choose from the many templates you can start your free trial right now and get a 10 off your purchase with the link in the description and using the code nintendo black crisis that's squarespace.com n-i-n-t-e-n-d-o-b-l-a-c-k-c-r-i-s-i-s thanks again for sponsoring this video and without further ado let's go back to some scams in zelda twilight princess is filled with both interesting and strange characters such as the oka from city in the sky and agatha who claims to be a princess of the bug kingdom one of said unique characters is mallow who opens up a shop in kakariko village called kakariko goods after link gets a master sword mallow begins to accept donations from people to open up a shop and castle town called mallomart first the player needs to give him a thousand rupees to fix one of the bridges in hyrule field and then an additional 2000 to purchase chudley's fine goods and fancy trinkets emporium in castletown so what happens after you've donated this many rupees to mallow you're given the privilege of purchasing the magic armor for 598 rupees discounted from the original a hundred thousand that's quite the discount uh actually for some reason in toilet princess hd the armor is even more expensive it's 400 000 rupees so uh yeah that's a lot of rupees to spend but if the item was originally a hundred thousand it must be very good right the good news is that the magic armor prevents link from taking damage but to do this it needs to be powered by rupees and every second the gear is on the player it drains two rupees and if hit by an attack 12 rupees are automatically used up as you'd expect this is by no means a practical way to play the game since rupees are hard to come by and the armor uses the mop at an incredibly fast rate you can't even use it without its ability since the armor becomes heavy if link has no rupees on him but by far the worst part about this is the fact that you needed to give away all of your rupees for an item that requires rupees to actually work a lot of people already know about the scrapped magic meter system of twilight princess similar to ocarina of time link was going to have access to certain abilities and items that would no doubt consume magic and this feature was scrapped very late into development since you can still see the magic meter on the back of twilight princess's box and the existence of the magic armor is further proof of this originally it would have most likely run a magic given the name but because this mechanic was removed later in development it was switched to rupees it's also why the green potion exists in the game even though drinking it does nothing chances are it was a potion which would restore the player's magic but serves no purpose in the final build of the game i don't know what it is about twilight princess and being scammed by donations but i'm starting to see a pattern here of course a video on the biggest scams in the zelda series wouldn't be complete without including the infamous korok seeds quest from breath of the wild you all know the deal the player can find a korok named hestu on the road to kakariko village and after recovering his maracas you can exchange korok seeds for upgrades in your inventory space this in and of itself is a very good deal but in order to 100 the game you need to find all 900 scattered across hyrule and given how big the world is most are unable to complete this daunting task the korok mask from the game's dlc makes this challenge much easier as it can be used to sense nearby korok puzzles but since the game doesn't tell you how much are left in each region it's very easy to lose count and be forced to recheck every single location you only need 441 of these items to fully max out your inventory space but that means that there's still 459 out there for completionists to collect now from a game development standpoint this makes sense since requiring every single one to upgrade your weapon bow or shield slots would be too difficult you know because hyrule is so massive but you'd at least expect something of value after recovering all 900 right well after collecting all 900 of these seeds and talking to hestu in korak forest he rewards link with a quote-unquote gift of friendship the item is called hasty's gift which according to the description smells pretty bad yes your reward after all that trouble is a literal piece of poop what's interesting is that hester's gift is based on a japanese good luck charm called kinno onco or golden poop is it funny sort of but i'd hate to be the first player to collect all of these seeds expecting something at least a bit useful only to be given well this at least there's some reward in collecting the korok seeds so whether it's considered a scam or not is debatable i've personally never gotten all 900 seeds and given the reward i don't ever plan to i'd prefer to keep my sanity thank you very much this next one's a classic i completely forgot about it when making this video and originally ran with a different idea but this list wouldn't be complete without the giant's knife from ocarina of time in goron city link can use bombs to gain access to metagoron shop according to metagoron he's working on something really cool but it's going to take a while to make once the player gets the master sword and travels 7 years into the future he'll sell you a weapon named the giants knife for 200 rupees what this goron doesn't tell you is that the durability of this weapon is extremely low if you thought breath of the wild fragile weapons were frustrating just wait until you see how easily the giant's knife breaks oh it's it's already broken yes that's right after only eight hits the blade breaks and becomes the broken giant's knife which can still be used but now it only deals a quarter of the damage when swung worst of all while metagoron acknowledges the fact that there is issues with the weapon's durability he doesn't refund you and instead offers to sell another one for the same price spoilers it still easily breaks and you can't even use the shield with it since it's so heavy it requires two hands to hold sure the same thing can be said for the bigger on sword but at least that weapon doesn't break if this isn't a scam then i don't know what is i also find it strange that this weapon took so long to make yet he had extras to sell link perhaps he made them knowing that they would break hoping that the player was desperate enough to buy his others there's really no point in making this purchase as it's easily one of zelda's most useless items last but not least is an honorable mention because when it comes to scams and zelda one in particular sticks out the biggest scam of them all which is skyward sword hd [Music] okay i'm only half serious i wouldn't call it a scam but the thing about the skyward sword remake for the switch is from what we currently know it's more of a port than a remake other games such as wind waker and twilight princess were re-released on the wii u but those games read to the lighting and graphics and looked much better especially wind waker now to be fair skyward sword does look pretty good as it is i don't think it's a lazy port per se but it definitely feels overpriced i don't know i'm still happy we're getting the game on the switch i've just wanted to talk about this for a long time at the end of the day if you don't want it you don't need to get it for most people it's going to be worth it with its updated controls and for those who don't have it for the wii or wii u and hey maybe there's more content we haven't yet seen either way i hope you enjoyed today's video i really enjoy these type of topics since it's a breath of fresh air and sometimes these silly videos end up being the best special thanks to monster maze for joining me on this one and there will be a link in the description for the video on his channel so make sure to look out for that i've been nintendo black crisis and i will see you all next time for a more impactful topic [Music] you
Channel: NintendoBlackCrisis
Views: 329,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: legend of zelda, top 5, twilight princess, ocarina of time, breath of the wild, hestu's gift, korok seeds, malo mart, magic armor, useless items, worst rewards, nintendo switch, botw 2, e3 2021, skyward sword hd, running man, ocarina of time race, oot, scams, loz, monster maze, zelda breath of the wild, 100%, korok forest, heart piece
Id: KNMnXDlh2x0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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