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[Music] greetings ladies and gentlemen my name is cargoes and I'll be your host today as we journey back to a distant bygone era to a version of Azeroth without the LFR Q's dungeon finders flying mounts transmog barber shops pet battles or selfie cameras ladies and gentlemen I invite you to behold in all of its glory the game that stole the hearts and minds of tens of millions of players for nearly 14 years now the perfectly imperfect masterpiece that is world of warcraft classic [Music] in this video I will be sharing five reasons why you should play World of Warcraft classic when Blizzard launches official legacy servers before I begin I want to quickly state that I enjoy retail Wow immensely and while I think many aspects of vanilla are better than Live I believe that both retail and legacy servers can coexist harmoniously and provide different strokes for different folks with that out of the way let's begin number 5 a superior leveling experience in classic Wow the journey from 1 to 60 was a long and arduous one that took months of hard work and dedication hitting level cap for the first time was an impressive feat a frustrating grindy nonlinear rite of passage that many a player never had the discipline to complete while often confusing and at times infuriating leveling served as the lifeblood of the game an integral piece of the WoW echo system where players learned that in an MMORPG you needed to communicate and collaborate with others to succeed there was a profound sense of mystery and possibly almost like the world wasn't designed for every convenience content wasn't front-loaded to provide you with that instant gratification we've come to expect and instead the onus was on you to get out there and explore the world quests were vague with no markers on your mini-map to guide you elite mobs were oppressive and travelling from zone 2 zone often took ages as you meandered through areas with question mark question mark mobs the game was bold and unapologetic it didn't babysit you and shared no qualms with you about getting ganked and strangled or in veil for two hours because the game was a time so punishing even the smallest of victories like equipping a pair of grace Paul ders at level 15 or getting your weapon enchanted for the first time felt incredibly rewarding completing the leveling process took so long but you wouldn't want to reroll into another class and there was no option to pay to change your appearance or name you were stuck with your tune and unless you had the time to reinvest into a new character that was your main for better or worse this sense of permanence radiated throughout every aspect of the game and because of it you developed a more sincere attachment and pride in your character number four stronger class identity the classes in vanilla wah weren't perfectly balanced and the skills weren't hyper optimized for viability abilities weren't homogenized that every class had access to a slightly tweaked version of every other classes utility instead the classes in vanilla felt distinct accompanied by a unique play style and skills flavorful II crafted with class fantasy in mind each class brought something unique to the table mages and mages alone could open portals to capital cities and possess the ability to turn mana into food and water in a context where traveling was difficult and consumables expensive hunters were the self-reliant masters of solo play with access to unique pet abilities and tools such as feign death to weave in and out of combat warlocks could summon players from across the continents and enslave powerful demons such as Doom guards which required for people to summon and killed one in the process while we still have many of the same abilities in retail they exist in so many other shapes and forms throughout the specs and classes that mechanics that once seemed so unique and flavorful such as bubble fear or stealth have since lost their gravitas you couldn't have your cake and eat it soon in vanilla you had to make choices choices that came with clear pros and cons because there is no dual spec and it cost a lot of gold to respec players had to invest talent points wisely across all three trees finding their personal preference and character balance that determines which aspects of the game they would excel most in while gimping their ability to perform as well and others because of the massive time investment needed to level and the high respect cost players would rarely switch mains or specializations this built server wide reputation so that you weren't just a paladin but a ret paladin with a splash of holy you weren't just a shaman but an enhanced shaman with heavy totem utility not every tune within a class played the same and your character felt more unique and with no battle.net friendless you weren't known as John Doe you were identified by your in-game moniker and that's what people on your server and your server only knew us number 3 better pacing the pacing of content and vanilla was superior in many ways this applies to gear progression gold leveling and even the world itself while the Azeroth on retail servers is clearly orders of magnitude larger than just the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor the rate at which you experienced content and vanilla was tuned in such a way that the world felt bigger more expensive and the items felt more impactful you start your journey as a feeble level one with only poor and common quality gear - your name slowly you Salvage minor upgrades and six slot pouches off the corpses of slain enemies and eventually an uncommon boa drops that you can't even equip you save up your gold resisting the urge to buy from vendors and sell that Vone on the auction