5 Riddles You Must Solve to Stay Alive

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[Music] Hey are you ready to think and grow older well let me clarify let's check and see if you'd survived these five blood-chilling life situations so who doesn't love a good brain teaser or detective mystery to get the old wheels turning well today we're cooking the steaks now we're raising the stakes is you'll need to find the solution to these life-or-death situations if you want to come out of them alive after each riddle you'll have 20 seconds to think your answer over don't rush it try to employ both your logic and your lateral thinking and if you need more time there's no harm in pausing the video now that we're all set let's go [Music] counting down from number 5 face to face with a ferocious lion is whiskers tickle now imagine you're on an African safari ah so beautiful right and not quite something's gone wrong and you found yourself face to face with a ferocious and hungry lion here are your options run away as fast as you can offer the king of the jungle something tasty like the guy next to you lock eyes with it and make yourself look bigger hopefully you'll never have to make a choice like this in real life but for now you've got just 20 seconds to pick the correct course of action [Music] [Music] now if you decided that you need to intimidate the animal by trying to look bigger and maintaining eye contact you're absolutely right do you really think you can outrun a lion especially if you're paralyzed with fear as for a tasty peace offering not your best idea either wild animals can't be bribed number four a venomous snake bite so you've managed to survive your rendezvous with a lion congratulations unfortunately you're now wandering through the savanna completely lost and hoping for a rescue you then hear a hissing sound followed by a sharp pain in your right leg you've been bitten by a venomous snake what do you do suck the poison out ASAP keep your leg in mobile and put a tourniquet around it wash the bite out with tons of water you have 20 seconds to save your life and every precious second counts think fast what will it be [Music] [Music] time's up well let's get one thing straight right away sucking the venom out is a common myth that you probably don't want to risk even if you manage to suck it out who's to say you don't have any open cuts in your mouth that the venom can find its way into Plus in your panic state you might accidentally swallow the venom washing the bite with water isn't a bad idea if you're near clean running water but you're in the wild that leaves us with the only option you have at the moment keep your limb motionless to prevent the poison from spreading and try to reach out for help number three a charging nose job you pull through your snakebite situation but your adventurous soul demands new impressions so you go on a trip back out into the African plain this time you're extra careful yet you still encounter a rhinoplasty that's right a big ginormous nose job and it's about to charge right at you hold it hold it sorry checking the script here oh it's not a nose job it's a rhinoceros well that makes more sense okay back to the danger you're all alone and there's nobody around to help what on earth can you do to protect yourself out in the African grasslands against this rhinoceros make a beeline in the opposite direction and run away as fast as you can hide behind a large object like a tree or boulder distract the Rhino by throwing pieces of clothing in the opposite direction see what you can think of in the next 20 seconds your life depends on it [Music] [Music] well hell if a rhino has spotted you running away would be futile believe it or not these big beasts can charge at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour are you sure you're fit enough to outrun it as for distracting the animal with a flying object it won't work either rhinos have extremely poor eyesight so this one will probably just ignore the clothes you throw in fact their vision is so bad that they can't even distinguish you from a tree at just 20 feet even if you are buck naked so first off don't come any closer and if you can find a big object and hide behind it that's the only way to survive a charging rhino [Music] number two castle of death you've cheated death once again and escape the nose job I mean Rhino you're now wandering around looking for shelter to your heart's delight you come across a castle right there in the African play yeah I know it doesn't fit but stay with me now it's already night by now and the castle looks really scary but hey what other choice do you have you enter the castle in search of other people but the door slams shut behind you it's pitch black so you try the light switch but to no avail the power's out thanks to the dim moonlight coming through the windows you see three doors with a sign on each one the first says death by drowning the second one threatens you with death by electric chair and the third informs you that you'll meet death by machineguns behind that door wow this Airbnb is not gonna get my recommendation however you notice a fourth sign on the floor you have a glimmer of hope that maybe this one will give some better news but no it offers you to remain in the castle and starve to death so much for that looks like you can't escape death any longer so how do you choose which way to go wow this is even worse than death by nose job or gobbled up by a hungry lion a creepy castle straight out of a horror flick well you're 20 seconds start now [Music] sorry to say your time has come so what have you chosen even though all your options are death by some horrible means you can totally walk out of this place unharmed just choose the electric chair because if you recall the power is out see no danger here [Music] number one elevator conundrum you must have a knack for finding trouble you've made it safely back to the city but this time you're stuck on the top floor of a 30-story building with no stairs to get down your only option is to use one of the four elevators you see in front of you the inside of the first one is covered in venomous spiders and just one bite will kill within seconds in the second elevator there's no elevator cabin you can see only an empty shaft no cables no ladders just slippery smooth walls the third elevator is filled with a toxic liquid while a ferocious tiger awaits you in the fourth Oh seems like a no-win situation here - but you've survived your adventures thus far so you just have to find a way out unfortunately you've got only 20 seconds to do it [Music] [Music] you need to choose elevator number three as soon as the doors open all the liquid will pour out all you've got to do is step far enough away so that the deadly stuff doesn't soak through your shoes oh lucky you here's a bonus a tough choice ready okay you're stranded in a room your only way out is through one of four doors there's a pattern here of course you should know by now there are sinister things waiting for you behind those doors so here we go the first door leads straight into an abyss behind the second door there are high-voltage electric wires hanging over a wet floor if you enter the third room you'll be met by a bear and a wolf that haven't eaten for a week as for the fourth door a fire is raging behind it believe it or not there is a chance to get out of this one alive which door should you choose you have 20 seconds to decide [Music] [Music] so did you have enough time to find the right answer great then write it in the comments below let's see how many people managed to figure it out don't forget to click subscribe to stay on the bright side of life
Views: 4,135,236
Rating: 4.6867704 out of 5
Keywords: riddles, brainteasers, logical puzzles, riddles for a mastermind, riddles that will trick your friends, riddles that will blow your mind, riddles and brain teasers with answers, boost your attention, test your attention, boost your brainpower, puzzles, riddles for kids, riddles with answers, riddles that will trick your mind, bright side, brightside, bright side videos, riddles bright side
Id: OXHMdEv0ikI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
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