5 Ridiculously Expensive Tools That Are Actually Worth It...

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these are five ridiculously expensive woodworking tools that are actually worth the price and know the festo capex is not one of them more on that later you let me know in the comments how right or wrong I am about each one of these number one on the list has to be a track saw they are stupid expensive for what you think you're getting a rail and a circular saw but it's much more than that and the reason it is because a track saw rides on that track you're getting a perfectly straight and 90 degree cut on quality track saws every single time you don't have to worry about is it going to be straight is my straight edge going to move is my straight edge going to Bow these things work perfect every time and that's why I love having the tracks on the shop it's one of those tools that you look at and you think man do I want to spend that money if you regularly cut table tops that are thick and you won't put bevels on there or just a 90 degree cut on like two inch wood these things are perfect for that because you going to get a perfectly straight line every single time now for years I use a straight edge and a circular saw and that worked okay but it wasn't always perfect especially on longer runs whereas something like a good quality track saw I've had zero issues with now some of the budget options I get a little bit of accuracy issues with in certain applications that's why I say the more expensive ones you really do get what you pay for here my suggestion is either festival in Milwaukee both of these are extremely well made and they work extremely nice but the Milwaukee is an excellent saw with zero issues I've really enjoyed having the shop so much so I've got both of them I can't get rid of this one I use them equally amount I'll use one one time and one the other so either one of these you'll be good with and Milwaukee's do go on sale from time to time so be sure to keep up my tool deals website I'll link that in the description 1B on these track saws if you get a track saw and you really want to speed things up for yourself check out the TSO gr16 pev2 it is a lot of work words are this is a guide rail square and essentially what this is going to do is turn your track saw into a giant speed square in other words you can only have to use two sides this plus the track to square it up on the sheet good that you're cutting and then a square you don't have to worry about lining up each end of the track so it speed things up a lot and this new version fits both the Festool and Milwaukee as well as several others they do have a Kreg version that you can get that's separate because the Craig tracks are different but I'll link to this one as well the great thing about this track square is it slides right on clamps down and that's it it's literally that easy it takes it two seconds to put on and two seconds to take off that's why I love having this in the shop I have a whole video on five tracks all accessories you need if you have a track saw I'll link that at the end of this video you can go check it out for yourself foreign [Music] expensive tool are dust extractors but I think they are 100 worth the price now I've had the pleasure of using both the 3M and the Festool dust extractors and they're both really good at what they do especially if you get the 3M dust extractor from Tay tools I'll link that in the description he sends a bag with his work buy them elsewhere you don't get that bag and I have a whole video on that too I didn't realize how much I would appreciate a dust extractor and why it's a little different than just a regular shop vac I like Dusty tractors so much I have one here at the workbench that I use for sanding the Domino the track saw the routers whatever I'm going to be using here at the workbench and I have another one at the miter saw station because it works so well now if I'm recommending a dust extractor to rule them all I think the c248 is probably the best pick it has like 48 liters whatever that means of capacity it's a really nice size capacity hold a lot of dust now at the miter station I wanted something smaller so I have the ct-36 also an excellent choice they both have this exact same CFM in other words they have the same suction so you're not losing out anything there one thing I love about this one is the fact that I can dial up or down the amount of suction it has it's on auto so anytime that I start up a tool that's connected to the switch here like my sander it powers itself on and off with the switch of the tool or you can opt for the Bluetooth accessory where you can put a button on the end of your hose like I have here so you can push that on and off when you need it that's how I use it with a track saw and Domino and things like that so that I can turn it on and off when I need it and don't have to worry about trying to unplug my sander now where the dust extractor has made a huge difference in the shop is dust collection and defined us the microscopic one micron dust whatever you call it really really tiny dust particles they get in the air get in your lungs they're super dangerous I've seen much much less fine dust all over the shop ever since I got this one almost two years ago now this is by far one of the most recommended tools I could offer to tell you to go get if you don't have one yet especially for the sander because the sander is creating that really fine dust but it also works well on bigger tools like my miter saw I just love having them in the shop speaking of the miter saw station the Festool capex is like sixteen hundred dollars I honestly don't think it's worth that much money even though I paid that much money for I think that it's way overpriced for what you're getting yes it's an absolutely amazing saw I love it I think it's probably one of the best saws