house eventually you reach level 11 and afford a couple pieces of uncommon armor and a weapon you feel strong can solo two mobs at once when out of nowhere a paladin speeds past you on his level 40 mount with six pieces of blue gear on and his presence humbles you item quality means next to nothing on retail were inundated with quote-unquote epic gear that have only slight variations in their secondary stats and share recycled models from expansions past acquiring a piece of armor that was a genuine upgrade in a 40-man raid environment felt true to its name epic raid bosses only dropped three pieces of gear to be split among 40 Raiders and sometimes a piece of paladin gear would drop if you were horde or a piece of shaman gear would drop a fewer Alliance gold also came at a much slower pace and the idea of saving a hundred gold let alone a thousand gold for your mouth 11:42 patience and planning classic Wow instilled in us the importance of being fiscally responsible because if you blew all your gold on the auction house you were royally screwed you couldn't buy a new ranks of your skills you couldn't repair your armor you couldn't buy the consumables that you needed and it would take many hours to recover now these aspects of the game might seem unnecessarily tedious but it was this unapologetic nature that made the world seem more realistic and accomplishments feel more rewarding number two a more immersive environment vanilla well functioned in a much smaller more plausible way which made it in turn feel more immersive unlike retail you didn't feel like you were the main character in the story instead you felt like you were just another average member of your class just another druid in the Emerald Circle or rogue in the si7 this more self-effacing style of gameplay where you were made to feel more insignificant made the world seem more significant classic Wow was structured as a huge open world that was hosting a web of smaller conflicts there was a battle raging in the hills Brad foothills troll summoning a blood god a centaur civil war being waged a dragon called onyxia trying to destroy Stormwind city from within and an old God at the gates of an ancient Titan city in silithus in classic you respected the power level of a single mob of equal level and were genuinely intimidated by an orange mob that was three levels higher than you while basic combat was more simple in many respects he always felt this profound sense of danger while out in the open world you had to pull mobs with precision as miscalculating the aggro radius of nearby enemies spelled certain death and a long run back to your body you needed consumables such as food bandages and health potions to survive and it was a great relief when you found someone else on the same quest that you could partner up with also aspects of the games such as training weapon proficiency from a master of arms and manually leveling up your weapons skill or having to take public transportation to get anywhere added more levels of immersion zones felt incredibly unique and were accompanied by this world-class soundtrack that is instantly recognized to this day [Music] number one fixed communities the number one most compelling reason to play World of Warcraft classic is the fixed community you're joining back in vanilla each server was its own microcosm of a universe its own slice of WoW with its own distinct culture reputation and economy because you couldn't just transfer servers on a whim or change your name you also had this personal reputation that meant something upholding it compelled you to be an upstanding member of your server black lists were a very real thing and tarnishing your rep by being super toxic or ninja a piece of loot just wasn't worth it there was a server narrative and a political aspect of the game that was also interesting world bosses could only be killed by one guild once a week which made Gil's guilds form alliances or turn against each other there could only be one grand marshal or high warlord at any given time so PvP heirs had to collaborate and agree to rotate so everyone could eventually get it some players built a reputation not by being the best in their class but by becoming a master artisan you could be known as the best enchanter or tailor on the server as some recipes and schematics were extremely rare with a point zero zero zero one percent you operate having a monopoly on a certain craft such as thorium shells or a Lionheart helm gave you and your guild massive leverage different servers progress that different rates and because everything wasn't phased into each other you would see the same characters and BG's and out in the open world because leveling was a bigger part of the game and the only options for PvP were battlegrounds and world PvP the zones were more populated in the world felt alive people communicated more and had to rely on each other more to succeed if you were getting ganked mercilessly in dusk what you would make a plea in the local defense channel for level 60s to come to your aid and they did ultimately each individual had more of an identity felt more important and this is the main reason you should play one of warcraft classic [Music] you
Channel: Kargoz
Views: 791,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #classic wow, #classicwow, #wowclassic, vanilla wow, retail vs vanilla wow, wow legacy servers, #nostalrius, #elysiumwow, #vanilla wow pvp, #vanilla wow guide, #vanilla wow channel, #battleforazeroth, wow bfa, wow cinematic, wow class guides, azeroth, classic wow news, wow guides, #asmongold, #nixxiom, classic wow servers, classic wow release, classic wow private server
Id: P-18XgsnvNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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