5 Reasons WHY I Bought a HOUSE in ITALY (During the Pandemic!)

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] good morning you can see I get so excited when I'm here at my Pico La Casa and one of my other favorite things to do here every single morning when I'm here is to head up to the Piazza which is literally a one minute walk away sit down and have myself an Americano and it's literally one of my favorite things to do foreign my favorite Cafe Bar to visit and to have my cup of coffee at when I'm here in through Louisiana just because I get a clear view of the entire square and this morning the fountain is on so the Medici Fountain is on it's sort of in all of its glory and you can see it's quite busy here today so Moto aquapata um and I just like taking it all in I like listening to the Italian conversations and of course drinking my Americano so I've got really what is an espresso Double Espresso an espresso dopio and with my hot water so Dakota and I just poured and and give it a little stir [Music] I mean how can this not be one of my favorite things to do here this is heaven birthday imagine one of the reasons I wanted to learn Italian was so that I could have conversations with the locals and in particular those I meet when I'm restoring parts of my little Italian house I recently found six Botanical prints at an Antiques Market and wanted to have them beautifully framed in Italy of course and with the help of Babel who is sponsoring this episode I was able to use my Italian when communicating with the Italian framer see I no uh cuando uh cuando yo um uh verando um Babel is one of the top language learning apps in the world and scientifically proven to help you start speaking a new language in three weeks if you're looking to learn a new language whether that's for travel and culture self-improvement professional development or family connections Babel offers short 10-minute interactive lessons and the lessons are designed by real language teachers there are multiple ways to learn from lessons podcasts games and videos plus those live classes with top teachers and there's a 20-day money-back guarantee what I really love about Babel is that it teaches real world conversations which prepare you to have practical conversations about travel business relationships and more and I love it when I'm in a cafe and I can order my lunch in Italian foreign Babel Has a few different subscriptions to choose from including a lifetime subscription and I've set up a special link for you down below to get 60 off your subscription just use my special link in the description and start speaking a new language in three weeks with Babel I'd love to hear what language you're interested in learning and why so please do comment down below [Music] one of my other Favorite Things is heading to these incredible flea markets this is about 30 minutes from my house in fibizano and this is really where I have found many of those bedside tables that you've seen in my primary bedroom the vanity in the bathroom and then that storage unit in the utility room and I've come back today we have found this incredible table for the kitchen and I absolutely love it it can seat eight so three on either side and two at the ends and it's very Vecchio lagnoso old wood I think it's perfect this will all be stripped away and we've chosen a French gray they're going to fix obviously the drawer on the inside I may or may not keep this piece of hardware on not sure and then the top will be again sanded down and putting a lovely wax on top but for me this is the perfect table for the kitchen even though I'm not really planning on doing the kitchen for some time I want to get some starting to get some pieces but coming here to this flea market every time I come here I find something and you can find out the details of this flea market down below it's Deborah and PG and they have been incredible and um I just every time I come here I find something to take back to my house so I'm going to head back inside and see what else I can find [Music] so the other thing I'm looking for is again pieces for the kitchen and we have just spotted this I'm not sure I'm gonna get it but it's an old farmage and it's literally where you would put your cheese and you can see the detail here the holes here in order is you it can breathe and I think this is a real piece that would work really well in the kitchen plus wood same color lemon same color as the top of the kitchen table so fingers crossed I get this one as well we'll see okay you guys right behind me I'm so excited so obviously the next thing I need to do is to renovate and really decorate the second bedroom in my Italian House primary bedroom is pretty much complete apart from the doors and now I'm on the lookout for furniture and beds for the second bedroom and I found these two are actually baseboards the headboards were a bit too embellished and decorative for me but I really like these baseboards and so I'm going to be cleaning these there is a beautiful pattern on each of them but one it's too far gone one of them is just too far gone we won't be able to save it but I'm going to clean these and then my plan is to create fabric headboards from these baseboards but keeping the outline the metal outline there which will be repainted and so then I'll trace the inside get that cut with plywood put the foam on and then staple gun the fabric they have such great detail beautiful detail all around the bottom and around the frame and I literally am the happiest person right now because this is exactly what I was looking for and the price for these each were 45 Euros so 90 Euros in total and then I'm going to make good so you'll be watching the basically transform these but keep the original metal frame if you like and transform them into something I think pretty spectacular but how amazing is this flea market here and my bed frames [Music] foreign [Music] places pretty much I would like to say right behind my house because you can see off in the distance there is divisano and if I look hard enough maybe or maybe not I can see my Terrace but it's there and I can I can pretty much point to it and put my finger