5 SaaS Ideas You Can Build as a SOLO Founder 📈🙋‍♂️

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backed by popular demand here are five more SAS ideas that you can build and in this video I'm going to focus on those you could build as a solo founder the first idea comes from Pat walls on Twitter the idea that he's presenting is actually an existing service and I don't think you should replicate this but if you could take this idea and translate it to other mediums I think this could be very intriguing so the product that exists is get sponsor leads.com and in essence they provide you with a list of more than 250 companies that are advertising in email newsletters and so if you had an email newsletter and were looking for sponsors this is a great lead list for you now this already exists but does it make sense to do this for podcast advertising YouTube advertising on-site advertising any other type of advertising you can think of I think so as Pat points out the reason this is a great business is it's B2B it's a productized service it's a simple product that's easy to automate they charge twenty four hundred dollars per year and it's kind of a no-brainer offer because if you close one deal using this data you cover that yearly cost and the odds are good it's going to be low churn because it directly makes newsletters more money so if you could translate this into another medium this is something that doesn't require any code to fulfill and could be done with no code or just with human automation on the back end my second idea is one that we obtained by asking folks if they have a problem at their day job and this is an idea that the respondent said he thinks his company would be willing to pay 500 a month for it this person said I do a lot of scheduling of personnel and Facilities I do this manually using Outlook and tracking in Excel I'd love to find a software solution that would help me find available people and spaces automatically book them in Outlook and provide some tracking output to something like airtable this would allow me to fill requests faster leaving more time for planning and troubleshooting I've built something using Excel spreadsheets but this is me chiming in obviously a lot of Excel spreadsheets become amazing B2B SAS apps and specifically this is focused on Logistics people Staffing coordinators anyone who needs to pull various resources together and assign them more quickly and efficiently idea number three came from learning that a lawyer has a problem at their day job and it involves scheduling and calendaring this requester said they would pay fifty dollars a month for legal scheduling software that took time management into consideration and the quote from this lawyer is I need software that can estimate how much time each appointment needs and arrange appropriately so in programming parlance this person needs strongly typed meeting types where if I'm doing initial consult on a will or estate planning maybe that's 30 minutes or 60 Minutes versus the delivery of that item maybe that's 90 minutes or two hours but if you could designate that in the software that this type of meeting requires this much time and then when you hand out the link for your client to book it it would essentially be strongly typed it would be intelligent it's not even AI it's not artificial intelligence it's just good old-fashioned if then else statements the fourth idea would be for construction and warehousing companies and the requester for this one said they'd be willing to pay thirty dollars a month the problem is that in their warehouse parts are not being placed on their scope of work so they're not being grabbed from the warehouse so they're not made available on site on a job when needed and this person said I feel there could be a barcode scanning system so that all items that are being taken from warehousing are correlated to a job and a scope number and missing items or those likely to be needed can be highlighted by the system and this requester said I've done a lot of paper note-taking and saving pictures but it's not helping much so a dire problem my biggest concern is thirty dollars a month and it's not much selling to construction firms is going to be tough so I would want to validate that construction firms would be willing to pay hundreds of dollars a month before I even thought about building this one and the fifth and final idea today is software for luthiers it's violin makers I love this idea because it's such a niche problem and something that if you didn't hear directly from a luthier you would have no idea that they have this issue the requester said I make violins so I want software that could have all the pertinent data of every piece of tone wood in all supplier inventory so it would be essentially like I owned some tens of thousands of pieces of wood instead of the 25 that I own it would be nice to act like I'm choosing my wood from a vast Supply that was measured for density and speed of sound instead of choosing from a small sample and having to adjust while I'm building instead of doing that all before I'll be honest this is something that you would have to have conversations with violin makers or instrument makers in general before considering building this because you need to fully understand not only this problem but what other problems do they have as they're manufacturing these I'm not sure this seems like enough of a problem that you can charge enough for it to make it worth your while but if I was interested in this space Maybe I make violins myself I would really want to find out how I could help solve that problem plus any other problems during Manufacturing in a minute I'm going to tell you which video you should watch in next to get six more ideas these are focused on microsass but before I do that I want to let you know that my new book The SAS Playbook is available on Amazon audible Apple Books and wherever greater books are sold and if you've bought the book if you've enjoyed it I would really appreciate a five-star review on Amazon it would help me out to no end thank you for all your support as I've launched this book it's sold several thousand copies already and it's an Amazon bestseller and I really appreciate any support you can lend if you like these SAS ideas but maybe they didn't quite fit exactly what you want here are six more SAS ideas these are focused on microsass that you can steal
Channel: MicroConf
Views: 55,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MicroConf, Saas, no code saas ideas, saas business, software as a service, no code apps, no code saas builder, saas startup, no code app, no code saas business, no code saas idea, no code low code, no code tools for saas, saas business ideas, saas product ideas, saas ideas, software as a service ideas, saas startup ideas, solo founder startup, building a startup from scratch, solopreneur, solopreneur business ideas, one person business, saas solo founder, solo founder
Id: 0Ov3yy5Ox0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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