12 Money-Saving Tips To Save More in 2024

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hey guys in today's video I'm going to reveal some little known money saving tips that can drastically cut your monthly expenses now number one is going to change your life I can almost guarantee it so you guys ready let's go okay so I first want to say that there are some people stuck in this I need to save money but I also only live once phase and the question is so what do you do so my answer is you do both so there should be three parts of your savings one for your emergency next one is for your future number three is for fun right now which I'm going to get into how to actually structure that shortly but the First Savings tip that I have for you is going to sound a little crazy but I want you to consider your environment now there is a saying if you hang around five broke people you're probably the sixth one so if the people you are hanging around are all broke you probably need to change your environment because these are the probably the people that are trying to get you to spend your money on things you don't need to be spending it on now I don't hang around a lot of people but I do hang out in entrepreneurial Facebook groups and these people they are doing way better than me and that motivates me to be and do better so think about who you're hanging around because that could play a big factor in how you're spending your money like believe it or not most wealthy people that I know are Frugal even billionaire LeBron James The Insider came out with a report about how notorious he is for being cheap yes he spends money on what he values but anything else no now here are some practical ways to actually save money right now the first one is I mean we can all agree paper towels is so wasteful you can spend so much money on paper towels they're so expensive and I used to use them all the time but I want you guys to consider this these $8 washable bamboo cloths on a roll you know each towel can be used 85 times and there are 30 towels on a row which can get up to 3,000 uses so you take one cloth off off the row at a time you rinse it and hang it over the dry once it's no good anymore you take another one off and then you start using it again so that's just how these work and it's just a great way to save some money cuz paper towels they cost a lot of money and I hate spending money on paper towels but you need them if this is all you use so this is a great alternative that I want to share with you guys another thing you should think about cutting is dryer sheets you know you don't want to use those either because they are not only bad for your dryer but they actually can be bad for your clothes as well as affecting some different types of fabrics so I recommend these wool dryer balls they last for thousands of loads it replaces dryer sheets and softens your laundry naturally and they smell so good so I highly recommend these I'm going to put the link to these in the description in case you guys are considering these as an option cuz it's going to save you some money and it's it's better for your clothes so why not now and to all my ladies you know our nails hair eyebrows they can cost so much so I like for my nails to be done now do you guys know that these are just some nail strips from Amazon that cost $6 going to get my nails done cost so much money and then trying to go every two weeks to try and look all decent no you don't have to do that I mean from what you can see here I think they look pretty good this is a great cost savings where you can still have your nails looking good at the price of $6 and I know I think it's a good alternative because I'm trying to you know cut back on always get my nails done cuz it's just so expensive so that's definitely a tip that you can do of your eyebrows I'm wanted to I was getting my eyebrows threaded now I get them with razor if I can't get my girl to do it I do it myself and it's just another great way to save money because you know these are things that you really can do yourself if you're trying to cut back on expenses now when it comes to clothing I recommend unsubscribing from any brand emails because those special offers aren't doing your wallet any favor so just go ahead scroll down hit that unsubscribe button and you know don't sleep on TJ Maxx if you want to wear brand designer clothes you can go to TJ Maxx and get clothes at a fraction of the price I still go and it's still you know you got to look but you can find something and if you do shop online always always if you can make sure you're using the rackon app and honey because I use these and I never know about the coupons you don't know what you don't know and these apps do it for you and it's free so I highly recommend using those apps if you do choose to shop online because you want to save some money that you may have not even knew you could save the next one is to renegotiate your contracts so some people know this but really A lot of people still don't do it so I wanted to say this again if you have not not called to lure your phone bill C Bill Insurance within the last year you need to do it today you know there's no reason that you can't just go ahead and call and just say hi I went to call to see if there's anywhere that I can lure my phone bill or my cable bill what are your options and then let them talk let them tell you the rest there's no reason I mean I always say what is the worst that can happen they say no and you still have the same bill or they say yes and now you have a cheaper bill this is something that should be done today if you have not done this within the last year same same thing if you have a credit card bill now I want to share this little heck to keep you disciplined because no saving is not fun you know trying to be disciplined is not fun so what I recommend doing is if you need some motivation or to be more disciplined I highly recommend taking a drive around town to the nice houses and the big mansions just so you can get inspired so you can say like man I can't wait to get there or you know we GNA get there someday because my husband and I we would do that all the time we would just go and dream and be like may be so nice to live in that house you know stuff like that and you know the only way you can do it is if you work work hard be disciplined trust the process and that's exactly what we did so going to those houses just gives you this instant motivation like I can get there and that's what I want to recommend for you guys do so if you ever feel Al low and you just need some motivation go for a ride around the nice houses and just get motivated that way or