5 Premiere Pro Text Effects To Make Your Videos Look Awesome

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hi guys Jordan with motional Ray and today we're gonna be taking a look at five unique text effects that you can keep in your back pocket to spice up your next video project so all five of these text effects are all unique from each other meaning that you can use different ones to achieve a different style or feeling in your video but what binds them all together is the idea that you can achieve them all inside of Premiere Pro with no third party plugins and even though some of them will take a little bit more time than others you can achieve all of them with relatively little time effort or energy but let's jump right into it with number one track mat titles so this style has a few different applications but the basic idea is that your text will look identical to writing it out normally except that the actual writing is using negative empty space you've probably seen this application where you have a black screen and negative space where the video fills in the letters it looks so cool and it's super simple here's the basic idea you'll want a plain color that the text will be cut out of so let's just create a solid color map then we can create a text layer with ctrl or command T and place it a layer above the solid type what we want it to say and position it exactly where we want it to be imagining that when we're done this plain text will be the stencil cut out now go here to your effects and choose the track mat key and drag and drop it onto the solid mat layer here you're gonna need to know a little bit about your timeline specifically right now I have my solid layer on layer two and my text layer is on layer three so when we highlight our solid mat layer and go up to effect controls we can see here that we'll be drawing from a specific layer and that layer for me is layer three where the text is actually located once you choose this you'll see that a stencil is created but one slight problem it's using the white solid to basically just create a cutout but it's opposite of what we want that's no problem just one last step go here to reverse and hit the check box and boom this is what we're going for now it's a transparent cutout that we can see through and once we place some footage underneath everything you can see that the footage is showing through but because you had to reverse it you might also realize that there's another way that you can get this effect what if instead of taking a solid white we take a video that we want the text to actually display instead of looking through the texts to see the footage underneath let me show you what I mean let's take this video here of an ink cloud and place it on our timeline but not on the bottom layer at least one layer up then place your text over top with no color matte at all then let's add the track matte effect again and you can see we get a similar effect to what we had before but now with a black background so what's the difference well this basically gives us a little bit more control now to add another solid mat underneath everything where you can choose the color but instead of choosing it to be pure white let's take a sample of the off-white color in this video now we get this our text is showing the whole time but it's only revealed when the footage actually changes causing it to be revealed in a fun and interesting way number to the right on effect this is actually a textile we used for our opening logo for years on this channel it's a basic reveal that occurs in a way that makes it look like your text is literally being handwritten in that moment this works for almost any type of text but it works especially well for cursive font the process is simple just create your text that you want to work with to start or another option is that you can use this for your logo if your logo is mostly text whether it's a text box or still image with a transparent background the process is gonna be the same first before you add the effect create a transparent video layer do this by right-clicking in your project panel and select new item transparent video and place it above your text layer now go to your effects and search for the write on effect and drag and drop it onto the transparent video layer that you're working with cool now you're ready to start tracing in effect controls you'll see that you have a bunch of different parameters but the big one to consider first is the brush size this should have a diameter that's able to show the full width of the area of the text but it's revealing so kind of like so next you're gonna want to change the stroke length and the brush spacing make the stroke length a large amount as this is the number of seconds that the stroke will last for before disappearing in the same trail that I started and for our purposes we don't want it to trail off at the end we just want it to continue existing exactly the way that we traced it so make it a big number like 25 seconds for the brush spacing you're gonna want to make this the lowest possible number to get a solid line which the lowest number you can Keegan is 0.001 this will ensure that you don't just get small repeating sections of circle but instead a continually painted line based on the brush size okay now let's make this effect actually display so it's literally tracing the outline of your text you do this by starting with it off of your text and then moving the keyframe of the brush stroke here over time you don't need to have it do every single frame because when you move forward a few frames and create a new keyframe it'll count the difference between the keyframes so I'm gonna go about every three frames you can also click and drag the brush around itself to make it easier move forward a few frames and then drag the brush stroke to the new location your goal is to create an outline in the same way that you would actually write the text normally move forward a few more frames move it again and rinse and repeat the process and keep in mind that when you make new portions of the stroke you can actually adjust the path with some of these little handles here without interrupting your key framing cool so now you should have something that looks like this it's a really messy drawing of your text but now let's make the magic happen by going up to our effects panel and searching for the track matki yep we're using the same effect as before but in a new way drag and drop it onto your text layer and set it to look at the layer that's got the right on scribble effect and bada-bing bada-boom you've got a drawn on version of your text number three color mattes and blend modes this one is actually far less