Improve your work life in 2024: 7 small changes with massive impact

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[Music] after four years in Investment Banking and corporate finance I thought I was going to proove My Lifestyle by quitting the corporate Rat Race and starting my own company I was dead wrong over the next 5 years I built the company to a global brand seven locations and 150 team members so from the outside things look great but I was suffering from burnout stress imposter syndrome dead in relationships I needed things to change so over the years I learned and made small changes that when put together allow me to actually enjoy my startup and overall work life in this video I'm going to reveal seven small actionable changes and how anyone can easily apply them to improve their work life right now take regular breaks during work hours it might seem counterintuitive because you're thinking hey less time working means less output but it's actually about ensuring that the time you spend working is more focused and productive you might have heard of the promodoro technique which recommends 25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5 minute break but I actually find that quite unrealistic in my schedule so 5 minute break every hour or the next chance I get is what works for me when I say break I don't mean picking up your phone and scrolling through Tik Tok I mean get away from your workstation talk to your co-workers play with the dog grab some water physical activity no you don't need to do 4:00 a.m. boot camps followed by a nice bath every morning do something you actually enjoy and will take your mind off your work so for me that might look like a nice long walk outside or something more intensive that requires my full attention like kickboxing exercise increases the blood FL to your brain which will help with your focus when working active reflection which is actually a key piece of my broader mindfulness practice active reflection is purposefully setting aside time to intentionally reflect on my experiences goals and decisions this can look like journaling or another structured form of self-reflection by doing this you create space to process and gain clarity on what happened during your day learn from your experiences and ultimately make more informed decisions now let's get on to the more tactical stuff daily prioritization write out the critical tasks that need to get done do a first thing in the morning or if you're like me then night before this could be five things or it could be one big thing remember these are priority items the critical things that need to be accomplished not another to-do list there is a difference between what is important and what is priority and if every everything is important nothing is priority time blocking I used to let my calendar fill up randomly and doing this has been a game changer when you time block you allocate specific times to certain tasks or meetings so for example I only take calls and meetings on Tuesday and Friday mornings I have 2hour block every day for emails and social media what this can looks like for you is plan times for emails plan times for creativity and brainstorming plan times for a certain project giving your day some structure helps prevent multitasking and will drastically improve your efficiency set boundaries now this is way harder than it sounds but delineate your work in your personal life set boundaries with your team and more importantly with yourself this means avoid checking your email after a certain time avoid working after a certain time actually putting away your phone when you're doing something with your partner family or friends and now for the last one i' say the icing on the cake but the reality is once you start incorporating it you'll realize how much of an impact it makes and it will forever be a need to have celebrate small wins being a Founder is a lonely journey and I'll admit there have been times where we achieve some big external Milestone and I just feel nothing shift your perspective and acknowledge and celebrate even minor achievements it'll make a big difference of motivation and reinforces that things are progressing our minds are powerful so giving that positivity can mean the confidence you need to take on the next challenge all right that's it for me let me know what changes you're making to build a work life you love if you enjoyed this remember to subscribe and share it with someone who might need this right now I'll catch you next time
Channel: The Founder's Edition
Views: 577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: founder, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, interview, leadership, leader, growth, strategy, venture capital, startup, startup story, story, challenge, conversation, podcast, startup podcast, entrepreneur podcast, real talk, business, business tip, business tips, startup tips, learning, education
Id: sDHz88Sab64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 6sec (246 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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