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here are five reasons why I believe Netherlands is better than UK for International Education if you're new to the channel just to fill you in I'm doing two masters in two countries at the same time and I have experience of both the countries so I'm basing this video off my own experience coming to reason number one it is international exposure so when we say International Education we always look for international exposure now I as an Indian student went to UK solely to experience different cultures and traditions but that was not the case UK is full of people from South Asia they are either pakistanis or Indians or bangladeshis and I didn't really get to see a very mixed culture but that is not the case when it comes to Netherlands because Europe is very well connected you get to experience people from various races various backgrounds and various ethnicities and that gives you a whole International perspective coming to reason number two education in the Netherlands is way more integrated now when I say education in Netherlands is way more integrated as an international student your objective is not just to go study in an international country but also want to work and settle down there if that is your goal then Netherlands would be far more suited to you than UK because their education system incorporates the Dutch lifestyle and hence it's easier for you to move from your education into a job in the Netherlands because I am studying an MBA here and we have companies who are coming to our University with case studies and we are working with them as we are studying so we get exposure to the way they are teaching and automatically it's far easier to adjust with the companies and their expectations here hence it may be easier to get into companies and get absorbed further down as employees coming to reason number three and this could be a very big reason for international students especially those who have a limited budget better facilities and funding from the government now the cost of living firstly in Netherlands is way cheaper compared to UK and it is a lot less competitive here to get accommodation so even the prices of accommodations is comparatively cheaper than UK because when I was staying in Cambridge I used to pay a significantly higher rent than the one which I'm paying here and another thing is the government also pays a portion of your rent if you're taking a bigger apartment so let's say you opt for a studio apartment government will pay monthly allowance to you to be able to afford that student accommod a so that is one major benefit you have if you are in the Netherlands as a student because they really do give you extra incentives and scholarships are way higher here than compared to UK now coming to tip number four is the job market if your goal as an international student is not just to have international exposure but also settle down where you're going then the Netherlands job market is way more vast and has way more opportunities than compared to UK and this I'm saying out of my own personal opinion I used to do job searches when I was in UK and I do job searches when I'm here in Netherlands and and every role has 10 times more posting here than in the UK now this could be because Netherlands is the Hub of Europe to get jobs in Europe Netherlands is known to pay the highest and also known to have a lot more opportunities and Visa sponsorship might be significantly easier here than in the UK the fifth and the final reason and this is a very important reason if you are very farsighted and long-term planner the Europe has more options Netherlands is your footing in Europe it doesn't have have to be the end goal if you are planning for 5 years or 10 years ahead you can get a citizenship year and move around easily in all the other countries now since I came to the Netherlands I got a resident permit and now that resident permit allows me to go to Germany and any other country which is part of Europe without a Visa it's so easy to move around and all the students who are studying here who are from France Germany Spain these people don't even have a resident permit they are just citizens of their country because Europe is so well connected they don't need any permits to come and work you as European citizens can work in any Europe Ian country far easily than if you are external country resident Europe is a significantly bigger pie and it's a lot more opportunity and if you want to travel if you're into that then it is very easy for you to move around between countries here at the rate of 3,000 4,000 Rupees Indian you are able to go from Amsterdam to Germany it is that cheap and it's so easy to maneuver here and I'm talking about flights I'm not even talking about buses you can take flights at 3,000 4,000 during offer periods and move around between these countries it's so easy and so well connected that is another reason why I have favored towards Netherlands more than UK because I believe in long-term planning and this makes more sense for me and another very important thing if you are Indians because I have a lot of Indian friends if you're not someone who is very comfortable with a lot of cultural differences then you will have a very hard time here in the Netherlands because language is one barrier they speak Dutch they speak very fluent English but every board here is still in Dutch and if you're not a very social person then this could be a very hard country to live in because there are not many Indians here at least in the city which I am living which is grown and because of that you are not able to see a lot of Indian stores it's very few very handpicked and that could be a lifestyle choice so if you are not favoring a very hardcore social life then you could still prefer UK because you have a lot more Indians everywhere you go and that could ease up your process of living away from your hometown but if that is not a problem for you then I personally would recommend Netherlands to be an option because I am recommending that to some of my family and friends as well and I don't know if that helps you make any decisions but please do your own research and feel free to ask me any questions you have in the comments below or even on my social media you can find that in the description and with that being said I hope you have a great time as an international student and I'll see you guys in the next one till then take care bye-bye
Channel: Arhan khan
Views: 5,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best country for international students, UK OR EUROPE, NETHERLANDS BETTER THAN UK, lifestyle in uk, student experience in uk, netherlands student, masters abroad
Id: Lsqpr93c8Xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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