on it right there so I've walked all the way around to here and I'm going to go for a cold dip I think it will be quite cold I mean I know I've got my hat on it goes in between sort of colds and then a little bit warm but I'm def I think the water will be cold so I'm looking forward to that [Music] we've made it and it's spectacular plus we're the only ones here and now I'm going to actually go for a swim I have jumped off the waterfall beforehand uh the last time I was here I was with our son Nestor and we walked here as well and we both did a big jump but today it's a little bit colder and so I'm gonna go for my cold water what I like to call cold water immersion therapy dip for two minutes and I'm just gonna dunk in here for a good two minutes and get really energized for the walk back [Music] two minutes everybody [Music] one of my favorite things to do is to explore all the different Villages and towns that are around and many of them are just so Piccolo so little and so today I'm on my way to filetto which is about 30 minute drive only nine miles but about a 30 minute drive from vivizano but it apparently has this amazing restaurant and I'm excited to not only explore the tiny tiny village of philato but also to eat there as well you can see it was quite treacherous getting here with those windy roads but it's such a spectacular drive that it's definitely worth it [Music] hopefully you can hear me because it's pouring down with rain here but luckily we stopped in Villa Franca and found this amazing umbrella but I've spotted what I've come for well what I saw when we were driving umbrellas so definitely need and I need a couple of these for the house anyway but it is pouring with rain but we've made it to thaletto and we're gonna have lunch here today but I'm also here to pick up those six Botanical prints that I found at the Antiques Market at vivizano and they have um they're finished so I can't wait to see them and then we're going to enjoy a lunch not in the rain we're gonna go inside [Music] foreign [Music] I am so happy these are my frames they are or my pictures that have been framed they are absolutely beautiful and the way the sizes that they did are perfect wait till you see them in the bedroom they're literally perfect I'm I get so excited about these things but it's just so fun in there I was able to speak to her I mean decently still not great but enough that I can understand and that she can understand me and now we're going to head to lunch but she's wrapped these up so that they don't get wet thank you even in the rain paletto is magical we have arrived in the pouring rain to the restaurant that actually I have been wanting to go to when I first came here to Palazzo to drop off my pictures to be framed I saw this restaurant and I thought I want to go here and luckily it's open today so it's called convivium venti venti and so Ristorante convivion went event 2020 and it's beautiful even though it's pouring with rain it's there's something magical about filetto and even in the rain and I'm ready to eat because I am very hungry here we are at this amazing restaurant kind of in the middle of nowhere but that's how it should be and we're surrounded by Italians you can hear it and I'm eating something so typical of this area so this is really like a testarole and it's got the ricotta a little bit of tartufas a truffle and some lemonade as well and of course olive oil small beer foreign [Music] I wonder what's in here oh my goodness it really does date back to the 6th century I mean medieval times here the light is almost up I'm so excited that is the one that I found at the flea market look at that piecing back little bits there but Stefano amazing electrician electrician has come to make sure I don't electrocute myself I did things to do it myself and I was like no and then next up are the prints which I've taken all the cushions off the bed which will go up there by the time you see this I think it's going to look amazing this room let's see if it works everybody it looks fantastic oh my goodness everybody clean next up the frames yeah to pency Bellissima Perfecto see okay per question uh um foreign [Music] okay everybody so that was a big Italian conversation um but he's going to come uh Monday morning before we leave and I'm in the meantime going to just Mark where all of these go by the time I leave once again something gets done one of the things that I love doing one of my favorite things is of course hanging laundry and you can hear the bells in the background here so you can hear the bells and in particular I do love coming out and hanging my laundry when the bells are at their loudness but you can hear them they're um the Bells are softening as I hang my laundry but one of the reasons that I chose um this house was the spectacular views and hearing the bells in the background so many of you have given me such great tips on hanging my laundry um so I do thank you for that and you can see right down below my neighbor is has also um put her laundry out as well so it's um again one of my favorite things is just to be up here with the bells hanging my laundry and having this stunning backdrop the stunning backdrop behind me pretty spectacular so yeah I'm going to continue to hang laundry but this is just again for me heaven to be out here and when I come here I really fully immerse myself in all things Italian so those are my five favorite uh things to do when I'm here at my Pica La Casa here in ibizano foreign [Music]
Channel: American Viscountess
Views: 108,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: julie montagu mapperton house, julie montagu american aristocrat, mapperton house, aristocracy documentary, meghan markle, prince harry, american aristocrat, American viscountess, julie montagu, mapperton, viscountess, viscount, Luke montagu, prince and princess of wales, the royal family, all things royal, royalty, real royalty, bridgerton, the crown, royally obsessed, Italy house restoration, italy house, buy a house in italy, tuscany, buy a house in tuscany
Id: aHO8gkbatAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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