if it's cars go to the car dealership you know whatever is your fancy if you need to get motivated do that I highly recommend it it's what I did and now we we're here in our nice house glory be to God he gets all the credit but that is one thing that we did to help ourselves stay disciplined so it's one a little hack that I want to share with you guys okay so the next one is one of our biggest expenses and it's food so I want to share with some tips and tricks that we're using to kind of tackle that and I don't want to assume everybody knows these things so if you know this great if you have any other tips let me know in the comment section below so the first one is meal plan the number one reason I eat out is because I don't plan ahead what I'm going to eat for the week so and I get so hungry I end up having to stop cuz I want to eat I need to eat so planning really does save you a lot of money I absolutely hate to plan my meals but it is necessary if you do want to save some money just got to go ahead and be disciplined like I was saying and just go ahead and say okay I'm going to do this this week go grocery shopping and stick to that you have to be disciplined and one heck I wanted to share is that keep a breakfast bar or granola bar or whatever in your car because that way if you're like hungry you got to eat something something you just need something cuz to prevent you from going to fast food try the the breakfast BR that you have right there and then eat that and hopefully it can hold you over until you can get home so that's just a little hat that sometimes works for me sometimes it doesn't but it may work in time of need for you if you're trying to save some money you can also do meatless Monday so you can go a day or additional days without with the intention of not eating meat because meat is usually the most expensive thing that you have to purchase so this can definitely save you money especially during the week when you're trying to figure out what your meal plans are and then you also want to shop your pantry so instead of following a recipe try and use items that you already have in your pantry and get rid of that first before you spend any more money on food that you already have you know it is amazing how much food gets wasted in our pantries and then online grocery shopping is a hack too because you're grocery shopping well only for the things that you actually need so the hopefully the impulsive purchases will not happen as often if you're doing it at home in your kitchen trying to figure out okay what do I need all right this this this and only purchasing the things that you need you go pick it up and you go right back home so you don't have any of those impulse purchase that you might have if you actually go to the store and say oh I need that when you really don't need it you know what I mean so that's something that you could also do if you're trying to cut back on food expenses the next heck is something that a lot of us don't like to do but it's eating right you know the most inexpensive medical bill is no medical bill at all you know eating right exercising taking care of your body is what we call preventive care and it can save you a boatload of money you know I know things happen outside of your control you may have to have medical expenses but this video is all about the things that you can control so if you you and you can control eating right and trying to take care of your body so that is definitely something that you want to make sure that you're taking advantage of while you can so you won't be in the hospital with Bill unnecessary bills so that's definitely another tip for you guys okay now to the one that is the game changer this one is a Chinese secret to save saving money that has really blown me away and it's called the zerob based budgeting system or that's what we call it here in America and this is when your income minus your expenses equals zero so expenses in this case also include your savings paying off any debt 401k and things like that now YouTuber Humphrey Yang gave a great example of how this all works and I want to show his example here so you can understand what I'm talking about so say for example you make $44,000 a mon month you have your rent your groceries your necessities and all the things that you are also saving for like your emergency fund your IRA student loan payments new car fund and any other saving funds you might have now by the time you are done with your budgeting you are left with 0er this is how you are able to have all your money accounted for now by doing it this way you have a greater accountability of where your money is going control and insight into your finances this is how you're able to really take control of your finances and doing this manually it is virtually impossible to keep up with this that's why I love wisi so most people don't even know how much or where they should be putting their money and that's what the app wisi does and that's why I love it it helps you understand what choices you should make and see where your money is going now they are running a free 30-day don't waste your money challenge to help you reduce spending waste and channel your money towards the most effective path to financial Independence that's completely customized for you this is a complete no-brainer if you're trying to cut your monthly expenses and work towards Financial Independence so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put the link to this challenge in the description below and I love challenges and I wanted to share this one because most people they're going to watch a video and say oh that was good but when you have something you can actually take a away and Implement that's when the real change starts to happen so if you are still here watching this video video I want you to comment the word challenge accepted in the comments below so I'll know who actually stuck around to the end of this video I love to do those little things so I can see who's still here watching my videos and if you're looking for actual ways to make money I want you guys to watch my video that went crazy viral right here about the best top five work from home jobs you can do today so check that out because it's a reason it went viral because people don't talk about these all right and as always thanks for watching guys have a great day get
Channel: Whitney Bonds
Views: 1,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: money saving tips, saving money, money tips, money challenges, how to save money, frugal living
Id: xmLEq7KE6Ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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