5 Reasons Why The Chinese Military Is WEAKER Than You Think

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hi it's Mike Chen China otherwise known to the rest of the world as the sleeping giant is one of the few developed nations with a massive armed force that Dwarfs many of his Asian neighbors historically China was a country that experienced invasions civil wars and rebellions that have tested as government's military and his capabilities to protect the interest and the security of the country and in the 21st century China has made remarkable strides and its seemingly non-stop efforts to modernize and what are you go told you talk with his Western counterparts with no fewer than 2.3 million men and women in its armed forces and another 800,000 individuals in his reserves kind of may have the numbers to intimidate but there is a lot of controversy and it raises the question of whether or not China's military is as strong as it seems so in this video we're gonna talk about the five reasons why China's military may be weaker than we think number five a weak foundations in a report for Congress's bipartisan us-china economic and security review Commission it revealed that China's military gains over the past decades have been impressive overall in the People's Liberation Army has clearly become an increasingly professional and capable fighting force however despite these impressive strides the report concludes that the PLA suffers from potentially serious weaknesses these shortcomings could limit its ability to successfully conduct the information-centric integrated joint operations Chinese and military strategists see as required to fight and win future Wars written by China experts at the RAND Corporation the report further states that knowing these vulnerabilities will be valuable to deter conflict or defeat China should war a rise against nation most of these institutional weaknesses include poor command structures low quality personnel and corruption in the ranks that also involve top officials in the military and the governments however one of the main problems that were caused by this structural weakness is China's ability to conduct a joint military operations with other countries like the US this is partly due to his problems integrating advanced web burries as well as conducting proper training for his personnel to put this picture into perspective the People's Liberation Army still conducts what is called long distance maneuver training and speeds that are determined about how fast the neck available cargo trained consent is tank and other arms Ford in a world were mobilizing your troops and transportations by air moving them by train is an integrated system that worked back in the First World War also China may claim they have nuclear weapons but with his questionable ability to introduce a modern weapons systems it is a bit scary that they can push that shiny red buddy anytime by accident or worse what's scarier is that the report details that Chinese Armed Forces is quite vulnerable to cyberattacks that could disrupt his information eyes high technology from his aircrafts to his missiles number four confusing loyalties is common knowledge or common sense in most countries around the world that their Armed Forces are sworn to loyalty to their governments regardless of the nation's political affiliation war ideology is a different story with the Chinese military however according to the US Congressional Research Service the People's Liberation Army is not a national army belong to the States rather it serves at the communist parties armed wing which frees confusion because who then is considered as the country's official military top ranking members of the POA especially its generals are also members of the Communist Party so in a nutshell it would be as if members of the Republican and Democratic parties have their own Armed Forces and from the very start of APO a soldier's career he is sworn to protect the Chinese Communist Party in the ideology that it stands for not the Constitution of the land and not China a war is people to say the least that the POA may be seen as the world's largest guerrilla army because of a political bias that the members of the Chinese Communist Party strictly enforces also the PLA is missing one of the most important characteristics of an armed force joins Command this is what members of the military Air Force Navy and Marines can work together when needed as well as be able to know what the other branch is doing in China this is an important element missing in their structure while there have been claims from Chinese media and some government agencies that a joint command system is being established in his military other reports conflicted saying the opposite without having a clear joint command system it would be difficult in times of war war conflicts for any military to communicate with each of its branches and for a country with what's considered to be the world largest standing army lack of communication can spell disaster number three poorly equipped soldiers to date the Pentagon says that it costs about seventeen thousand five hundred dollars she equipped a single soldier of the US Armed Forces this includes high-tech weapons advanced skier body armor and all other bells and whistles these guys mean serious business and they are dressed for the part in China however due to the corruption within the PLA rings in the communist party their soldiers are not as fancy according to reports a single soldier of the Chinese military is allocated about $1,500 for his entire gear and almost half of that amount goes to just his gun and some of the equipment that they do have no longer even fit their new recruits even though China is now spending about a hundred and twenty billion dollars a year on their military a large chunk of that spending goes to reconfiguring and modifying old war currently existing equipment that not only makes it on reliable for use but also dangerous to the poor soldier who has to use it to make matters even worse among the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council China reportedly has never even built their own aircraft carriers what they do have are the ones that were purchased from the Ukraine and refurbished and even that was almost immediately docked after launch due to engine failure number two not trained for combat every year it is reported that the Chinese military recruits over six million individuals for training while this may be a red flag to many nations it would have been a lot more impressive and imposing if these riku's did not disappear after a month according to an article by The Diplomats the mystery Warriors are really just college freshmen first year university students all across China participating in their mandatory training before the start of classes what's even more interesting is the method in which these students are trained the diplomat reports that these are compulsory lecture series in which students are introduced to national defense strategy in the latest in party doctrine the last part of the statement seems to be the main needs of military training in the PLA and appears to be the only solid foundation in which recruits to the army are groomed and China's soldiers seem to be trained less to become soldiers and more on becoming educated to keep their loyalties to the Communist Party political and ideological indoctrination comes first and foremost before let's say combat training were learning how to even use a rifle PLA recruits are strictly required to devote 20 to 30 percent of their training on political and ideological indoctrination studying party propaganda and revolutionary literature and a during induction training this requirement is raised to 40 percent of their time fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you would like to see it Chinese ground troops do not see a lot of action these days in the last conflict that they have been directly part of was unfortunately the 1989 massacre at Tiananmen Square and finally number one low recruiting standards students wishing to join the PLA go through a rigorous physical and medical examination and what are to determine if they are fit for battle unfortunately and this is coming from the army recruitment office of Beijing 60% of students and applicants failed the exam the problem according to them is that many of these students and applicants are well overweight underweight weak or have terrible eyesight it was because of these reasons among many others that the government decided to lower the bar for recruitment the standards were lowered in 2008 and then again in 2011 whatever the underlying reason is whether to meet a recruitment quota or create the illusion that the pie steadily grows in number every single year recruits at that pass the terribly low standards are poorly equipped and not entirely at their top physical best to be in combats so there you go guys one of the largest armed forces in the world might not be as intimidating as they seem right guys thank you all so much for watching this video ah see you later
Channel: Beyond Science 2
Views: 2,516,701
Rating: 3.9612858 out of 5
Keywords: china, chinese, chinese military, civil war, armed forces, china uncensored, china weapons 2017, ccp, communism, military strategy, chinese government, cyber security, cyber attack, chinese communist party, PLA, Pentagon, high tech, soldier, united nations, combat, propaganda, cultural revolution, china travel, travels, tourism, chinese tourism, chinese hotels, chinese travel
Id: NPH-_LVlxmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2017
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