about the text itself and more about the situation around it I'm sure you've run into this problem where sometimes text is difficult to read against the background you've got like here in this example but the problem is when you try to change the text to a different color to compensate it starts to look unprofessional so what's the solution change the color of the footage instead create a new color matte and choose something that's not too extreme and also lines up with the color palette or mood of your video for me a deep blue actually works pretty well now place the color matte over top of your footage but underneath your text this leaves us with very legible text but hidden footage so to fix this instead of just dropping your opacity of your color matte highlight this matte layer and go to effect controls and select a new blending mode underneath the opacity section what this does is shows through the footage underneath but in a unique way for every different part of the frame depending on the color and luminance present play around to see what you like but for me personally I found I really like the effect that comes from the multiply and screen options now that you've got this part down you can animate it in a unique way so that you also prepare your audience to read the text in effects go down to linear wipe and place it down on to your mat layer start with your wipe completion at 100% and then keyframe it to go down to zero effectively revealing the color finally add some bez to the keyframes to make everything feel a little less robotic nice it's looking great but you can go one step further by copying the same linear wipe effect with its motion keyframes and paste that onto the text layer itself this will prevent the text coming up before the color backdrop is actually present and it actually reveals it along with the wipe pretty cool right number four typewriter effect now this one doesn't have to be used to mimic a typewriter that's just one really obvious example there's a lot of applications but the basic principle comes down to having your text set up to look the way that you want then revealing it in chunks for the typewriter effect you could reveal each letter one by one or you could simply reveal each individual word or phrase to drive home your point so to set this up let's simply write out our word or phrase that we want and because we want to use this as a typewriter style effect let's also change the font to something a little bit more old-school okay so now let's go to our effects panel and we're going to add a linear wipe effect in effect controls take this linear wipe and wipe it in the direction that you want to be revealing from so that it's all invisible and because most countries read from left to right you're gonna want to crop from the right-hand side so set wipe angle to negative ninety cool so our text is gone but now you have two options you can either use keyframes to reveal the crop or you can use a different method that I personally like a little bit better take the text layer and cut it up into literally as many pieces as there are chunks that you want to reveal so for us that's ten letters in the word typewriter plus one for the portion that's completely cropped out now for each of these different sections you can simply reveal the crop so that it adds a new full letter then go to the next one and do the same thing rinse and repeat I like this method better because if you need to line up these portions with pieces of audio or sound effects it's a lot easier to compare them against the audio waveform when you're changing them in the timeline here as opposed to the keyframes and effect controls to make your life super easy use the rolling edit tool shortcut key n to adjust these cuts without disrupting any of the other work that you've done cool now this is what we have and number five place your text in your video this one is really fun but if you're gonna use Premiere Pro instead of After Effects you're gonna need the footage that you're working with to be locked off on a tripod basically this is what it comes down to mask your text so that it appears as if it's being cut off by something within the frame of the footage this works best if only a portion of the text is cut off and the whole word or phrase is still able to be read and understood as a whole and the process is super simple all you have to do is place down your text into your scene and make sure that it's a little bit over top of the section that you would like it to be cut off by so for us that would be this area about here then all you have to do is highlight your text layer and select the mask pen so that you can create the shape of the area cutting off your text if it helps you can hide the text from showing by going here to this part of your effect controls panel and hitting the eye symbol now simply continue to outline the section of the foreground that you want to block off your text until you end up with a full mask but chances are you're gonna be telling it to include this area not exclude it so all you have to do is hit this box to reverse the effect and boom your text looks like it's in the 3d world of your footage if it's not looking just the way you want it play around with the amount of feather as well as the edge details to make it come out just right and guys that's just spend five text effects that you can use to spice up your next video I hope you guys found this video helpful if you did feel free to like this video subscribe to our YouTube channel and share this video with a fellow video editor friend and if you're looking for even more text effects this sleek line reveal has a 17 minute tutorial going over how exactly to create it and I'll make sure to include a link to that video and as always if you're looking for just a quick text template to save you time and energy we have tons of awesome looking options right here at motion or Raycom but guys that's it for me thank you so much for watching and I can't wait to see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Motion Array Tutorials
Views: 215,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5 Premiere Pro Text Effects To Make Your Videos Look Awesome, premiere pro text effects, 5 unique text effects, premiere pro text, add text in premiere pro, cool text effects, premiere pro text reveal, premiere pro text tutorial, motion array, motion array tutorial, text in premiere pro, text effect, text effect in premiere pro, how to create text effects in premiere pro, premiere pro text effect tutorial, premiere pro tutorial, adobe premiere pro, premiere pro
Id: H5Qr4uK2B6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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