on the market but it almost double the price of the competitors I just don't know why I paid double for it I actually call it a fanboy tax because that's basically what you're paying for the capex in my opinion number three all of this has to be a table saw now table saws and track saws can do similar things but they are very different I have a whole video on track saw versus table saw if you want to check that out a table saw is crazy expensive especially when you first start looking at them and you've only purchased cordless tools up until this point you look at something like this and wonder why it's 300 now this is a very inexpensive table saw comparatively and I have this is my pick for a budget option small space I have a skill table saw that I reviewed that I think is a really good option for about the same price it's a full-size table saw but if you're looking for a premium table saw that's when you start getting into big money but most of the time you're getting what you pay for when you start looking into premium table saws then saw stops got to come into the equation for most people simply because of the safety but they're not the only game in town there are other really good table saws out there to choose from Harvey makes a good table saw I've heard good things about the Laguna line and as well as Grizzly loud table saws and there's Powermatic there's tons of choices for you when you start looking at these options I've got the soft stop three horsepower PCS I've been in nothing less than impressed with this saw plenty of cut capacity at 36 inches which is plenty of for me in my space now if I could have had the space for 52 I'd have got that but this fits my space nicely plenty of power at three horsepower and it's super accurate which is what the main thing you have to look for in a table saw is you have to have an accurate fence and this thing is dead on all the time once you set it up you're good it does have Micro adjustments if you ever need to adjust that but I've been absolutely 100 pleased with this saw and the fact that it has flesh sensing technology gives you a little bit of Peace of mindset should you slip up should you accidentally touch that blade when it's going you should not encounter any major damage unless something catastrophically fails which I don't know if they've ever had that happen that's one of the main reasons I would have a hard time recommending other brands just because of that I have a whole video on the haters guide the saw stop goes into the patents Etc that's either here they're there in this video but if we're being honest most Woodworkers I would assume especially garage hobbyists are never going to spend three thousand four thousand dollars on a table saw because it's kind of pointless to do that but I do think if you're going to be doing this for multiple years to come you do owe it to yourself to check out some in the eight to fifteen hundred dollar range there's a lot of good options I'll link to some of my favorites what I would choose in that range in the description if you're interested number four Liz I got to put chisels in here because they are ridiculously expensive when you start looking at quality chisels in other words the narex Richter line is the one I actually recommend for most people two cherries a sand Vic you name it there are several other brands out there but to me I think best bang for the buck is the narex brand there's been a lot of tests and reviews done on these chisels and they seem to always come out in the upper spots for most people the main reason you're paying bigger money for chisels like this is the steel that they use if they use lower Quality Steel it doesn't hold an edge you can't get them flat and they just dull really fast where when you spend a little extra money on really quality chisels you're getting a nice metal that's really hard that doesn't dull very fast it's kind of a heavy medium there where it's also not so hard that you can't sharpen them with fair amount of ease I have a whole video on sharpening chisels too but for the most part you're paying for that happy medium in the perfect metal there is such a thing where you get it's not too hard it's not too soft it's kind of like Goldilocks or chisels number five on the list has to be a jointer a jointer is one of those tools that when you look at them they're very expensive for basically two operations they can do Edge and face joint if you don't have a jointer there are ways to get around it I've made a video on how to do this I'll link that at the end of this video and in the description but for the most part this will make your life much easier and make your work much much faster which is what this really accomplishes speed efficiency for your shop especially if you have a board that has a Twist in it or even a bow in it or the edges aren't straight and you're making a lot of panels cutting boards things like that this is where this thing is going to really up the game in your woodworking life and it makes the price of this tool well worth it in my opinion because these are upwards of 500 or more depending on which model you get eight ten inch see even the six inch model is quite pricey what ridiculously expensive tools did I leave off this list you got to let me know in the comments and if there's enough interest I might make a follow-up video with those if you like this video you gotta click this video to go watch the two year review of the Wahoo jointer or the five tracksaw accessories every woodworker needs who has a Drexel clicking either one of those boxes get you the big old virtual fist bump
Channel: 731 Woodworks
Views: 111,958
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Keywords: 731 woodworks
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Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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